Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Missing Secrets ❯ Determined ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Full Summary!
When in school, Sirius Black was known for his charm and charisma. But by the end of fifth year every girl knew he was off limits.
He was taken.
Kaitlyn Cora stole his heart and kept it.
But once all hell broke loose, she, the girl of his dreams, dissapeared and was never heard from agian.
What will happen when the daughter Black never knew existed turns up? Ready to fight for her family.
More importantly, which side of the family will she be fighting for?

This story is based in the Golden Trio's seventh year, completely disregarding Deathly Hallows and some previous deaths (mainly Sirius and Dumbledore).
Will be told mostly from the three POV's of Jess (you'll find out who she is soon enough), Harry and Draco. Also a couple POV's from the point of Sirius.
Rated M for language, some heavy topics and anything else that might happen in future chapters.

Please be awesome and read and review. Comments of any kind welcome, I don't care if you absolutely hate it, still let me know :)
Nothing you recognise belongs to me, but to the fabulous JK Rowling!
So enough from me,
On with chapter one!


The fog hung thick as the taxi I was riding stopped at my destination. I gave a glum look towards the outside weather before turning and handing some cash to the muggle driver. He grunted in gratitude and I stepped out of the car into the dark London Street. The car took off quick and I picked my luggage up off the ground and faced a dirty looking pub which seemed to of appeared out of nowhere between the muggle shops standing next to it. I smiled to myself. It was good to be back.

I trudged towards the door of the Leaky Cauldron raising my head towards the skies as thunder rippled through the air. I could feel in the atmosphere that the rain was coming. Making my way into the grimy old pub and up to the bar wasn't easy; the pub seemed to be relatively packed. And extremely loud. Finally being able to stumble around enough people to reach the barkeep I was able to get his attention. He smiled a half toothless grin towards me, wailingly as I scrambled through my brain trying to remember his name. Terry. No. Tim. No.

"Tom?" Escaped my lips. It came out as a question, but I knew it was right. Tom. That shouldn't of been a name I would of forgotten.

"What's ya pleasure, love?" He had to raise his voice just a bit so I would be able to hear him. I knew he was asking what I wanted to drink, what he didn't know is that I still wasn't 17, not yet anyways.

"A room." I responded sounding urgent. It occurred to me that the pub being as full as it seemed that nothing would be available. But I was thankfully in luck. 'This way' he mouthed at me and headed towards some rickety stairs towards the back. I followed him swiftly up to the first landing. I was grateful that it seemed automatically quieter than it had been a few seconds ago.

Probably due to some form of silencing charm.
Tom led me to the third floor and down the hall to what looked like a smaller room.

"I'm sorry love, this is the only one I’ve got left tonight. Had quite the rush the last couple of days." It didn't worry me, I was still glad he had anything.

"It's fine. Perfect actually." Out of the way, at least. "I only need it the one night, be gone by lunch tomorrow." My stomach squirmed slightly, thinking about my plans for the next day.

"That's fine darl." The barman nodded. "I'll have some food sent up for you." I smiled in thanks. "Anything else you just call. Enjoy your stay...” He paused, I realised he was waiting for my name.

"Jess." I said hastily. "Jess Cora." He nodded and turned to head back down to his bar. Probably to check on all the patrons. I entered the room, realising I was right with my previous thoughts, it was rather small. It still didn't worry me. I wasn't staying long. And where I’d lived for the past 10 years wasn't exactly a mansion.

The bed positioned in the middle of the place was looking extremely inviting. Without changing, I flopped onto it and closed my eyes. But as usual my mind just began to race. My eyes flickered open and landed on the mirror facing me. The dark rings under my eyes showed how tied I truly was. Sleeping hadn't been the easiest of things ever since I'd made my plans. My stomach squirmed again. I kept my eyes on my reflection a little while longer seeing how different it was since recently.

For the past week and a bit I hadn't taken as much time on my appearance as usual. Not that it ever needed much. My golden hair was tied in a messy knot at the back of my head, and my eyeliner was slightly smudged under both my eyes. Adding to the tied effect. The clothes I wore were simple muggle attire and in parts there were slight dirt smudges, as if I'd been rolling in some mud. My big sparkling blue eyes were the same as always though. Bright and startling.

I was the spitting image of my mother when she had been 16, the same age I was now, for another week and a half anyway. I shared many traits that my mother had held, the looks, the feisty personality. The flirtatious charm however, I got from my father.

A father I knew everything possible about. But a man who knew nothing of my existence. That probably wouldn't last much longer, but I’d deal with that when I reached it. I had seen his face a fair few times since arriving back in London. Always the same photo, on the same poster, which still occupied many wizarding shop windows. Followed by other posters of the same sort, sporting other death eater faces. Faces straight from hell.

I knew of course that his poster was absolutely stupid and pointless. He was an innocent man, while other murdering scandrouals roamed free and went unnoticed.

I turned away from my reflection willing myself not to think of it any longer. It didn't really work. My mind flicked to my mother. Her screams immediately filled my head and I shrunk away from the sound and my memories. Memories that would be better forgotten, but for too many reasons never could be.

Pain and sadness engulfed me as the weight of what I was taking on hit me with full force. I knew for awhile at least, I would not be able to think of my mother, or father, the way I normally did. My mind would have to become a complete shield showing only what I wanted others to see. That would be difficult enough in itself, never mind the fact of having to perform such control towards one of the most powerful wizards of all time. Luckily I had been taught well by my mother in many, many things. Being an extremely powerful Occlumence was one of those things.

Tomorrow I would have to face the day. Face the past. And the future.

But that was tomorrow. For now I just wanted sleep to take me.

As I finally drifted off. My mind filled with the image of the death eaters faces. Faces I would soon come into extremely close encounters with. But it wasn't fear that held them there. It was determination.