Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ unbreakableBOND ❯ Rewrite ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I don't own Harry Potter.
OI!!!: So, here we are, Chapter 11, yay! So, I'm thinking about nine or ten more chapters.
QUESTION: So, someone asked me why Harry took the Malfoy name and choose to lose the Potter name magic. Well, to be honest, the Potter name didn't have much magic to begin with... Because Draco is from such an old pure blood family a lot of the magic is held in the name, for men anyway. Which is why Draco's great grandmother put a spell on the name. So, Harry didn't lose any name magic. Hope that helps!
Chapter Eleven: Rewrite
Harry awoke sweating, his hair matted to his head, and shaking. Beside him Draco sat up groggily mumbling something that Harry couldn't quite make out. The blond grabbed on to Harry's shoulder and he stiffened instinctively.
“Harry?” Draco questioned through his sleepy haze.
“It's nothing, go back to sleep,” Harry answered, sliding out of bed and shaking Draco's hand off. He didn't miss the pang of sadness that coursed through the blond for a second, before disappearing. Harry sighed and headed out to their living room.
Just as he flopped down a house elf appeared next to him, startled, Harry half screamed before he realised who it was.
“I is sorry Master Harry Potter, sir!” Dobby practically sobbed, “Dobby didn't mean to scare Master Harry Potter! Stupid Dobby!” The elf began to bang himself over the head with a lamp, “Stupid Dobby, scaring poor Master Harry Potter!”
“Dobby! Dobby! Please stop, I was just a little worked up is all!” Harry coxed, taking the lamp from the elf, “Dobby, what are you doing here?”
“Well, Dobby thought he felt Master Harry Potter sir, in distress, so Dobby thought he would see if Harry Potter needed anything.” His round eyes looked up at Harry hopefully.
“Thank-you, Dobby,” Harry answered, “I could actually use some hot chocolate.”
“Of course! Dobby will get it for you right away, Master Harry Potter, and Dobby will re-light the fire!” Dobby snapped once and the fire started to life, then he snapped again and disappeared.
Harry fell back into the couch with a hard sigh, how did Dobby sense that he was distressed? It was a little weird, but he didn't have time to dwell on it as Dobby was back already.
“Here you are, sir,” Dobby handed him a mug of steaming hot chocolate with whip cream. “Can Dobby get Harry Potter anything else?”
“No, Dobby that will be all,” Harry said, then thought a moment, “Actually, would you mind sitting here with me? I could use the company.”
“Me?” Dobby's tennis ball sized as filled with tears, “Master Harry Potter wants Dobby to sit with him,” he said in awe. “Dobby will do it!” The small elf rushed over to the couch and sat next to Harry.
They sat quietly while Harry sipped at his cocoa and Dobby stared at him with an odd expression on his leathery face. Harry averted his eyes, trying to make this as least awkward as possible, suddenly regretting his earlier decision to have Dobby sit with him.
“Master Harry Potter sir is upset,” Dobby said suddenly, his eyes gleaming with knowing.
“No, I'm not,” Harry answered looking at the small elf, he tried to smile but it was tight and probably looked like more like a smile of `Oh, that was really delicious, just let me go throw up now,' then of reassurance.
“Master Harry Potter should not lie where he ought to be tellin' the truth,” Dobby chastised, “Is Harry Potter upset over his bonding?”
“No, I am-” Harry stopped and peered down at Dobby, “How did you know I was bonded?”
Dobbys' eyes went wide and jumped from the couch, “Dobby is sorry! Dobby shouldn't have listened to Mipsy when she told Dobby of Master Harry Potter and Master Draco Malfoys bonding! Stupid Dobby!” He immediately went for a potions book on the table and began to beat himself over the head with the large tome.
“Dobby! Dobby! Stop it!” Harry grabbed the book from the self mutilating elf and place securely between himself and the couch.
“Waz all this racket?” Draco slurred from the doorway.
“Nothing!” Harry cried, shoving a hand over Dobby's mouth and shoving him out of sight.
