Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Me at Privet Drive ❯ Dursley's ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 1 - Duresly's~two days later~I had woken up the previous day to Petunia's uber bitchy face and the Vernon Duresly's fat piggish face, it was enough to make me cry as I realised that without Harry around I wouldn't be able to trade off time with him. Well this changed everything, I don't care how much they might beat me later on I'm not going to take shit from them, if they start beating on me I'll start using my magic to the best of my abilities to get back at them.So far it hadn't been to bad, I got stuck with Dudley, they put me in the same room with him but not the same crib, in fact they didn't even get me a crib, they just threw a blanket or two at me and expected me to know what to do.It was almost orphanage quality care, except orphanages usually give the babies a crib, even if multiple children are sharing one.Fortunately the Duresly's had money so they had an insulated house with the proper heating and cooling systems, so I wasn't terribly cold. I was just hungry most of the time.They only left me with a bottle once a day; Dudley got feed at least three to six times daily.It was one of these days that I finally figured out how to refill my bottle using magic, I had been getting hungrier than usual and I figure my body was going into a growth spurt, well I didn't want to have my growth stunted like Harry would have, so I had been concentrating on my bottle refilling with something, anything that would feel me up and help the pains go away. It did feel up, but not with anything I had expected what it filled up with was a glowing green stuff, I almost didn't want to drink it, but hunger got the better of me.It wasn't too bad either, it tasted of mint and after drinking the whole thing I didn't feel to bad, just really tired. I never really figured out were it came from but I had a number of ideas of were it might come fromI'm really starting to hate the Duresly'sMaybe they'll give me some reason to kill them later on; I'll at least make their life hell if they mess with me.~Several years later, about five~Things hadn't gotten much better, instead of giving me a bottle they'd chuck a few pieces of bread at me every once in a while, occasionally I'd get a piece of fruit or meat, but I tried to never give them a reason to beat me. But I had prevented my growth from being stunted, so I was slightly taller than Dudley. But were I made up for in height the little porker made up for in shear weight, Dudley was fat, really fat.Just looking at him made me want to get in better shape, so I would never turn out like him.I actually started doing something about my physical abilities, I found that if I imagined myself heavier and put a little magical force into it gravity would seem to increase for me, when I actually got a chance I checked on petunia's scale and I could increase my weight by double, but then it was difficult to stay standing, so I'd only increase it by half that.This made me seem to be weak and easily tired, which brought some sort of perverse pleasure to Vernon, and he would often make fun of how I was so thin and weak.I often wonder what it will be that finally makes the Duresly's decide that I need a beating, but to better avoid any chance I spent most of my time outside enjoying the sun and practicing parsletongue with normal garden snakes, I would usually make sure no one especially the Duresly's saw me doing this most `freakish thing'. I also continued to work on my primordial shield, during all the time I'd been at this hell hole I'd had lots of free time alone, most of that time I was just left alone, and I used that time to work on the shell I made. At first I just tried to strengthen and rework the clumsy weaving that I had set down the first night, but it was good that I had set it down so clumsily, if it had been more thoughtfully placed it would not have been as easy to alter, but as it was I was able to set it down for a wider array of things, I had thought that because it was of primordial design and was not so strict in its forms of protection I could manipulate it to my purpose. So through constant reweaving it began to evolve into something new, I have always admired Dragons and from memories of one of my many D&D books I had remembered the Dragonborn of Bahamat, and so I used that a base idea for my protective shell, but it was difficult and I probably won't have and physical manifestations until at least age twelve, which was what I was aiming for.All I was able to get so far was a temporary lengthening of my fingernails into claws, and that only lasted for a minute or two about once or twice a day.But Vernon will be a bit of trouble, he's got to be ten times my mass, if not more. I'll have to get strong and quick or he might get out of hand. And that could lead to beatings, which I won't let happen any time now.