Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Watching ❯ Watching ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Watching By: Lady Lolita Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter or any of the characters or merchandise. No money is being made off of this fanfic so PLEASE don’t sue! Warning: slashy thoughts, slashy situations, angst, POV I watch because I can’t do more. I love him, but what can I do? He hates me and always will, all because of a stupid mistake that I made when we were young and at Hogwarts. Do I regret almost getting him killed? Of course. Do I regret that I didn’t stop it and James did it for me? Most definitely. Does he care? No.

Though, he probably doesn’t care simply because he doesn’t believe me. I don’t blame him, I wouldn’t believe me either. I’m surprised that Remus forgave me. But, I don’t love Remus the way I love Severus.

I’m looking through a window in Malfoy Manor, watching him with that git Lucius. I don’t think he’d know how to make love to a person if he tried, but I can tell he isn’t trying to do that. What he’s doing is just fucking Severus and it makes me mad. It’s practically rape with the amount of violence, there’s no way that that’s anything but rape.

I want to jump through the window and kill Lucius. But, I can’t. I know better. Severus would never live it down. He doesn’t want anyone to know this is going on. He wants people to think him always in control. If anyone ever knew he wasn’t always in control, he’d probably kill himself from embarrassment.

Instead, I watch and wish that it were me with Severus instead of that bastard. But, that’ll never happen. I love him, he hates me. It’s that simple. I will have to be content to sit and watch.