Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ Pay Back ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Won't You Please Stay With Me?
Summary: Before his 40th B-day, Snape must acquire a potential spouse before the Ministry arranges one. Of all the people, he chooses Harry. Everyone seems to think it's a great idea, except Harry. Can Snape woo Harry's love before it's too late? SSHP Slash later.
Disclaimer: I am not the author of the Harry Potter series.
A/N: Since I got my seven reviews, I will keep my part of the bargain. Here is the next chapter!
Chapter Six: “Pay Back”
Harry threw the door open and hastily walked towards the potions professor sitting behind his desk. Even as Harry slammed his hands on his desk and slightly hovered over the papers on the desk, the man did not give the slightest inkling of intimidation. Harry cleared his throat in order to gain the man's attention, yet Snape continued to go about his work until Harry said, “What are you playing at?”
Snape lowered his quill and looked up at Harry, “Whatever makes you so sure I'm playing at anything?”
“I don't think I can accept the clothes, sir.”
“And why is that?”
“I don't want you spending your money on me. I have plenty myself. If I need anything, then I'll get it myself.”
“Since when has this turned into a money issue? If I want to buy you something, then I will do so of my own free will.”
“Why would you do that? It's not like you are my dad or anything.”
Snape smirked at the comment, “Do I need a reason? Do you fancy me so inhumane that I can't just want to?”
Harry's fingers tapped against the wooden desk. “I'd rather you not spend you money on me.”
Snape folded his hands together and leaned forwards. There was distinctly something troubling Harry. Snape could see it molding Harry's face. Perhaps guilt? Why should Snape have bought Harry anything if Harry continued to act like a little, arrogant twerp? Was that what was plaguing Harry's mind? Would it keep him up at night? Would it keep him from looking at another in a suggestive way? Would it make Harry regret ever hurting Snape? Thought that may sound a little extreme, a man can dream. “If you do not feel comfortable accepting my gifts, then you can pay me back,” there. Argument solved.
Harry gapped. There were at least five pairs of jeans, six different shirts, two pairs of shoes, and three different jackets that Snape purchased for Harry. It would cost Harry a fortune to pay all that back. Harry opened his mouth several times like a fish to say something but no words came out. “Can't you just… return them?”
“Nope. Destroyed the recite,” Snape grinned, “I guess they're here to stay.” Snape then stood up and folded his hands behind his back. Harry watched the man like he was a lion circling his prey as he slowly came around the desk. “So, my golden boy, how will you pay me back?”
Harry was leaning against the desk with Snape not three feet from him. The man was overshadowing Harry, causing the boy to shutter with trepidation. Placing one hand on the desk, Snape gently whispered, “I like where this is going. For once I have you at the receiving end of anxiety,” Harry eyes closed once Snape's wand suddenly traced his neck. When did he pull it out? “Let me assure you though, I would never cease to think about inflicting harm upon you.”
Harry peaked at Snape through one eye as he felt the wand leaving his neck. “You will help me with potions during your free time. If anyone asks, you will simply reply that you are being tutored. If for any reason you are unable to show up, then you will inform me. If it is a detention, inform the teacher that you are already serving detention with me.”
At this point in time, Harry was wondering why he just didn't shut up and accept the gifts like a normal person. “Yes, sir.”
The corner of Snape's lip curved ever so slightly, “I like that,” Snape then moved his hand against Harry's back for just a few moments. Harry felt chills racing up and down his spine for a little more than a few seconds before he felt Snape's hand leave him. “You shall meet me here two hours prior to dinner. Now get out,” Snape ordered.
Harry fled from the dungeons and quickly went about looking for Ron and Hermione.

The two were in the courtyard sitting on a bench. Almost all the trees were baron and there was a cold breeze turning the cheeks of the students red. Hermione and Ron had their scarves almost covering their entire faces. Winter was just around the corner. “Why are you two out here? It's freezing!”
“Ron wanted a bit of fresh air,” said Hermione as she crossed her legs and arms.
