Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Mines Explode ❯ Last Sunrise ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I, unfortunately, do not own anything from J.K.R's Harry Potter. =`(
Nor do I own any bands, brands, songs, movies books etc mentioned in this story.
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When Mines Explode
Chapter 1- Last Sunrise.
Hermione Granger sighed as she gazed off into the last sunrise of the best summer of her life. Some of the best memories she'd ever have were made that summer, a few were even took place on the same roof she was currently sitting on. She slowly took a very long pull from the blunt she currently held in her right hand, followed by another. After a moment she exhaled and watched as the smoke slowly drifted up into the atmosphere.
After extinguishing her special cigar she stood and again she sighed and took one last look at the beautiful sight before her. She really did love sunrises, they're just so much better than sunsets. `A sunrise's beauty is so under-appreciated.' she thought bemused, `They're kind of like a secret beauty in a way. Everyone knows they are a pretty sight, there are even pictures to prove it, but no one knows how truly beautiful a sunrise is until they watch one themselves.' Hermione heard a few birds chirping and snapped out of her musings to see the purples and pinks, along with the oranges of the sky were almost completely faded from view.
She kneeled at the edge of the roof and stuck the blunt roach between her lips before she grasped the side of the roof and dropped back onto her balcony with a soft 'thud'. She carelessly tossed the aforementioned roach on top of her dresser before walking over to her closet to grab her trunk. She opened it and then stopped and turned looking around her room. Something just wasn't right, she couldn't put her finger on it but it was sure something. She eyed everything suspiciously for a minute and thought very hard before it hit her. She looked up and snapped her fingers; music had stopped playing! She stared over at her dresser, more specifically the small assortment of CD's around her stereo on the dresser. After a minute or so of intense staring one CD slowly separated itself from the rest of them `Yes!' and then it fell back on the dresser. `Damn, okay Hermione concentrate you got this.' After some more intense staring the CD again slowly moved and easily slid into one of the stereo's six spaces for CD's. A moment later Incubus flooded Hermione's ears and she smiled contently. She had been teaching herself wandless magic since she found out it was possible. She had almost mastered the art over the summer which pleased her greatly.
But what she had just done was not a display of wandless magic, not exactly anyway. When Hermione tapped into the part of her consciousness that allowed her to channel her magic wordlessly through her body she discovered she could do a few other things as well. One such thing was telekinesis, moving things with your mind. She had to concentrate much harder to use this ability then if she used wandless magic to levitate or move the object. Why it was harder she had no idea, that was one thing her beloved books had unfortunately not supplied an answer for. She researched the topic any chance she got. She also had become an empath, and as she read she might still discover she could do more. Hermione was more than content with what she could do and sincerely doubted she would be able to do more, but didn't completely dismiss the possibility.
Hermione went around her room grabbing her clothes and other necessities wile singing along with the music. When she finished she sat on the corner of her comfy king sized bed and sang the last few verses of `Redlight District' before surveying her room.
It was a large room, even with her ginormous bed, dresser, entertainment center, and the numerous stolen signs and artifacts she and her friends took on their nightly adventures, she had a lot of room. She had a lime green shag carpet with splashes of other colors here and there. Her walls were painted black though barley any shown through anymore from Hermione painting neon murals over it. Many signs decorated the walls as well. Hermione's favorite was the Autistic Child sign she took from somewhere on her best friend's street. Her gaze traveled from the wall down to the bed where said best friend was currently snoozing along with a couple other members of their group.
She smiled again before looking to the clock on her night stand. 7:15, only a few more hours before she boarded the train that would take her to Hogwarts for her seventh and final year of schooling in the wizarding world. She was made Head Girl this year, which although it was expected by everyone she was still elated about her accomplishment. She thought of her life at Hogwarts and snorted, she did love the school but her life there was so, so fake. It almost sickened her how fake it was, almost. But she had her reasons for being the way she was.
“Never expect anything, make your own opportunities.”
And she did, she took as many classes as possible and got top grades, she sucked up to teachers every day, she would play along with Harry-freaking-Potter's dimwitted plans (altering them so they wouldn't get killed of course), hell she even asked to be sorted to Gryffindor because she heard Harry say that's the house he wanted to be in so she could befriend him. She knew how to get exactly what she wanted.
“You deserve the best, never settle for any less.”
Her grades came easily, she never really even needed to study she just needed to keep up appearances. Hence why she's been called a know-it-all bookworm the passed 6 years. But it didn't bother her in the least. Many times the books people see her read aren't about anything they're even learning about in class. Hermione just had a compulsive need to know. Know why things were the way they were, how they worked, she just needed the knowledge. In a way it satisfied her knowing these things. But it also worked against her, learning new things always brought new questions that needed answers.
