Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Fire Meets Ice ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Werewolf meets Vampire. Vampire freaks out. What happens when they discover that they know each other outside the confines of the forest… what happens when they discover that they are best friends?

When Fire Meets Ice

Moony traveled through the dense forest as if it were nothing at all. His sense of smell leading him towards something that smelt very appetizing, very pleasing to the senses. Moony stopped just at the edge of a small beautiful meadow, closing his wolfish eyes he allowed his sense if smell to take over again. A small wind passed through the meadow causing the fur on Moony's back to stand up, carrying the scent of blood in its wake.
Moony growled angrily, as he realized that something had killed his plaything, his dinner. That thing will pay dearly for its treachery. Moony howled at the moon before he tore through the meadow following the scent of blood to a small river that ran through the forest. He stopped short once again at the end of a bunch of bushes close to where the traitor was eating. What Moony saw made him even angrier causing him to growl more angrily. It was a human, a worthless human that had taken his fun away from him.
Moony was about to pounce on his unsuspecting rival when the wind picked up again, causing his enemies scent to be blown his way. It was a familiar scent one that was surrounded the human boy that occupied this body constantly. This had stopped Moony in his tracks, was this human part of the boys pack? Had he a right to kill him?
The leaves of the nearby bush rattled gently, and a shadow fell upon him. Startled Moony looked up taking a defensive stance, growling at the intruder Moony noticed a few things. The first thing he had noticed was that this human had blood dripping from his mouth, and down his hands. Another thing he noticed was the icy cold Aura the human seemed to radiate. The final thing that Moony noticed was that the figure standing above him was not a human at all but a Vampire.
I sighed as the midnight air passed through my robes, and my hair. Closing my eyes, I tried to sense something, anything to quench the unquenchable thirst that burned constantly my throat, or at the very least sedate it for a while. The scent of a rabbit filled my nostrils and I decided that it would have to do for now for there was nothing else within a ten-mile radius of where I now stood.
I sniffed once again before heading out towards the small river that ran through the Forbidden Forest. I enjoyed the hunt though in all truth there wasn't much that I was allowed to hunt while I was in here. Back home in Grimmauld, while it may not be the best of circumstances at least we had decent kill. I chased the rabbit, trapping it near the water. I growled softly causing it to squeak in terror. I reached out towards it, snapping its neck with a flick of my wrist. I bent down allowing my fangs to sink into its soft furry neck.
Blood squirted into my mouth, as I hungrily sucked at it. I coughed slightly as I pulled my mouth off the small animal. I sighed digging a small hole and burying the small rabbit. It was a beautiful one too all black with an amber and sliver eye. Shame that it's life had ended the way it did.
I froze suddenly when the sound of leaves rattling came from the bush behind me. I sniffed the air and froze again. There was something in the bushes behind me, and it was looking to attack. I stood up straight and walked to the bush, as I peeked over it I noticed a few things. The first thing I noticed was that the thing that looks like a wolf was in fact twice the normal size of one. The second thing I noticed was his scent; it was an oddly familiar one, one that surrounds me all the time. A calming scent, one that radiates intelligence. Another thing I noticed was he seemed to radiate an unbearable heat. The final thing I realized before I took my defensive stance was that he was a werewolf, and that I must kill him.