Harvest Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy, My Friend ❯ The Ankle Biters ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter four is here! YAY! Thanks to everyone who has reviewed. I hope you like this update. Maybe you'll want to hunt me down and make me type the next one at gun point- who knows?
Disclaimer: I don't own anything- but Queenie-chan, Reima-chan, Kuruk, and myself are sharring custody of Kai and Gray. Anyone who wants to join us in guynapping anyone else please check out the village square forum and join us in our fight against the teenage mutant ninja harvest sprites!
Claire's P.O.V.
I didn't really know if Gray knew about the sprites or not and I really didn't care. I needed some help to take care of my animals tomorrow. I know the sprites will help me until spring- and hopefully I can better assess the situation and figure out what to do in the spring as far as animals and crops. I could probably hobble around and water a few turnips- but there is no way I can take care of my animals too. When Gray stopped in front of the church and walked to the door I snapped out of my thoughts.
“What are you doing,” I asked and he gave me a look that said `duh'. I shook my head at him in annoyance. “I need to go behind the church…”I suppose it would have been helpful to tell him where I needed him to push me if I wanted him to comply. “…Sorry. I didn't tell you that. Please push me down that path,” I said with a fake cheery smile as I pointed to the narrow path that wound behind the church. Gray remained silent but he begrudgingly pushed me in the direction I asked. We remained in the awkward yet peaceful silence for a few minutes.
“Where exactly am I taking you,” he grunted as he pushed the wheels over a large snow covered branch. I heard him swear as my chair became immobile when we went through a patch of thick snow, but we were close enough to the harvest sprites house that I could see it from here.
“Right there,” I whispered and he followed my gaze to the tiny shack. He studied it for a moment and then continued trying to get my chair to move forward.
“I've never noticed that before. Is that where Carter lives or something,” he asked me and I rolled my eyes.
`Sure- Carter lives in this tiny shack' I thought to myself. I decided to overlook his stupidity since he was the one having to help me home- and I didn't feel like spending the night in a pile of snow tonight. “My friends live here,” I said quietly as we stopped in front of the door. I struggled to stand and Gray grabbed me underneath my arms and pulled me up. I tried to hop to the door but my body was unaccustomed to the extra weight from the cast and I teetered to the side.
“Just let me help you so you don't end up with anything else broken, alright,” he muttered as he steadied me by grasping my shoulders. “I promise I won't tell anyone. If anyone asks I'll tell them I watched you fall flat on your stubborn face,” I glared at him but felt my face soften at his tiny smile. “You don't want to go back to the clinic anytime soon, right,” he added with an expression that said `I already know the answer to that.' I let my gaze fall to the ground and he moved to stand next to me. I looked at his offered arm and closed my eyes tightly while mentally cursing myself.
“Make sure you told them I decked you when you tried to help me,” I muttered as I grasped his arm tightly and we approached the door together.
Gray's P.O.V.
I stifled my snicker at Claire's comment and stood still as she gently rapped on the door while at the same time opened it. I helped her stay balanced as she bent down and entered the tiny shack, the door being too small for both of us to get through at the same time.
“It's Miss Claire, budum” I heard a voice…that sounded like it came from a small child. I couldn't see because Claire was having trouble getting in the door.
“Ms. Claire,” I heard several voices call in unison and saw a bluish blur lunge at Claire's person. So I reacted as any decent man who saw- what appeared to be a very tiny miniature person jumping at a woman- I dove to the ground- taking Claire with me. She let out a surprised shriek at my action and we hit the floor with an `oomph'. I opened my eyes and moved my head quickly to see several things?
“Who is that budum” I looked up to see a little- thing…er…person about a foot tall dressed in a red outfit.
“He's hurting Ms. Claire!” A purple clad thingy screamed and jumped on my shoulder. “Let go of her, budum,”
“How dare you hurt my friend, budum,” a light blue one jumped on my right leg while another one dressed in a darker blue lunged at my head, covering my face. I flailed about and realized the red one had latched onto my free arm and an orange one was clinging to my other shoulder.
“What's going on, budum,” I hear one say.
“T-that man h-hurt Ms. Claire, budum,” one stuttered out and suddenly I felt yet another weight on my other leg and then closely after a sharp pain on that same leg. I looked down to see a yellow clad thing was BITING MY ankle! They were frickin ankle biters! I lost my temper at the tiny ankle biters and slung one off of me with full force and heard Claire scream as she tried to catch it.
“Chef,” she called and the tiny ankle biter caught her outstretched arm and did a gymnastic turn around it, landing on his feet. Then it lunged at me again and I tumbled non to graciously to the ground. I could feel one or two of them puling at my hair and another one joined his little ankle biter friend on my other ankle. I was about to grab one and fling him into his little demon spawn friends when Claire snapped.
“WILL YOU ALL STOP IT?!” Claire's loud outburst caused the ankle biters to freeze in mid motion and I glared at them. They slowly released me from there grubby little hands and I sat up- snatching my hat away from the dark blue one whom had used it to replace the pointy hat discarded on the ground that matched his suit. I looked at Claire and saw she cradled a green clad ankle biter close to her chest like a baby. “It's going to be alright Timid- that man didn't hurt me,” she murmured while patting his back. She gave me a light hearted glare and shook her head. “You should be ashamed of yourself, picking on these poor helpless little creatures. You really are just a big bully.” She was smiling slightly as she wagged her finger at me, but her tone remained angry- barley. I stood up and dusted my pants off, scowling at her and the ankle biter she held.
