Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Vanity ❯ One-Shot
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Because I'm bored and need a decent R/Hr fic.
She never really meant to stare into the mirror for so long. She just happened to be cleaning it and noticed how… frizzy her hair was.
She frowned, picking up a clump and straightening it. Letting go, it bounced back into another tangled strand.
She jumped, dropping the rag she was supposed to be cleaning with.
He wasn't glaring, just in a mix of curiosity and annoyance. “What are you doing?”
“Oh,” she mumbled, picking up the rag and casting another glance at the mirror. “I was just… I… don't like my hair,” she finished lamely.
“Your hair's beautiful. Can we get back to work?”
She blushed as he walked out, and shed a final glance to her reflection, a smile now breaking through her expression.
Maybe her hair really wasn't that bad.
Authoress Notes:
I don't know. I'm bored. Leave me alone.