Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Winning the Game ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Winning the Game
Author: Snappy Pants
Disclaimer: I own nothing, and that includes these characters. Don't try to sue me. I got nuthin.
Summary: Draco warned Harry that he'd better lose the quidditch game…..in response to challenge posted by hope21108 on aff.net
NOTE: OH my adoring readers, I'm back! M'kay, I don't normally do challenge fics, but this was so perfect that I just couldn't pass it up, SO! And don't worry, more Bloodyplay to come!!!! Enjoy, my lovely readers!!! p.s. sorry about typos, I was in a hurry to post this.
Winning The Game
Harry was in trouble, and he knew it. He didn't know why he'd done this to himself, Draco had told him, had warned him, for Merlin's sake, and still Harry felt the need to push the mold. Harry was a glutton for punishment, there was no other possible explanation.
It had happened the night before, in their ritual pre-game fuck, and the sex was amazing, as usual. How could it not be, they were both so high-strung with adrenaline. At the time Harry had been so caught up in orgasm he almost hadn't heard the threat as Draco curled fingers through his messy hair harder than usual, hissing into his ear from behind
“You're going to lose the game tomorrow, Harry. Lose the game, or you'll only have yourself to blame. Lose the game, baby, or I'm going to make you wish you had.”
Harry had completely forgotten as soon as he'd collapsed into the bed, Draco falling with a light smack on top, and they had both promptly passed out.
And he'd won the game! As he soared over the field, grin stretched across his face and snitch clasped closely in his hand, he thought nothing could bring him down from winning the first Gryffindor -Slytherin game of the year. He landed with a flourish, as he jumped off his broom and the team rushed him for a group hug, almost crushing the seeker under their weight.
Harry had glanced across the field, scanning for Draco. Draco, who was standing at the entrance of the Slytherin locker room, arms across his chest, and a wicked smirk across his face. Suddenly Harry's victory wasn't so sweet as his stomach hit the floor and his eyes went wide.
It all came rushing back- the fingers in his hair, the sweet feeling of orgasm, and the ominous gasps from his lover. Oh shit.
None of the team noticed in their revelry as Harry followed slowly to the locker room, a nervous expression on his face. He showered slowly, and by the time he looked up to turn off the hot spray, the room was empty, the only sound the drip of the water down the drain.
“Didn't you think I was serious?” The quite voice echoed from the dark corner of the showers. Harry's breath caught in his throat as Draco stepped towards him, still in his Slytherin uniform. Harry tried to smile and laugh it off.
“Come on Draco, what are you going to do? I won, fair and square.” His smile faltered as Draco circled behind him.
“Oh, you won the quidditch match alright.” Harry shivered as Draco's breath cooled the water on his neck. “But I'm going to personally,” Draco kissed his neck, “make sure that you lose the game.”
“Game?” Harry's voice shook just a little. “What game?”
“You'll see.” Draco whispered. He spun Harry around, pinning him against the wall. In the heated kiss that followed, Harry started to relax. Well, he thought, if just a little rough sex is all this is, it won't be so bad.
And rough it was. Draco seemed to have no mercy, ruthlessly plundering Harry's mouth, gnawing relentlessly at his lips. Harry smiled to himself- at least it's cold out so no one will as why I'm wearing a turtleneck tomorrow.
As the foreplay drew out, Draco seemed to lose some of his ferocity. The kisses became more tender, the touches more loving, less hurried and more tantalizing. Harry relaxed completely, a smirk on his face as he felt Draco's gentle fingers around his ass, coaxing and well-lubed. Harry counted fingers- one…two…three…He gasped as his prostate was brushed, and suddenly the fingers were withdrawn as Draco spun him around.
Draco reigned kisses on his shoulders as he gently pushed into Harry's stretched body, whispering sweet nothings as he thrust and pulled back, thrust and pulled back, thrust and pulled back, in particular hurry. The two rocked together in blissful peace, smiles on both their faces as they both slowly reached orgasm. They gasped in time with the other as they dropped over the edge together, as Harry spurt on the wall and felt the warm, familiar feeling of Draco's cum inside him.
They collapsed on the wet floor, spooning together for warmth. Harry sighed contentedly, all worries forgotten. He frowned for a moment when he felt Draco disappear, but relaxed once more when he felt him return. Harry's eyebrows shot up to his hairline when he felt Draco's fingers again.