“It was too crowded inside. Anyways, there aren't that many students out here,” said Ron as he pulled out his potions paper. “My mum sent me another howler. I listened to it out here so that not many others could hear it. She's raging mad. If she could, I bet she'd take off my head.”
Harry turned around for a moment while he reminisced about his potions paper. It was the best ever. There was a large cursive `A' and beneath that a little sarcastic note that only Snape would write:
For once you finally wrote a paper worth my time.
Harry had placed that paper in his trunk right after he read through it. There were hardly any marks on it and that made Harry feel like he had accomplished quite a goal. Just as Harry was feeling a little jittery, Hermione's voice snapped him out of his trance, “Harry, perhaps we should go back inside. Classes are about to start again pretty soon.”
Ron was the first to go on ahead. His head dragged low and his feet scraped the ground. “What's bugging him?”
“Ron's mum is furious with him,” Hermione explained as she grabbed Harry's arm and led them towards their next class. “But she did congratulate you on getting a high grade.”
As soon as they took their seats, their history professor walked in with a book the size of an encyclopedia under one arm while his other hand carried his coffee cup. Once he took his place behind the podium, he began, “Open your books to page one three two.”
Harry did so and then heard Hermione squeak. “The Salem Witch Trials,” said the professor, “Unlike in your pervious years, we will get further into dept about the truth and fraud behind these trials.”
Harry and Ron exchanged miserable looks as Hermione quickly fetched for her notebook and quill. “I reread this chapter at least three times over the summer,” said Hermione, “It's so fascinating! You guys will love it!”
Sure. Maybe the boys would've loved it if the teacher didn't seem so unenthusiastic about his subject. The man spoke with such a dull and quite voice that the boys had tuned out three minutes into the lecture. They'll just bother Hermione later for the notes.
By the end of class, the professor had already assigned a paper that will be due a week from today about those people sentenced as witches and for homework they were to do the review at the end of the section. By the end of the day, Harry didn't want to even think about meeting up with Snape as he tossed his bag onto the floor. Once it made it's loud thump, Hermione looked over at Harry very carefully. As her scrutiny, she asked, “What's bothering you?”
“I'm suppose to meet up with Snape.”
“Then go. What's stopping you?”
“Work. I have enough as it is.”
“Well, you don't have a class in the morning,” Hermione pointed out.
Harry tossed a few books onto the table, threw his bag over his shoulder, and then left the dormitory. Moment later, he found himself in the middle of the hallway with Draco Malfoy walking straight towards him. For once the boy was alone. As Malfoy approach, he hitched his chin up and then said, “Where're you going, Potter? To meet up with Snape?” then in a sarcastic tone, he continued, “Oh Snape-y-pooh! I'm here darling!” Draco then puckered up his lips and made kissing sounds before he laughed and continued to walk down the hall.
Harry was just about ready to send a hex Malfoy's way. He had his hand wrapped around his wand and everything, but before he could manage to pull out the utensil, Snape appeared from around the corner. Perfect timing. “Evening,” said Snape as he stood straight and motioned for Harry to follow him, “Tonight you will assist me in making a creamy skin coloured potion.”
“What is it used for, sir?” Harry inquired.
“When unfriendly hexes are sent your way, unless you are queer like that, most people prefer their natural skin tone.”
“A heads up for the mischievous boy,” said Snape as he looked over his shoulder at Harry, “This potion we will be making is complicated in not just the ingredients, but in the decisiveness. The slightest miscalculation will adulterate the potion, leaving us with a just a pot of boiling goo.”
Hehe… Snape said goo. Harry had to cover his mouth with his hand to prevent an anticipated laugh from erupting.
As soon as they entered the dungeons, Snape summoned over a small cauldron and several bottles of creamy coloured substances along with a ladle. Snape carefully measured and poured in a cup of this platinum white base before he flipped open a potions book to a certain page where a black cauldron with a peachy liquid was illustrated. “Hand me the green bottle,” Snape said as he held out his hand.
