Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Won't You Please Stay With Me?
A/N: At last we reach the chapter that will determine the future of this fic. Thank you for reading. I've decided that when I am done with this story and the next Snarry that I will be posting, I want to redo this entire story. Add more things, take out things that weren't quite necessary, and maybe have a character death or two, just kidding. I don't know. We'll see, but at the rate I go, that story won't be out for a while.
Now, prepare yourselves!
Chapter 19:
“Won't You Please Stay With Me?”
“Come along, Harry,” said Fred as he abruptly took Harry's hand in his.
Just before Harry could savour the exhilaratingly bizarre emotions Fred's hand around his generated, George's hand wrapped around his free hand and proclaimed loudly, “We're going to give you a taste of what life with either of us could be like.”
“First off,” Fred said in a sarcastically serious tone, “Neither of us go anywhere without the other. We are always together. Always,” they stressed the word until it couldn't be stressed any further.
“We work in a pair. Like chop sticks. Subtract one and neither of us will function properly,” Harry was beginning to get at what they were trying express.
“So, Fred and I are going to take you out on a date, and by the end of it, you should have a fair idea of who you are going to pick.”
Harry nodded nervously as the twins intertwined their fingers with his, as Snape had done with him on rare occasions. The twins then swung their arms like they were walking a little kid. Harry felt slightly irritated, but this was just the beginning of a long day.
As they walked down the path leading from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade, Harry took to note that both of the twins were staring off at the sky with absolute blank faces. “You think it's going to rain?” Fred asked as he turned to George instead of Harry.
“Ay. Say in about another hour or so.”
Harry scowled at no one specifically. Fred caught his displeased glance and said in this inconceivably confident tone, “Don't worry, Harry! We'll keep you safe and dry! Wouldn't want Snape hunting us down for getting his man sick!”
Harry was beyond red suddenly and both of the twins were laughing.
Once in Hogsmeade, the twins dragged Harry along with them to a new little restaurant that had opened just last month named Berrywood Palace. “It's quite fancy,” George commented as he opened the glass door while still holding onto Harry's hand.
“'Tis. Shame we aren't in love, Harry, otherwise, we could share a drink.”
Inside, there walls were charmed to look like the woods and the ceiling was bewitched to look like the canopy, allowing just enough light to shine through to see around. Small balls of light were charmed to fly around, imitating fireflies. “This place looks nice,” said Harry as George and Fred guided him to his seat.
“Of course it is.”
“We make money now, if you haven't noticed,” said Fred as he brushed unnoticeable particles of dust off his black dragon skin jacket. “We were about to tell you how you could inherit a small fortune by marrying one of us, but…”
“We remembered that you already had quite a bit of money put away.”
“Snape inherited loads of money from his mother Eileen and his father Tobias”
Harry's ear twitched. “Wait, you know Severus' parents?”
“Who doesn't?” Fred said nonchalantly. “They're dead now though. Snape inherited the manor and estate.”
“He shouldn't even be working,” said George as he took a sip of the water that the waitress had just brought.
Fred then took care of the order and the waitress left momentarily. “Don't worry about reimbursing us, Harry. We have more than enough money to cover you.”
Harry nodded then another waitress returned with their drinks. George was enjoying a brandy which he hogged greedily, but Fred had a chocolate banana shake. Harry sat there, feeling a little forgotten. Where had his drink gone? “Oh, sorry, Harry,” Fred pushed the shake half slightly towards the middle of the small, circular table. “We are sharing.”
There were two straws, so Harry wasn't quite hesitant about leaning forwards and helping himself. But, as Harry took a generous sip from the tall glass, he quickly noticed that Fred had also leaned in and was sipping from the glass with his face not more than three inches away from his. Harry flung himself back. George raised his eyebrow and Fred asked, “Not used to intimate interaction?”
“I was certain that Snape had burst your personal bubble by now,” George chuckled and so did Fred.
“What?” Harry was confused and his face looked terrified, “What do you mean by that?”
Fred rolled his eyes. “Don't worry about it, Harry. You're thinking too much.”
“Another point for Snape,” said George, “We can't be with someone who thinks too much.”
“Makes my head hurts just thinking about you concentrating on apprehending the simple things we utter.”
