Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of the Bedroom ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Edited again after continuing the sequel. I think it's an improvement, and hopefully you all will agree. I've done a bit of editing and addition of details, but nothing's really changed. Nothing “plot” related, at least.
Warnings: This is a PWP. That means that there is no plot, no explanations, no questions, and SEX. Yes, that three-letter word, again. This takes place in the infamous “white room.” Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters, storyline, etc. I'm not making any money from this story.
Summary: Erotic, lust-filled voices, unsupervised detention, and massage-oiled-wood. This is something you don't want to miss!
A/N: I was just writing another HP fic, when I decided I wanted to take a break. I thought to myself, “Anata, you know you like lemons, why not write another?” And I did.
Whispers of the Bedroom
Harry fumed, glaring at the stone floor flying by beneath his feet. Nothing could be worse than detention with Malfoy. Nothing. There was nothing in the entire world that could be worse that this. He'd rather lick Snape's toes.
He paused and shuddered. On second thought, maybe there was one thing worse, he amended as he began walking again.
Yes. Of course. You'd rather lick Draco's toes, wouldn't you? A seductive thought inside him voiced itself.
Harry stopped short, caught entirely off guard. `What in the hell?!' This was definitely something wrong. Was Voldemort invading his thoughts and giving him dirty fantasies about the blonde Slytherin? Not likely, he supposed. `No! I would not rather lick Draco's toes!!'
The voice chuckled at his unconscious slip of the tongue. So it's “Draco” now, is it? Fancy that. I'm sure you'd like to scream his name in the throes of passion. Or maybe you'd like to hear him scream yours?
Harry glared at the air in front of him, nearly choking. `I don't know where this is coming from, but, Harry, you need to pull yourself together and stop it. Now.' Whatever was going on with his mind was highly disturbing, and so he resolved to ignore it. Continuing down the hallway, shoulders tightened in agitation, he picked up his mental rant exactly where he'd dropped it.
`Stupid egotistical prat,' Harry thought. `If he hadn't cornered me in the hallway for who knows-what reason, I wouldn't be in this mess. I mean, be practical! I was just sitting there, minding my own business when wham! I'm backed up against a wall with Malfoy pinning me there.
`And I had the unfortunate luck to like it,' he remembered, inwardly wincing.
He also had the unfortunate luck to have Hermione lecturing him about “being 7th years now. We shouldn't be getting into trouble. Harry, I'm ser—Harry! Are you even listening to me?!”
`Stupid Potter. If it weren't for him, I could be dreaming of tormenting some Mudblood. That stupid “I have to always be the hero” jerk. He needs a good lay.'
And you could be that good lay, something treacherous inside him whispered.
Draco pushed it back, gagging on his own tongue. Just because he lost his control for a split second (although he would never admit to that. Malfoys never lose control) didn't mean that he really did want to shag Potter. The thought was absolutely repulsive.
`Who in their right mind would want to shag Potter?!'
Really. I completely understand. Who would want to fuck that completely adorable Potter? To pound relentlessly into his willing body?
“Shut up!” Draco growled at the voice. This was ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous! There was no way in hell that he was actually having this conversation with himself. Slowing his stride to swipe his hand over his nearly-perfect hair, he puffed his cheeks in irritation.
A few paintings shifted and eyes followed him, wondering why the normally snidely composed Slytherin was talking to himself.
Oooh, look. Now they think you're insane. Maybe you are. Besides, if you don't shag Potter, I will. The voice held a truly annoying tone of smug satisfaction. Draco couldn't stand his own manner thrust back in his face, even if it was in his own mind. No one talked like that to him.
`You most certainly will not ! I absolutely forbid it!' Fuming, his black robes swished in the air around him, creating a slight breeze. The portraits continued to watch him with a mixture of shock and amusement, turning to each other as he passed to gossip.
Why? Because he's yours? it continued to mock him. Silver eyes blazed in fury.
“Yes!” Draco didn't even realize he had thought it, much less said it (to himself, no less), until he was in the detention room, face to face with none other than Harry Potter. What great luck the world was bringing to him this day.
`I think I may be losing it.'
Look at that luscious body. You know you want to dominate him. Fuck him. Hear him scream your name as he cries out in ecstasy. You know you want him to suck you off. Or do you want to suck him off? You know you want to feel his hot cock in your mouth.
Harry groaned as Draco walked into the room. The voice inside his head was making him create delectable images of Draco naked, and had been doing so nonstop since earlier that afternoon. Just the fact that he was Malfoy should have stopped him from having a reaction, but, shamed as he was, it didn't. He couldn't help but adjust his position to give himself a bit more room, but the action drew the attention of the one he least wanted to notice.
