Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Long Lost Memories ❯ My Immortal ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Long Lost Memories
By: MinaWhiteDragon
Mina- I’m actually almost done with part three of this video! Since I’ve finally finished Only Us, I can now work full time on this and Everything Falls Apart but I’m more determined to finish this first. J
Note: Many parts of this story sound like the story is going to end in a cute Snape/Harry kind of way but it’s not! Just so ya’ll know. Lol (Though I do support that ;) )
Disclaimer- I don’t own anything!
Chapter Two- My Immortal
At dinner, Snape could barely eat, all he could think about was Amelia, and every time he had a new memory pop up, he would look at Harry who, in turn, would look at him. Obviously, he had had the same memory pop into his mind at that same moment.
Both couldn’t really explain what was going on, but Snape decided, he would tell Harry about Amelia, his first real love.
After dinner, Snape went to his classroom to get some papers he needed to grade. As he was going through his desk, he came upon the small, silver object he had been toying with earlier that day.
It was a silver locket in an oval shape. The front of it had the letters “A.L.” and “S.S.” engraved on it. A small smile tugged at Snape’s lips as he slowly opened the locket. Inside were two moving pictures. One picture was of young Snape and Amelia reading a book together by the tree he loved to read at and the second picture was a moving school picture of Amelia just smiling.
“Professor Snape?” a familiar voice came from the door. Snape saw in the corner of his eye it was Harry.
Snape knew it was now or never to tell him about Amelia. “Enter, Potter.”
Harry approached the desk, much like he had done earlier that day but with less nervousness. “Sir, I was wondering….c-could you….” Harry gulped. This was going to be harder than he thought.
Snape rolled his eyes. He knew what the half-blood was asking but wanted him to get it done and over with. “What is it?”
Harry bit his tongue then spit out, “Can you tell me about Amelia?”
Snape waited a little while before nodding. “Take a seat, Potter.” He waited for Harry to sit down before starting. “Amelia Lochlin. In the visions you saw, she was a sixth year and I was still a fifth year. She was a Slytherin and top in her class with grades but I out done her in potions.”
Snape clutched the locket in his hand, though Harry could not see it, and began to smoothly step around his desk. “I met her in the vision of your father torturing me. I admit, I had a-crush on her,” he paused before saying ‘crush’, “many of the boys my age then had crushes on her. She was very beautiful but she did have one flaw that many hated.”
“What was that, sir?” Harry asked.
“She was a Prefect so she always followed the rules.” Snape gave an inaudible chuckle. “After the incident where she was teased in the hallway by upper-class girls, we started hanging around each other more.”
“Were you in love with her?” Harry asked.
Snape took a little while to answer due to the fact it was a strong question and, though he would never admit it, it hit him in the heart like a knife. “Yes, Potter, I was in love with her….and she with me. We wanted to stay together after graduation but I received the Dark Mark, branding me a Death Eater and it broke her heart. Lockhart found out…and…” His voice faded out as he turned his back to his student.
Harry blinked. “A-and…what?”
“…..he told Umbridge, who was still working for the Ministry then.”
“What happened?” Harry was practically on the edge of his seat.
A new memory came at that moment.
Snape and Amelia were sitting in the Slytherin Common Room laughing about something. Harry had to admit, Snape looked very happy with her.
A large boom came from the portrait hole, making the two jump to their feet. They watched the portrait hole open. They could feel something bad was happening, they were the only students in the Common Room.
Snape pulled his wand from its hiding place in his robe but Amelia grabbed his arm. “Severus, what if it’s the Dark Lord?” Her face had fear all over it.
Snape placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry. He would not hurt you.”
“We can’t say the same for us,” a plump voice said as it entered the room. It was Dolores Umbridge, Glideroy Lockhart behind her. “Two Death Eaters for the price of one. Ready for Azkaban?” She gave her annoying, soft giggle as she raised her wand.
Amelia stepped in front of Snape and flicked her wand. A loud screeching filled the room, making Umbridge and Lockhart cover their ears.
Snape, Amelia, and the two watching the memory were unaffected by the screeching, in fact, Amelia could talk to Snape and he’d hear every word, which is what she was doing.
“Severus, you have to run! If they find the Dark Mark on you then you’ll be sent to Azkaban! I can’t let that happen!”
“What about you?”
“I’ll be fine! Apperate!” She pushed him and, right as he apperated, the screeching stopped.
Umbridge glared at Amelia. “I guess we’ll just have to take you.”
“I guess so.”
Snape shut his eyes tightly as Umbridge and Lockhart raised their wands.
