Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Slither Hither ❯ Craving Venom ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Slither Hither
by Jessica X

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LEGAL NOTICE: Potter of the Harry variety does not belong to me. If he did, I probably would not be writing fanfictions. However, this fanfiction IS my own work, and is ©2004.

NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Loads of spoilers. A lemony-fresh X (NC-17) rating. Need I say more?
Yes, this is the final chapter of Slither Hither. I'm not entirely opposed to doing a sequel, though... want to see one? Drop me an E (the_jessica_x @ yahoo.com)! I'm sort've on the fence about writing it, as I'm really pleased with the way this turned out, and I don't want to ruin it by writing more. Either way, let me know!
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~*~ Chapter Three: Craving Venom


And she was crawling across the bed on her hands and knees, closing in on him, licking her lips. He backed up against the headboard.

"P-Pansy, what-?"

"I want you," she said, her voice husky. "You're so strong, so pure... so righteous. I want to taint you!"

She took him deeply, her tongue moving slower and more fluidly than previously. She was straddling his leg, and her minge was grinding against it through her panties. Opening one eye briefly, he could see her cheeks pinken at this, and felt the bulge in his pants strengthen.

"That's it," she whispered, stroking it with one hand as her other curled around his shoulder, a finger stroking his neck. "Just let go."

"But... but you-"

Perhaps to prevent him from finishing his thought, she engaged him again, hungrily sucking at him. One of his hands moved up her jumper and the other down to her bum, and this time she giggled when he reached it.

"Frisky Potter."

She then pressed a finger briefly to his lips and moved off of him, lowering her face between his legs. Her black hair was blocking his view, but he could feel light touches along his wang that coincided with her kissing noises.


Another giggle reached his ears as he could feel her hand moving along it, and then the unmistakeable sound of a zipper being pulled.


He was shaking violently now - half with fear, half with anticipation. He could feel her warm fingertips caress his hardening flesh, and the pull of fabric as she removed it from his shorts. Then he heard a gasp.


She had backed off by about a foot, and he could see her face again. There, above his exposed manhood, her head hovered, fixated on it. Her expression was akin to one any student would hold if they'd just been handed the deed to Honeydukes.

"What is it?"

"I didn't think you'd be so... so..."


"So, 'blessed'," she breathed, stroking him. Harry shuddered at her touch, blushing deeply at her compliment.

"S-stop that," he said. There was no real conviction in his voice.

"Maybe later." A sinister smile came over her, and she lowered her head.

Harry's mouth dropped open as he felt something warm, soft and slimy envelop his knob. He threw his head back, and a moan escaped his lips. He could feel the inside of her oral cavity as her tongue wrapped around him, feel the light suction she was making good use of.


As she continued to minister to him, he felt a hand cup his sack and begin massaging his stones. His eyes shot wide, and he was panting full force, now. He grabbed the back of her neck almost instinctively, and he could feel how soft her dark hair was.

"Enough," she said abruptly. She pushed herself up, and he could see down her cleavage from this perspective. "Let's be getting along, now."

For a brief moment, he thought she had meant they should leave, and he would have agreed if she hadn't rose to her knees and lifted her skirt.


She pulled her knickers down in one swift motion, and her bald fanny gleamed in the low light from the boarded-up windows.

Harry must've been taking a long time to get over this sight, as she said, "Like the view from there, Potter?"

"You... you shave."

She grinned deviously. "Thought you might notice. Good eyes." She crawled on top of him, her tones growing more hushed as she spoke. "Really good eyes... so unnervingly green... so... so Slytherin."

"I was almost put in Slytherin," he said in a low voice. He could feel her bare skin against his tool. "The Hat had it down to those two."

"If only it had chosen differently," she breathed into his ear. "We might've been able to do this earlier."

"If only," he said, biting her earlobe.

He felt her hands at his sides, and realized she was taking off his shirt. He leaned forward to allow it, then leaned back again when she'd thrown it into the dusty floor.

"You're quite toned," she cooed, running her hands along his abs and chest.

"Quidditch," he said, grinning. "Does a body good."

"And what a body it did..." She ran a tongue along one of his pecs, and he shivered.

"Good for the goose..."


And he had her jumper in the floor. He saw her cheeks turn quite red, and he flashed her a smile almost as wicked as hers.

"Now for that pesky black thing," he said, indicating her bra. As his hands moved up her back, he could tell she was more nervous, and she took a sharp intake of breath when he undid the clasp. "You weren't this jumpy when you whipped off your knickers."

"I just... I feel so vulnerable when I'm this naked," she said once he'd removed it. Her sizeable breasts shone as much as her fanny had, and her nipples were stiff; almost at once, she raised her arms to cover herself. "I don't feel as confident like this, as proud, as..."

