Harvest Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy, My Friend ❯ When Mary Was Gone ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Thanks so much to Reima-chan for being the first to review! And thanks to everyone else as well: The Music of Hands, shadow goddess99, lady rosses, naru-chan13, Ultra Dram Queen, and HMGirly12.
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters- but I think I've found Gray's hat at a yard sale. ^_^
So when we last left the story- Mary had entered the library to find a knocked over shelf, a very large pile of books, and Gray's hat. But exactly what happened when Mary left the room? Let's find out:
Gray's P.O.V. Immediately after Mary's departure.
She had family issues- I could tell by her reaction to Mary's question. Perhaps this was the reason she was the way she is. Her mom neglected her or something. Abused as a child… I wasn't trying to argue with her I just wanted to know. So I ignored all the `let's not talk about it signs' and went head first into a brick wall of `Back off of me'.
“Why doesn't you mom make you a cake on your birthday,” I asked quietly.
“She just doesn't,” she snapped, grabbing her book and standing. She took a deep calming breath. Hmm…she's trying to keep her cool. “This isn't something I want to talk about- especially with you,” she added as she looked at me with a `just die already' glare. I should just drop this- but Mary seemed to want to know…And of course I was rather curious myself.
“Well…Mary is your friend and she wants to know,” I muttered with a little malice.
“Well it's not her business, it's mine,” she hissed in return as she started up the stairs. I followed her.
“But she seems worried about you, Claire,” I said as `nicely' as I could manage and she stopped- probably because I used her actual name.
“There is no need to worry about me. I'm fine- I'm just fine. Nothing new- nothing to worry over. I can handle it by myself,” she muttered. I was starting to get angry- but I really didn't understand why. It was her business and she'd been handling it for however long. I just think that she'd been handling it wrong- so why not intervene- Mary obviously had a similar idea or she wouldn't have pushed the subject. I knew Mary well enough to guess what she was doing- research. But she'd never get anywhere if she didn't press a little harder- and I think I could maybe get it out of her- or die trying.
“You don't have to do things by yourself you know...” I began but I saw her shoulders slump slightly.
“I've always done things by myself. I don't need anyone to help me. I'm independent and I don't need any one to worry about me and I don't need anyone's help- however well intentioned.” She was getting louder as she continued and her body tensed up again. “I certainly don't need you prying into my personal affairs. Your big nose doesn't belong in my business- so butt out!” She muttered in a low growl. But I overpowered it with a much larger one of my own as I finally lost my patience- which doesn't take very much you know.
“You have friends- people who care about you! You could stop being a stuck up snob and accept help from your friends!” She turned on me with blinding furry radiating from her very being.
“You know absolutely nothing about me. I'm not stuck up in anyway, you arrogant ass. You come here and deliberately pick and argument with me- all pissed off because you feel I'm moving in on your time with Mary. You make out like you're asking questions in concern but we both know you just want to score points with Mary and you get some sick pleasure out of ruining my day. You don't like me and I don't like you- but I'm not the one going out of my way to make you miserable! Goddess I'm glad she doesn't have a thing for you! She deserves way better than some idiot who doesn't know when to quit!” she was breathing hard after her outburst and turned away from me and finished her walk to the top of the stairs. I stood stunned for a brief moment before her comment registered. I knew I was on the edge of completely losing my temper but I followed her yet again, not really knowing what the hell I was trying to get out of her. But it was a personal matter now. Claire didn't throw low blows like that unless I did first- and what I said was a far ways away from some of the low blows I'd given over the year.
“You're a selfish bitch,” I growled out and grabbed her arm- probably not the smartest thing to do after that insult. She swung around and smacked my face. I could feel the fever setting in the inflicted area and narrowed my eyes. Alright, I deserved that. She returned my glare as she snatched her arm out of my grasp.
