Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ unbreakableBOND ❯ B Side of Tricks and Traps ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I don't own Harry Potter.
OI!!!: This is like part two of the last chapter, it's just I really liked where I ended it so I just kind of spilt it into two parts.
Chapter 15 B Side: Of Tricks and Traps
Draco awoke to a throbbing headache and loud voices. He tried to roll over but instead introduced his face to the floor.
“Oh, God,” he groaned, rubbing his face. He sat up and looked around, shocked to find himself in an unfamiliar place. And then it all came rushing back, Halloween, his profession, the owlry, the red light.
What had happened? Where was he? Had Voldemort done this?
He took in is surroundings and noted that this could not be Voldemort, because for one, he wasn't in a dungeon and two, nothing felt broken.
He was in a bedroom, a lush burgundy carpet beneath his fingers and an intricate gold pattern on the matching walls. The four poster bed was covered with a goose down spread in red and brown, with a hint of forest green. He subconsciously gagged at the Gryffindor colour scheme. There was one window, and it had bars placed on the inside, telling him it was to keep him in.
Suddenly the door opened and Draco scrambled into a standing position, trying his best to look imperious.
“Ah, I see you're wake Mr. Malfoy,” the man said. He had familiarly messy jet black hair and golden his skin, his eyes were an ice blue and Draco could tell know that the man was part Asian. “My name is Roy, and I will be assisting you during your stay.”
His stay? What the fuck was this, the Hilton?
“That's nice Roy, now, if you could please lead me to the lobby I'd like to check out,” Draco answered sarcastically.
“That is not possible,” Roy returned. “You won't be leaving until the right time has come.”
“And when is that?” Draco asked.
“That will be discussed in due time, for now, I believe someone would like to see you.”
Draco looked past the man and to the door where the loud voices continued to get louder.
“This is the last time you ever get to pull a job off by yourself!” Someone screamed, before the door burst open and an abnormally tall, lithe Japanese man strode in. His eyes were red, and Draco could see his hair seemed to glow that colour as well, yet still remain black. He was dressed in tight leather pants, and a frilly white shirt that looked to be from the 1500s, with a long coat.
“Mr. Malfoy, it's a pleasure to meet you,” the man said in heavily accented English. “You may call me Lord Keita.”
“Thanks so much,” Draco returned, and Lord Keita smiled, showing off his fangs.
“Right, well, I assume Ryo introduced himself, and you already know S...” the Lordship trailed off and looked behind him for something. “Hisami, get in here!” Draco watched the door as another man slunk in, he kept his face calm at the sight. “Right, you already know `Sir Yamiko.'” Lord Keita made quotes around the name.
“Mr. Malfoy,” Sir Yamiko did his best to look intimidating, but faltered under the glare of the Lordship.
“Due to some unfortunate circumstances, you were brought here by mistake,” Lord Keita explained, continuing to glare at Sir Yamiko. “But, now that you are here, we will have to use you to our advantage.”
“And what exactly is that?” Draco asked.
“As if I would tell you,” Lord Keita chuckled. “Please, make yourself at home, if you need anything Ryo will take care of it.” With that he swept out of the room, Sir Yamiko right behind him. Draco heard him ask Sir Yamiko if he had made his coat billow like the man he'd met and then their voices were gone.
“Is it Roy or Ryo?” Draco asked.
“It's the same,” Roy answered.
“Right, well, can I ask you something?” Roy nodded and Draco continued. “Who was really supposed to be brought here?”
“I'm not sure that information is necessary,” Roy answered.
“Come on, it's not like I can do anything about it, just tell me who,” Draco pressed.
Roy gave him a once over, if by that look alone he could judge the worth and quality of a person. “Harry Potter,” he answered finally.
Draco closed his eyes in defeat and said. “For what purpose?”
“Bribery,” Roy answered immediately. “But instead Sir Yamiko had a helper to bring you in and they got you and Mr. Potter mixed up. Or should I say Mr. Malfoy?” So they knew about that?
“Who helped Sir Yamiko? And how in Merlin's name did they get us mixed up?”
“Your costumes, you had black hair at the time and your faces were covered, the helper assumed you had been dressed as Naruto, rather than Sasuke. Lord Keita did get a kick out of it though, he decided to keep your costume.” Draco looked down and found that he was no longer wearing the ninja outfit and was instead dressed in leather pants and a long sleeved button down shirt.
“Who helped him, then?”
“Why does it matter?” Roy asked, opening his mouth a little too wide to flash his fangs.
“Because when I get out of here I am going to kill them,” Draco answered determinedly.
Roy smirked and headed for the door. “Just push that button if you need anything, someone will come.” Draco watched helplessly as Roy left.
He flopped back onto the plush bed; at least this was better than a dungeon.
Draco sighed, who would want him or Harry for bribery? Who were these people exactly? Merlin, abducted by a clan of vampires! He could be anywhere, except these vampires were all Japanese, maybe he was in Japan?
Oh! He could feel for Harry then tell how far away he was! He reached out and pulled the imaginary thread binding the two; it was thinner than ever and pulled him back, hard. He felt himself lift off the bed before he let go of the thread and fell back down.
The thread snapped back into place, tighter and thinner than ever and Draco was suddenly very sleepy. He closed his eyes a drifted into an un-fitful sleep, filled with images of vampires and anguished faces.
A/N: Oh, dear God. That's all I have to say. That and I am very sleepy...it's 2:21 AM and I've heard like 50+ Gackt songs in the last few hours.