Two spells were shouted at the same time. “Reducto!” “Obliviate!”
Snape and Harry fell back, out of the memory. “A memory spell?” Harry questioned.
“It couldn’t have been….they killed her. I saw her body when I returned to Hogwarts…,” Snape stuttered.
“Professor?” Harry was as confused as Snape. He stood from his seat.
Snape turned back around and looked at Harry. “We’re taking a field trip, Potter.”
Snape and Harry entered St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Their mission was to visit Glideroy Lockhart, who became a permanent resident after, in Harry’s second year, tried to use a memory charm on Ron and Harry using Ron’s broken wand, which, in turn, made the spell backfire on him.
The floor assigned Healer walked the two through a long hallway to a large, metal, locked door. Apprentice Healer, Augustus Pye, smiled and began to unlock the door. “Mr. Lockhart is in a good mood today but don’t accept any tea he offers.”
Harry gave a strange look and Snape nodded. “We’ll keep that in mind.”
They walked into the room, which happened to be much more attractive than the outside. The walls were a light cream color and decorated with millions of moving pictures of Lockhart, no surprise.
The said man was sitting at a table, reading a newspaper and drinking a cup of tea. He looked up at the two and smiled. “Severus Snape! Harry Potter! So good to see you, old friends.”
Snape rolled his eyes. Lockhart had forgotten Snape’s hate for him. “Enough chit chat-“
“Would you like some tea? I just made a new pot.” He held up a metal pot.
Harry nodded quickly and Snape interrupted, he had no time for games. “Enough, Lockhart!” Lockhart’s smile dropped and he blinked twice, staring at Snape. “Do you remember Amelia Lochlin?”
“Amelia…..Lochlin? Amelia…..Lochlin.” He said her name about five more times then smiled. “Yes. The Death Eater.”
“She wasn’t a Death Eater!” Snape shouted causing Lockhart and Harry to jump. “You and Umbridge have been wrong for so many years and Amelia had to die because of it!”
“Amelia’s dead?” Lockhart asked.
“Yes! You and Umbridge killed her!”
“Killed her? We did no such thing!” Lockhart stood. “We used a memory charm on her! She thinks she’s a Muggle!”
Snape and Harry’s eyes widened. “What?!” Snape gasped.
MWD- OMG!! Chapter Three coming soon!
By: MinaWhiteDragon
Mina- I’m actually almost done with part three of this video! Since I’ve finally finished Only Us, I can now work full time on this and Everything Falls Apart but I’m more determined to finish this first. J
Note: Many parts of this story sound like the story is going to end in a cute Snape/Harry kind of way but it’s not! Just so ya’ll know. Lol (Though I do support that ;) )
Disclaimer- I don’t own anything!
Chapter Two- My Immortal
At dinner, Snape could barely eat, all he could think about was Amelia, and every time he had a new memory pop up, he would look at Harry who, in turn, would look at him. Obviously, he had had the same memory pop into his mind at that same moment.
Both couldn’t really explain what was going on, but Snape decided, he would tell Harry about Amelia, his first real love.
After dinner, Snape went to his classroom to get some papers he needed to grade. As he was going through his desk, he came upon the small, silver object he had been toying with earlier that day.
It was a silver locket in an oval shape. The front of it had the letters “A.L.” and “S.S.” engraved on it. A small smile tugged at Snape’s lips as he slowly opened the locket. Inside were two moving pictures. One picture was of young Snape and Amelia reading a book together by the tree he loved to read at and the second picture was a moving school picture of Amelia just smiling.
“Professor Snape?” a familiar voice came from the door. Snape saw in the corner of his eye it was Harry.
Snape knew it was now or never to tell him about Amelia. “Enter, Potter.”
Harry approached the desk, much like he had done earlier that day but with less nervousness. “Sir, I was wondering….c-could you….” Harry gulped. This was going to be harder than he thought.
Snape rolled his eyes. He knew what the half-blood was asking but wanted him to get it done and over with. “What is it?”
Harry bit his tongue then spit out, “Can you tell me about Amelia?”
Snape waited a little while before nodding. “Take a seat, Potter.” He waited for Harry to sit down before starting. “Amelia Lochlin. In the visions you saw, she was a sixth year and I was still a fifth year. She was a Slytherin and top in her class with grades but I out done her in potions.”
Snape clutched the locket in his hand, though Harry could not see it, and began to smoothly step around his desk. “I met her in the vision of your father torturing me. I admit, I had a-crush on her,” he paused before saying ‘crush’, “many of the boys my age then had crushes on her. She was very beautiful but she did have one flaw that many hated.”
