Harvest Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy, My Friend ❯ Starry Night Festival ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wow! Thanks to everyone who reviewed. Super thanks to Reima-chan as always for helping me catch all my plot bunnies and restraining them to produce another chapter. There isn't as much awkwardness in this chapter- but I think you guys will enjoy it. This is the last chapter for winter- so chapter 7 starts with the spring
Flaming Black Skull- I think I'm going to eventually bring the Harvest Sprites back in just for you. It will be summer of course…or I could have them go to the tea party…hmm…..plot bunnies running rampant. XD Thanks for liking this so much.
Scyphe- 15 awesome points….do I collect those and cash them in for stuff? XD Thanks. I'm glad you like it.
HmGirly 12- :O! Don't rupture anything! XD- your family is going to think you're crazy if you keep reading in front of them. This post isn't as…LOL as the last one so maybe you won't hurt anything.
Odin- Thanks! I'm glad you like Gray in my story XD. I'm really working on the question mark thing and like you said I'll get used to the more I use it. I hope I did better this time around. Thanks.
Lady Rosses- No it's the winter, and right now Claire and Gray still loath each others existence.
Naru-chan13- Thanks- your holidays sound about like mine ^_^. I hope you like this new update too.
Reima-chan- I know. We do have to stick together. I'll bring some snacks for the darkside.
LadyBat-San- thanks for the compliments. I'm glad you're enjoying it! Now- go update your fic before I smite you with my evil elf voodoo. XD
KCemployee- XD. Alright I updated!
Claire's P.O.V
I crossed out the `most romantic holiday' of the year from my calendar with a giant red X. Romance was…an unnecessary complication to life. That's most likely why the most remembered romances end in tragedy - Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isodle , Antony and Cleopatra. Love was an emotion that made you feel good until something happened that made you feel like you ripped your heart out and threw into the path of an oncoming semi-truck, and it was somehow smashed by all eighteen wheels - leaving you bitter and alone. But never mind that…
I pulled on my drawstring pants with the baggy legs- the only pair of pants I didn't have to destroy to put on over my cast. Mary and Popuri both had offered me some skirts and dresses - but it was just too damn cold. I had them put away until the spring when I could wear them and finally retire these old sweats until next winter. I wasn't entirely looking forward to wearing the dresses but I couldn't afford to cut off the leg of the rest of my overalls.
My arms were tender from using the crutches to get around- I couldn't even make it to my bed the first night before klutzing out and nearly falling on my face. Luckily Ann had been there to stop me from getting any facial rug burn. Oh, and…Gray. For the first time since I met the guy, I actually blushed at the thought of him. Not that I was attracted to the jerk - he wasn't my type of guy at all - just that I had never been in so much physical contact with one guy. Let alone in one day. For some Goddess knows reason the laws of gravity seemed hell bent on us being in contact the other day. Like when he helped me …(cough)…change clothes….that had been so …awkward. It was as if the whole situation wasn't embarrassing enough and the Goddess decided to throw us into that…position.
For the second time in one day Gray had been, for lack of a better phrase, on top of me. Literally. But I wasn't dazed from a blow to the head the second time, so I…recalled it better.
“Just- do it quickly,” I whispered and placed my hands on his shoulders to balance myself and brace my body for the tug of the material. He nodded and moved to a squatting position then snatched the material very hard- evidently to hard because the motion of his actions and the sudden give way of the material sent him tumbling into me and forced me onto my back. I cried out in surprise and he reached up to cup the back of my head with his hands, unknowingly brushing the stitched up area back there. I winced at the contact but also silently praised him when he cushioned the area from hitting the floor.
At first I had to register that I had not hurt any other body parts on this umpteenth trip to the ground today. I heard a muffled groan close to my ear and realized that Gray's head was buried in the crook of my neck. It was when he used his arms to push himself up that our eyes met with the absence of sarcasm or malice. I saw him looking over me and for a brief moment thought his eyes had landed on my lips. He turned away from me and I felt him tense. I lifted my head and then realized that Gray was being…straddled by my thighs .I blushed so deeply that I could actually feel the blood rushing to my face. It was something he seemed to have just realized as well because he turned to me again with wide, darkened blue eyes. It was at that Goddess saving moment that Ann had emerged as my savior in an awkward situation.