“Seems awfully loud to be nothing…” Draco swayed in place, before righting himself, “Just…keep it down, yeah?”
“Of course, darling,” Harry said sarcastically to Draco's retreating back. Once it was all clear Harry let go of Dobby who took a big gulp of air, “Sorry, are you alright?”
Dobby nodded frantically, and began collecting his fallen hats from the floor. Once he had them all resting precariously from his head Dobby crawled back up onto the couch to sit next to Harry. “Master Harry Potter sir-”
“My name isn't Harry Potter anymore,” Harry murmured, not looking at Dobby. Dobby was silent for a moment before he got up.
“Master Harry Malfoy sir shouldn't be so upset,” Dobby said.
“And just why the hell shouldn't I be!?” Harry growled.
“Because Master Draco Malfoy is a good boy. Harry Malfoy will see, yes, he must see.” And with that Dobby disappeared, leaving Harry wide eyed and slack jawed on the couch.
“Just what the hell does Dobby know anyway? He hasn't been the greatest judge of right and wrong if I recall,” Harry thought back to second year and the fiasco with the Chamber of Secrets. Shaking his head he finished his cocoa and stood.
Sighing he made his way to the bedroom door, the sight that greeted him once he opened the door made him smile. There was Draco sprawled across the bed, stomach down, his pyjama bottoms had slipped down his hips to reveal part of his bum, and he was clutching Harry's pillow desperately, and muttering something.
Harry stifled a chuckle, as he entered the room, he had to admit, Draco was kind of adorable. He walked over to the bed and started to shove Draco to the side so he could get back into bed. He was pulling his pillow out from underneath Draco's head when he caught some of what the blond of muttering.
“Oh, Harry, that's right, keep going, love.” Harry's eyes widened at the comments and his cheeks began to flame at the next words out of Draco's mouth, “Beg for it, Harry, tell me that you want me to fuck you hard and deep.”
Harry gave Draco a violent shove to the other side of the bed. “Wha?” Draco questioned.
“Over here,” Harry said, Draco looked up just in time to have a fist connect with his face. Needless to say, he slept through the rest of the night.
“Harry,” Hermione said, causing the diminutive brunette to snap back to attention, “Are you well? I mean besides all this.” She waved her hand around his room.
Both Ron and Harry gave Hermione a look of disbelief.
“What!?” She snapped.
“How the hell do you think he is?” Ron asked, “It's not like he's got much to do stuck in here!”
“Shhhh!” Harry shushed, “Draco's still asleep.” It was Sunday morning and Harry had snuck out of bed early to let Hermione and Ron in. The two mumbled an apology and Harry sighed. “You know, all of my life I had thought 'If only I wasn't Harry Potter,' and now I'm not Harry Potter, and I've got to say, it's nothing like I thought it would be.”
“Well, what exactly did you expect?” Ron asked.
“I don't know, I thought I'd feel different or something…like I'd be different.”
“A name won't change you Harry, even if you changed your name to Ethan Darling you'd still be you,” Hermione smiled, patting his knee.
Darling?” Came a voice from the doorway, six eyes turned to see Draco enter the room, “Well then, with a name like that who wouldn't jump at the chance to take the Malfoy name? Picture that, Ethan Darling- Saviour-of-the-Wizarding-World, I feel so safe.”
“It was an example, Malfoy,” Hermione sighed.
“Well, I suppose there are worse names out there,” Draco cast Ron a glance and continued, “Like Weasely, for instance.”
“Shut up, Malfoy,” Ron growled, “And put some clothes on, will you?” Ron gestured to the blonds' naked torso.
“My, my, did I offend you?” Draco gave a snake-like grin and plopped down on the couch next to Harry. “Harry, love, I'm hungry.”
Harry gave Draco a calculating look, noting the odd gleam in the Slytherins eye. “What d'you mean you're hungry?” Harry asked, slowly.
“I'm hungry,” Draco repeated, “I'd like something to eat.”