“A bit of a problem there, eh, Potter?” The blonde pointedly looked at Harry's crotch. Great. Not only had he noticed, but he was going to make a point of it.
That could actually work in Harry's favor.
“Sod off, Malfoy, before I do something I won't regret.”
“A bit testy, aren't we? Pun intended, in case your tiny brain missed the point, Potter.”
Oooh, yes. Now you're starting to get on the right track. Testy? Well, you're getting there. “Fuckingly fuckable” would have been better, though.
He nearly rolled his eyes at the childish eagerness the voice was radiating in his mind. `“Fuckingly fuckable”? What next?! I am not fucking Potter, so just bugger off, you pervert!' Would nothing get this annoyance to leave him alone? Draco was really beginning to wonder if he had gone insane.
Bugger off? I think you understand my point. So why don't you act? Make both of us happy and strip those clothes off of his lithe form. Find out if he wears boxers, briefs, or nothing at all…
`You're sick.' The scowl on his face battled with, but couldn't defeat the rising blush and he felt more than saw Potter staring at him. His brain had picked a really shitty time to turn on him.
“Having a bit of trouble in the brain department, Malfoy? You've been having `inner conversations' with yourself for a good five minutes.” Despite his ire, the mocking tone that Potter gave him caused his blood to simmer as it traveled down his body.
`Not now, dammit! Not now , while he's here!' he pleaded to himself, hoping beyond hope that his body would actually listen to him.
“I'm in no mood for your stupid comebacks, Potter. Mind your own damn business.” Draco was about ready to jump the other boy - or run. Running seemed like a better idea at this point, screw the consequences he would face later. The only thing that kept him rooted to the spot were the images that played through his mind; the cruel entity that had been plaguing him attacked him with endless suggestions were nothing short of erotic.
Chains, maybe? That one really made him freeze, trying not to put any added friction to the growing bulge in his trousers.
Thankfully, at that moment, one of the most unsexy people in the world decided to grace them with her presence. Draco practically dropped to the floor to thank her for saving him from his own inner torment, for surely he would have tackled the brunette to the floor in a moment if she hadn't interrupted.
“Mr. Potter, Mr. Malfoy. Good to see you are both,” McGonagall looked from one to the other, a slight frown plastered to her face, “ energetic this evening.”
Draco glared in her general direction, despite his gratefulness. Thank god the woman seemed totally oblivious to the fact that both of her delinquents now sported rather large bulges in their pants.
Harry simply snorted, unfortunately drawing the blonde's attention back to him. He shivered slightly when he noticed those intense green eyes on him, smothering him with their heat.
“Well, boys, your detention activity this evening will be to shine the floor. Heaven knows why, but Professor Dumbledore likes the shine of a good massage oil on the wood floors.” She stopped as if to consider this and both boys wondered what could have possessed the old wizard to need an oiled floor. “It's a terrible chore for the house elves, and Mr. Filch shouldn't have to do it, so we leave it as a detention activity. Normally, you two wouldn't be doing this for another month, but, seeing as one Mr. Longbottom spilled the contents of his potions homework in here, it is necessary. Thank you, boys. I shall check on you in four hours' time.”
With that, she turned on her heel and swished out the door.
Oh for God's sake, just pin him to the floor and fuck him !
Harry seethed at himself, doing his best to ignore the demands being made upon him in his own mind. Just because some traitorous part of him was telling him to, didn't mean he should shag Malfoy; that was just preposterous! Besides, the blonde would likely be all teeth and claws if he even tried anything more than punching him. But, he had to admit, he was really starting to want to.
He nearly groaned when he glanced over and saw that Draco had a problem similar to his own. The heat in his groin tripled at the sight. Sneering at Malfoy once McGonagall left, he hissed, “So McGonagall turns you on? I had thought you had better tas-”
Nothing could have prepared him for the shock of smooth, perfect lips on his own. Suddenly cut off by the weight of Draco's body pressing into him, Harry's eyes fluttered shut of their own accord. The only coherent thought he managed was that the blonde had cornered him again.
Draco nearly came right then and there, fuck the fact that they were enemies. He couldn't take Potter's taunting anymore, it was just making him want to pound into him. That, and the voice had, predictably, made him crack, but who was he to tell? Malfoys make their own decisions.