But when I had attempted to crutch-walk myself to bed and nearly fallen again, the young blacksmith apprentice took it upon himself to carry me to my bed. Something I had been extremely uncomfortable with but had been too tired to protest. That and the death glare he'd given me to shut my mouth when I had tried to object. He'd picked me up no problem, and had even held me with one arm as he snatched my covers back and placed me into bed. I think he was just ready to leave, as his face was a solid shade of red. It had been since I walked out of the bathroom. My guess was Gray had never been in any awkward situations like the ones we'd found ourselves in today and he just wanted to go to bed and forget it ever happened. I know I did.
I made it to my kitchen and began to make grilled cheese. I placed the finished product on a plate and dug around the fridge until I found the apple butter. I spread a small bit of the apple butter on the toasted sandwich and poured a glass of milk. It took me two trips to the table to bring everything and I spilled a little of the milk - but damn it I had made my own dinner!
So I sat down to eat and mentally congratulated myself for my fist independent meal since I broke my leg. While I missed Ann's company, I figured she'd be having a good time with Cliff tonight and I was more than capable of feeding myself for one night.
Gray's P.O.V.
I had asked Mary to Starry Night in hopes that we'd be able to spend some time alone. But alas the girl of my dreams wished to go over and visit a certain broken legged blonde haired farmer. A farmer I had been trying to forget even existed after the other night's fiasco. What with Ann's constant teasing and the mental barrage of indecent situations that my brain kept pelting me with. I hadn't really gotten a lot of sleep to say the least, and had finally felt somewhat normal. Yet here I was, holding a basket of `essentials' and walking a step or so behind the beautiful librarian, sulking, on the way to Claire's house. But as I watched the raven haired woman, bundled up in her light yellow jacket and seeing her braid sway gently as she walked in front of me, I couldn't help myself. Despite the fact that we were on our way to Claire's, I smiled.
That is of course, until we stood outside the door of the farm house, and I wondered what Claire would be wearing tonight. Then my thoughts traveled back to the other night, when she had emerged from the bathroom.
When the bathroom door had opened all the sanity I had regained fled completely from my grasp. All I could see was the petite blonde on crutches in her tiny night shirt that clung to the figure that until that very moment I had not known existed. It had come to my attention that Claire indeed had a very womanly hourglass figure- something that I probably still shouldn't be aware of. To top that off I had a great view of her bare legs, all the way to mid thigh thanks to that damn shirt that didn't want to stay down as she approached the bed. I was on the verge of losing myself control when she nearly fell due to the slipping of the rug from underneath her crutch. I'd wasted no time in fulfilling my promise to Mary by physically carrying her to the bed so I could get out of this day with what was left of sanity - if any remained.
I was relieved to see Claire clad in very baggy pants that covered her casted leg and a big long sleeved t-shirt that hung loose around her. I think I even gave out a large relieved sigh because Claire and Mary both gave me some rather odd looks.
“What's up?” Claire asked, looking at Mary and me curiously.
“I just thought you'd want the company for tonight,” Mary said with a large smile. When Claire gave an apprehensive look Mary gestured to the basket I held and added, “We've brought offerings of food and presents.”
“What kind of food,” Claire asked with her eyebrows raised.
“We have Oreos” Mary said in a sing-song voice. Claire gave a small smile and then furrowed her brow.
“What kind?” she asked with a forced scowl.
“Original and golden,” Mary said with a laugh and Claire granted us entrance to her house. Mary insisted on Claire sitting down and handed her the goodie basket. “Karen also took the liberty to send you some essentials from the supermarket, bread and rice and what not. She also said to tell you she'd try to come see you soon. She said she'll drop of the Spring seeds when she comes since they arrived early this year.”
“That's very nice of her. I really appreciate you stopping by here…but I'm sure you two have plans on `the most romantic night of the year' that don't involve me being a third wheel” Claire said making air quotes with her fingers.
“Claire, you know Gray and I are just friends,” Ouch! That hurt my ego a little bit…alright a lot. How the hell am I supposed to get out of the friend zone if I can't get her alone? Goddess, the friend zone sucks! I think I just got a pity glance from Claire. Great- Claire even feels bad for me…I am officially the most pathetic guy in Mineral Town...even more so than Rick…at least he's got the friends with benefits title!