“For Merlins sake Malfoy, if you're so hungry, just get something to eat!” Ron barked, much to Hermione's dismay, for she already knew what was coming.
“Don't mind if I do.” Draco grinned and leaned into Harry's body, capturing his lips in a searing kiss. Harry let out a strangled squawk of protest, allowing Draco to move his tongue in. Harry began to push the blond boy away, only to have his arms pinned to his side. Harry glared hard into Draco's amused eyes, he knew why he was doing this, this was just to freak out his friends. Harry could sort of hear Ron making odd noises of disbelief and repulsion but unfortunately for all of them, Draco was such a damned good kisser!
Harry knew his cheeks were flushed, and his hands! Oh, they were just itching to rip what little clothing Draco had on off. Draco smirked when he realised he had Harry and let go of his arms. He pulled away abruptly and stood, leaving Harry panting on the couch.
“Well, thanks, that was delicious.” Draco winked and wandered back into the bedroom.
“Fucking bastard,” Harry breathed.
“Ron…oh, Ron, you just had to open your mouth didn't you?” Hermione groaned.
“What? How is this my fault!?” Ron said, indignant.
“If you hadn't responded to Malfoy then he would never have kissed Harry!”
“How do you-” Harry cut off any further comments.
“You guys, please.” He began to rub his forehead, wincing a bit.
“You all right, mate?” Ron asked, concerned.
“It's not you scar, is it?” Hermione said her voice just above a whisper.
“No, no,” Harry lied, rubbing it once more, “I just have a headache…or something…” He looked at his friends expressions and knew they didn't believe one word. Well, one good thing about this whole living with Draco thing is he could get rid of his friends whenever he wanted. “Anyway, I'll see you guys tomorrow, I have to go...er...” Harry faltered, not able voice his intentions. “Deal with Draco,” he finished lamely.
“Right,” Hermione said knowingly, “But we will see you tomorrow? Are you coming to classes?”
“Yea, we are…I think….” Harry answered, walking her and Ron to the portrait.
“And make sure Malfoy doesn't boss you around too much, or be a general bastard to you, and if he tries to make you do anything you don't want to-”
“Ronald!” Hermione interrupted, “Harry is a big boy, he can take care of himself. "We'll see you tomorrow Harry.”
“Just remember what I said!” Ron called as the portrait swung closed. Harry sighed and leaned against the portrait, trying to calm his nerves. He pushed himself off the wall and entered the bedroom.
“Oh, hi Harry,” Draco said, sitting up to look at him better. “Where'd your friends go?”
“Shut up,” Harry said, then pounced, pushing Draco down and straddling him. Their mouths met immediately in a fiery kiss. Harry clawed at Draco's bare chest, before reaching for his pants.
“Ah, ah,” Draco grabbed Harry's writs and flipped them over, “Not so fast.”
“Fucking bastard,” Harry moaned as Draco began to mouth his left nipple through his shirt. “Stop teasing…”
“As you wish,” Draco said with a smirk and ripped Harry's shirt right down the middle.
“Augh! That shirt was-”
“Atrocious,” Draco finished, releasing Harry's hands and moving for the brunette's pants. Harry watched through half lidded eyes as Draco undressed him, he moaned wantonly when he felt the boy's breath ghost over his manhood. Suddenly, the scene of what was about to happen flashed through Harry's' mind, and he didn't like it one bit.
“Draco, Draco…” Harry said a little breathlessly, drawing the blonds gaze.
“What is it?” The other asked.
“Kiss me,” Harry said bluntly. Draco looked shocked for a moment before he shook his head and smiled.
“What's this?” He asked, moving up from his position between Harrys' legs to kiss him. Harry didn't wait for their lips to meet; he opened his mouth and shoved his tongue into Dracos' mouth as soon as he was in range. Draco gasped loudly and grinded against Harry. Draco could feel his elbows giving out when suddenly he was on his back and Harry was pulling down his pants and boxers. Before Draco could say anything Harry's mouth was on his dick and sucking.