“What was that, sir?” Harry asked.
“She was a Prefect so she always followed the rules.” Snape gave an inaudible chuckle. “After the incident where she was teased in the hallway by upper-class girls, we started hanging around each other more.”
“Were you in love with her?” Harry asked.
Snape took a little while to answer due to the fact it was a strong question and, though he would never admit it, it hit him in the heart like a knife. “Yes, Potter, I was in love with her….and she with me. We wanted to stay together after graduation but I received the Dark Mark, branding me a Death Eater and it broke her heart. Lockhart found out…and…” His voice faded out as he turned his back to his student.
Harry blinked. “A-and…what?”
“…..he told Umbridge, who was still working for the Ministry then.”
“What happened?” Harry was practically on the edge of his seat.
A new memory came at that moment.
Snape and Amelia were sitting in the Slytherin Common Room laughing about something. Harry had to admit, Snape looked very happy with her.
A large boom came from the portrait hole, making the two jump to their feet. They watched the portrait hole open. They could feel something bad was happening, they were the only students in the Common Room.
Snape pulled his wand from its hiding place in his robe but Amelia grabbed his arm. “Severus, what if it’s the Dark Lord?” Her face had fear all over it.
Snape placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry. He would not hurt you.”
“We can’t say the same for us,” a plump voice said as it entered the room. It was Dolores Umbridge, Glideroy Lockhart behind her. “Two Death Eaters for the price of one. Ready for Azkaban?” She gave her annoying, soft giggle as she raised her wand.
Amelia stepped in front of Snape and flicked her wand. A loud screeching filled the room, making Umbridge and Lockhart cover their ears.
Snape, Amelia, and the two watching the memory were unaffected by the screeching, in fact, Amelia could talk to Snape and he’d hear every word, which is what she was doing.
“Severus, you have to run! If they find the Dark Mark on you then you’ll be sent to Azkaban! I can’t let that happen!”
“What about you?”
“I’ll be fine! Apperate!” She pushed him and, right as he apperated, the screeching stopped.
Umbridge glared at Amelia. “I guess we’ll just have to take you.”
“I guess so.”
Snape shut his eyes tightly as Umbridge and Lockhart raised their wands.
Two spells were shouted at the same time. “Reducto!” “Obliviate!”
Snape and Harry fell back, out of the memory. “A memory spell?” Harry questioned.
“It couldn’t have been….they killed her. I saw her body when I returned to Hogwarts…,” Snape stuttered.
“Professor?” Harry was as confused as Snape. He stood from his seat.
Snape turned back around and looked at Harry. “We’re taking a field trip, Potter.”
Snape and Harry entered St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Their mission was to visit Glideroy Lockhart, who became a permanent resident after, in Harry’s second year, tried to use a memory charm on Ron and Harry using Ron’s broken wand, which, in turn, made the spell backfire on him.
The floor assigned Healer walked the two through a long hallway to a large, metal, locked door. Apprentice Healer, Augustus Pye, smiled and began to unlock the door. “Mr. Lockhart is in a good mood today but don’t accept any tea he offers.”
Harry gave a strange look and Snape nodded. “We’ll keep that in mind.”
They walked into the room, which happened to be much more attractive than the outside. The walls were a light cream color and decorated with millions of moving pictures of Lockhart, no surprise.
The said man was sitting at a table, reading a newspaper and drinking a cup of tea. He looked up at the two and smiled. “Severus Snape! Harry Potter! So good to see you, old friends.”
Snape rolled his eyes. Lockhart had forgotten Snape’s hate for him. “Enough chit chat-“
“Would you like some tea? I just made a new pot.” He held up a metal pot.
Harry nodded quickly and Snape interrupted, he had no time for games. “Enough, Lockhart!” Lockhart’s smile dropped and he blinked twice, staring at Snape. “Do you remember Amelia Lochlin?”
“Amelia…..Lochlin? Amelia…..Lochlin.” He said her name about five more times then smiled. “Yes. The Death Eater.”
“She wasn’t a Death Eater!” Snape shouted causing Lockhart and Harry to jump. “You and Umbridge have been wrong for so many years and Amelia had to die because of it!”
“Amelia’s dead?” Lockhart asked.
“Yes! You and Umbridge killed her!”
“Killed her? We did no such thing!” Lockhart stood. “We used a memory charm on her! She thinks she’s a Muggle!”
Snape and Harry’s eyes widened. “What?!” Snape gasped.
MWD- OMG!! Chapter Three coming soon!