Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Fire Meets Ice ❯ Late Night Promises ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Late Night Promises

"Regulus." Regulus turned and almost slammed into his older brother.

"Sirius!" said Regulus happily, a genuine smile gracing his attractive features. His smile faltered when he saw Sirius' expression. "Sirius, what's wrong?"

Regulus backed away from his brother, his eyes wide with fright. "Sirius." Regulus tripped over his robes and fell harshly into the wall behind him, cracking his head soundly on it.

Sirius walked slowly towards his younger brother. His teeth were glistening with saliva, his eyes a blood red. Regulus groaned in pain, his hand on the cut that was on the back of his head, blood running down his pale hand. Regulus looked to the left and the right he was trapped. There was no place for him to go. All he could do was watch as his big brother, the one he loved, looked up too, came towards him with a bloodthirsty look in his eyes.

All he could do is scream as Sirius' sharp teeth sunk into his throat.

"Regulus no!" screamed Sirius as he shot up in bed, panting. He looked around wildly, pushing his sweat soaked hair roughly out of his face. Sirius looked to his right and saw that Remus was sleeping peacefully in his hospital bed.

Sirius pulled up his knees and placed his head on top of them, as sobs left his mouth. Tears pouring down his pale face. "Regulus."


Remus turned as quietly in his bed as he could, watching as Sirius tossed and turned restlessly in his hospital bed. "No Regulus, run away." yelled Sirius in such a clear voice that hadn't Remus known any better he would have sworn that Sirius had been awake.

Remus quickly slipped the covers up to his chin, hiding his mouth as Sirius jumped up in his bed screaming, "Regulus no!" The brunette was panting heavily in his bed, and was looking wildly around as he pushed his hair out of his eyes. Remus closed his eyes when Sirius looked his way, hoping that the boy wouldn't notice that he had been watching him.

Remus' eyes opened a fraction of an inch when he heard sobs coming form Sirius' bed. "Regulus." Remus sighed and quietly stood up from his bed and snuck over to his friends.

Placing his hand on his friends shoulder, he pulled Sirius into a hug. "Shh, it's alright. Sirius everything is fine."

Sirius wrapped his arms around Remus' neck and dug his face into his friend's hair. "Remus, Regulus… I-I killed him!" he sobbed, clutching his friend closer to him. "If anything were to happen to him… if that had been real…"

Remus sighed, running his fingers soothingly through his friend's long hair. "Regulus is safe. He's tucked safely in his dorm. Nothing is going to happen to him, he's smart he can take care of himself."

Sirius shook his head, "He's impressionable, if my cousins get at him…"

Remus hugged Sirius tighter before letting him go. "You are such a pessimist Padfoot, nothing will happen to him. I promise."

Sirius smiled softly, "You really promise?"

Remus laughed, "Yes you big pounce now get to bed!" Remus turned to his bed but was stopped by a hand on his pajama bottoms. Remus looked up to the big puppy eyes of Sirius, Remus sighed. "What is it now Sirius?"

"Could I sleep with you tonight?" Remus yawned but nodded his head, slipping into Sirius' bed Remus pulled the covers up to his chin and leaned back against Sirius' pillow. Sirius smiled and settled down next to Remus, leaning his head on the smaller boy's chest. "Ni, Sirius."

"G'ni Remus."


James and Peter snuck quietly into the Hospital Wing under the invisibility cloak. They had not seen Sirius since the night before and they were beginning to worry about him. James walked to Remus' bed, not noticing that the two people he was looking for occupied the bed he had just passed.

James placed his hand on Remus' blanket, and patted it. Turning to Peter, he shook his head, "Well I now I don't know where either of them are." James frowned at this, had something happened to his friends? Had their injuries been more severe then Madam Pomphrey had originally thought? Had the-

"James stop acting weird, they're right here." Muttered Peter lifting the blanket slightly so James could see his two slumbering friends.

James bent down to get a closer look. "Well… Hehe… Who are you calling weird?!"

Peter looked at James disdained, "You my friend were moving in weird positions as you where thinking about what had possibly happened to them. That is weird. I swear I never knew you were that flexible."

James blushed and turned back to his sleeping friends. Sirius had his thumb in his mouth and was snuggling closer to Remus. "But Mommy I dun wanna go to school today, the teacher will make me ride the pink pony. I dun wanna ride the pink pony Mommy." Murmured Sirius, causing Jamie to jump back in alarm.