“Oh, God.” Draco fell back onto the pillows and arched up. Harry made a choking noise in the back of his throat and his eyes stung with tears. He pulled his mouth away with a soft `plop' and glared up at Draco.
“Take it easy, huh? I've never done this before.” He put his mouth back on the head and tried to remember something that Draco had done to him. He began swirling his tongue slowly, then moving his mouth down the shaft as far as he could go, using his hand for the rest of it. Somehow, he'd forgotten how big Draco was.
Harry used his other hand to cup Draco's balls, lightly running his fingernails over them, then giving them a good squeeze. Draco had sat up again, he decided watching Harry give him a blow job was a lot more exciting than just getting it. He loved the way Harry's cheeks hollowed when he sucked at the head of his cock. Draco started running his fingers through Harry's hair in an encoring manner.
Suddenly Draco felt a hand tickling the spot just behind his sac. That was all it took and without so much more of a warning than a strangled “NGH!” Draco was coming and Harry was choking, but somehow managing to swallow it all.
Harry pulled away from Draco's cock gasping. He could hear the blond apologising or something but he couldn't focus on it. He began coughing violently and tears were streaming down his face.
“Harry, Harry, Harry, I'm so sorry,” Draco said, pulling the boy to him, “Here let me make it u to you.”
Harry stared at Draco dazedly, a million thoughts running through his head, none of them stayed long. The flitted through like dragonflies, leaving little impressions that quickly disappeared, but could never be forgotten. Harry felt himself being lowered to the bed, his tears being wiped away, and Draco was kissing him profusely, whispering thing he couldn't quite understand.
Harry turned his head to stare out the window, outside a butterfly landed on the windowsill, resting before fluttering away. He could feel Draco preparing him, kissing him, licking him, he could feel Draco's eye lashes brush against his skin, he felt all this and yet, he felt nothing at all.
He was numb, how could he feel anything? No, how could he allow himself to feel anything? He was pathetic, this wasn't him! This wasn't his fault, what was he thinking!?
He felt a slight tingling of pain and knew Draco had entered him, his body reacted immediately, arching up to meet Draco's thrusts. His mind began to shut down, his desperately trying to will himself away; he suddenly felt so much like dying.
How could I? How could I? This wasn't supposed to happen! This can't happen. Yet...it's happening, no it's happened...I lo…No! I don't! How could I? How could I just give myself away?
Harry gazed unseeingly at the ceiling, his eyes wide and despondent. He was shutting down, he couldn't help it, he had to!
And then there were a pair of lips next his ear, they were whispering to him, “What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Harry blinked rapidly and looked up to see Draco's determined face. The blond leaned down a gaze Harry a soft kiss, thrusting into him. Harry moaned a little, grasping at the bed sheets. Draco looked straight at him and said, “I'll erase it, and rewrite it!” His thrusts didn't lose rhythm as he spoke and Harry found himself moaning louder and louder, “Erase this depressed heart, this dirty lie!” Harry gasped at those words, throwing his arms around Draco's neck and lifting himself up to meet the thrusts better. “Revive, rewrite, even meaningless imagination is the driving force that creates you.”
“Draco,” Harry moaned, as the other sped up his thrusts. They were almost there, just a little farther.
“Give it your whole body and soul, the unforgettable sense of being!”
DRACO!” Harry screamed as his came, whether it be from Draco repeatedly hitting his spot or the words he didn't know. Harry clung to the blond as he came, and when Draco had finished his body shook as he began to cry.
“Harry,” Draco said softly.
“I'm sorry!” Harry sobbed, holding tighter on to Draco's neck. “I'm so sorry!”
“Shush, Harry, it's okay.”
“No, it's not! Don't you understand!?” Harry screamed, “It wasn't supposed to be like this! I wasn't supposed to be like this!”
“I understand, I do, I wasn't either, you know,” Draco said as soothingly as possible.
“Draco, I….I don't want to be like this,” Harry whispered, “I don't like being like this.”
