Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Knockwood: Orychle's Story ❯ The Next Day ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
woke up the next morning to the scratching sounds of quill-on-parchment. He stuck his head between the tapestries of his bed to see Marcus sitting at his desk scratching something down furiously. Orychle wondered what was wrong, Marcus, who wasn't wearing a shirt, just jeans, was a dark magenta all over, and his muscles were flexing angrily. He figured it would be best not to interfere, so he quietly let himself off the top bunk and got dressed. Just as he was about to leave, he heard Marcus throw down the quill and shout angrily. Orychle whipped around, worried Marcus had decided to be angry about the night before. He stood there a moment, frozen, while his roommate heaved hatefully, glaring at his desk.
“Fucking BITCH” he screamed, slamming his fists on the table. He had raised his head a bit, and Orychle could see his eyes were red and wet from tears. He inched forward.
“Marcus?” he whispered, cautiously. “Are you alright?” He made sure to stay a few feet from him, and was ready to turn and run. This man was far more muscular than he, and Orychle was not much of a physical fighter.
Marcus' demeanor changed almost instantly, “Oh, Orychle, yeah, I guess…” he sighed and his back started to return to a normal, fleshy tone. “Its just…” he glared down at the parchment before him, and Orychle noticed there was another parchment next to it, already written on in a more feminine print.
He had paused for a good while, apparently scanning over the already-written parchment. “That bitch of a girlfriend of mine just dumped me.” His eyes were filled with both hatred and sorrow as he stared at his new roommate.
Orychle was slightly confused, and apparently it showed on his face.
“I'm bisexual,” Marcus said, an understanding chuckle in his voice. “And my girlfriend just graduated last year. She and I were supposed to stay in a relationship, but … `enjoy the company of others' while I was here. Instead, she has decided to run off with one of the U.S. Quidditch team members.” These final words were all but spat out, and Orychle nodded with both sympathy and understanding. “I'm sorry to hear that, Marcus.” He went and sat on the head-corner of Marcus' bed, now only a foot or so away from Marcus himself. “If you need someone to talk to, just let me know, ok?” He smiled, a warm, friendly smile of understanding. Marcus returned his smile and put his hand on Orychle's thigh.
“Thanks, that means a lot to me.” He gave a soft squeeze and pulled his hand back. He wiped his face off and sat back in his chair. “So, any big plans for your first full day at Knockwood?” he said, smiling. He apparently decided to push his now ex-girlfriend far from his min.
“Well,” Orychle began, “Alexander was going to take me over to Ingrixton with a small group of his friends, so I could meet some new people.” He said, still unsure about going in the first place. In all honesty, he'd rather sit here in his room and get his desk area set up with his note and what-not from his personal side-projects.
Marcus laughed, “Alexander, huh?” he shook his head, still laughing softly. “What yourself around that one, kid, he tends to get bored with new people; and when he gets bored with someone, he forgets they exist.” He looked straight into Orychle's eyes and smiled broader. “Why don't you ditch him and hang out with me today? We can head over to Ingrixton ourselves and see what kind of mischief we can stir up,” he said with a wink.
This did feel a lot better about this idea than of Alexander's, and he couldn't help but feel his blood warm at the thought of spending the day at Marcus' side. “ I guess I could always tell Alex we can do it another time…” he said, still thinking. “I could tell him you want to spend the day with me so we can get to know each other, we will be roommates for the next four years, after all” he smiled, feeling rather good about his excuse.
Marcus smiled and jumped from his chair “Perfect! You go ahead and let Alex know real quick, while I get ready.” He said, and was already at his chest and pulling out clothes before Orychle even stepped away from his bed. He was at the door just as Marcus was stark naked and about to pull on his pants. Orychle smiled and tried to tear his eyes away from the sight, but lingered a moment more. Marcus just gave him a sideways smile and said, “Go on and tell him. I'll be here when you get back.”
Orychle nodded and left the room, wondering how hard it would be to find Alex. It was amazingly easy, he found; Alex was standing at the top of the stairway talking to Alvin about something. When he saw Orychle he smiled, “You ready?”
There was a tinge in Orychle's stomach as he began, “Actually Alex, my roommate, Marcus, wants to spend the day hanging out and getting to know me,” his stomach tightened as a look of dismay crossed Alex's face. “We will be roommates for the next four years, you know,” he interjected quickly. This seemed to appease Alex, for he simply shrugged and smiled. “Ok, no problem, maybe tomorrow then?” he asked, and when Orychle nodded in return, he finished “Great, well I'll see you then, ok?” and he turned and walked off with Alvin.