Harry had this strong urge to hand Snape a bottle of ink, but resisted the temptation as he handed Snape the exact bottle that he needed. He was sure that Snape would scrutinize the bottle before he used the interior substances anyways. Merlin knows what pranks a Potter would pull on Snape. Snape carefully measured the liquid before he poured two tea spoons which didn't do much to the platinum base colour. “The black bottle if you please,” Snape placed the green bottle to the side, and Harry handed him the other bottle. Maybe is he can get Snape to place enough trust in him, then Harry can pull off some harmless joke before the night is over. The black bottle contained this off brown liquid that turned the platinum base colour into a gentle off white. “Can you drink that?” asked Harry.
“Not just yet. Why? Interested in being the potion professor's guinea pig?”
Harry shook his head vigorously.
“Didn't think so,” said Snape as he reached for a red bottle.
Nearly five minutes later, Snape had the cauldron shimmering over a low heat flame. He was watching the clock very carefully as he slowly stirred the liquid until it acquired a chestnut tone. “Now, I need you to stir this for me, boy,” said Snape has he handed Harry the ladle, “And stir it slowly. Any sudden movements and something will come splattering out at you.”
Harry gulped as he desperately tried to keep his hand moving in a slow circular motion. As Harry did his part, he occasionally would watch Snape as the man mixed several other ingredients together in a glass tube. The man seemed occupied enough. Surely he wouldn't notice Harry as the boy reached for the metallic bottle resting awfully close to the cauldron. With one hand, Harry skillfully managed to get the top to pop open soundlessly. He then dripped a single droplet onto an additional spoon by the cauldron, then brought it close to the rim. He then jerked the spoon so that the liquid jumped into the cauldron without so much as distracting Snape. Slightly chuckling, Harry continued to mix while feigning innocence.
However, before Harry could even begin practicing his innocent glance, the cauldron began boiling like crazy. Harry impulsively released the ladle and stepped back. Snape quickly set down what he was doing and rushed over. Just as he looked over the cauldron, a big cloud of smoke burst out of the cauldron covered Snape's face. Harry covered his mouth and mumbled a curse word as Snape back away with his eyes closed. “If you weren't my fiancé, I would hang you for this,” Snape slowly opened his eyes and Harry gasped as the man looked dead at him with his now golden irises. They actually weren't that bad looking on the man. But did they ever stick out. Snape blinked a few times, then asked, “Please don't tell me that they are peachy.”
“They're gold.”
Snape huffed. Better than peach. “I think you've done enough for tonight,” Snape looked over at the cauldron and shook his head disappointingly, “For future reference, I will select my potions wisely before I call you in to assist in brewing them.”
Harry chuckled a bit as Snape pointed to the doors and said, “Out.”
Harry walked off trying to hold back his chuckles, but as he closed the doors, he could've sworn he heard the professor say, “Good night.”
By the next morning, Harry could hear students in the halls whispering about a particular, snarky man with golden eyes. Harry grinned a bit as he approached his first class; potions. Snape was already seated at his desk waiting patiently as the students filed in whispering nothing more than a few quick words as they took their seats. Snape tried to keep his eyes glued to the desk, but he knew that at some point, he was going to have to look up.
Once everyone was in their seats, Snape stood up but fixed his eyes on the ground. After he took front center, Snape looked up at the students and was nearly startled when everyone gasped and leaned back in their seats. Just ignore it, and maybe it'll get old. “Turn to page twenty six,” said the man as he summoned his book to his hand, “before I have you stir up an antidote for spider's venom, we will first learn about the spiders and the fatality of their venom,” Snape's eyes glanced over in Ron's direction before he smirked and pulled back a curtain hanging over a glass container, “This is just one of the many spiders we will be working with,” behind the curtains was a brown recluse spider. Though not that big in its natural environment, McGonagall enlarged the spider until it reached the mass of an average sized dog. The spider shifted around when the light hit it and tried to withdraw. Its two front legs pressed against the glass and it pushed. “Take extra care if you are to be assigned to this spider. The bite is often painless and will go unnoticed until several hours later when you have a suspicious looking sore enflaming your skin.”