“It can't be helped, what did you think this was? Letters, and chocolates, and flowers. Did you think it would be easy?”
“I didn't think it would be so hard!” Harry yelled back, trying to push the other away, but Draco held fast. “It's not supposed to be this hard! I don't even know if it's real. How can this be real?
Draco sighed, tightening his hold on Harry, “I don't know, Harry, I really don't know.”
“I don't want to be like this,” Harry whispered, closing his eyes as twin tears rolled down his cheeks.
It was quiet for a long while before Draco pulled away and whispered almost inaudibly, “Then don't.” He stood and walked into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind him.
Harry made his way up to the astronomy tower under his invisibility cloak. Technically he wasn't supposed to be out, as the entire school thought he was out on a mission for the Order. But it was around two in the morning and no one was up anyway, well, except him really.
Once in the confines of the tower Harry made is way over to the large window at the front of the room. He saw down on the ledge and swung his legs over the side, letting them dangle in the frosty night air. He could smell the ice in the air, the decaying leaves, and burning wood from fire places. He inhaled deeply, taking it all in. This was the first time he'd been outside his rooms in three days.
He hadn't spoken to Draco in two days.
After he and Harry's emotional whirlwind Draco had kept as much distance from him as humanly possible without leaving the room. He had much done the same, keeping to himself and even going so far as to wear his invisibility cloak inside. Which he knew was ridiculous, but he just felt that if Draco couldn't see him then he wouldn't feel so terrible…of course it didn't work, but that didn't stop him from trying.
Draco had slept most of the time, yet, when it was time for Harry to go to sleep Draco had left the bedroom and slept on the couch.
Of course that pissed Harry off to no end, who the hell said Draco was allowed to make him feel like complete and utter shit? Giving up the bed and everything. Well, that was one way to look at it, the other way was…
“He doesn't want to be near me,” Harry said aloud.
“Who doesn't want to be near you?” Harry jumped a mile, and stood quickly with his wand drawn to the intruder. His eyes went wide when he saw the owner of the voice.
“Sirius!” Harry rushed forward, beaming for the first time in Merlin knows how long. Sirius scooped Harry up and spun the small teen around in a circle.
“Oh, Harry, I've missed you!”
“Me too, Siri.” Harry clung to his Godfather for dear life, his eyes were shut tight and his breathing was uneven, he was praying that this was real, that it wasn't some figment his depressed heart had created. “Where's Remus?”
“Talking to the old windbag; Harry, you're squeezing me a little hard here,” Sirius said, pushing the boy away a little. “Did you miss me that much?” Harry could only nod his head in response. “So, what happened while I was away?”
Harry pulled away from Sirius completely, and turned to face the window. “Oh, nothing really. Why don't you tell me about you mission. What did you and Remus do?”
Sirius smiled, excited at the prospect of telling his Godson of the great adventure he'd been on. After all, Harry was the only one Sirius ever felt the need to impress, well, besides Remus.
“Well, Remy and I had to infiltrate Fenrir Greybacks camp. We went under the guise that Remus wasn't accepted by Dumbledore any longer, that his views on werewolves were not what Remus wanted,” Sirius began.
“Wait, what? You weren't where?” A certain amount of anger had crept into Harry's voice. How dare that old coot send Remus and Sirius straight into the fire?
“Harry,” Sirius said, suddenly sombre, “Remus and I are adults, we're doing what we can for the Order and you have to except that.” Harry said nothing, only looked away, still a little angry.
“I can't lose you two,” Harry whispered after a moment, “Especially not now.”
“Why not now?” Sirius asked
“It's just that, with the whole Draco thing….He and I…” Harry trailed off, wondering if Sirius already knew that he and Draco were now Bonded, maybe the man was just trying to act like it was nothing.
“`You and he' what?” Confusion was written clearly on his face.
Harry immediately changed his expression to one of nonchalance, realising that Sirius didn't know about the Bonding and it was probably best to play it off as if it were nothing, “Just was with Bonding and everything, it's just getting kind of heavy.” His tone was half casual, half desperate.
