Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ Under the Rain ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Won't You Please Stay With Me?
IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE FOR ALL THOSE WITH QUESTIONS: Ok, I understand that a lot of you are wondering why everyone must be married by the age of forty? Why doesn't Harry put up a good fight? Why no one seems to think the marriage is a mistake? What are Snape's true feelings regarding Harry? Why the ghost in the last chapter had a cup of coffee (I have always wanted to see him hold one. That's all.) Why does Snape call Harry “boy”? I WILL EXPLAIN ALL THAT GRADULLY! For now, I am just having fun writing about Snape and Harry. Maybe in about five chapters or so, I will have one chapter that will answer everything. For now, just enjoy reading my fic and let me worry about everything. If you have any other questions that you would like to be answer, just say so in the review, and somehow I will answer it.
Disclaimer: No, I am not the author of the Harry Potter series.
Chapter 7: “Under the Rain”
Harry laid across the table with his head resting on his crossed arms. His legs were swinging in the air a little as he watched Snape measuring funny coloured substances. After about five minutes or so, Snape finally looked up and said, “If you have nothing better to do, then start on your homework.”
“I finished my homework, sir.”
“That's a change,” Snape said gently as he tried to measure the right about of ingredients.
Now seemed like a perfect time to engage Snape in a conversation. Harry just had to brainstorm a topic that would catch Snape's interest. With a bit of hesitation, Harry asked, “Why me?” Perfect topic.
“Why you what? Be specific.”
“Why did you choose me to be your fiancé? You could've chosen anyone else.”
Snape set his ingredients down and smirked. “That bored?”
Harry nodded. “So? Are you going to answer my question?”
“I'm far to busy at the moment to sit down with you and talk about things that frankly aren't very important at the moment.”
“You have all night, Snape.”
Snape set the potion to the side and checked the clock, “Afraid that isn't so.”
“Why? You never want to talk to me about anything. I'm in the dark. I want to know why all this is suddenly happening. Just a few months ago, I thought you were the last person on earth, besides Voldemort, who would ask for my hand. And now suddenly I'm engaged to you!”
“I've been called tonight. I have a little less than an hour before I must leave.”
Harry took in a deep breath. There was no compromising with the man, “You know, say we do get married,” Harry felt strange saying that, “What would happen if Voldemort suddenly discovers that you are a spy?”
“Instant death,” Snape said as he sorted the bottles of ingredients in the cupboard, “You think the Dark Lord would be so kind as to allow me to say my goodbyes?”
“So then I would be left all alone?”
Snape motioned for Harry to follow him out of the dungeons, “When we are married,” Snape promised, “I will do everything in my power to protect you. Even if it means giving my life,” Snape whispered before he ascended the stairs.
Harry was baffled for a moment; allowing the words to register and to note that Snape had actually told him something like that, “Wait! No you wouldn't!”
“If the Dark Lord kills me, then he kills me.”
“And that would be it?”
Snape remained silent as he passed a group of students. Once out of hearing range he said softly, “Yes, if that was to happen. Why? Are you devastated at the thought?”
“No… yes… wait…,” there really wasn't a single word answer Harry could give Snape without the man interpreting it wrong. “I wouldn't want you to sacrifice you life for me.”
“It wouldn't necessarily be sacrificing my life for you. If I am discovered, I will be killed regardless. Now, if I was the only thing standing between you and the Dark Lord, then I would do everything in my power to protect you. Ultimately, that would mean giving my life for you.”
Harry didn't have anything to say to that. He just stood there and waited for Snape to mumble the password before the couple disappeared into Snape's quarters. Harry sat on the couch while Snape went into his bedroom. “How will you get there?” Harry asked once Snape emerged with his black cloak and mask.
“A secret tunnel in the castle will take me out into the forest. From there, I will apparat.”
“When will you be back?”
“In a day for two if I am lucky.”
“What does Voldemort need you for?”
“The war. I will do my part in the fighting and prove my loyalty to him.”
“You are going to fight and kill others?”
Snape decided he'd rather forestall his answer and pretend to have not heard the question. He slipped his mask on over his face and turned to look at Harry.
“What if you are hurt?” Harry asked.
“I will be back,” Snape wanted more than anything at the moment to just hold Harry. Even if it was for a split second, but decided to respect the teens space and instead took a few steps away.
Harry reminded seated on the couch and waited for Snape to say something more. Maybe he should bid the man farewell, and wish for his safety. Maybe he should hug Snape before he leaves and tell him to come back sooner. Or maybe, he shouldn't let Snape leave at all.