He returned to his room to find Marcus dressed and ready. He was wearing some oddly tight dark blue jeans, and a black a-shirt with an inch-high Aeridorn crest sewn over where his heart would be. He gave a stretch and tucked his wand into a small wand-pouch attached to his belt. He straightened out his pant legs and wiped some smudge off of the toe of his thick black boots. “He asked to reschedule, I bet” he said, when Orychle walked through the door.
“Yeah, how did you know?” he asked, smiling.
“Well, he's a bit pushy, don't expect him to remind you anytime soon, though. He'll probably wait until the worse possible moment to remind you that you owe him.” He chuckled to himself. “No cares, though, you ready to head over to Ingrixton?”
Orychle nodded and reached for his robe, but Marcus stopped him.
“Don't be that guy, kid,” he said with a laugh.
“But, I don't have anything else with the Aeridorn crest on it, nor do I have a place for my wand.” He said, looking down at himself. He was wearing loose-fitting cargo pants (the pockets were far too short for his wand) and a loose-fitting t-shirt. He noted that he looked shockingly frumpy.
“Here,” Marcus said, grabbing an Aeridorn A-shirt from his chest and tossing it to Orychle. He dug around and found another wand-pouch as well. “Go ahead and keep them, I've got tons of both.”
Orychle looked down and smiled, “Thanks.” He set them on Jacob's bed and took off his t-shirt. He slid it on and couldn't help but notice it smelled strongly of Marcus. `He must keep his dirty clothes in the chest with his clean clothes' he laughed internally. He then removed his belt and slid the wand-pouch on it, being careful not to let his pants fall, they were a good two sizes larger than he actually needed, but he liked the extra `breathing room'. Returning his belt and re-buckling it, he tossed his t-shirt into the corner with yesterday's clothes and gave Marcus an `I'm ready now' nod.
With another strong smile, Marcus slung his arm around Orychle's shoulders and let him out of the room.

Marcus and Orychle stepped off of the ferry onto the black cobblestone of Ingrixton. The buildings were tall, and extremely old; made out of the same color stone as the roads. Orychle couldn't help but stop in his tracks and admire his surroundings. No wizarding town he had seen so far was so old and magnificent. He took a deep breath and thrust his hands into his pockets. He felt the bundle of Phins in his pocket, he was glad he came from a semi-wealthy background. He hated going anywhere without a couple of galleons-worth in his pocket.
“Can't enjoy this place standing in the docks, kid,” Marcus said, putting his arm around Orychle's shoulders again. Merlin, how he felt comfortable with Marcus' arm around him. “Let's go get something to eat,” he said, smiling at him, “My treat.” He added with a wink and soft squeeze of his arm.
Being able to do nothing more than nod, smiling, Orychle let himself fall into step with Marcus as they walked towards what appeared to be a small café. The sign above the door read `Javies Italian Eatery', and the delectable scents of soft bread and marinara wafted from the doorway. It smelt so good, his mouth began to water.
They entered in and sat in a booth in the back corner, away from everyone else. Orychle instinctively scooted into the back corner with his back against the wall; to his surprise, Marcus slid in next to him. He pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and pulled the ashtray close to him.
“Thank god, I was afraid I'd have to stop here,” Orychle said, picking up Marcus' pack and pulling one out for himself. “Don't mind, do you?” he said with a smile, tapping his knee against Marcus'.
The young man was actually rather shocked to see Orychle puffing away on one of his cigarettes. “No, no problem at all.” It was a comfortable shock, there didn't seem to be a lot of smokers at Knockwood, and especially in the Aeridorn house. Just then, a waitress came over and gave them a queer sort of grin.
“Do you need a minute boys?” she said, giving them a playful wink.
Orychle glanced down at the menu, and looked over at Marcus shaking his head.
“No, we're ready, ma'am.” He began, “I'll have three slices of sausage pizza please,” he turned to Orychle, waiting.
“Sausage and pepperoni calzone, please.” He said, smiling, the only thing he enjoyed more than chilidogs were calzones.