“Ready to go again already, love?” Harry went to turn and face Draco, but a rough hand grasped his shoulder and pushed him back on his side. He frowned a little as Draco's fingers continued to prod, less gentle than before. He winced.
“Draco, be careful, please.” Harry winced again as Draco's fingers continued insistently and relentlessly going deeper, until the knuckles were hitting his prostate. The mix of pain and the joltz of pleasure were starting to drive Harry insane. His body was confused. Did it feel good? OR did it hurt? Was he aroused? OR should he just struggle and try to get away?
“Are you ready for your punishment, Harry?” Dracos' voice was low and threatening by Harry's ear.
“Wh-what are you talking about?” Fear was starting to take over Harry's confused body.
“Remember? I told you, Harry. I told you to lose the game. But you didn't listen, you won the game, and this, baby, this is your punishment.”
Without warning, Harry felt something large and cold and circular shoved up into his body. He let out a strangled yell, taken by surprise and pain despite the previous sex and stretching.
“Dr-“ Harry was panting as the thing started…fluttering? inside him. “Dra-Draco. What's going oh-ah! on?” He squirmed against the cold tile as the thing shifted inside him, hitting against his prostate.
Draco sat back for a minute, smirk across his face as he admired the affect his handiwork was having, before he leaned over and rolled Harry onto his back. Harry yelped as the thing moved again, momentarily resting on his prostate before he shifted his hips. When his eyes had un-crossed, he stared up into Draco's face, bewildered. Draco let out a chuckle, and leaned down to place a kiss on the bridge of Harry's nose.
“Shall I tell you what's going on, then?”
“Yes, please” Harry said breathily. Another laugh from Draco.
“What you have up your lovely ass, my dear Harry, is the very golden snitch that got you into this. But as you will no doubt find out, I've made this particular snitch special. Not only will it keep fluttering until I cast the counter-charm, but I've worked a little something extra into the mix.” Harry shuddered, what more `extra' did he need?! “It will keep fluttering and occasionally brushing against your prostate, but every time you cum, it punishes you for me.” Draco paused, and Harry was afraid to ask, but his partner was silent for so long watching him squirm that Harry cracked and asked.
“H-how will it punish me?” Draco leaned down to whisper in his ear-
“Every time you cum, baby, every time you orgasm, it releases water, shooting it up into your body. You didn't eat breakfast, did you? No, you never do before a game. So your stomach is nice and empty and ready to be filled.” Harry was almost hyperventilating. “But Harry. Harry, there's more.” He whimpered. “As your stomach is filled with this water, it will start to protrude, like after you eat a rather large meal. Now, if by the end of this fantastic punishment your stomach is still flat, I promise to be gentle and take the snitch out and fuck you just like you like it. If not, well, if not we'll play with some of the other toys I lifted from the quidditch pitch.” Harry shuddered again, twisting to look Draco in the face. “Oh, don't worry love, it's just after dinner up in the castle now. Meet be back here, at the same time tomorrow, and we'll see how you did.”
Draco got up and began to dress. Just as he was walking out the door, he looked back over his shoulder and said, “Oh, and Harry? Don't even think about not coming to classes, or I'll send Snape to look for you.” And with that he was gone, leaving Harry to lie panting on the floor.
And that was how Harry had ended up like he was now. The walk back from the locker room had been torturously amazing. The snitch felt so good, nestled up into his body, he felt so full, and walking only made the fluttering more effective. Somehow he had made it back to his dorm, collapsing onto his bed and closing the drapes around him, casting a silencing charm.
He couldn't help it, he knew he shouldn't, but he was so hard from the walk back that he couldn't stop his hands from creeping down his torso, tweaking his nipples and scratching lightly as they traveled down to his weeping cock. It was so good, better than he could have imagined, feeling the snitch hard in his body as he clenched around it and his hand pumped up and down faster and faster.
It didn't take long before he came explosively, sure that the snitch would crack as his body spasmed around it. He had a moment to rest, enjoy the post-orgasmic feel of the endorphins before he felt something cold and wet spurt unto his body and he remembered what Draco had told him. Harry wanted to badly to come again as the snitch resumed its vibrating, but the still-cold water resting in his body was a reminder that for now, it was still a bad idea….