Harry was taken aback. “I haven't… Never mind.”
“Drink some more,” Fred pushed his glass towards Harry, “And don't pull back when I lean in to have some too. I'm thirsty for my drink, not for you.”
Harry nearly choked and his face felt get a little pink.
When the food had arrived, Fred paid Harry no mind as he devoured everything on his plate within minutes. George, on the other hand, had decided to split his meal with Harry. He divided everything he had in half and gave the cut up portion to Harry. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, Harry.”
As Harry ate, occasionally the liquid dripping from the meat would roll down Harry's chin, and being the gentleman George was, he obligingly reached across the table and dabbed his napkin on Harry's face. “We can't take you anywhere, can we?”
Harry just chuckled and the twins felt like they weren't making any breakthroughs, but surely, before the day was over, they would have accomplished something. “I need to ask you something,” said Harry once they were out of the restaurant.
“Yes, Harry?” the twins said at once.
“There are a lot of students at Hogwarts, like Ron and Hermione, who have already hit the age of seventeen, but I haven't seen a single packet like the one Snape received being delivered to them.”
Fred took the liberty of explaining, “That's because they're still in school, Harry. As soon as they leave school, however, the sky will be covered in owls carrying large packages for everyone.”
“So, they don't need to get married as soon as school is over?”
“No, Harry. Just those approaching the age of forty and others, like you, who the Ministry feel would better about having bounded to another incase someone unsuitable or possibly dangerous claims you. It's more for your safety than anything.”

”But… that puts my husband's or wife's life at risk…”
“It does but the Ministry won't listen to reason. They won't excuse the Boy-who-lived for anything; even if Voldemort would use that person as a means to allure you to his side.”
“What if I refuse to marry anyone?” Harry asked finally.
“You'll be imprisoned and will have to pay a fine until you choose to heed to the laws,” George explained.
“So, they can't pick someone for me to marry?”
“No, Harry,” said Fred, “It's complicated like that. The Ministry will only choose your partner if you are approaching the age of forty and still haven't found anyone.”
“Then what about me? I'm not anywhere near forty and I still didn't have a say.”
“Back then you were still a minor therefore the Ministry didn't feel they needed your consent when Snape chose you as his partner. Now that you are seventeen, you would think that you finally had a say, but as the boy who lived…”
“You don't,” George finished. “And as the younger one in the engagement, Snape has the power to pick someone for you.”
Harry felt like kicking someone. “So, Hermione and Ron don't necessarily have to worry about getting married right away.”
“Not until they approach the age of thirty seven,” the twins said as once.
“How about if someone picks them?”
“Well, since Hermione and Ron are both at the legal age, they can decline. If they were under the age of seventeen, then they would not have a choice.”
“But the Ministry hasn't put a single minor on the list except for me, right?”
“Correct, and you know why already. Don't worry too much about it. Just marry, fuck a little, produce a few sprogs, and everything will be fantastic.”
The twins gave Harry thumbs up with their free hands while they led Harry around Hogsmeade.
When dusk was approaching, Fred and George led Harry away from the main streets and into a small alley close the edge of the town. “Alright, Harry. We wanted to try something with you while we had you to ourselves.”
Harry tilted his head which gave the appearance that he was trying to presume what they were going to do. “Don't worry. It isn't necessarily bad.”
“It's not like we are going to rape you or anything.”
“But this should help you pick amongst your three choices.”
George took a step back and watched as Fred back Harry against a wall. Harry felt something inside of his flip. What were the twins plotting? “Wait… what are you going to do?”
“I'm going to kiss you, Harry,” said Fred as softly pressed Harry against the cool, stone wall. Harry didn't have a chance to evade as Fred's lips ever so lightly brushed against his. When Fred sensed that Harry wasn't going to fight him off, he pressed a little harder and held Harry still. Fred didn't move his lips or try to probe around. He remained as still as a statue, letting Harry get the feel of kissing someone other than Snape. Fred's lips were warm like Snape's, soft like Snape's, but weren't Snape's. When Harry closed his eyes, he was under the impression that he could imagine Fred being Snape. He couldn't have been more wrong. With his eyes closed, he became sensitive to other sense. Fred's scent was different than Snape's. Fred's lips were also differently shaped and held onto Harry's in a unique way. Harry pulled his lips away and Fred stepped back. “Well, Harry?”
