Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 8
Blue meets blue
He loves you Hermione. And you know it.
Sage gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. Draco looked at her puzzled then turned the letter around and read the back. He looked at his trembling and blushing sister then raised his eyebrow. He kneeled down in front of his sister and looked into her tear-filled eyes.
“Do you love him, Sage?” Draco asked curiously. Sage blushed even harder and nodded slightly. For a moment Draco had an amused expression printed on his face then he coughed and looked at her letter again. I'll deal with this later he thought and stuffed the letter in his pocket. “Are you going to tell him?” Sage blushed more and shrugged. Draco laughed, “You should.” He thought for a moment then continued, “Actually I think you should ask him to the winter ball…” Sage looked at him with wide eyes and shook her head vigorously.
“N-NO!!!” she gasped in shock. “There's no way I could possibly ask him that! That would be like asking him out!!!!” Draco stared at her for a moment then burst out laughing.
“Yes, it would. And I bet that he'll say yes.” Draco reassured her. Sage perked up when she heard this and forgot about Ron's threat.
“REALLY?!” Sage exclaimed, her eyes twinkling. Draco nodded, pulled her up and lightly pushed her forward.
“Here, I'll take you to him.” Draco said, smiling as his younger sister smiled more then she ever had since the attack. Draco smiled even more as Sage clung to his arm saying, “Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and took her to his best friend and possibly his little sister's future boyfriend. “No problem sis.” He replied.
Blaise was sitting in the library reading one of Sage's favorite books. Hogwarts; A history when Draco and Sage arrived. He looked up from his book and smiled as Sage walked over and gave him a hug. He patted her head and kissed it lightly while Draco stood over them, observing the lovey-dovey scene. Weasley was right… he DOES love her. How come I didn't notice earlier? Draco thought to himself then walked away.
Sage sat next to Blaise with her head resting on his shoulder and his arm around her waist. She looked at him then muttered words that made Blaise's heart jump. “Blaise… how come you're so nice to me? I mean, I know you're best friends with Draco. Whose my brother but that day… how come you got so angry?” Sage asked. Blaise blushed and looked away.
“B-because…” Blaise started but was interrupted by Ginny's loud voice.
“HOLA!!!” Ginny exclaimed and entered the scene with extreme grace with Harry trailing behind her. Blaise sighed and squeezed Sage's waist then let go.
“Hey…” Sage mumbled sadly then looked away. Ginny and Harry looked at her then at Blaise. And after a moment of awkward silence Ginny jumped up.
“Aw man, I just remembered that Harry and I have some things to go do.” Ginny said loudly and apologized.
“We do?” Harry asked dumbly then got jabbed by Ginny. “Ouch! Ginny! What was that for?!” But Ginny hushed him up and dragged him away. Blaise coughed slightly breaking the silence when Harry and Ginny left.
“As I was saying…” Blaise began but was interrupted again. Only this time by Pansy.
“BLAISE!!!” Pansy squeals along with a flock of slytherin girls. “Come here for a moment would ya? You don't want to be sitting near that mudblood.” Sage turned and glared at them.
“Watch it Pansy.” Blaise warned as Sage began to stand. “You don't want Draco to hear you say that.”
Pansy laughed and stopped. “Why does it matter? It's not like any of us are going to forget that that mudblood was called mudblood by her own brother! I mean, who CARES?” Pansy shrilled. “I mean for all we know this is just some sick joke!” And just when Sage was about to go up to Pansy and slap her, Blaise shot up and stormed over to Pansy.
“YOU KNOW WHAT?! I CARE! BECAUSE I LOVE HER!!!!” Blaise roared and slapped Pansy. Sage gasped, her eyes began to fill her eyes as she thought, he loves me!
Pansy looked at Blaise in shock and began to stutter, “Y-your k-kidding right?” Blaise glared at her then turned and his eyes widened when he realized that Sage was still there. He cursed under his breath, then looked at Sage who was blushing. He coughed, walked over to her, grabbed her hand and led her to the room of requirement.