“Harry you don't need to worry about-” Sirius stopped short, his eyes sharpened and suddenly he transformed into his dog form. Harry's eyes went wide with shock as the huge black dog bounded towards him and began to sniff at him furiously. Just as suddenly as it happened Sirius was back in human form, looming over Harry, a mad look in his eye.
“You Bonded,” he hissed, “You Bonded!”
Harry winced at his tone and nodded once. Sirius relaxed and embraced Harry again, a resigned air about him. “No wonder the bastard sent me to find you,” Sirius said, “He didn't want to tell me himself, probably afraid of me shredding him to pieces.”
“Well, can you blame him?” Harry and Sirius turned to see Remus enter the room. Harry pulled away from his Godfather and ran into Remus's waiting arms. “How are you Harry?” Remus asked quietly.
“I'm…okay, I guess. Things could be better, of course.” Remus smiled at Harry, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.
“I know Harry.” Remus motioned to Sirius and led the two out of the room. “So, how was the Bonding? Dumbledore told me that there were some…complications?”
“Complications? Harry, you never said anything about any complications,” Sirius said, suddenly worried.
“Well, it wasn't really a big deal, but Voldemort got inside my head when the ceremony was taking place,” He humourlessly, “It was stupid to think we could hide it from the fucking bastard.”
“Language,” Remus chastised.
“Sorry,” Harry apologised, “Anyway, just the usual threats about having someone kill me and isn't it lovely that we're even closer now?” Harry rolled his eyes and looked at Remus as they entered the hallway leading to the rest of the castle, “Professor told you about the Malfoy thing right?” Remus nodded gravely and shot a look at Sirius.
“What?” Sirius demanded, “Tell me right now!”
“It's just; my name isn't Harry Potter anymore.” Sirius looked like his jaw would be permanently detached from his face and like his eyes would never go back to their original place inside of his head. He was paler than either of the two had ever seen him.
“You're…you're a Malfoy now?”
“Yea, Harry Malfoy…that sounds pretty weird, eh? Hehehe,” Harry laughed nervously, the face Sirius was making just now was a little scary. “Oh, but hey, were cousins now?” Harry tired for lighthearted but it only came out questioningly.
“Sirius!” Remus barked and the man snapped to attention. The werewolf grabbed the man by his arm and whispered something urgently in his ear that Harry couldn't hear, but he knew Remus meant business if the white of his knuckles were any indication.
Sirius nodded and they continued on their way, to Harry's rooms, he now realised. When they got there the old woman was surprisingly awake.
“My, my, wotsa young man like you doing out so late? It's after curfew, you know.” She adjusted her glasses and spotted Sirius and Remus, “Oh, but you're with professors, eh? Well, serves you right for wandering about in the corridors after curfew! You boys be sure to punish `im good, you hear? He's always so rude to me! Just the other day my Knight friend and I were having a lovely little dance and Moody Pants over here just started poppin' of at the mouth! Scared my friend away, too, and he and I were 'avin' such a nice dance an all-”
“AMO CRUOR! You know what, I'm changing the password, I'm changing it to `Open the bloody door, you erratic old bat!' Got that, you mad old twit!?” Harry yelled.
“You see!” The woman yelled back, “You see `ow `e treats me! `E should `ave a bit more respect!”
“Why in Merlins name should I have that!?” Harry screamed. “What have you done to deserve it!?”
“Uhh, Harry, that's-” Remus was cut off when the woman yelled.
“WHY!? WHY!? `E asks!” She was near hysterics now, falling off her chair trying to get out of her portrait, “WHY IS COZ I AM HELGA HUFFLEPUFF! “ Her name rang through the corridor and back into Harry's ears.
“Oh.” Was all he could say. He was so shocked to find that this, this psycho was one of the founders of Hogwarts.
Well, I shouldn't be so surprised, look at Luna…
“Right,” Remus said, “Amo cruor, if you will, Professor.”
“Tha password is incorrect!” She huffed.