“Don`t trust anyone.”
This rule Hermione had to learn the hard way. She did trust a very select few people, but that number she could count to on one hand, and have fingers left over. At Hogwarts she isolated herself from people with her bossiness, a quality she did value in herself. She took it a bit over the top at Hogwarts, just barking orders at other students but she wasn't usually that extreme. She could greatly influence people, she always could. Most people she knew were wrapped around her little finger. Even her friends listened to anything she had to say with out question. There was one exception however, Ronald Weasley. She broke this rule in the beginning of her sixth year. Ron had always wanted Hermione, she knew that and when she spent about half the summer after fifth year at the burrow Hermione and Ron got a lot closer. Hermione noticed he had grown up some. Not a lot mentally (he still acted like a 3 year old on occasion) but physically he grew a lot. He and Harry had been working out non-stop for Quidditch and it really showed. Ron wasn't the tall, gangly, awkward teen anymore. Hermione definitely liked the change, and between that and how close the summer brought them she didn't hesitate in agreeing to be his girlfriend. They were together for about 6 months, Hermione had been genuinely happy she still kept up her know-it-all facade but she felt herself slipping to her real self. She wanted so badly to tell Ron everything about her life, her real life away from Hogwarts. She thought that what they had was special and it killed her a little everyday that she had to lie to some one she might actually be in love with. Finally one day she resolved to come clean, to make their relationship truly free from any secrets. She knew he would understand, she knew he wouldn't shun her but she didn't know that either way she was about to have her heart broken.
She had been looking for Ron all throughout the castle and couldn't find him anywhere. She decided to try the lake, Ron and herself had spent much of their free time their having picnics and just enjoying the scenery, the lake was also the place that they had first snogged at.
As she neared the lake she saw that flame red hair that could belong to no one but her beloved. She started to run to him but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw who he was with, Lavender Brown, and they were shagging! Right there in front of the great lake, for all to see. Hermione felt her face get hot, the tears were coming, but she wouldn't let them fall. Instead she wiped away the small amount of moisture that had managed to escape from her tear ducts and marched over to the lovers.
Anger over took her as she ripped Lavender off of her soon-to-be ex boyfriend by her hair and rammed her head into the tree they had been under. The girl screeched but it would be three times that Lavender's head hit the trunk before what was happening registered in Ron's head.
“Blood hell `Mione stop!” he yelled. He scrambled to his feet to try and stop her. But Hermione had other ideas. She kneed Lavender in the face before she shoved her into Ron who caught and steadied the girl.
“How could you!” She screamed at him. “I fucking loved you, you lying git!” Her fist connected with Lavenders jaw causing her head to fall back and bashed into Ron's nose. Then she kicked Ron's shin which made him double over, she took that time to again grab Lavender and throw her head first into the lake, cunt punting her as she went through the air. She then turned to Ron.
“What the hell `Mione, are you fucking crazy!? You could kill her!” Ron said as he desperately looked between the girl he cheated on and the lake she through Lavender into. He started to move towards the lake but was stopped by a swift round kick to his chest.
“Am I fucking crazy?!” She screamed exasperated “I find you SCREWING another chick and you call me crazy for getting angry!” He couldn't respond as her fist connected with his jaw, a few teeth soared off into the grass. The sounds of flesh meeting flesh and a sickening crack came as Hermione successfully broke his nose.
“I'm sorry!” He yelled clutching his nose, she had one hard ass punch for a girl!
“Sorry?! Your sorry!? You tell me you love me and then go fuck some chick and all you can come up with is a sorry! Well let me tell you something Ronald, your not sorry and I know it so stop trying to lie to me, and yourself. Your only sorry you got caught!” She gave him a final kick to the abdomen and stormed off with a muttered `pathetic'.
Hermione shook her head trying to clear the painful memory from her thoughts. It didn't hurt as bad anymore, her and Ron were even able to be civil to each other. She didn't say much to him unless she had to. Ron had completely betrayed her, and she would never be able to forgive him.
Still unable to drive the thoughts from her head, Hermione decided to take a long relaxing shower. She quietly crept into the bathroom that connected to her room and carefully closed the door so she didn't disturb anyone. She shut her eyes for a minute or two to help her eyes adjust to the darkness of the room. Walking over to her tub she leaned over and turned the hot water on. Hermione briefly contemplated on using her wand to light the candles she had around her bathroom but decided against it. Bathing in the dark was for some reason something that relaxed her greatly.
A few minutes later the water was hot enough and Hermione stripped and stepped into the shower. For a wile she just stood there letting the scalding water hit her shoulders. She stayed in the shower until the water went cold. After turning the water off, Hermione grabbed one of her big fluffy towels from the rack on the wall beside the tub and quickly dried herself off.