“And two pops, please,” Marcus added as the waitress picked up the menus. She nodded and said it would be a few minutes and left them alone again. “So, do you have a girlfriend back home?” He asked bluntly, and took a heavy drag off of his cigarette.
Orychle was slightly shocked at the blatant question, “No, I've never had a girlfriend…”he said, then added quietly, “or a boyfriend.” He felt his face grow warm. It occurred to him that he felt more than comfortable with Marcus. There was some kind of chemical attraction that had occurred that morning. He had never felt anything like it before, nor had he ever considered being with a man before. Yet somehow, it felt right to think about being in another man's arms.
“Well, maybe that can be changed,” he said, slipping his arm behind Orychle. “If you want it to be.” He added, scooting just a bit closer.
His face burned red hot as he felt Marcus' warm breath on his neck. The warmth of his thigh seemed to penetrate his entire body, and in his mind he felt himself say `more than anything.'
“Then it's a done deal,” Marcus said, giving Orychle a tight squeeze. Apparently the words had been spoken as well as thought, although he hadn't noticed himself speaking. He didn't mind, and he was far to embarrassed at what he said to complicate it more with a mixed up explanation.
It was at this point that a crowd burst into the doorway. Marcus and Orychle both turned their heads and watched as three Everard girls burst into the doorway, a loudmouthed redheaded girl leading the trio.
“Oh, no.” Orychle sighed and put his hand up to head face, pretending to be scratching his forehead, but it was no use.
“OH MY GOD, ORRY!!” the girl rushed over and plunged into the booth, sitting right across from Orychle. “I didn't realize you were already here! I must have missed your sorting last night!” She said, after noting the Aeridorn crest on his chest. She stole a glance at Marcus and noticed his arm around her friend. “Oh, already working the house, I see. My, I had a suspicion you were gay; glad you finally figured it out yourself.” She said, still smiling. “I'm Candy Berrt,” she said, grabbing Marcus' hand and shook it hard.
“Nice to meet you, Candy. I'm Marcus,” he returned her smile.
“Orychle, this is Kiera Moon, and Rebecca Dark.” She motioned towards the two who had followed her in. Rebecca was short, probably around 5'5 or so, and average sized. Her pale skin and long, black hair made her look more like your average Wolfsbane than a noble Everard. Her eyes were focused down in a book `Gnomes and You: a documentary', but Orychle could see they were blue.
The other girl, Kiera Moon, had not stopped smiling, her pearl gray eyes twinkling the entire time. She too, was shorter, about as tall as Rebecca, and her hair was long and dark brown. Her figure was more muscular than Rebecca's, and gave her the air of a true athlete. It made sense to him that Candy would hang out with these two girls, for she herself was also short, with dark brown hair. Her eyes were blue as well, but far brighter than Rebecca's. From a distance, the three almost looked like a set of triplets.
“So!” Candy blurted, interrupting his thoughts, “Where did you meet the stud here, Orychle? Was he floundering about the lounge all lost and helpless,” she played, batting her eyelashes.
“Actually, he's my roommate.” Orychle said, a bit sheepishly. Candy let out a loud laugh.
“Well, they couldn't make it any easier for you, could they honey?” She said, still laughing, her laugh struck such a chord in Orychle's ear. At times like this, it sounded to him like a cross between a hyena and a braying mule.
Orychle gave her a slightly sore glare, trying not to let Marcus see it. He was hoping she would take the hint and find her own table. She missed his glare, but before she could speak again, was sidetracked by another group walking in. Orychle looked to see who it was. This time, it was a mixture of houses, there was two Aeridorn girls, Roxanne Carter and Sharie something (he hadn't caught her last name the night before). He knew Roxanne from basic wizarding school. They were accompanied by a Kinrick boy, who seemed to be flirting with Roxanne. He was taller than both girls, and wore his blonde hair loose and wavy. He was about as thin as Orychle, but his arms were rather thick with muscle.
Sharie stood there, twirling her curly red hair in her fingers; her beautiful green eyes rolled up towards the ceiling. She had her other hand propped on her almost bony hip. She was fairly slim, and looked more like a twig next to Roxanne and the Kinrick boy's athletic figures.
Roxanne, on the other hand, was absorbing as much of this boy as she could, returning his flirting with shy glances and playful shoves. Every time she laughed, her strawberry-blonde curls bounced against her strong, yet feminine, shoulders.