"...as Slytherin?"

She smiled, and relaxed somewhat, descending onto him again. "I don't understand it... you get me, and I don't really know you. It's as if you're a..."


"Like you're a Legillimens. But you're not... are you?"

He smiled. "No, but I've known a few. I'm not even a very good Occlumens."

"Then you're just... brilliant."

Their eyes locked, and Harry felt something stir inside him as he stared into those turquoise orbs. Lust was one thing, but...

"I hate you, Harry."

"I... I think I hate you, too."

And she lowered her mouth onto his, her tongue again calling out for his, and his again answering in kind. He could feel her peaks lightly brushing his chest as she moved, and her quim felt quite wet against his prick. He moved his hand again to her backside, and hiked her skirt up until he felt bare skin.

"Harry!" she squeaked.

"Firm, smooth, supple... you've got a lot to be proud of back there."

She was the deepest shade of red she could manage without losing quite every hint of that pale Slytherin quality that came from living in the dungeons.

"I don't care where you sleep at night," she hissed. "You are a Slytherin, through and through. It's time we stopped dallying."

Before he could blink, he could feel her maneuvering him into her warmth. He clutched at her back, and he suddenly heard her cry out in pain.

"What's wrong?"

"It... it hurts!"

"What hurts?"

But she shook her head, and kept forcing him further inside. As she threw her head back, he saw her face was taught with pain, and she was biting her lip - he was almost sure he could feel something suddenly give inside her, and she screamed. He raised a hand to her cheek, and felt another tear.


But at that moment, she fell onto him again, gasping.

"They... they w- were right."


"They said... it's quite painful the f- the first time."

Harry pushed her back from him. "What did you say?"

"It's... it's quite p-painful the f-"

"This is your FIRST TIME?!"

She looked at him, and her eyes were clouded. "Why? Isn't it yours?"

"Well, yeah, but... you seemed so... so confident, so experienced. You seemed to know what you were doing."

She grinned sheepishly, panting. "I did, sort of. I've... been masturbating daily for nearly four years."

He goggled. "Really?!"

"Yeah... I just, haven't ever... with anyone else."

"You little nympho," he breathed.

Her nose crinkled. "You bet your bum."

"I'll bet yours," he replied, squeezing hers. She shrieked, then giggled and kissed him.

Then, her hips began moving, and Harry's mind went blank. He could feel her glowing heat sliding along his member, the juices flowing down it and pooling on his stomach or the bed. They engaged in a deeper, more heated kiss, and lost themselves in the moment, fondling, groping, biting, thrusting. When Harry gave a particularly violent buck, she broke the kiss.

"Ohh," she gasped.

He leaned forward and enveloped one of her peaks with his mouth, his tongue flicking across her nipple. He felt her body shudder, and placed his hand on the other knocker as he moved the other hand to her waist.

"Harder," she moaned.

Obediently, he placed both hands on her hips and began bucking again, forcing himself as deep inside her body as he could before withdrawing. Her hands snatched wildly at his shoulders for support, and she knocked his glasses to the floor. Her shoe bruised his leg as she rebalanced.

"Pansy," he breathed.


He pumped into her as hard as he could, and her mouth fell open, her eyes widening so greatly that he thought he may have to be ready to catch one if it fell out. Sweat was pouring from his head, and he could see it glistening all over her lithe, trim body. As his cock swelled inside her and her vaginal walls contracted around him, he tightened his hold on her hips, and she cried out something unintelligable. He braced himself as he began thrusting at fever pitch.

"OH, GOD!"



His body stiffened, and he could feel her shuddering above him, her nails cutting into his shoulders, and no doubt drawing blood. He vaguely heard himself whispering something. Liquid gushed all over his pubic area, and she was making choked, wet gasps.


With that, she pitched forward, trapping their juices between them, her face resting on one of his shoulders, a hand on the other. He hugged her to him, stroking her hair and back affectionately.



"Did you just-"

"I know," she said weakly. "I know what I said."

"Did you-?"

"I don't know."

Harry vaguely noticed the sun was setting through the cracks of the window, but he did not care; his mind was clouding over, and the room was beginning to swim. Nevertheless, they really should be leaving, and he forced himself to speak as he continued to soothe her hair.

"Shouldn't we...?"

"Hmm?" Her voice sounded the way he felt. He looked down, and saw her eyes were closed and her lips were smiling benignly. A contented apathy gripped him, and the slowing heartbeat of the half-nude Slytherin on top of him lulled him into a deep, dreamless slumber.

~*~ The End (for now)