Harry ran his thumb over his lips. His stomach had definitely done a flip when Fred kissed him and his temperature did rise slightly, but he didn't feel that heated passion he felt only when Snape kissed him. What Harry felt could only be described as the feeling you get when you kiss your best friend; that shuddering discomfort. Harry wasn't grossed out but he wouldn't do it again if given the chance. “I… it wasn't Snape.”
“No shit,” said George.
“Should I take that as an insult? If it came from anyone else, I would take it as a compliment,” said Fred.
“I didn't mean it like that,” said Harry. “Kissing you… it's not like kissing Snape… I didn't feel anything. Well… I did, but it wasn't the sparks I was hoping for.”
“Good,” said the twins.
“Then, shall we take you back? Dumbledore wishes to speak with you before you run off to do as you like.”
“Must I pay him a visit first?”
“'Fraid so.”
Upon entering the castle, Harry's eyes caught sight of Draco Malfoy standing close the fountain with Pansy Parkinson and Crabbe. His lips were moving fast, like he was explaining something that he had to keep a secret for too long. He seemed upset about something and Harry's presence didn't help the matter. When Malfoy's eyes settled on Harry's the boy looked like fierce. What had Harry done this time to upset him? “Don't dilly-dally, Harry!” said Fred as he pulled on Harry's hand.
As they moved further away from Malfoy, Harry didn't miss the scowl Malfoy passed at Harry as he looked at the Weasley twins then him.
“Good evening, Harry,” said Dumbledore as the twins brought Harry into the office.
“Hello, sir.”
“Take a seat, Harry, there are some things we need to discuss.”
Harry did as he was told and waited for Dumbledore to continue.
“I'm going to make this as short as possible. Harry, I want you to know that whatever you decide to do, make sure it is what will make you happy.”
Harry found himself frowning again for the tenth time that day.
“Harry, you still haven't mastered Occlumency so I have no problem probing your mind for information. I know what you have been doing, and let me assure you, before you make a rash decision you may soon regret, Severus is not an incompetent man. He is more than capable of defending himself. He has proved that to me and the Order for years now; since before you were born.”
Harry opened his mouth to say something, but Dumbledore raised his hand. He would not listen to Harry just yet. “You have hurt Severus, Harry. Surely you've noticed. If you do not wish to carry on with Severus, I'd like you to at least take a moment of your time to apologize to him. He has done more for you than you may ever realize. He has done much to help you and your friends and family. To him, you owe a great deal.”
And the night did not stop there. In order to convince Harry further, he summed up but a few of the many things Snape had done for Dumbledore and the Order in the past; touching on risky assignments and dangerous tasks that would've caused any ordinary wizard or witch their life. When two hours had passed by, Dumbledore offered Harry some Chocolate Caldrons. “I know you will make the right decision.”
Dumbledore guided Harry to the door, and both of the Weasley twins smiled and waved as Harry exited the room.
As Harry walked down the stony steps, one things kept repeating itself in his mind. (Do not fear for Severus' life if you ever find that he has been taken captive.) What did Dumbledore mean by that? Was Snape that capable a wizard? Clenching his hand into a tight fist, Harry turned and was on his way towards the dungeons when Malfoy suddenly bumped into him from around the corridor. Harry lost his balance for a second, but quickly recovered and intuitively had his wand out and aimed at his nemesis. “Watch where you're going, Potter!” Malfoy spat.
“You ran into me!”
“Excuses, excuses. Is that all that leaves that filthy mouth of yours?”
Just then, both Snape and Filch appeared from around the corridor as well. “Well, well. What do we have hear? Potter and Malfoy? Why am I not surprised?” Snape crossed his arms.
Harry pointed to Malfoy and in turn Malfoy pointed at Harry. “He bumped into me!”
“He threatened me with his wand!”
“Filch, you take Potter. I'll deal with Malfoy,” Snape moved on and signaled for Malfoy to follow him, but as soon as Malfoy made a move to follow Snape, Harry pushed him out of the way and chased after Snape.
“Come back here!” Filch cried out.
Snape turned around and raised his brow at Potter. “You are to follow Filch, Potter, I am in no mood to deal with your arse today.”