Hermione wrapped the towel around herself and walked out of the bathroom and over to her closet. She stared at the remaining clothes and decided on baggy brown pants and a black v-neck tank. She also grabbed a wide black belt that had metal circles instead of studs. She walked over to her dresser and grabbed a black lacy bra and matching panties. She went back to the bathroom and dressed and started towel drying some of the moisture from her hair. Once her long locks stopped dripping she spread some conditioner through her hair to get the knots out. Then she put mousse in her hair so her curls would be nice and bouncy.
Over the past few months her looks had changed a lot. The frizzy rats nest that used to be on top of her head was now tamed to long soft honey-colored curls. Her body filled out very nicely and she had even grown a bit! She was now a towering 5”4' instead of 5”2. Her eyes had also changed. instead dark brown they lightened to an amber color and if you looked closely you could see green specks in them.
Rummaging through her cabinet Hermione pulled out mascara, eyeliner and silver eye shadow. She started applying her eyeliner when she heard rustling coming from her room. She peered out the door and saw her best friend sit up and stretch groggily. “Mornin' sleepy face.” She giggled and turned back to the mirror. She heard him grunt in response and then heard him get out of the bed, his shuffling feet coming closer to her.
“Didn't you sleep at all?” He asked leaning on the door his eyes half shut. He was a tall skinny guy, but he had muscle. He was about 5”11', his dirty blond hair, tousled from sleep, hung to just above his shoulders.
“Not a wink.”Hermione answered wile she outliner her other eye with the black pencil.
“Woman, your fucking crazy.” He said shaking his head. “Your soo gunna crash on that train.”
“Shut up Blake,” Hermione shot him a look “I so will not crash.” She laughed “And you know that damn well.”
Blake shrugged “Yeah true,” he yawned “You wanna smoke?”
“Is that a serious question?” Hermione answered now applying her eye shadow.
“Maybe,” Blake laughed and walked over back into the room and to the dresser. He opened one of the huge bottom drawers. “Bong, bowl, blunt?” He called
Hermione paused, mascara brush in hand “Bubby.” She called back and hurried to finish her makeup. She left the bathroom and joined her best friend by her balcony.
Blake pulled out a big bag of pot and started to pack the bubbler. “Think we should wake `em?” he said glancing at the still occupied bed.
“Nah let them sleep.” Hermione answered. She dug around in her pockets and sighed. “You got a light?”
He began digging through his pockets “Uhh somewhere?” he answered a few minutes later he produced a blue mini-bic and took a hit. They wordlessly passed the water pipe back and forth a while looking at the outside world as the grew brighter and brighter.
“I'm going to miss you guys so much!” Hermione said “I can't wait til the holidays.” Blake nodded “I'm gunna miss you too, I'm sure the same goes for the others. Make sure you write.” He turned to face her “A lot.” he added. They both chuckled and Blake gave a bear hug which she returned as best as she could.
Once the embrace broke Hermione went over to her dresser and grabbed her pack of cigarettes and her lighter and started looking for the ashtray. “By the bed.” She heard Blake say. She quickly found and emptied it. She walked onto the balcony and was soon followed by Blake who was carrying a blanket for them to sit on. Both of them were to lazy to unfold the table and chairs in the corner of the balcony.
“So you think you can survive one more year as a goody-goody Mines?” Blake asked as he lit his cigarette. Hermione laughed “I honestly don't know. I hate having to be so fake, its so infuriating. All those people I just wanna tell to go fuck themselves sideways up the ass I can't because I'm a `good girl' I follow the rules and never say a mean thing to anyone. I'm a perfect strait-'A' bookworm that wouldn't dare break any rules.”
Now it was Blake who laughed, he almost burned himself rolling on the balcony in hysterics. “Now that's a laugh, I mean yeah you are a strait-”A” bookworm, but the rest of that is the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard.” He sat up still chuckling to himself. “I say to hell with them and be yourself, you don't need any of them anyways. Especially cuz you know your going to get the best grades or your W.O.R.T thingys or whatever..”
Hermione finished her cigarette and grinned at her best friend “They are called N.E. Blake, not W.O.R.T. There is no such thing as a W.O.R.T. And you do not know I will get the best grades, I`m actually very nervous about it, they may decide my future!” Blake grinned back “Jeeze Mines don't explode on me now,” He put his cigarette out held his hands up in mock defense against an explosion “and you so do know your way smarter than anyone there.” He finished matter-of-factly. He even put a hand on his hip and pointed a finger at her for effect.
Hermione giggled “Tart.” she said shaking her head. “It takes one to know one dear.” He answered. They both sat a while taking a stroll down memory lane and smoking a few more cigarettes.
************************************************************* ***********Author's Note:
Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, please review to let me know what you think.
All criticism is welcome^^