Yet, despite what Harry was considering, he did not move an inch from where he sat, “Be safe,” Snape said, “And please try not to do anything reckless while I am away.”
Harry nodded and Snape disappeared behind this wall with a trapdoor.
Now Harry wished that he could have at least wished for Snape's wellbeing.
“You haven't touched your food, Harry,” said Hermione with concern, “What's bothering you?”
Harry mixed his porridge around languidly. Once he dropped the spoon, he just shrugged and looked over at the head table. Though he tried to convince himself that he wasn't looking for anyone particular, it was like his eyes intuitionally sought something that wasn't there. They settled right in the area where Snape usually sat and Harry tried his best not to make it look obviously who he was seeking out. Hermione of course wasn't stupid. She knew exactly what was bothering Harry now. “Was he called?” she whispered furtively.
Harry looked at Hermione and raised his brow. “Who are you talking about?” Harry said.
“You're not fooling me.”
“I don't know what you are on about.”
“'Course you do. Professor Snape isn't here.”
Harry tilted his head, “He isn't?”
Ron nudged Harry with his elbow, “You're the worst faker in the world.”
“Shut up.”
When breakfast was over, Harry was had a head start down the aisle of the hall and then Malfoy had to exit on the same side. Harry moved over as Malfoy and his gang of thugs came down, but somehow, Malfoy still managed to get Goyle to ram his arm into Harry. Harry winced and pulled away. He massaged his arm and pulled out his wand, “Stop Harry!” Hermione literally plucked the wand out of Harry's hand, “It's not worth it.”
Harry shoved his hands in his pockets and frowned at Hermione. “Come along or you'll be late for class.”
But Harry didn't feel like learning today. He felt more lethargic and uninterested in the subjects than he did on regular bases. At least he would take notes and was determined to keep his eyelids from closing. Today he just let everything take over him. He slumped down and cuddled his head in his arms as he made himself comfortable on the desk. It wasn't like the history teacher would notice.
However, when Defense Against the Dark Arts came around, he actually had to put some effort into getting the spells right. He held the wand weakly, and flipped his limp wrist. Not much magic was expelled but a little poof. A couple of his classmates noticed his impassive attitude towards one of this favourite classes and began to worry. What was bothering Harry?
Once potions came around, Harry felt like skipping the class altogether. He would just make it up when Snape came back right? (Oh, there I go again… that's like the fifth time today!) Harry shook his head to try to get his thoughts settled back on things a “normal” teenage boy would be thinking about minus the salacious interest.
It was just Harry's luck that he ran into Dumbledore. “Professor Dumbledore,” Harry stood up straight.
“Relax, Harry. You're not a soldier,” Dumbledore smiled then inquired, “Why aren't you in class?” Harry didn't know what to say. He was at lost for words as he tried to brainstorm something genius. “What class do you have now?”
“Potions…,” Harry replied quickly.
“Oh,” Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. Perhaps Harry decided no to go to class because his teacher wasn't going to be there. “There is a substitute there Harry, and I'm sure Professor Snape had left an assignment for his students.”
“Yes, but I can just make it up when he returns.”
“Which should be in a day or two no doubt,” Dumbledore gently placed his hand on Harry's shoulder and led him to his office, “Let's have some tea; shall we?”
Yes. Harry would like some tea right about now.
In Dumbledore's office, he summoned a kettle and two cups along with cream and sugar. “Since you are here, Harry, I believe we have some issues to discuss.”
Harry nodded as he poured himself some tea.
“Mainly regarding Professor Snape.”
Harry plopped in a few more sugar cubes than he intended, but nodded nonetheless.
“Harry, I'm sure Professor Snape has made you aware of why he chose you to be his husband─”
“Actually, he hasn't.”
Dumbledore frowned and looked at Harry's skeptically. “Surely he has,” Dumbledore sat back and crossed his arms in disbelief.
“No,” Harry shook his head.
“Well, I am not the one to tell you why, Harry. That is up to Professor Snape.”
Harry felt like throwing a sugar cube at Dumbledore's twinkling eye.
“Anyways, are you familiar with the new law the Ministry has passed?”
“I've heard rumours.”
“But not the facts and that is what matters. To summon it up in a few short words, every witch and wizard must be married before they turn forty.”
“Why? And what if you are over forty and not married?”