“No,” Harry said firmly.
Filch and Malfoy exchanged looks. Did Harry have a death wish?
“No?” Snape repeated. “I am your professor, Potter, you will do as I tell you to.”
“Please, sir.”
Snape gazed coldly into Harry's eyes for a moment then when he figured that Harry would not back down, he looked over at Filch and gave him a nod. “Very well. Follow me, Potter. Draco, go with Filch. NOW!”
Malfoy scurried along and Harry quickly fell at Snape's side. “You are the last person I wanted to see today, Potter.”
Harry lowered his head as they retreated to the dungeons.
“I'll say this once more, Potter: I'm in a foul mood today. If you fail to cooperate, I won't hesitate to inflict upon your sorry arse an excruciating amount of discomfort.”
Why couldn't the Potion Master just be blunt and say that he was going to beat Potter's sorry arse to a pulp if Snape didn't get his way?
Either way, the image popping up into Harry's head was in the least bit pleasant. “Yes, sir.”
Upon reaching the dungeon classroom, Snape leaned up against his desk, crossed his arms, and looked down at Harry pass his thick frame of black hair. “Malfoy started it,” Harry said quickly to break the tension in the room. It did not work. Snape made no move to coincide with Harry. “Can I ask why you were having a bad day?”
Snape did not say anything.
“I'm sorry if I ruined your week,” Harry lowered his head.
“Life goes on, Potter, with or without you.”
Harry looked up at Snape through his circular glasses and started, “About the contract… I…” The Potions Master speculated Harry's delicate features with the utmost care. There was something else Harry was trying to say but by the lowering and rising of head, the biting of his lips, and fidgety blinking of his eyes Snape understood that Harry was still trying to come up with the right assembling of his words. After all, `a slip of the foot you may soon recover; but a slip of the tongue you may never get over.'
“If you've signed it, you can leave it on my desk. If not, then you better get to it.”
Harry reached into his cloak and hesitantly brought it out from the shadows. He then looked at it with clear pearlescent eyes, “That's the thing, sir…,” Snape didn't quite catch what Harry meant, but he didn't want to watch as Harry unrolled the scroll.
Snape felt his heart rate accelerating, his legs shaking, and sweat seeping through his pours. He didn't want to wait and see whether Harry had signed the bloody certificate or not. “I have other matters at hand, Potter. When you are through with it, leave it on my desk.” Snape pushed himself off his desk and started to head towards the door. However, before he could pass the boy, the Gryffindor latched onto his arm, preventing him from moving any further. “I didn't sign it! I didn't!”
Harry waved the certificate in front of Snape's eyes. Snape's hand quickly caught Harry's wrist and he looked down at his student. “Is cutting yourself with a razor that difficult for you?”
“I just thought…”
“No, Potter. You thought wrong,” Snape spat as he thrust Harry's arm away from him.
“I can't sign the contract, sir.”
“Are you that incapable?”
“Listen, I'm sorry. I am really, really sorry about what I did.”
“You have no idea what you put me through. My apologies, Mr. Potter, but sorry won't cut it.”
Harry looked at his finger than back at Snape. “You're dead serious about me signing the contract, aren't you?”
“I've moved on, Potter. Perhaps it's time you did so as well.”
Rubbish. This man never forgets. Harry's eyes flickered back and forth between Snape's two sable eyes. “Is she going to replace me?”
Caught off guard, Snape leaned away from Harry. “What are you on about?”
“That girl… Grace Gale… are you picking her over me?”
“You have no business─”
“Why does she look like me?”
Snape was at loss for words. He simply breathed deeply and then said in a very, calm and controlled voice, “Potter… Harry… Please leave.”
“She looks like me, sir. She could pass for my older sister! You must feel something for me if you went out and searched for someone who could physically remind you of me!”
It was true. Snape had not forgotten about Harry and did not wish to so suddenly. He needed to fill that bleeding wound in his heart, but no one expect Harry could mend it. Snape soon found that he was desperate and deliberately searched through hundreds of files for a woman who could even remotely resemble the Harry he had fallen so unexpectedly in love with. When he came across the picture of Gale, he couldn't pass it up. She looked so much like Harry that it hurt. He may have been lying to himself and definitely to her, but if it could appease his aching heart, then so be it. “You would think so highly of yourself. You're so much like your father.”