As soon as Candy saw them come in, her eyes grew twelve sizes. “I'll talk to you later hons,” she said, not looking at them as she jumped out of the booth and ran over to the new group.
“Finally,” Orychle said, relaxing a bit. “She is a bit much to handle at times.” He glanced over at Marcus, who was still smiling at him. “So who is he, anyway?” Orychle asked, nodding towards the boy, now being pawed at by Candy.
“That, I believe, is Brandon Diggorced.” Marcus said matter-of-factly “Three years ago, his brother was one of the best Quidditch captains Kinrick had ever had. They look shockingly alike.” He added, staring at Brandon.
“Hey!” Orychle said, elbowing him playfully. “Thinking of changing your mind?” he added, with a wink, and placed his hand on Marcus' thigh, squeezing it gently.
“Never,” he said, and put his hand on Orychle's face, pulling him in close for a kiss.
It was his first kiss, and for that few seconds, Orychle hoped it would never end. He sat there, falling into bliss, Marcus' warm mouth pressed against his.
“Ahem.” The waitress cleared her throat, ruining the moment. Silently, Orychle wanted to throw the ashtray at her, but seeing her smile and playful wink, he knew she felt bad about it. “Here you boys go.” She said, dropping off their plates, and setting their pops in front of them. She took out the check and scratched something down, and set it face-down on the edge of the table next to Marcus' elbow, winking.
“Thank you,” he said, and after she left he pulled the check up and let out a laugh. “Looks like gay couples get the employee discount.” He said, showing the ticket to his new boyfriend. “A phin and three knuts even.” He grinned.

After Javies, Marcus and Orychle decided to stop by the Dustpan, a store that sold quality broomsticks. Orychle had idiotically came without his broom, and desperately needed to replace it, flying was, after all, on of his favorite pastimes.
The walked in together, Marcus with his arm around Orychle, and immediately searched for Deidrich, the shopkeeper.
“Diedrich, you in here?” Orychle called back. He knew this shopkeeper personally, his parents had given him the loan to open the Dustpan, so he spent a lot of time at their house.
“Young Orry, ees dat you?” His thick accent called from the back room. “Eine Minute, mein friend.” he called. There was some shuffling around, and a loud clatter which was followed by an inaudible exclamation in german. Orychle and Marcus couldn’t help but utter a chuckle.
A few moments later, a short, heavy-set older man came out from the back. His blue-grey eyes lit up when he saw the couple. He rushed over, and wrapped his burly arms around both of them, squeezing them for dear life.
“It’s great to see you, too Deidrich,” Orychle laughed after they were released from the bear-hug. He smiled at the man, who was a good foot shorter than himself. His hair had gone completely gray since the last time he’d seen him, and there was significantly less now. There were age marks all over the man’s face, which was contorted in glee. It had been about two years since they’d seen each other last.
“And who ees your friend here, eh bolzen?” he said with a wink, a coy, knowing smile on his face.
Orychle just laughed, “I hardly think I’m a stud, Deid,” he smiled at Marcus, “This is Marcus he’s my…um..” he was still a bit uncomfortable with the new status he had.
“I’m, his boyfriend,” Marcus said, extending his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mister Deidrich.” His hand was taken and shaken roughly, but affectionately.
“Mmmhmm,” Deidrich began, “I ‘ad always suspected you were that way, mein child.” His smile stretched more, wrinkling his already creviced skin. “Und I am very pleased you ‘ave found someone.” He slapped his hand on Marcus’ shoulder. “Und such uh strong one, as well.” He gave the boy a wink and turned back to Orychle, who was blushing profusely.
“Stop embarrassing us, Deid,” he said, playfully. He was the only one being embarrassed, really. “I came here to replace my broom, I seem to have left it at home.” he said, sheepishly.
Deidrich gasped and took a step back. “Das Feuerschlag?!” he squealed, and began ranting in german, but Orychle grabbed his hand to stop him.
“Yes, yes I know Deid. It was irresponsible of me to leave my Firestrike at home. Can you get me a replacement?” he said, giving his best apologetic look. Deidrich sighed and gave him a slightly irrated, but caring glare.
“Jah, dis I can do.” he said, “Eine, please.” and he returned to the back room.
When he had disappeared from sight, Marcus turned to his boyfriend. “I didn’t know you spoke german!” He said, excitedly.
