Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ One Forbidden Magic ❯ Rendevous ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warning:YAOI content; Lemon content; Harry/Draco pairing also: Gryffindor bashing, and POSSIBLE SPOILERS, but mostley just character usage
Disclaimer:I do not own Harry Potter, nor any other associated characters or places. All credit is owed to J.K.Rowling.
Enjoy, Read and Review please.

Harry awoke with a smile on his face and a very fuzzy feeling in his gut. This was mostly due to the very same reason that his sheets were all nice and sticky: wet Draco dreams. Ahh, the joy. The pure, nasty, gooey joy.

Luckily, none of the other Gryffindors were awake yet, so he could put on clean clothes and strip his bed unnoticed. But that would be too easy. Just as he pulled his black jeans on over his fresh boxers, Ginny Weasley walked into the dorm room.
The sheets were all upturned. ’Damn it.’ Harry quickly moved to throw the blanket over them under the guise of searching for his glasses on the bed.

"Oh, hey Ginny. What's up?" he asked trying to sound unflustered.

"Just wondering if Ronald had my quill" she muttered quietly, rummaging through her brother's trunk. Unfortunatly, she noticed Harry's awkward glances into space. She smiled to the seemingly odd young man, knowing well that something had him vexed. Grabbing her quill, she left in a hurry. "Later then, Harry."

"Damn," Harry sighed in relief. 'I'm glad I didn't get caught with my bed all gross, she might've gotten a little too curious, the way that girls do.' Harry finished dressing, but for pretty much no reason. It was Saturday, so no one was going to be getting up any time soon. Having nothing to do, Harry decided to take a walk down by the lake, just for the Hell of it. Maybe he could think about the events of the night before...

He quietly exited the common room. He pulled his Mardurers Map from his pocket. After all, he didn’t want to run into any troublesome people. "I solemnly swear I am up to no good," he whispered, wand pointed to the parchment. He would haveto make a detour on the second floor in order to avoid Filch.
Tip-toeing along stair cases and corridors, Harry veered through a back hall to avoid Filch. Just when he thought he was safe, he was dragged by the collar to an ajoining hallway to his left...


And right into Draco's embracing arms… and a little kiss.
Harry's eyes were wide with surprise when he found his mouth pressed firmly to the dear blonde's. But he relaxed, letting his eyes slide closed. He parted his lips slightly, inviting Draco to invade the hot cavern of his mouth. Draco buried his hands in Harry's unruly hair. All the while Harry wrapped his arms around Draco, pulling him closer.

When they finally broke the kiss for a rather unfortunate need to breathe, Draco was the first of the two to speak. "Good morning, love. You had pleasant dreams, I hope," more than a twinge of mischief gleamed the Slytherin's eyes. Harry got the feeling that his "Happy Dreams" weren't a mere happy accident.

"Well, you could say that," Harry said, taking Draco's hand. "Come on, I have something I want to show you," he said pulling Draco along. They made their way outside unnoticed. When Harry had taken him past the Great Lake and kept walking, Draco felt himself become a little apprehensive at the distance that had come between them and the castle.

"Just where are we going?" he asked nervously.

"Into the Forbidden Forest of course." Harry said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Why? You’re not scared, are you?" Harry asked in the most mocking of tones.

"Why you! Of course I'm not scared! I just don't want to get into any more trouble with you," he answered fiercely.

"You are aware that pride is a sin, right?" By now they were deep into the dark forbidding atmosphere of the gloomy forest. Draco could feel himself beginning to sweat. As if Harry could feel his thoughts, he tightened his grip slightly on Draco's hand to comfort him. The rest of the walk was silent.
Just as Draco began to wonder if even Harry had any idea where in the Hell he was going, Harry stopped. It was very sudden, and to to Draco’s dismay, in the middle of nowhere.

"Um, H-harry?" Draco questioned, beginning to wonder about his lovers sanity. As if in an answer, the forest shifted from it’s dark and brooding demeanor to bright and cheery disposition. Draco looked around at the sudden unnatural change of scenery. The once giant coniferous trees had turned to gentle willows, and ones with little pink blossoms. The hard, dirty ground was blanketed with soft, green grass. The air was no longer cold, but warm like the person he found himself stepping closer to.

"What's going on?" Draco asked, jaw dropped and awe-struck.

"I found this place one day while I was wandering around by myself, on accident. It's sort of a long story. But this is the first time I've ever shown this placeto anyone else. Now it's a place you can come to if you ever need me. I'll know if you're here." Harry answered, his eyes unfocused.

"But why show it to meof all people?" Draco asked feeling undeserving of Harry's secret sanctuary.

Harry didn't bother to look to Draco when he answered, "Because I've never been in love before." The next thing Harry knew, he was pummeling to the ground, Draco falling onto him. The fall was broken by the soft grass beneath him. Draco landed with one leg between Harry's, his arms to either side of him, and his soft lips planted firmly on Harry's mouth.

‘Harry said that he was in love. YES! Thank you God, yes!' Draco thought, the happiest in that moment as he had ever been in his entire life.

~*~End ch.2~*~ A/N: This is a revised version of ch2=^w^= I know this chappy wasn't the best, but hey the storys moving along, right? This place will hold more signifigance later on, so keep reading. If anyone wanted to see a lemon here, then review and let me know. I'll revise again and change it. But I'm too tired right now ^_^... thanx and I hope you stick with me on this one!
Detention: Punishment, or Pleasure? ( Chapter 1 ) [Feb 01, 2009]A Secret Place For Us ( Chapter 2 ) [Jan 26, 2009]