As he ground his throbbing erection into Harry's, he felt the brunette start to pant. At least he hadn't been thrown against the wall with a bloody nose or broken jaw yet. Taking this as a good sign, he gripped the other boy's short hair in his hand, dragging his teeth down his jaw. “McGonagall, Potter? I thought you would know better. I have better taste.” Having said that, though he would deny it to himself later, Draco firmly attached his lips to Harry's.
The bothersome creature that had gotten him in this mess in the first place had the nerve to interrupt him. Oh, yes! Now you got it! Fuck, yeah! Had it been tangible, he would have killed it.
`Shut the fuck up! I'm trying to snog!' Were he more coherent, he would have verbally torn it to shreds.
Miraculously, the voice didn't reply. He hoped it would stay that way. In the meantime, he had more important things to do.
Harry was completely under the spell of lust that Draco was weaving over him. He mumbled something incoherent into their kiss, a last-ditch effort to put things back to normal. Instead of helping him return them to being violent enemies, and he rightfully should have, Draco nipped Harry's bottom lip, causing him to gasp and instinctively soothe his tongue over the spot. Had he been in his right mind, he might have realized that this was not a good idea; without a warning, his tongue was sucked past a pair of full, soft lips, only to rub roughly against a similarly moist muscle. The hand in his hair tightened, pulling his head back while those delectable lips remained firmly attached, successfully prying his mouth further open to the dominating gesture.
Gathering what wits he had left, Harry decided that he didn't want to play the role of the submissive; drawing Draco's tongue back into his own mouth, Harry sucked deftly on it, eliciting a moan from the pale young man. Taking this opportunity to run his hands up the blonde's arms and wrap one around his throat, he flipped their positions, pinning Draco to the stone of the wall.
Rolling his hips against the other's, he trailed his lips to Draco's ear, running the tip of his tongue over the shell and down to the lobe. The palm against the blonde's throat eased up, scratching its way behind his neck to fist in silken locks.
`Oh fuck! Ohfuckohfuck!' Draco released his grip on Harry's hair to run his hands through unkempt hair. When the brunette trailed kisses and licks up his earlobe to stick his tongue in the shell, he let out and involuntary but very vocal gasp.
“Like that?” he heard rasped into his ear, the hot breath almost burning him. Oh, he could get used to this.
Not too used to it, though, he reminded himself. He wasn't going to be the bitch in this romp. “Not as much as I'm going to like fucking you,” Draco breathed, forcing himself to return his grip in Harry's hair.
Harry pulled away; it took everything he had not to whine at the loss of contact. “And who says I'm going to let you fuck me? Maybe I'll do the fucking, here!”
How could he be so damned arrogant in the middle of this ? God knows, only the Golden Boy could do that .
Thoroughly frustrated, he pulled the brunette back to him with the fist in his hair. “Oh shut up, Potter,” Draco drawled as he shoved his lips against Harry's and began to tug his robes loose. “No more ridiculous talk.”
Having done that, he pulled back and swiftly drew them over Harry's head. As soon as they hit the floor, his own followed. Within seconds, Harry's shirt and pants joined the discarded robes, and he greedily took in the taut muscles, skin shining with sweat. Perhaps the nickname did suit the other boy, as his skin did seem to take on a golden sheen.
Startled out of his reverie by strong, rough hands tugging at his own clothes, Draco looked back up at sparkling green eyes. “I think it's your turn, Malfoy.”
As soon as the pale chest was exposed to him, Harry latched himself onto Draco's left nipple, biting and sucking hard enough to leave slight red marks. Hearing a low groan, Harry's cock jumped, forcing him to adjust the position of his legs to relieve any tension he could.
Distracted by thin white fingers pushing at his head, he unbuttoned Draco's pants, slipped down the zipper, and had them off in record time. The curly, golden-white hairs that greeted him led to a sight that took his breath away.
“Wow,” was all he could manage, mouth dry in anticipation.
Draco barely had time to register that he was now devoid of both pants and shirt before he felt something hot and wet rubbing over him. He managed a strangled cry that trailed off into a breathy moan when Harry engulfed more of him in his hot little mouth.
Fingers snaking into black hair of their own accord, Draco gasped and leaned his head back, startled as cold stone hit his bare skin. As Harry's unskilled tongue ran over him, his hands rubbed the scalp held so brutally in his grasp. “Oh, God. Just like that. Oh, fuck!”
Harry tongued the slit on the head of Draco's cock, alternately rubbing the rough flat of his tongue on the sensitive skin and slipping the tip of his tongue along the slit. He may have been lacking in the experience department, but he very well knew what he liked to do to himself with his hands. It couldn't be that hard to mimic that on Draco with his mouth and, from the sounds the blonde was making, Harry was fairly sure that he was succeeding.
