Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Dragons Story ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Dragons Story

**All standard disclaimers apply.**

AN: A great BIG thank you gose out gbheart for betaing!


Chapter 7

(Harry's P.O.V)
It's been nearly a month and Draco hasn’t said so much as one word to me, not even ‘pass the gravy’ and it's killing me. I know he needs some space but the three weeks, five days, eight hours and twenty three minutes without so much as a word is going a bit too far…make that twenty four minutes. It's driving me crazy. I have to see him everyday, just like today, but he comes in and sits as far from me at the kitchen table as he can. He looks like he's glowing with life as he and Hermione chat about some book they had read. Oh Merlin, I just want to hold him so bad.
(Draco's P.O.V)
It's been three weeks, five days, eight hours and twenty four minutes since I've talked to Har-I mean Potter and it hurts just as much as it did on day one. There's so much I need to tell him but I just…can't. Hermione say's that he needs to know, but that just isn't going to happen because if I tell him he'll go all hero on me and that is the last thing I want right now. I take a deep breath as me and Hermione talk in code so that it sounds like we're talking about some old books we've read. The little witch really is quite brilliant. My left hand rests on my stomach; I'm truly at a loss. I've been in this situation before. Well not exactly this situation but I can feel the small glimmer of life that grows inside of me. Normally, I would just dispose of it as soon as I felt it and that was that. However, this life is apart of Harry and even if he doesn't know, even if he doesn't love me, I just can't bring myself to take the potion that I've taken dozens of times before. Oh Merlin, I can feel his eyes on me again. That’s it. I just can't take this anymore.
"Everyone, I have an announcement."
I speak up, getting the group's attention.
"I'll be leaving here come sun up tomorrow and please don't try and stop me. I'm very thankful for all you've done for me but I've been a burden on you for far too long."
"Draco you can't, where will you go?"
Hermione speaks up first, being the least surprised by my announcement. Her eyes flicker to my left hand quickly as if to say ‘what about your baby?’
"It'll be fine. I'm a big boy."
"I can't let you go young Malfoy, not in your condition."
Damn werewolf.
"What condition?"
Harry pipes in but I ignore him.
"It is my choice Remus, and I chose to go."
"It won’t be safe for you. This is the safest place next to Hogwarts and all things given that's not a safe place for you to be either."
"I can't stay here, I refuse to, so what would you have me do? I have some secret lodgings that not even Sev knows about."
"Who will care for you when the time comes?"
"What time comes?"
Quiet Harry this isn't about you…well not entirely about you.
"I'll go to the hospital like any other person. Besides, I haven't even decided if it'll come to that I've got three more weeks to take my potions if I so choose. I already have them made just incase."
Remus' eyes flashed dangerously as I just realized that to him I was threatening a future member of his pack. I saw the battle going on in his eyes as he fought to control of his inner wolf.
"You wouldn't dare. That's a member of my pack you’re talking about!"
He growled at me, barely raining his anger.
"You’re right Remus, now calm down before you hurt someone."
I say just trying to calm the wolf down.
"What pack member? What’s he talking about? What potions? Somebody please tell me what's going on."
Poor Harry everyone but you seems to have figured it out.
"Young Malfoy is with child."
Fuck, damn you Remus.
"Is that true Draco?"
"You have no right to call me by that name and it's none of your business."
"That's not even possible, is it?"
"Yes it's quite possible, Harry."
"But he's a boy. Boys can't have kids. Can they?"
"Yes, but only powerful males."
Oh Merlin, Harry, don't look at me as if I've betrayed you. I've not been with anyone since you and, unless the need arise, I never will be.
"Am I the father?"
I speak before I can stop myself. He just can't know.
"Yes he is, don't lie, I can smell it."
I glare at the werewolf.
"Damn you! Don't you know how to keep your mouth shut? This is my child and no one else’s and that's that. Do you hear me, Potter? I don't want you going all hero on me and taking me to your side just so that the world won’t say you abandoned me in my ‘time of need’. I won’t have it. Do you hear me we're through and that's all I have to say on the subject. Now, if you don't mind I've got some packing to do."
With that said I rush out of the room before anyone else tries to stop me or see the tears that are forming in my eyes. Merlin, I am going to miss these people.
3 Am. I step out of the house and pass the findlus charm to call the knight bus. Handing the pimply ticket boy my money, I begin to levitate my bags behind me.
"Where you off to at this time of night, Mister..?"
The greasy boy asks me as if he was my best friend and I find myself having to force back a sneer.
"Name's Sean an’ I'm off to de Leaky Cauldron."
I say quickly, trying to sound Irish. Merlin, he's as stupid as he looks.
"Oi mate have ya had a falling out with your witch and she send ya packin'?"
"Yeah, how did you know?"
I reply, thanking whatever fate had decided to throw my way.
"Happens all the time. Just sit back and we'll have ya there in no time."
(Normal P.O.V)
