Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Perfect Sunrise ❯ Perfect Sunrise ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, and I never will, because as far as I know, I'm not related to J.K. Rowling and will not appear in her will.
Warning: pre-slash
Summary: Observations made in silence are priceless… unless of course, the observations are of this magnitude. You'll see who's POV it is.
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It was early; barely dawn, a time that practically no one was awake, save the House Elves; it seemed those poor bastards never slept. He often found himself up this early, liking the quiet, the stillness, and the absolute beauty of the morning.
He enjoyed having this time. It set him apart from his Housemates, this overpowering need to greet the day. Most of them would never venture from the cold confines of their dorm rooms if it weren't for classes or Quidditch. No, he was an exception.
The sunrise was… addictive. He'd had one sleepless night in First Year, and found himself sitting in the Astronomy Tower, when suddenly, this… color, this vibrance appeared on the horizon, and he was awestruck. Sunrise had captivated him, taken him prisoner… he couldn't get enough. The very next night, and every other night at the school he went to bed early, waking himself up before sunrise and making his way to the Tower to see it.
Now it was his very last day of school, his last day of this sight, of this ritual. He sat on the turret, legs hanging over the wall, eyes closed, the colors burning themselves through his eyelids and into his brain. He wanted to remember this day for the rest of his life. He wanted to be here, forever, in this moment.
He was so wrapped in his thoughts and emotions, that he completely missed the trapdoor to the roof opening, and another person stepping up onto the stone of his sanctum. He didn't notice until he heard the sound of cloth rasping against stone, and a sigh of contentment. He opened his eyes and saw nothing. Then he heard rustling, and he realized someone else was sitting between other ramparts, and he looked up to see that the sun hadn't even peeked over the horizon.
“You're here every day, aren't you?” The voice that uttered that question startled him so much he nearly lost his precarious balance, forgetting to inject venom into his voice.
“Perhaps, why's it your business?”
“Because I'm always in the other tower. Thought I'd come over here today.” He sighed. Of all the days for someone to disturb him, especially this person, the one he least wanted to see today.
“As long as you're quiet,” he said with a hint of his accustomed vehemence. The other boy sighed, and the silence descended, not thick and oppressive, but rather companionable.
He found himself thinking about the other boy, and why he hadn't insisted he leave. About why he wasn't really surprised.
He thought of him as the first true rays of light swept over the horizon, and what that would do to his complexion, putting a golden glow on the pale freckled skin, lancing off of his hair, creating a firestorm of red and blond, the color setting off his midnight blue eyes-
He shook slightly as the thoughts left him, and he looked over to where he knew the other boy was. Why did he feel this way? Why, today of all days, did this have to happen? This was supposed to be his perfect sunrise! He sighed dejectedly, still watching the shining lights, unable to look away… or to stop thinking about the redhead on the other side of the stone barrier.
When the sun had truly risen, he stood and left the tower, not saying a word to the redhead until he was almost out of sight down the stairs, about to pull the trapdoor shut.
“You ruined my perfect sunrise,” he whispered, closing it.