Running his teeth lightly over the surface of Draco's cock, he drew a groan and a shudder from the blonde. As he swallowed around him, testing things, he looked up to see Draco's reactions.
There was no larger reaction than when he tried to talk around the flesh in his mouth, creating a vibrating feeling that seemed to shake the other boy to the bone.
“Oh bullocks! Harry, I'm gonna--Ah!” He hissed out the rest of his breath as he came hard and fast into Harry's mouth. He tried to look down at those hot lips as he exploded, but he just couldn't keep his eyes open. His knees nearly buckled when he felt Harry begin swallowing around him.
Harry, somewhat shocked at the bitter and salty taste, attempted to swallow. Most of what spurted out still managed to drip out of the corner of his mouth, trailing a wet path down his chin.
With one last suck, Harry removed Draco from his mouth and ran his thumb over the trail of cream dripping down his face, almost surprised at his own bravado. “Like that, did you, Draco?”
Neither was sure what brought on the need to call each other by their first names, but the situation seemed to call for it. Harry barely registered the stormy gleam in Draco's eyes before he was pushed to the ground. For a moment, he wasn't sure if the blonde was going to kick him in the stomach, but was relieved when the other kneeled down and wrapped a fist in the elastic of Harry's boxers. Lifting his hips up to help remove them, he groaned as the cotton rubbed against his aching cock.
Vaguely remembering to respond to Harry's bantered question, Draco licked and nipped from Harry's collarbone up to his lips. “Not as much as you're going to enjoy this, Harry.” Seizing his mouth and simultaneously summoning one of the bottles of massage oil, the blonde thickly coated three of his fingers.
The oil instantly began warming up on his skin, and he trailed a glistening path down Harry's body, bypassing his erection completely. A wicked smirk blossomed across his face when he heard the frustrating groan escape the young man beneath him, prompting him to rub his index finger against Harry's ass. He applied a slight pressure and continued to rub, moving the digit in circular motions as it eased inside. “Mmm, feels good, doesn't it, Potter? It'll feel even better in a moment.”
The first finger slipped past the ring of muscle with little resistance; when he rubbed the oil inside and began stroking, Draco inserted another finger. The tight grip that Harry's body had on his fingers made him hiss in delight as he began scissoring his fingers in the scorching heat.
Harry didn't care who was fucking whom at this point, he decided. Those fingers felt too fucking good. He just wanted Draco's body to surround him and engulf him, wanted to feel Draco inside him, rubbing against his insides to make him burn. He nearly choked on his saliva when Draco stretched him even further with a third finger, giving him a delicious burning sensation. `Is he planning to ohhhhh….put his whole uhnnnn...fist in there?'
Harry didn't care if Draco's whole fist ended up in his ass, his body told him when those fingers struck his prostate. “Oh, fuck!” he gasped out, eyes wide. “You can do whatever the hell you want to me, just as long as you hit that spot again!”
Out of the corner of his eye, he swore he saw Draco smirk. He definitely noticed the growing heat against his ankle as the blonde continued to pump him with his fingers. “Oh, I will, Harry. Just…not with my fingers.”
Fucking cocktease.
As he gripped his hardening 8 inch cock in oil coated hands, Draco began to rub. “I am not going to fuck you until you can feel every inch of me, Harry. Do you want that?” Not that he felt the brunette would say `no.' He just wanted to hear him ask for it.
`Oh, of course you do, Potter. You know you can't resist,' he thought to himself as he continued to stroke himself until he was hard again.
It was a wonder to him that Harry liked the dirty talk, but the other boy definitely moaned when he finished speaking. “Oh, God, yes,” he heard as he pulled his fingers out and slammed them back in. “Fuck me, Draco! Just fuck me!”
He didn't even have enough sense left in him to be embarrassed at his outburst. He barely saw Draco grin before the blonde settled himself higher, one hand braced next to his head. The other hand was nowhere to be seen and Harry felt something huge pushing at him. `Is this what it's like to be fucked?' his crazed mind idly wondered.
Squirming to push down on that delectable pressure, Harry wondered why Draco wasn't moving. He tried again, sliding his hips toward what he knew was Draco's cock, but Draco held him still, giving him a reason that - had it been anyone else - would have touched him. “If you do that, I'll end up hurting you.”
Truthfully, he didn't care at this point; he was too lost in the sensations that Draco had built up in him and was greedy for more. The blonde could just shut the hell up and get on with the show. “Just fuck me! Now!”