“Yeah, whatever, Mary,” Claire muttered as she ripped open the pack of golden Oreo cookies. “If you guys want you can hang out around here…ummm,” she put a cookie in her mouth and chewed it as she thought. When she swallowed she gave a big grin. “I've got a few video game platforms. But I only have a couple of multiplayer games.” Claire moved towards her television and skimmed a bunch of large gray squares. “I only have two controllers for my Super Nintendo, and…here it is.” She pulled the gray cartridge out and tossed it towards Mary and myself. I caught it to keep it from hitting Mary and glanced at the title.
“Mario Cart,” I said with disbelief. “This thing is totally ancient. Kiddie stuff.” I scoffed and put the game down on the table just in time to be bonked in the head with an airborne controller. “OUCH! That hurt damn it! You evil little witch.” I growled at the back of the blonde who was fiddling with some wires.
“Gray,” Mary gave me a disproving glare which I rolled my eyes at.
“Don't insult the games, lord of idiots. We worship them because they give us something to do on these days of aliments and help us entertain unexpected company,” Claire said bluntly and I caught the second controller before it hit me.
“Someone is looking for a broken arm to go with their broken leg,” I hissed and Mary elbowed me in the ribs.
“Gray, stop it.” Mary warned me.
“She started it,” I muttered and Mary smacked my shoulder hard. Why am I the only one getting in trouble?
“I don't care. I'm finishing it,” she whispered and narrowed her eyes at me.
“Look, jerk. If you don't want to play, no one is forcing you. Mary knows how to get home without your help, and I'm sure she'll enjoy a Nintendo classic. So either beat it or pipe down. I swear, just because you don't know how to play,” Claire ranted away shaking her head in disbelief.
“I know how to play,” I growled and unraveled the two controllers, tossing the end to her so she could plug them into the SNES. Oh it's on Blondie! Give me that copy of Donkey Kong and I'll show you who owns the Super Nintendo. “I bet I can beat your skinny butt,” I removed my hat and placed it on the table, assuming the `default Nintendo playing position' - sitting Indian style on the floor with the controller as your center of balance.
“All right Gray,” she said with fake cheerfulness, turning to me with an evil smile. “Lets you and I play a few rounds in battle mode so I can make you eat those words.”
“By all means,” I said with the most evil smirk I could muster.
Mary's P.O.V.
I watched as Claire put a cushion on the coffee table and sat on it, allowing her broken leg to lay comfortably straight on the long table. She turned to me and smiled. “Can you see? I want you to have a good view of Gray getting his butt handed to him,” she snickered and Gray glared at her in annoyance.
I stifled a giggle as the two of them began to play. Claire obviously had the upper hand. She knew all the shortcuts and everything. It was funny to watch Gray lean with the direction he wanted the character to turn, and cursing when Claire passed him or he spun around in a circle.
It was nice - the two of them getting along. I wish it could be like this all the time. Harmless teasing and plenty of fun…not the hurtful bickering they usually dealt with. I knew Claire was having a good time, despite it being with Gray. She probably was really enjoying beating him over and over again in the video game. My thoughts drifted to the past summer when Kai had stated that after spending time with Claire, if she and Gray could ever arrive and stay on good terms they would be an inseparable pair.
“I'm telling you Mary, if they could just get along they would be two peas in a pod. They complement each other.”
I hoped for all of our sakes that the two of them would start to get along. I don't know how long I can keep this charade up. Acting like it we were just friends, denying that I knew anything of Gray's feeling towards me. But my heart…it belonged to someone else. I couldn't help that I would eventually have to hurt Gray, no matter how hard I tried to hide the truth. I didn't want to lose his friendship, but I had to admit when the truth was exposed - when he found out who had stolen my heart - it would be highly unlikely for our friendship to continue. But I still hoped and prayed that he would understand. That he would forgive both of us when he learned of our deception.
Two Hours Later- Gray's P.O.V.:
“You're cheating,” I hissed and reached for Claire's controller. She snatched it away and stuck her tongue out of me.
“It's not cheating,” she replied with a triumphant giggle.
“How the hell am I supposed to pop your balloons if you're sitting inside the water thingy? The walls block the turtle shells from hitting you. It's not fair. You're a cheating little twerp!” I yelled exasperated.
“If you weren't supposed to do this the cloud guy would have came to pick me up by now. You've just been outwitted- you dimwit.” She giggled and was joined by Mary's amused laughter from the couch. I threw the controller down angrily as my last balloon was popped by a stray projectile and the word `loser' flashed across my part of the screen.