Orychle blushed. “I don’t exactly speak it. I understand it, though. You see, my family loaned Deidrich the money to open up the Dustpan, so he was around our house a lot when I was younger. It was kind of a “learn to understand it, or never know what he’s saying’ type of situation.” he laughed. “He really is like an uncle to me, though.” he said just as Deidrich was returning from the back.
In his hands was a beautiful Birchwood broom. There were streaks of fire-read throughout the handle, and the straw was silken but hard, and shined silver with specs of indigo.
“Das Feuerschlag 2000.” He smiled, carefully handing the broom over to his young friend.
Orychle ran his hand along the staff of the broom, and then gently fondled the straw. The footrests were ivory and titanium, and the word ‘Feuerschlag 2000’ embossed in deep red along the side of it. Yes, it was definitely an upgrade from his Feuerschlag, and inside, he was glad he had forgotten his old broom. He was expecting the upgrade for solstice, but it looked like he got it early.
“It’s beautiful, Deid, thank you.” He said, still admiring it. “How much do I owe you?” He said, reaching into his pocket.
“Nein, nein!” he said, waving his hands and shaking his head. “You should know better. Eet is taken care of.” he said, smiling. He was referring to the fact that Orychle’s family got ‘free upgrades’ on their brooms (along with a discount on new brooms).
“Deid, it’s a replacement, not an upgrade” Orychle exclaimed, he didn’t want to take advantage of the man.
“Nein!” Diedrich said, a stern look on his face. “Eet is covered, and that ees final!” He said, passionately. Orychle gave him a loving look. “Consider das replacement ein congratulation.” he said, his eyes shifting back and forth between Orychle and Marcus.
“Thank you, Died, thank you very much.” Orychle said, smiling. He bid the old man farewell and they left the shop.
Orychle had taken two steps out of the building when someone crashed into him. “What the--?!” he yelled as he fell to the ground, still clutching his Feuerschlag.
“Oh, I’m so very sorry!” a girl’s voice said. Once they had both got on their feet, Orychle recognized her.
“Roxy!” he exclaimed, and gave her a hug. After they had released each other, introductions were exchanged. “So, where’s your little posse I saw you with earlier, Rox?” he said, smiling.
She smiled that playful smile, “Well, after Candy mauled us at Javies, I ducked out.” She glanced up the street towards the restaurant. “Poor Brandon, she’s probably picking him clean right about now.” She laughed, unlike Candy, Roxy’s laugh was more like dozens of wind chimes being tossed about in a gentle pool. It was very relaxing.
“Oh, yeah, the Diggorced boy,” Orychle said, giving Roxy a coy, yet revealing smile. “And just what is the story there?”
Roxy’s face turned a flattering hue of magenta. “Well…” she began, that innocent smile crossing her face. “He’s sweet, and attractive, and VERY charming.” She kind of hesitated, glancing away. “Wait, what’s the story with you two” she said, diverting attention away.
This time, it was Orychle’s turn to blush. “Yeah…turns out I never realized it but I like guys.” he said, still kind of shy about the whole thing. “Marcus here is my first boyfriend.” His face felt so hot.
“Roxanne!” a young man’s voice called from behind Orychle. He and Marcus spun around to see Brandon Diggorced jogging up the walk. His face was flushed, though upon closer inspection; Orychle realized he was blushing heavily.
“Brandon, are you ok? Where’s Candy?” Roxanne said, greeting him with a friendly hug.
He gave her a playful glare. “I finally escaped her,” this was met with a laugh by all. “She is trying to fix me up with every girl in sight, whether she knows them or not!”
“That would explain the blushing then,” Orychle said, not meaning for it to have been aloud.
Brandon turned to him. “I’m sorry, do I know you?” There was a bit of snob in his voice, which offended Orychle. Before he could respond, however, Roxy put her hand on Brandon’s shoulder.
“This is one of my best friends from Basic Wizarding school. Orychle, Brandon, Brandon, Orychle.” She smiled as Brandon’s demeanor changed. He extended his hand.
“Any friend of Roxanne’s.” his smile WAS charming, Orychle thought silently.
“And this is his boyfriend, Marcus,” she added, grinning. Brandon’s face went from normal to shocked, to normal again in less than two seconds. He extended his hand to Marcus, as well.
“So where were you guys heading? We were thinking of heading over to the bookstore and seeing what we could drudge up about the Dark Isle.” Roxy said, the last half being hushed.