Having said that, Harry tilted his hips up and pushed against Draco's one-handed grip. He felt the blonde give in slightly and enter him in one excruciatingly slow thrust, still gripping his hip to keep him from impaling himself. He squirmed at the feeling of a stinging fullness. `It's not the most comfortable thing in the world, but it—' his eyes shot open as Draco pulled back and thrust forth.
Body snapping taut in an arch, Harry couldn't help but scream.
Draco bit his bottom lip to keep from just fucking Harry senseless, but god was it hard. He began with slow, shallow thrusts, trying to get the brunette used to having a cock inside him. He was just tilting his hips up a bit when he felt the body beneath him tighten and heard the strangled scream.
He froze immediately, nearly swallowing his tongue in shock and alarm. `Shit. Oh, shit.'
Nothing could have prepared him for what Harry said next. “D-do that again.”
It took a full moment for Draco to comprehend that the other boy wasn't in unbearable pain. “What?”
The muscle around him spasmed and Harry wrapped his legs around Draco's waist. “I said,” he ground out, attempting to impale himself on the unmoving blonde, “`Do that aga—' Oh god .”
Once he'd really understood, Draco spared no time in thrusting into Harry again; there was nothing that could stop him. He pounded into Harry: quick, shallow thrusts and agonizingly slow, deep ones. He couldn't help but look down their bodies and watch, fascinated, as Harry's body swallowed him whole with each thrust of his hips.
“God, Harry. You're so unbelievably tight !”
Harry gasped, writhing on the wooden floor. Draco was filling him so completely that he thought he might explode. This was like nothing he had ever experienced before. “Draco,” he rasped, “ harder .”
When he felt Draco slam into him, his balls slapping Harry's ass, he arched his back and almost forgot to breathe.
Draco grasped Harry's thick cock and began to stroke, long, hard strokes, opposite to his pounding blows into the other's tight hole. “Like that? I'm sure you do.” Sweat beaded on his brow as he braced both hands on either side of Harry's head, dipping his head to latch onto a glistening neck.
That action seemed to set Harry off and he grunted at the brunette began to convulse around him.
“Draco! I..I..Uhhhh!!!” he crowed, coating both boys' stomachs and Draco's fingers with thick cream.
Draco didn't pause in his movements at all, instead giving a few more brutal thrusts into the tightly spasming muscle before emptying himself inside of Harry.
For the time being, he was spent.
Harry stroked Draco's hair as he lay on his chest, pushing all rational thought from his mind. “Well.”
“That's all you have to say? ` Well '?” He almost chuckled at the blonde's indignation, but managed to stifle the sound.
`Hmm…no. That's not, Draco. There's much more that I would have to say.'
Instead of voicing his thoughts, Harry merely grinned. “All I have to say is…Next time, it's your turn.”
Draco smirked back, lifting himself to stare into green eyes.
“And you're so sure there'll be a next time?” Harry didn't miss the apprehension hidden carefully beneath the banter. He almost gave into his rationality, but couldn't bear to deal with it.
“Oh, yes, Malfoy,” he replied. “There will. I can promise you that.” He grinned, narrowing his eyes in challenge.
Professor McGonagall swished through the halls of the castle, intending to go check on the two boys. `Knowing them, they'll have ripped each other to threads by now.' She shook her head, frowning and furrowing her brow. `Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to teach them a lesson by assigning them detention together. I just hope that the room isn't in complete shambles.'
She made her way past a portrait of a small young Indian woman in a yellow dress and waved. “Hello, Lila. How are you this evening?”
The woman smiled, tucking a strand of long black hair behind her ear. “I am good, Professor. And you? Why are you up so late?”
Her mouth formed a thin line, defining the wrinkles on her face. “Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy were engaged in a fight this afternoon. They are oiling the floor as their detention.”
Lila's face registered nothing but vague interest; obviously even the portraits knew of the deeply-held rivalry between the two boys. “Oh, really? I do wonder why Albus likes the floor oiled, though. One would think that it would harm the wood more than help.”
“No, my dear. It won't harm the floor. It actually gives it a nice shine. It's bought in Hogsmeade, you know. A bit of magic to help it along.” She smiled despite the worry creasing her brow.
“Ah. Well, then. It was nice seeing you, Professor!”
McGonagall nodded and sped off toward the room as Lila waved from her frame.
There, awaiting her in the room, were Harry and Draco.
“Oh my goodness!” She gasped, completely in shock. What she saw very nearly made her faint.
They had actually completed their assignment.
Please read and review! Let me know if you liked it!
PS: Look for the sequel, "Dirty Diary"!