“Mary, since there is no way Gray can win against me, will you make him feel like a big man and play for a little bit?” Claire asked as she made her way to the couch and Mary helped her prop up her leg. I was then joined by the pretty raven haired woman on the floor. “Gray will be more than happy to show you how not to play,” Claire added with a snort and reached for her Oreo's. I saw her hand about to grasp them and snatched the precious cookies out of her grasp.
“Gray will show her what, Claire?” I muttered with a scowl. Claire glared at me and crossed her arms over her chest.
“Gray will show you how to play just as awesome as him, and he'll even let you win because he's such a gentleman. He is just so awesome and powerful because he's Gray. He's such a manly man that he steals his hostess's Oreos and wants her to say nice things about him to make him feel better because he's been losing to a girl for two hours in front of his sweet heart.” She was speaking in a baby voice by this point and I gently tossed the Oreo's into her face and she gave a triumphant grin and rewarded herself for an insult well placed by eating one of the cookies.
“You really are a brat,” I said while rolling my eyes and turning back to the screen.
“Whatever - if you didn't want to be insulted you shouldn't have touched my Oreo's. Why don't you guys actually race so Mary can get used to the basics?” she asked me while tapping my shoulder. I turned my head and was surprised to find her face close to mine and smiling at me - actually smiling. The corners of her eyes even squinted. For a moment I was dumbstruck as I looked at the blonde whom had gained sparkling eyes that appeared to be silver. I nodded dumbly and turned back to the TV- shaking the thoughts out of my head.
“Gray, are you ready to start?” Mary asked with a determined smile. I nodded and the race began.
Mary lost for a little while- eventually working her way up until she was coming in second. Claire cheered her from behind us, giving tips or hints to Mary- occasionally shouting to push a certain button or to take a different direction for a hidden short-cut.
“Play the rainbow world Mary,” Claire said enthusiastically and Mary locked in the track. “You'll win for sure on this track. Gray hugs the track border- he'll come in last place if he does it here.” She was right. I kept falling off the track and the little cloud man kept putting me back on. Mary didn't win but she beat me hands down.
After awhile Claire's cheering became non-existent and Mary finally won a race. We moved to the battle mode and I was victorious until Mary chose the water track and persisted to do what Claire had done and jump into the water barrier while ricocheting turtle shells popped all my balloons. Mary gave a little victory dance with her arms which caused me to chuckle.
“You're so cute, Mary,” I whispered and saw her blush brightly.
“No, I'm not,” she replied while turning to look at Claire. I gave the blonde a glance and saw she was sleeping on the couch, and since her cheering had long ago died out, I figured she had been for awhile.
“You are so. You're the cutest…the prettiest girl in Mineral Town,” I whispered with pink cheeks of my own. She remained silent and I leaned towards her slowly. This was a good as moment as any to kiss her.
“Gray, you shouldn't say things like that to me,” she said suddenly causing me to stop.
“Why not,” I muttered loudly. I don't like the direction this is going.
“Because I'd like us to stay friends a little longer,” she whispered and I stood up angrily.
“But I don't want that,” I hissed and folded my arms across my chest. She shook her head slowly and refused to look at me.
“I'm sorry Gray,” she whispered and I turned away from her and walked out of the house.
Claire's P.O.V.
Ouch…that was painful to watch. Mary had taken no qualms about shooting Gray to the ground in his attempt to woo her affections. How does he get the courage to keep trying if that is what it ends in every time? I heard the door slam and opened my eyes all the way and saw Mary give out a large sigh.
“If you're going to feel bad about rejecting him you shouldn't do it,” I said seriously. She jumped at my voice and blushed.
“Oh…you saw that. I…just…I don't feel that way about Gray. We're just friends.” She said in a voice that sounded unsure.
“Maybe that's how you feel but Gray is in love with you,” I replied with a sad smile. “Maybe you should give him a chance,” I offered the pondering librarian.
“I can't. I already…I just can't,” she said quietly and looked at me with a sad expression. “It's too late…I'm going to go home.”
I smiled at her and nodded. “You can crash here if you want,” I offered but she refused.
“I need to go home and think about things,” she murmured and left me alone.
I snuggled deeper into the couch cushions and sent a silent prayer out for Gray - unrequited love could be painful…just as painful as requited love that ended tragically. But perhaps he'll have the easier of the two, provided Mary didn't decide she had feelings for him soon.