Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Mate of the Forbidden Child ❯ Ch. 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don’t own HP or YYH, so please don’t sue. I’m a student and I’m broke.

A/N: Thanks to that review I got for the prologue. I’m leaving out all of the YYH gang except for one. We’ll pretend they’re all taking a well-deserved break. Oh yeah, forgot to mention, Sirius is alive, hence the AU! I just can’t see Sirius dead! Also there will be the claiming in this chapter! Yay Harry/Hiei sex scene! Well, on with the chappie! ^-^

Albus Dumbledore was completely stumped. How had Harry managed to disappear without a trace from Privet Drive? He just couldn’t understand it. It should’ve been impossible for him to Apparate or use a portkey. Oh Merlin, it couldn’t have been Voldemort, could it? Albus’ stomach turned at the thought of what Voldemort would do to the boy he considered his grandson. They had searched for any traces whatsoever for any magical signal, but had found none. So now, all they could do was pray that Harry was alright. If he wasn’t, Sirius and Remus would have his head.

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Harry landed on a soft bed. He felt something land beside him, and he looked directly into those eyes of blood red. He seemed to gaze into them for eternity. Just when he began to completely zone out, that deep bass which he found sent shivers down his spine and made his cock jump, knocked him out of la-la land. “Are you even listening Harry?” The voice asked. Harry turned to his dream lover, blushing scarlet at the naughty thoughts in his head.

“Umm no, I wasn’t listening. By the way, what is your name anyways?”

“My name is Hiei. (A/N: pronounced Hee-Ay). I am part fire-demon, part ice-apparition. Many call me the ‘Forbidden Child’ due to the fact that fire demons were not supposed to mate with ice apparitions. My mother’s fellow tribeswomen threw me off the edge of the glacier they lived on. I had to fend for myself from the time I was a few days old.”

“I was practically a slave to my aunt and uncle. My childhood was a living hell.”

“I know, and you will never go back there. I have half a mind to kill those sons of bitches for hurting you beloved. If anyone ever touches you again, I will burn them slowly from the inside out. That I can promise you. Now, since we’re on a bed why don’t we have a little fun? I can smell your desire, it’s like a heady perfume.” Hiei leaned in closely to Harry, the heat from his body warming Harry considerably. His eyes burned with an intensity to rival the sun’s.

As his lips captured his, Harry realized that those lips were just as hot and sweet as in his dreams. Dreams can come true, he thought. Hiei pushed Harry back onto the bed and began kissing Harry’s neck. His lips hovered over Harry’s pulse, and Harry could feel warm breath ghosting over it. Hiei quickly threw off his black cloak, pants, and boots. He then practically ripped off Harry’s clothes. He attached himself to a nipple, sucking like an infant at it’s mother’s breast. Harry arched off the bed. He’d never been in a situation like this before. Hell, he was still a virgin. But at the rate things were going he wouldn’t have to worry about that much longer.

Hiei slowly made his way down Harry’s chest. He dipped his tongue in Harry’s bellybutton, making him squirm. Harry gasped, feeling a fire spreading through his veins. He threw his head back, his breath coming out in a hiss between clenched teeth as he felt like the fire would consume him.

Hiei met Harry’s eyes, and Harry gasped as he saw the pupils had completely disappeared. Hiei’s eyes were now completely fiery red. He smirked at Harry’s expression, chuckling. “Your eyes are the same way beloved. They’re completely green with flecks of gold. But at the edges are dots of red. I’d say you have both earth and fire demon blood in your veins. When we mate, your demon blood will be brought to the surface. You’ll have the same longevity as I do. Now, shall we begin?”

“Oh we definitely should begin,” Harry said a little breathlessly. Hiei chuckled, the sound sending Harry’s flesh prickling. He took his younger lover into his arms, caressing him and almost cooing in another language which Harry found he understood perfectly. Hiei rolled on top of Harry and kissed him possessively, staking claim to what was his. Harry didn’t care, not one little bit. He’d always wanted someone to properly take care of him, and now he had what he wanted. He threw his head back as far as he could when Hiei found that sensitive spot on the side of his neck, causing him to elicit a moan of wanting. Hiei sucked that one spot as his fingers found Harry’s entrance, carefully preparing him as he heard Harry gasp in pain, but then heard it turn into a wanton groan.

Once he could fit three fingers inside, Hiei reached for the jar of lubricant he kept in the bedside table in anticipation of this day. He slicked up his cock, and carefully placed the head at Harry’s entrance. By now, Harry was a gasping, pleading, horny puddle of goo that demanded to be fucked into the mattress right this damn minute. Well, if he wanted it, Hiei would give it to him. Keeping his mouth locked to that one spot on Harry’s neck, he slowly pushed inside, hearing Harry let out a load moan as his virginity was taken. Hiei had to fight every instinct which told him to slam home and pound into the sweet ass he was filling. He didn’t want his and Harry’s first time together and Harry’s first time overall to be anything short of the words “lovemaking”, for that’s what they were doing.

Hiei and his new mate were building upon the affection they had built upon in their dreams. They were turning it into a deep love and devotion and Hiei would be damned if his urges got the better of him and ruined it for the both of them. He slowly slid in all the way and then looked to Harry’s eyes, seeking assurance and permission to continue. Harry smiled, and Hiei felt his icy, black little heart melt. Harry nodded, giving him permission to continue, placing his trust in his elder lover.

Hiei began to set the rhythm, slow but sensual and grinned in satisfaction as Harry responded to him in Emberran, the language of the fire demons, cooing and murmuring his appreciation of his lover’s tender ministrations. This continued on for about an hour before they both felt their climaxes approaching. Hiei lowered his mouth once again to that spot on Harry’s neck, and bit down as he climaxed with Harry, his young lover gasping out his name.

When they finally came down from their euphoria, Harry cuddled into Hiei’s side, sighing contentedly as his mate kissed the top of his head and whispered, “Go to sleep beloved, I’ll be here when you wake.” And so he did, falling asleep for the first time in a very long time without nightmares or visions. He just missed the appearance of a rune that pictured a flame made of ice on his neck where Hiei had bitten him.

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Well what do you think? Pretty good? I tried pretty hard to make this a damn good sex scene. Also I know that Hiei is a little OOC, but the threat about burning someone inside out alive if they hurt Harry is very real. Hiei will do it you know. Anyways, please review! Please? Also if maybe someone would read my BTVS/HP crossover (they’re really short, only like one chapter each), and review I would greatly appreciate it. Well as my friend J.P. would say ‘I Tego Arcana Dei’. Which I have no clue what it means.