“Voldemort is slaughtering witches and wizards by the masses. The Ministry is afraid that if he keeps it up, there won't be many witches and wizards left to produce a new generation since most of the victims are between the ages of twenty and forty. Voldemort doesn't care to kill the older folks much because not many of them can fend for themselves anyways, with few exceptions of course. He fears power rising in the youth, such as yourself. It is better if a couple have a baby in their forties than in their fifties. If you are however in your fifties, than the chances of you having a baby are very possible, only the baby may not be very healthy. The law doesn't apply to those over the age of fifty anyways.”
Harry shifted uncomfortably in his chair, “So, the main purpose of my engagement to Snape is for reproduction purposes?”
“You are Voldemort's main target, Harry. We feel that you are no longer safe staying with the Dursley's, but with Professor Snape. You can trust him Harry. He will lay down his life for you.”
Harry felt uncomfortable discussing such a topic with the headmaster, but tried not to flinch. “Is that why I am being married off to Snape? You mean it has absolutely nothing to do with love?” Harry felt his contumacious characteristics dying to take over him again. So there really was nothing behind the mask. Snape was just being Snape with a slight twist. He never felt anything for Harry and Merlin knows the man is practically incapable of feeling love for him ever. “It's all give and take on this one. I produce children, and he gives me protection,” Harry seethed while he felt indignant about the whole “set up”.
“I'm afraid there has been a slight misunderstanding, Harry, but that you have to take up with Professor Snape. You are dismissed.”
Harry was out of there before he could even finish his tea.
Two days later, and Harry was sitting crossed legged in front of the hearth, sighing. Hermione had just finished her homework for the weekend and Ron was busy sampling some of the newest treats from his brothers' shop. There weren't many other Gryffindors in the common room until a bunch more suddenly burst in drenched with huge smiles on their faces. “You guys will never believe this!” said Dean.
“What?” asked Ron lazily.
“We were outside playing in the rain, and suddenly, this one Ravenclaw girl cast this charm so that the rain falling on us was warm instead of cold!”
Ron looked baffled. “That's bloody brilliant!”
“And now the Ravenclaw house wants to play a game with us.”
“What sort of game?” Hermione asked, “Nothing like Spin the Butterbeer, right?”
“No. Just this traditional Muggle game called hide-and-seek.”
“In the rain? Are you mad?” Harry asked.
“The rain's warm.”
“The mud's fresh!”
“Let's go!” the room exclaimed.
Once outside, one Ravenclaw girl explained the rules to those who have never played the game. “One person, the seeker, will count to twenty and in the mean time everyone else will run and hide. No one is allowed to go into the Forbidden Forest! No one can hide in the castle! Once the seeker has left her post, then she will try to find everyone else. You have to try and run back into this `safe zone,'” the girl pointed to a circle she drew on the ground with chalk and with a little magic, made it stay until the game was completely over, “if you make it into the circle, you are safe, the first person caught by the seeker is it!”
Someone pushed Neville outside the group and the Ravenclaw girl said, “Ok, Longbottom is it!” She pulled him over to a tree, had him close his eyes, and said, “When I say go, you will count to twenty.”
She then turned to everyone else and signaled for them to start finding someplace to hide. “Go!”
She ran off, and Neville began to count.
Ron, Harry, and Hermione all ran off together as far as they could and still be in the game boundary.
Once they found their hiding place, they noticed that there were a lot of other students hiding close to where they were hiding as well. “The rain feels nice,” said Ron as he relaxed against the large tree, “It's almost like we're taking a shower.”
Harry nodded as tilted his face up to face the sky.
Hermione grimaced. Her legs up until her knees were covered in mud, “This is so gross.”
“Are you kidding me?!” said Ron, “It's great! I can feel the mud in my shoes and the warm rain on my skin!”
In the distance, the trio could see Neville approaching. “Hurry,” Hermione whispered, “we need to get back to the safe zone before we're it.”
But just as they were leaving their hiding spot, Neville spotted Hermione and began to run after her. Ron tried to distract Neville, and Harry ran off in a completely different direction.
It wasn't until he was sure he was far enough did he finally slow down to take a break. He looked behind and when he didn't see anyone, he began to wonder if he had gone off too far. Harry shrugged it off. He was still in school boundaries. It wasn't like he had gone into the Forbidden Forest.
However, once Harry found a decent tree to relax against, he heard a branch snap. Harry's head shot up and his breathing became even more uneven than before. He furtively tried to look behind the tree but didn't see anyone. He pushed himself off the tree and as he heart raced with trepidation, he wondered if it was just some animal or Neville. Once Harry looked around the tree, he finally spotted the source. It was someone dressed in black ceremonial robes. Harry's heart nearly skipped a beat as the figure slowly turned around to face him.