“Oh, uhm, `open the bloody door, you erratic old bat?'” Remus tried and the portrait swung open harshly and slammed shut once they were all through.
“Just shut up, Siri,” Harry said, still feeling rather stupid about the whole thing.
“This is a nice place you've got here, a lot better than the dorms,” Sirius said as they entered the living room area. “Oh,” he said when he spotted the boy on the couch.
“Did we wake you?” Harry asked.
“No,” Draco answered, looking straight at Harry letting him know that it was he who woke him up.
Harry looked away, guilty, knowing that he meant because he had left. But he couldn't help it, he had to get out of there, the place was suffocating him! “Did you know that our portrait is Helga Hufflepuff?”
“Yes,” Draco answered, and Harry could feel those grey eyes piercing the side of his face.
“Oh. Well, uh, I changed the password. It's now, uhm `open the bloody door, youerraticoldbat.'”
“It's what?” Draco asked, sitting up a bit.
“`Open the bloody door, you erratic old bat,'” Sirius supplied.
“Thank you, Sirius,” Harry said sarcastically.
“Well, won't you sit down?” Draco motioned for them to sit and the three did so. Strangely Harry felt as though he were a guest as well, that this was not his `home' at all, that he was just passing through.
“It's actually pretty lucky that I caught you two both awake, as I do have some…well, it may not be bad news but still.” Remus looked at Draco then Harry.
“Dear Merlin, there's more?” Harry groaned.
“Yes, well, maybe, you see the thing is I wasn't going to mention it, because I didn't think you two would actually have to Bond, but seeing as you have…” He trailed off, “Anyway, see, Harry, your father was once in possession of the original Bond contract, but when he and your mother got married he had given off to someone else to keep safe after your parents got on Voldemorts bad side. But, I remember there was something James mentioned to me one day about the contract, at the time, I hadn't though much of it, as I wasn't sure what he was saying, really.”
“What did he say?” Harry asked urgently.
It was the day of James Potter and Lily Evans wedding and Sirius Black was off in search of the ring he'd lost, leaving Remus Lupin to tend to James.
“You know, Remus, I feel pretty rotten about what I'm doing to my future children,” James said off handedly, adjusting his tie in the mirror.
Remus reached around and straightened it for him and asked, “What do you mean? You'll be a great dad.”
James looked at himself and smiled sadly, “No, no I don't think I will.” He glanced up to meet Remus's concerned eyes. James turned around to face his long time friend, “What I'm doing to them, there's no excuse for it, it's just. You know how it was with me and…” he trailed off, “You know I couldn't stay.”
Remus nodded, still very confused, “Yea, but Lily's great, you love her right?”
James beamed and said, “Like all the stars in the sky.”
“Yea, see, it'll be fine. You two will make great parents,” Remus assured him.
“Yes, Lily, will be a fine mother. I still haven't told her, though. How do I tell her that because we're together one of our children will have to pay for it? A lifetime with someone they'll more than likely hate. Merlin, what kind of father I will be!”
“A lifetime? James, you're not making any sense, what are you-” Remus was cut off when Sirius burst through the door.
“Remy! I found the rin…oh, hey, James…”
End Flashback
“Did you have to mention the me losing the ring part?” Sirius asked under his breath.
“It was important to the story,” Remus shot back.
“Wait,” Draco said, “So what you're saying is, that according to Potter, Harry and I-”
“Will be Bonded forever,” Harry finished.
1-Quote is from Romeo and Juliet, just the rose part.
2-Lyrics from ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATIONs Rewrite.
A/N: Has anyone noticed that I make Harry hit Draco a lot? Because I do…it's a little random…huh… Also, I…I'm really bad at keeping date in stories…So basically I have no idea what month it is here. I'm going with a general October era…actually, if anyone knows what time it might be here please let me know…I mean, I know I haven't written anything about Halloween but I may have just done a little `Three months Later' type thing. Heh. So, if I've done one of these and you know what time it is, that'd be great.