Snape then uncovered the next box and Ron nearly fainted as the Funnel-web Spider arched its back and extended its legs, “The Sydney Funnel-web is one of the world's most deadly spiders. Both the male and female carry atraxotoxin, one of the world's most dangerous toxins. Don't be afraid of these spiders. I will assure you that they will be in their normal size by tomorrow,” Snape then recovered the boxes, “Among these two, I will also throw in the famous black widow.”
Harry could feel Ron grabbing onto his arm. His hand shook madly as Ron tried not to whimper.
“Are there any questions?” Snape looked around the classroom, “And no, arachnophobia will not excuse you from tomorrow's task.”
As Snape's eyes wondered about the classroom, he had half hoped that most of the students were clenching onto their desks as if the spider would free itself of their confinements any moment now and reign terror among the defenseless students. However, most of them were just sitting there awe stricken; gazing into Snape's eyes as he scrutinized the classroom. Maybe if he let the brown recluse spider loose, then they would have something to keep their eyes on. Snape grinned. Yes, how about locking the students in a room with a spider on the loose? Some of them freak out as it is when encountering a spider the size of a coin.
Snape then noticed that some of the students were imitating his eyes. Snape raised a brow skeptically and so did several among the many students. He then narrowed his eyes and still some continued to mimic him. Snape blinked and so did the majority of the class. Frowning, Snape quickly glared over in Harry's direction. The boy kept his eyes glued to the text for once as Snape sent death glares in his direction. He will have to summon Harry tonight to get the boy to whip up a batch of eye drops that will reverse the golden eye effect. It was barely the first class and already Snape was getting too much unwanted attention. “Continue reading your text books while I hand back your latest potion grade.”
“His eyes,” said Ron, “they're wicked…”
“I think they suit him,” Harry chuckled. Truth be told, the golden eyes contributed to the characteristics of a werewolf. Oh, if only Lupin could see Snape now.
“What did you do?” asked Cho.
“There was a little accident,” Harry grinned as Snape came around with their grades. Harry ducted low as Snape passed him by whispering the word, “I'll get you for this later,” as he did.
As soon as dinner ended, Harry left the Great Hall alone for once because Ron and Hermione needed to confirm something with a Hufflepuff. Something about a paper for some class.
As Harry walked along the halls slowly, his hand barely grazing the rough walls, someone's hand firmly grasped a hold of his shoulders and forced him to turn around. Harry already had an idea of whom it was, and was not the happiest of people when his guess proved right. “Professor,” Harry acknowledged.
Snape's golden irises captured Harry's gaze for more than a second before Harry blinked. “Come with me,” Snape instructed as he turned around sharply to lead the way.
In the dungeons, Snape handed Harry only the substances and chemicals he would need in order to complete the potion. However, still hesitant of leaving Harry in charge of a potion, Snape promised to award Harry twenty points if he successfully mixed the potion. Right away, Harry got to work and didn't have the slightest little temptation to dump the bottle of the sample cologne he had in his pocket into the cauldron. Though that would've made Harry's day.
Nearly five minutes later, Harry approached Snape, who was busy stirring what looked like a far more complicated potion, with the potion in a little tube. Snape carefully inspected the tube before he checked for other signs that the potion wasn't adulterated. Snape then looked at Harry for any signs of an intentional prank before he reached for a pipette. “If this potion blinds me, I swear on your father's grave that I not arrest any action that will make you pay for the serious damage the potion will have caused me.”
“And if it works?”
“Then I will reward you your twenty points.”
Of course. The consequences are always weighed more heavily.
Snape sucked up some liquid into the pipette and brought it over his left eye. He gently squeezed the enlarged end and blinked a few times after the liquid watered over his eye. Snape then looked at Harry and then said, “Well?”
Harry watched closely as the liquid swirled with the colour of the golden iris before it turned a solid, glistering black. “It worked. Your eye is black again.”