Not waiting to figure out who it was, Harry ran from his spot as fast as he could with the mud around him. He wanted to run in the direction of the safe, but had no idea at the moment where it was. He had lost all sense of direction as he ran aimlessly away from the black figure.
Finally Harry came to rest against another tree. Though Harry needed air badly, he tried to control his unsteady breathing, hoping that whoever saw him had lost him. Harry's fingers fastened themselves to the bark as Harry tried to regain his breath, but then he heard the noise again. It was almost as if he was playing hide-and-seek with someone else. “Go away…,” Harry whispered.
Just then, something had appeared before Harry. Harry gasped when he recognized the mask of the Death Eaters, and was spontaneously reached for his wand when a hand stopped him, “Foolish boy,” said the gentle voice, “It's only me.”
Harry parted his lips and was about to speak, but didn't. Snape allowed his mask to fall into the mud and released Harry's hand. “Snape….”
“I told you I would be back in a day or two.”
Harry nodded vigorously; keeping his eyes glued to Snape's, hoping that the man would continue to look him only in the eyes and not to allow his eyes to wonder down his body, where the rain had made his clothes drenched and see-through. All Harry was wearing was his pants and white formal shit with a tie. There was nothing but his arms to cover himself.
Snape soon reached out with his right hand. Harry tried to back away from the oncoming contact, but found it futile once Snape's hand gently caressed his cheek. “Though you may find this a little unsettling coming from me, I've missed you, Potter,” it felt nice to say Harry's sir name. He would have to abstain from calling Harry by his given name though.
Harry gasped a little as his breathing hitched. Snape had taken a step close and his fingers had woven themselves through Harry's hair behind his head. Snape's hand brought Harry's forward to meet Snape half way as Snape's over hand wrapped around Harry's waist. Harry's head now rested in the crook of Snape's neck as the man gently held Harry for a few moments. “I've missed you… my boy.” The tone Snape used when whispering that last word was so carefully spoken that Harry could've easily believed Snape was using the word `boy' as a substitution for `love.' Harry's breathing became heavy and he found himself nearly panting against Snape's chest. His chest rose and fell against the older wizards and it felt bizarrely exhilarating.
Nearly thirty minutes later Harry found himself back in Snape's quarters. The man had proposed that Harry have a shower to freshen up while he collects fresh clothes for Harry. Of course Harry refused, but after a bit of a debate, Harry's efforts only led him into the washroom. Harry was now washing himself in the shower hoping that there wasn't any sort of filming equipment in the room.
Snape had already collected Harry's clothes and had left them for him by the door on a little desk. Now he was preparing some tea. His legs ached and his head was pounding. As soon as Harry leaves, Snape just wanted to curl up in bed.
Once Harry got out of the washroom, he found Snape sitting on the couch with a cup of tea. “You are welcomed to help yourself to some tea, but please leave as soon as you are done.”
“I actually was wondering if I could make up the latest two potion assignment.”
Snape rolled his head back so it was resting against the couch, “What do you mean make them up?”
“I kind of skipped the last two potion classes.”
Snape groaned and glared at Harry, “What possessed you to do that?”
(You weren't there.) Harry thought to himself. “I didn't understand it.”
“What wasn't there to understand? All I asked was for my students to read ahead in the chapter and write outlines for the next two sections. There was no reason for you to skip the class.”
Harry narrowed his eyes. If there was one thing he hated, it was written work.
“Two points from Gryffindor,” Snape said nonchalantly while he finished his tea.
“You were not ill. You were not seriously injured. You skipped because I wasn't there,” Snape smirked then stood up, “It's nice to know that you won't sit in another potions class without my guidance, but you still broke a school rule.”
“Why are you always looking for ways to get at everyone outside your house?”
“Because I want Slytherin to win the house cup. What more of a reason is there besides pride and proving that you are better than the other houses while you are here?”
“I… I don't know.”
“It's a trick question, Potter,” Snape placed his hand softly on Harry's shoulder and led him towards the door, “I usually wouldn't mind your company, but I'm far more than exhausted and would like nothing more than some rest. So, out you go,” Snape opened the door and slightly pushed Harry out, “Good day, Mr. Potter, and as I've said before, please keep out of trouble.”
Harry had just barely waved before Snape closed the door on him.
A/N: This chapter I crammed in before the intended chapter seven. So this should really be like chapter 6.5, but it does answer some questions I guess. Things are going to slightly change from this point on. I think I've spent a fair decent amount of time giving Snape a difficult time with Harry.