“Selfish- definition 1)Gray,” she spat and he hands flailed around her as she ranted. “Who has to have his pity me party everyday because he has issues because he wasn't hugged enough as a child. Poor Gray who has an annoying sister, a meddling father, and a grandfather he can't stand because he finds his work subpar. Gosh it just sucks to be you and have people who care about you doesn't it,” While she was ranting about the things I really did complain about a lot- I noticed that her face- despite the rage- was also contorted into a sorrowful look. What kind of a childhood did she have? I really wasn't listening to her as she continued berating me, my thoughts racing. What kind of family did Claire have- if she had one. Perhaps she had a family who hated her- maybe she'd been disowned…wait a minute she's walking away again. I grabbed for her but she saw me out of the corner of her eye and spun towards me.
“Don't touch me,” she yelled and pushed my shoulders hard- probably with a lot more force than she thought. I felt my balance fail and began to fall backwards down the stair case. To my surprise I heard her scream “No!” and then I felt her grab my jacket and pull me roughly towards her. But when my body hit hers the momentum sent us both flailing over the railing and down to the first floor in a tangled blob.
I felt myself hit a bookcase on the way down but was more concerned about the blonde falling head first to the floor. No one would believe it was an accident if she died from a head injury. I grabbed her and pulled her against myself instinctively and cradled her head to protect it. I'd been in enough collapsing mine accidents to learn how to fall properly. I grunted as I landed on the floor, the weight of the woman I'd grabbed knocking the wind out of me. Then as I tried to breath my eyes widened at the sight of the book case wobbling.
At first I thought it was my vision but when the books started pelting us the seriousness of the situation set in. We were going to be crushed by the failing bookcase. Claire followed my gaze and gave out a shriek as she sat up and grabbed my arm in an attempt to pull us out of the shelves path. She was dazed as a rather large book clocked her in the head and I snatched her down as more books began to fall and rolled over on top of her, taking the brunt of the impact from the waterfall of books. I couldn't move. The weight of everything- the books and the shelf- was too much. I heard Mary enter and her horrified gasp. I tried to call out but found I couldn't gather enough air in my lungs to articulate anything.
Mary's P.O.V.
As I ran up to the large pile of books I caught a glimpse of blonde hair sticking out from one side.
“Goddess…Claire. Can you hear me,” I cried as I began hurling books away. I soon came across Gray's right arm on top of her hair. They were together then. Thank the heavens they weren't separated under this crushing weight. Who knows how long it would have taken to find both of them.
“Gray, are you conscious,” I called to him and received a small grunt. I finally removed enough books to reveal Gray's head and Claire's underneath him. She was unconscious and her face appeared to be buried in the crook of Gray's neck. I began frantically trying to unearth their bodies and I felt relief flood through me when Gray was finally able to get up on his own, the books falling off of him as he stood, his arms pulling up Claire as he did and holding her bridal style.
They were both covered in scratches and were bruising quickly. But other than that Gray appeared to be fine. But Claire, her left leg was abnormally angled in a way that I didn't think it was able to do when in intact. I put a hand over my mouth as I gasped and I saw Gray look at where my attention was focused. His face drained of color and he looked back at me.“Let's go to the Clinic,” I said with tears of both worry and relief filling my eyes as I sprinted to the door, Gray bringing Claire closely behind me.
We entered the clinic in such a hurry that Elli looked at us with annoyance, but upon seeing Claire in Gray's arms shot into action.
“Tim,” she cried as she ran over to Gray and pushed him towards the examination room where the doctor was always at, and I followed. “We have and emergency.”
Tim looked up and took five large steps to Gray before removing Claire from his arms and placing her on the hospital bed. He turned to Gray and narrowed his eyes slightly, “You can wait out in the designated area if you want to. Don't go too far though- you need to be examined as well when we finish with Claire.
I looked at Gray with a worried glance and noticed a couple of large gashes on him in various spots. He might need stitches. I grabbed his arm and led him to the waiting room in silence. I took a seat and nervously began to chew on my index finger, waiting for them to bring us news that Claire was fine.
Sooo...that is what happened when Mary was out of the room. Sorry it's so short- but Hopefully Saturday's post will be longer. I think I'm going to attempt to update this twice a week- but if I don't there will be and update every Saturday. Please let me know if the argument was satisfactory and what you guys think. Suggestions are always welcome. Thanks so much.