Snape brought the pipette over his right eye and proceeded watering down the eye with the liquid. As before, the liquid swirled around with the gold and black took its place. “They're as black as ever,” Harry admitted.
“Good. Now, you can continue mixing that potion I was stirring.”
Placing his hand on Harry's back, Snape guided Harry over to the large cauldron and brought the large ladle over to him. “This potion replaces burned or melted skin. That is why it is so thick.”
Harry immediately tried to stir it, but several minutes after Snape left Harry's side, the boy found it incredibly difficult to put forth any more effort. He stopped mixing and groaned as his arm muscles throbbed from the strain. “Put your back into it, boy,” Snape ordered from across the room.
Harry tried, but his muscles protested. Seeking a break, Harry allowed his arms to drop to the side, only to be grasped by a pair of large hands and led back to the ladle. Harry's body tensed up at Snape gently smoothed his hands over Harry's arm as he fixed Harry's fists around the neck of the ladle. Only a moment later, Snape withdrew his hands and stepped away from Harry. “The potion will not mix itself, and there are people who need this.”
Harry desperately tried to make the ladle at least make one full lap around the cauldron, but failed miserably allowed his hands to drop once again. Then, there is was again. The foreign touch that graced Harry's arms as it guided him back to the ladle. Then there was this sense of hesitation Harry felt from the pair of hands as they grazed the back sides of his hand. Harry could sense temptation that might have been too good to pass up as Snape's fingers debated amongst themselves as to whether they should or shouldn't intertwine with Harry's fingers. Harry wasn't sure when it happened, but slowly the hands withdrew themselves after they at least had a good feel of the back side of Harry's hand. Harry once again tried to put effort into mixing the potion, but his muscles just gave out on him as they did before. Harry felt inclined to ask for assistance, but in what? Snape, can we mix the pot together? My arms are tired. Or, how about something like this: Can you help me mix the pot? I'm tired. It was almost as if Harry was looking for a reason to feel Snape's unique touch.
Harry just had to look back. That's all it took before he heard Snape whisper, “Put some effort into what you are doing,” and this time, Snape's hands came back with a renewed confidence as they intertwined with Harry's fingers without trepidation. Harry bit his lower lip as he felt the warmth emitted from Snape's body against his back side.
With Snape's strength cooping with his, Harry was able to make the ladle lap about the cauldron several times with ease. “See? This isn't so hard,” Snape hadn't even realized that he had taken half a step forwards until he could feel Harry's robes brushing against his. Suddenly, an intimate sensation overwhelmed Snape as he basked in Harry's warmth and realized that the space he was sharing, he was sharing with Harry. His Harry. Once this full registered with the man, it was enough to make his breathing uneasy. Snape took in long and deep breaths before he exhaled them slowly; yet, no matter how deep he breathed in, he felt like he wasn't getting enough air. He would surely suffocate if he remained this close to Harry for much longer. “Don't stop,” Harry whispered impulsively once he felt Snape's muscles relax, making the ladle once again difficult to move.
“I'm afraid, my boy, that you're done more than enough for tonight,” Snape reluctantly withdrew himself from Harry; memorizing the feeling of his skin as it nearly peeled itself from Harry's soft and smooth skin. It truly felt intimate to the man who for so long has only known solitude and the cold air that has swathed itself around him.
Snape retreated to the other side of the room where he finally regulated his breathing and composure. It was far too early in the relationship to be thinking about anything more with Harry then a stable friendship.
“Professor?” Harry watched with bewilderment as the man kept his distance.
“Twenty five points to Gryffindor,” Snape said, “Now, get.”
Harry was out of the dungeons faster than ever before. He managed to sneak into the dormitory without attracting much attention at all. Within minutes Harry was changed into his nightwear and was resting soundly in bed. It wasn't long before he began contemplating the new and different events that had all happened within the last hour or so. But, since Harry was giving it some thought, maybe something will eventually happen. Perhaps they will be together. Not now. Not tomorrow. But slowly and surely.
A/N: Check profile for any news… if any. PLEASE REVIEW, and I will have the next chapter up soon.