“Helpless? I believe they took me to the ground,” I retorted and folded my arms over my chest- diverting my eyes away from the smirking blonde. I heard her snort as she tried to stifle her laugh.
“One of my chickens could take you to the ground, you goober. All anyone or anything has to do is bump your leg and you fall like a sack of rocks.” She was bending to put the little green ankle biter on the ground.
“Do not,” I muttered and to my surprise she pointed at the red ankle biter and he shoved my leg with an evil cackle….and I was introduced to the ground yet again.
“Do too,” she giggled and turned back to the….seven evil ankle biters. “Hi, guys. I've come to ask a favor,” she said with a large smile.
“What happened to you, budum.” The purple one asked and then pointed at me, “and who is that scary man?” I resent that- I'm not scary. Stu loves me….but then again sometimes Stu scares me.
“I had an accident and hurt my leg, and that's just Gray.” Her answer was short, sweet, and to the point. She looked over her shoulder at me and narrowed her eyes slightly. “Gray, these are the harvest sprites,” she said with a shrug of her shoulders and then returned her attention to the ankle biting harvest sprites. “Staid, Bold, and Timid,” she whispered. “Can you guys come and take care of my animals until winter is over?”
“Sure, Budum. No problem, Ms.Claire, budum,” the purple one, dark blue one, and green one replied in unison….creepy. The red one that she had called Chef earlier step up to her.
“Will you come to our spring Tea Party, Claire? Your…friend…is also invited, budum.” Claire smiled at him.
“We'll have to see- I'll be busy in the spring and my leg won't be healed by then. I'll have to figure out what to do since you all will be too busy to help me.” Chef gave an understanding smile and Claire looked out the window at the fading sun. “I must go home now, but I'll see you three tomorrow. The rest of you I promise to come and see as soon as I get better.” The sprites all hugged her legs and gave her get well wishes while I stood by the door- all ready for leaving the home of the evil ankle biting sprites.
Claire's P.O.V.
The walk- well push home was just as awkward as the one to the sprites' house. I was never happier to see my dark house looming at the entrance of my farm. Finally this day would be over! My leg was really starting to bother me and my head was killing me as well. But I suppose when you fall from the second floor and then get pummeled by falling books and a shelf that is what is to be expected. Gray opened my door and twisted my chair back and forth to drag it over the pile of snow the wheels seemed to want to merge with. He entered the dark house and I felt his mitten covered hand grab my bare one and give a stern pull. I stood with his help and reached to my left to flip the light switch on. Gray was looking at the ground and I hobbled towards the left.
“You can go if you want,” I said with a carless shrug. His head snapped up and he shook it reverently.
“No- I promised Mary I would make sure you got to bed…” he trailed off and I folded my arms in annoyance.
“Then you might be here awhile. I have to wash up before I go to bed.” I replied as I tried to walk to my dresser. Gray was right next to me as I began leaning to the left and I didn't object when his arm snaked around my waist and pulled me against him securely. His other arm lead my own around his neck so he could help me walk- like a guy does for his buddy who had too much to drink. He stood there as I rummaged through my drawers gathering clothes. I stopped when I came to one particular drawer and looked at Gray through the corner of my eye. “Turn around,” I said while my cheeks began to flush.
“What-why?” he grunted as he gave me an annoyed stare. I closed my eyes tightly.
“I need….to get something out of this drawer and I don't want you to look,” I muttered lowly. I opened my eyes to see him giving me a confused look.
“What did you say- you're mumbling?” he said curiously and I just lost my composure.
“I need to get some panties and I don't want you to see!” I screeched and then clapped my hand over my mouth in shock. Gray stood their motionless for a moment then began to turn several shades of red- starting with his ears and working up to the roots of his hair. He turned quickly and I snatched open the drawer and grabbed my undergarments and then slammed the drawer. I folded the panties into my large night gown and then let out a relieved sigh. “ummm….alright,” I muttered and carefully touched his arm.
“Which way is the bathroom,” he said with a nervous squeaky sound in his voice. I pointed to the bathroom door and he helped me to it. I stood at the bathroom sink and was able to use the counter to steady myself. “I'll….just…uh….wait out here,” he mumbled and turned away from me.
“Thanks,” I whispered and he stopped, turning his head to me with a questioning look. “But this doesn't really change things,” I added with a smirk. He returned it to me in a way that made butterflies flutter in my stomach.
“It already has,” he stated. Then he closed the door and I was alone. I shook my head and dismissed the feeling in my stomach for nausea from my head injury. I unbuckled my over alls and pushed them down…but they wouldn't go down.
I looked at my leg and realized the cast was thicker than the thickest part of my pants leg. I couldn't get them off. I looked at the cut off leg and tried to pull it at the seams in hopes that it would rip. No such luck! I didn't own a pair of scissors and my clippers were at the blacksmiths to be sharpened. I looked at the door. I had no choice but to ask for help. I cracked opened the door and saw Gray look at me.
“I need help,” I whispered as my face began to rival Gray's hair in the color red. He walked towards me and when I stepped out all the way with my overall bib hanging down and the straps dangling behind me he also began to blush. I pointed to my cut off pant leg. “I need you to help me get out of my pants.”
I'm so evil to stop this here aren't I- it was just getting good! So…next chapter we will pick up here with Gray's POV. What will happen? How will Gray get Claire out of her pants? Find out next time! Reviews will inspire writings and result in quicker updates. Thanks so much.