Orychle laughed, “You should go talk to my brother if you’re interested in the Dark Isle. He spent all last summer reading up on the darker side of Knockwood.”
“Your brother?” Marcus said, turning toward him. “Is he in Aeridorn, too?”
“No,” Orychle laughed, “He’s a Wolfsbane, although he does have some Aeridorn personality traits.”
“Oh yeah, I saw him last night, he was chatting with some Wolfsbane girl on their way to the dorms.” Roxy added, smiling. “She was real cute, too.”
“THERE YOU ARE!” Candy’s voice echoed down the path. They all turned (Brandon let out a small yelp at her voice) and watched her trot down the path, Sharie and Rebecca close at her heels.
“And that,” Marcus whispered, “Is our cue.” He turned toward Roxy and Brandon. “Hate to chat and run, but poor Orychle here still hasn’t unpacked and settled in his room.” He said, a knowing smile gracing his face.
“Yeah, he’s got a point. We’ll see you around, great meeting you Brandon.” Orychle said, as they walked away at a slightly hurried pace. In the distance they could hear Candy already pawning over how cute Brandon and Roxy looked together. “That girl is just too much sometimes.” He said to himself, laughing as they walked back towards the ferry dock.

Back at the dormitory, Orychle sent Marcus on ahead and took a few moments to take everything in. He hadn’t had much of a chance to truly revel at the dorm, nor check out the lounge, Alexander had him shoved in one persons face or another the night before.
He meandered around the entry hall, where they stood the night before, being informed by their prefects. The whole building was white-bricked, but the brick itself shined a bit, almost glittered in the morning light seeping in from the windows. There was a blue-purple hue to it from certain angles. Orychle went right on top of a corner that was fully exposed to the huge front windows. Upon closer inspection, he jumped back, gasping. This was not white-brick. It was moonstone, pure, white moonstone. He was a little shocked that the Aeridorn house was forged of moonstone, seeing as the gem’s element was water. However, seeing as this was a house full of knowledge and learning, it made a bit of sense. Moonstone aided in calming, balance, relaxation and clairvoyance. The element was wrong, but everything else made sense. On top of that, using white moonstone was a great choice, for it has a silver-ish hue to it when dull, and when the light hits it, it sparkles blues and purples. It fit the house well. He wondered if the other houses were made out of corresponding minerals as well.
He continued around and found himself in the lounge. Full, comfortable chairs and couches littered the room, two end tables and a coffee table to each couch. The lighting was exceptional, and there was very little visible moonstone in the lounge. Instead, from side to side, top to bottom, was nothing but books. It appeared as if the walls themselves were just books stacked on top of each other.
He breathed in deeply, the scent of ancient texts tickled his nostrils. It was a pleasant sent, this aged paper. He wondered if anyone had ever read every book here, it was possible, if they did nothing BUT read in their spare time. He laughed to himself. Ian would have had a hayday here, he loved to read more than most Aeridorns.
On the wall opposite the entryway, Orychle found himself standing in front of a small pedestal. Upon it, rested a small statuette of an owl perched on top of a slanted plaque. He read the plague aloud:
“In my house, no book is inaccessible. Alevitatus Persona will aide you in reaching new heights. ~Athena Aeridorn.” he raised his head and looked up. The room was a good twelve feet high at least. He took out his wand and pointed it to himself. “Alevitatus Persona.” he said, and he felt himself grow lighter. Moments later, he was levitating. He ‘urged’ himself in this direction and that, reveling in the newfound spell. Finally, he set himself down on the ground again, smiling.
He noticed a book leaning against the owl that he had not seen before. He picked it up: “Athena Aeridorn, Wendigo Wolfsbane, Kenneth Kinrick, and Erik Everard: A diary of founders.” He realized it had to be a history on the four Knockwood founders, and decided he would keep it with him until he had the time to settle down and read it.
He crossed back out of the room, walking close to the window. He ran his hands across the tapestries, they were heavy velvet in a rich, noble purple. As he returned to the main hall, he ran his hand along the banister the whole way up the stairs. The dark polished cherry wood accented the moonstone exquisitely. At the top of the stairs was a larger-than-life portrait of Athena Aeridorn, she smiled at him and gave a little nod. He said hello to her and continued on his way. He admired the many solemn portraits down the hallway, most of them reading, or doing something in the background. Every once in awhile, one or two would greet him, or look at him and whisper to the portrait next to him.