“At least I'm not the one going around trying to find someone who looks like my ex! How do you think she would feel if she knew?”
“That is none of your concern.”
“Yes it is!” Harry walked forwards, but Snape moved back. “She's the obstacle standing between us.”
“You had me, Potter! You had me and you didn't want me!”
“I was scared! I didn't know how I would handle it if Voldemort ever found out about us! I couldn't live with myself if he ever caught you and used you as a tool for controlling me!”
Harry looked deep into his beloved Potion Master's eyes and in turn, Snape remained spellbound to Harry's verdant eyes. Moments later and Harry felt a repulsively familiar feeling. His mind, open and vulnerable, was currently being probed by his professor. “Snape…” Harry didn't try to fight it. He allowed Snape to wonder freely. He had nothing to hide.
Seconds later and Snape broke eye contact. He then closed his eyes and looked away from Harry. He must've stumbled upon that fantasy.
“What did you see?”
“Your irrepressible lust,” Snape had crossed his arms. Beyond what he said, he didn't seem to want to say anymore about coming across the memory of Harry giving himself a hand job.
Harry could feel his cheeks ablaze in heat. “I couldn't help myself… I wanted you so badly.”
“Spare me the commentaries.”
Harry's heart was beating abnormally fast, his temperature was rising steadily, and he still hadn't gotten Snape back. “You have a few days left until the certificate is due, Potter, signed or not.”
Harry stepped in front of Snape and despite the warnings Snape had given the boy earlier, the restless Gryffindor gripped the Slytherin's shoulders and pressed his smaller body against his professor. “Release me this instance,” Snape spoke threateningly through gritted teeth into Harry's ear.
“I want this, sir. I want you and… I want there to be an `us'.”
“Potter, you don't pry people from your life and moments later call them back.”
“I made a mistake. I'm sorry. It won't happen again.”
Snape push Harry roughly away and then said, “That much is certain because I won't give you the necessary elements to inaugurate such an insensitive fraudulence!”
Harry couldn't blame Snape for being furious and wary towards him. Snape wouldn't be in the right mind if he gave himself to Harry without question. There was one more obstacle in the way of Snape coming back to Harry.
“You told me, Potter, that you were certain that you didn't want anything to do with your Potions professor, am I wrong?”
Harry bit back his tongue.
“Am I wrong, Potter?!”
“No, sir.”
“Exactly. Now get out.”
Instead, Harry walked forwards.
Snape reached for his wand, but Harry, figuring that Snape could block any spell that Harry intended on throwing at Snape, leaped at the man instead. Snape's wand went flying across the room, and much like he had felt when he was disarmed around James and Sirius, Snape felt utterly defenseless. “You are way out of line, Potter!”
“Actually, sir, I think I'm just where I should be.”
Harry gripped Snape's arms and nestled his head in the crook of Snape's neck, deeply inhaling his scent; basking in his warmth. With Harry so close, Snape couldn't help but do the same. He steadied his arms, closed his eyes, and found that Harry's unique, missed scent had an alarmingly calming affect on him. Snape then panicked. He wanted to push Harry away, but his body wouldn't listen to reason. His arms dropped to his side and became limp under Harry's tight grasp. If he hadn't already, Snape was losing the battle.
When Harry pulled away to look at Snape, he found that his long loved fiancé was staring at the floor and away from Harry's gaze. “Professor?”
“How many times are you going to do this to me until you are satisfied?”
“Professor… Severus… I…”
“I will not ask you again, Harry,” Snape cupped Harry's face in his hands and looked into Harry's eyes.
Harry gasped and remained immobile as he waited for Snape to finish.
“Harry Potter, won't you please stay with me?” Snape never thought he would ever speak such words to the boy-who-lived ever again. He thought that when he had said `goodbye' that Harry wouldn't be coming around anymore and that he'd have to search elsewhere for a suitor. Forget lover. He never thought he'd be blessed with such luck.
But, as Harry moved forwards to kiss Snape, the man found that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't doomed to die without ever feeling another's love.
A/N: I must've rewritten the last three pages at least four times before I came up with this. Please, please review.