"What in the… what the hell is he dreaming about?" Asked James, cautiously backing up from the bed.

"Pink ponies and his Mommy, would be my guess James." Said Peter bored. He was sitting on Remus' bed, playing with the small rubrics cube his mother had sent for him.

James turned to glare at Peter, but stopped when he heard one of the boys getting out of bed behind him. "Remus!" said James happily, hugging the half-asleep boy. "Tell Peter to stop being so mean!"

Remus shrugged at James, and patted Peter's head. "Good Peter," he murmured before slipping into the bathroom.

"Neh, what's going on?" came Sirius' sleepy voice, "Where's Remy?"

Peter looked up, smiling at Sirius. "Rem just went to use the bathroom; he'll be out in a moment."

"Kays," yawned Sirius, stretching. "SO what are you guys doing here?"

James sat on the floor between the two beds, "we came to see what was going on. We thought they shipped you two to St. Mungo's."

Sirius shook his head, "Neh they are just keeping us over night for observation."

Peter slipped his cube into his robes, and pulled his knees up to his chin. "So what happened out there Padfoot?"

Sirius shrugged, "To tell you the truth I don’t remember. I remember going to bed that night and the next thing I know I wake up on the grounds at the foot of the forest." Sirius thought, "This isn’t the first time it has happened either."

James' head shot up, "What do you mean Sirius?"

"I mean it has happened before, last month actually."

Peter looked thoughtful for a moment, "When last month?"

"The full moon." Sirius was quiet for a moment as he remembered the previous conversation with Pomphrey. "Something Pomphrey says is bothering me."

"What would that be?"

"Well when I was talking to her earlier she had asked me if the blood tablets hadn't been enough."

James looked utterly confused, "Blood tablets what are those?"

Sirius shrugged, "That's just it. I have absolutely no idea; obviously I am supposed to know though."

"We can always ask Remus, he would probably know."

"What would I know?" asked Remus, as he came back into the room. His face had a guarded expression and his eyes were dark, this made the other three frown. The only times his face was like that was the day of the full moon or when he knows something he's not supposed to.

"About blood tablets."

Remus froze for a moment, "Why would I know about blood tablets?" his voice was calm but his friends knew they hit a nerve.

James shrugged, "we figured you have probably read all the books in the school library by now, that maybe you have come across something about blood tablets."

"I know nothing." Remus' voice was final; it left no room for argument.

James, Peter and Sirius frowned at each other as Remus pushed Peter off his bed. Slipping into his bed Remus pulled the covers over his head. James shook his head and placed a silencing charm on Sirius' bed.

"Do you think he knows something?" asked Peter, looking towards Remus.

James nodded his head, "Yes."

"But why would he lie then?" asked Sirius leaning his head against the sickly green wall.

"Maybe he's not supposed to know? Or he'll get in trouble if he tells us?" suggested Peter.

James shook his head, "No there is something more to it than that, and we are going to find out what."

"Oh no." muttered Peter, shaking his head.

"He can't possibly… not another mission!" groaned Sirius.

"That’s right folks," said James mischievously, his pointer finger standing at attention. "Starting tomorrow the Marauder's will perform mission 'Find Out What Remus is Hiding About Those Darned Mysterious Blood Tablets!"

Sirius and Peter wearily looked at each other. "I thought this was supposed to be an angst fic." Muttered Sirius, "Not a slight humor/What the hell? Fic."

Peter sighed, "Supposedly, but Chandlur has been watching way too much Ouran High School Host Club to really care."

"Sirius, Peter the fic was supposed to have a TO BE CONTINUED… about four lines ago." Muttered James, as he began scribbling down his plan for next chapter.

Sirius and peter look up to see that James had been right. "Oh Crap."

Peter and Sirius looked at the readers sheepishly, their hands behind their necks. "Hehe Sorry."

Sirius turned to Peter, "We might as well do the summary of the next chapter whilst we are at it."

Peter cleared his throat, "Next time on When Fire Meets Ice…"

Sirius leaned back in the chair next to his hospital bed, "James, Peter and Sirius start investigating those mysterious blood tablets."

"And what happens when the mark of the Vampire is found on Sirius' back? Will Remus derive a conclusion? Or will he be so caught up in Sirius that he barely even notices it?"

"All this and more in the next installment of When Fire Meets Ice."

"We'll see you there."