Then there was the doors themselves. Each one was decorated differently. There was, of course, the names of the three tenants, but the names were each in different scripts; matching their bearers’ personality, he assumed. He stopped at his door and stared at it. Yes, definitely matching the bearers’ name. His name was written in a cursive, elegant script; though a little rushed (just like he would do). Next to his name was a picture of a beautiful windswept ocean scene (in motion, of course). He admired it, and looked at the other two names. Marcus’ name was scratched in a hurried cursive/printed script. Small vines wrapped around his nameplate, and what looked like miniature batches of belladonna sprung up on one end. Jacob’s name was scripted very sloppily and in print. He sighed to himself. That must mean Jacob is rather sloppy and pretty bland. The decoration around Jacob’s name were photographs of his friends and family. Each miniature person whispering to each other and waving at Orychle.
He reached for the doorknob and noticed a large keyhole to the left of the knob. He turned the knob, but it was locked. He hadn’t noticed the keyhole there before, and he certainly didn’t need a key the night before.
“Psst.” A portrait whispered behind him. He turned to find himself face to face with a beautiful albino phoenix. The plaque attached to the portrait said “Edina”. He smiled, he admired albino phoenix’s. They were extremely rare, and he had the feather of one bound inside his wand of willow.
“Your key is behind my portrait, they were dropped off today.” It said in a friendly, though hushed, feminine voice. He walked over to the portrait and swung it out to the left. There, hanging on a nail on and indent, was a small key attached to a purple and silver ribbon.
He ‘closed’ the portrait and stared down at the key. He started to speak, but Edina interjected. “Once it’s in the lock, you speak your password, and it becomes enlarged.” She leaned toward the bottom of the portrait. “Your roommates have already decided on a password: Snicklefritz.”
Orychle laughed to himself and thanked the portrait. He went back to his door and stuck the tiny key in the huge hole. “Snicklefritz” he whispered, and the key grew, fitting snuggly into the lock now. He turned it and opened the door. Once opened, the key shrank back to its original size.
Inside the room, Marcus was sitting at his desk, leafing through todays issue of the Daily Prophet. Jacob was tucked away in his bed reading some mystery novel. Orychle pulled his trunk out of the closet and took it to his desk.
“I’ve got to go talk to Proffessor Ossix, the quidditch coach,” Marcus said after he’d noticed Orychle. “I’ll be back in a bit, ok?” He said, giving him a wink and blowing him a kiss.
Orychle laughed, no doubt Marcus hadn’t said a word to Jacob yet. “Sure, you going to be on the team?”
“Of course,” he said, smacking his fist against his chest, “last year, I was Aeridorns best chaser, even though I was a first year.” He said, proudly.
“Oh, ok” Orychle laughed, “I’ll see you in a bit then.” He returned the blown kiss as Marcus left the room.
He sat in his chair and looked about his desk area. There was a short, but long bookcase sitting on the floor under the window. The right end of his desk met the left end of the bookcase, and Orychle silently thanks Jacob for taking the cramped desk. He opened his trunk and started filling the bookshelf with his personal book collection. After he had filled the bookshelf (along with a hanging shelf on the wall behind him), he pulled out three thick folders and set them in the top right hand drawer of his desk. He glanced over at Jacob and sighed. He didn’t know this one too well, so he couldn’t leave things unprotected. He took out his wand and pointed it at the drawer. “Inaccessible” he said, and there was a sound of the drawer closing and locking (though it never moved and had no lock). Jacob had neither turned nor asked about this lack of trust, which made Orychle feel much better.
He pulled out his notebooks and stacked them up on the desk along with his best quills and favorite inks. He sat back and smiled. It was starting to feel like home. He finished by using a permanent sticking charm to stick some photographs of his friends and family up to the over-self of the desk (which was, coincidentally also filled with books of his now). He sat back and smiled at one of the pictures. It was of his cousins, Roger Davies and Adrian Pucey over at Hogwarts in England. They waved at him.
Finally comfortable, after taking his custom made chair pillow and tieing it to his chair, he set the book he had retrieved from the lounge on the table in front of him. He hadn’t studied the history of the founders too much, although he had study the history of the school itself extensively. He was anxious to read, and sat back, propping his feet on his desk, and delved into the diary of the school founders.