Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Muggle Vices ❯ Repercussions ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Harry helped Draco with the expenses that the programs created. He accompanied him to the meetings and offered a supporting shoulder. Through it all he stood by the blond, defending him to Hermione when the need arose. He didn’t know if he was ready to give up or if he just didn’t know when to let go, either way he was determined to stick by Draco.

He even went as far as to let Draco spend a night in jail to try and make him see the errors of his ways. He’d felt immensely guilty after but felt it prudent at the time. They’d had long conversations about what it would take to make the ultimate change and Harry had given up his weekly drinks in order to help with the change. Harry began to feel hopeless.

Harry had trouble remembering anyone who had a worse time getting over an addiction. He remembered when Dudley had gone through a heroine addiction, it wasn’t pretty. It was even uglier watching Draco. He’d gone through four long terms programs just to go back to drinking. The meetings didn’t seem to have any effect but helping the blond find new drinking buddies. He was at his wits end.

Harry had come home from work one day to find Draco passed out yet again, three feet shy of his bedroom. The worse part of it was that Draco wouldn’t respond to any of his prodding. In a panic he’d taken the blond to the emergency room, only to find that it was alcohol poisoning. Draco had spent half a week in the hospital and had been signed into yet another program.

Draco stuck to this one a little longer, to the delight of Harry. They attended meetings diligently, enjoyed alcohol free outings and enjoyed a alcohol free life. Life seemed good, until Draco decided he had to show others how easy it was. One meeting down at the local community center he washed three weeks down the toilet. Three weeks of sober bliss were nothing but a memory.

After the latest fall back, Hermione had said she’d had enough. She didn’t want anything to do with the blond, and while Harry didn’t fault her he missed her support.