America. Five years later. Morgantown, West Virginia’s Creative Arts Center. The large auditorium is packed full of fans waiting to hear a fairly new band that was taking the country by storm. They came onto the scene just under a year ago and called themselves ‘Slytherin’. The name was picked by their lead singer called Sean Mcfly, who had never given a clear answer as to what it meant. Slytherin consisted of: Derrick Brodwater the drummer, Craig Shaffer the bass guitarist, Nick Branch lead guitarist and backup singer, Katie Cunning who did anything from backup singing to any instrument that wasn't covered by the boys, and of course Sean Mcfly the lead singer and heart throb extraordinaire. The group rushed around backstage, preparing for their first ever live show. They had picked Morgantown, hoping for a smaller crowd, but their hope was dashed when Derrick came back from peaking out from backstage to tell them the house was full.
(Draco P.O.V)
"Lilly get out of that, sweet heart. Daddy told you it's not for little girls to play with."
"But daddy, dolly's shoe fell in it. Dolly need's her shoe or her feet will get cold."
"I got it Sean, finish your hair."
"Thanks Nick."
Just as I finish, I turn to face my beautiful four year old girl. She's got dirty blonde hair and Harry's breath taking green eyes.
"Lilly, come give daddy a hug before I have to go onstage."
Her face lights up as she runs to give me a hug.
"Sean we're on in five."
"Good Lu-I mean break a leg daddy but don't hurt yourself, ‘kay?"
"Sure thing baby, now I want you to be a good little girl for Miss Davis until I get, ok?"
"M'okay daddy, bye bye."
‘Okay, I can do this. I'm Draco Malfoy; people love me,’ I think, giving myself a mental pep talk. I walk up behind the rest of the group to see Katie and Craig kissing as well as Nick and Derrick sneaking in one kiss for good luck. Just then a voice comes over the intercom announcing the exits and to turn off all electronics.
"And now with out further a due…SLYTHIREN!"
We all rush out. It's over just as fast as it began and we're all back stage. Lilly runs up to me and gives me a hug.
"Daddy you were great but now you’re stinky."
"Well, I'll just have to take a shower now won’t I? Do you want to play with uncle Nicky while I'm showering?"
She squealed and took off after my raven-haired band mate. I chuckle and walk the rest of the way to my dressing room.
When I step back out of my dressing room I see a black-haired man kneeling in front of Lilly; saying something to make her giggle like mad. My stomach drops and I feel like I'm going to be sick when I realize just who she's talking to.
"Lilly, get away from that man this second."
I snap raising my voice to Lilly for probably only the eighth time in her life. She jumps up and runs to hide behind my legs, knowing it must be serious to make me yell at her.
"Merlin, Draco did you have to scare the living daylights out of her? You know full well I'd never hurt her."
"Get out."
Is all I reply, my voice cold as ice.
"Sean, is everything alright?"
Derrick says as he rounds the corner with Nick’s arm wrapped around his waist.
"I'm not going anywhere until we talk, Dray. it's been five years and I think that's more then enough time to cool off. We've all been so worried Sev cried for weeks, you were the closest thing he had to a son and you left without so much as goodbye."
"Don't you try and guilt me, Potter."
I saw Derrick’s and Nick’s eyes widen when they realized just who I was talking about, both being wizards had heard of what had happened back in England.
"Wait, this is the Potter as in Harry Potter? Sean, you know him but why is he calling you Draco?"
"Yes it is and he's calling me Draco because that used to be my name but I left it along with a lot of things back in England. Now Potter, get out, don't make me force you out with my baby watching but you know I can and will."
"She's just as much my baby as she is yours."
"What's he mean daddy?"
"I'll explain latter, Lilly dear. Potter, you have until the count of ten to be out of this auditorium and on a plane back to London. One...two...three.…"
"I'm not going. I've spent far too long looking for you to just walk away. All this, Dray, over a little misunderstanding."
"What was there to misunderstand? I saw you kissing that tramp and then you defended her feelings over mine when she found out about us. It looks to me like she's the one you cared for. What do you really want? Lilly? I'm sure you and that little Weasley have a house full by now and there's no way I'd ever let my baby near a house full of Weasleys."
"I haven't so much as said a word to her since you left. Draco, I love you."
I glare at him. Why do I feel like such an ass all of a sudden?
"Nick, Derrick."
"Yes Sean."
They reply in unison.
"Will you two watch Lilly for a bit? I think I need to have some time alone with Potter here."
"Sure, you know where we'll be. Just come and get her whenever, she's got a change of clothes in our room, and don't hesitate to call us if you need anything."
Derrick answered for the pair and began to lead Lilly away, while Nick stayed behind. Nick, who stood a good six inches taller than H…Potter, walked right up him.
"If I see so much as one hair out of place on Sean's head then I'm holding you fully responsible savior or not, am I clear?"
Harry replied calmly. Derrick stared at him for a long moment just to be sure he got his point across and then, with a quick reassuring glance from me, he was off. I look at Harry and sigh.
"Come on in to my dressing rooms so we can have a bit a privacy."
