Harvest Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy, My Friend ❯ May,Stu, Claire, and Gray ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sorry about this being so late everyone. Holidays and colds postponed it. Not to mention both Reima-chan and myself couldn't coordinate our unsick days together, and as one of us was getting better, the other got sick. Gosh…2 colds each…stupid colds. It's hard to write when sick, and when your personal helper is sick as well its darn near impossible. Special thanks to Hannah for her advice as well,I hope your trip was fun. Thanks to everyone who reviewed, and all of those who read and did not. This chapter has 2 flashbacks in it, and I have one more to put in the next chapter, then flash backs will be done for awhile.
Claire's P.O.V.
It was another one of those days in my childhood. One of the days where the grownups and the older children came in and dressed the young ones up very nice, putting pigtails and cute little hairstyles on the little girls to make them appear more like the stage of Shirley Temple cuteness. Little boys were dressed in tiny ties and dress shirts to appear like young gentlemen. Strangers would come in on those days, watching quietly and not saying much of anything. It always made me feel both sad and happy at the same time. It had taken me awhile to realize that when they did talk to someone, a child that lived in this large house with us, that that child might disappear.
“They had gotten new families,” an old voice, belonging to an old woman, had said happily. I had wondered at the time, what was wrong with the one they had now. Weren't we all a family? Perhaps not the ones that weren't so close to our `family,' but I was happier with my new family than I had been with my old one.
“Why do they want to leave, Grandma Ootori?” I remember asking the older woman, her eyes full of the feelings that I would one day know, a sick combination of pain, sadness, happiness, and joy.
“Don't you want to have a new family one day, little Clarabelle?” she had asked smiling down at me. I had shaken my head no in a violent manner, causing my loose pony tail to come undone.
“No ma'am,” I had said loudly. “I like it here with my new family. I don't want another one.” It had been a statement filled with naiveté and childlike reasoning. The old woman had chuckled at my outburst, a rose hue filling her ashy cheeks.
“Child, you make me laugh a lot,” she whispered and pulled me up on her knee. “I have a grandson that I'd like you to meet. He lives here too, and he is about your age.” She had a sad smile on her face.
“Does he stay with you?”
“No darling. He stays with the other boys his age,” she had said quietly.
“Like Mori and Hunni?” she had nodded. “Why do Hikaru and Kaoru have their own room?”
“Because,” she said as she began to chuckle again. “Those Hitachiin twins cause too much trouble when they're put with the other boys.” I hadn't understood at the time, what she meant by that. She put me on the ground and held my hand tightly as she walked to another room. A boy a little older than me sat on a chair, reading a book.
“Kyoya,” she whispered and he closed the book immediately.
“Yes, grandmother,” he said quietly, peering at me through round glasses curiously.
“I want you to meet Clarabelle. She is about your age,” I hid my face shyly under his studious gaze.
“You're the girl that the Hitachiin twins say no one can talk too,” he said with a warm smile. I gave a confused look and turned my head to the side.
“That can't be right. Anyone can talk to me whenever they want.” I said as I stamped my foot for emphasis. He laughed at me and then walked up to me carefully.
“Is she the one grandmother?” he whispered curiously and I saw her smile. “My grandma says you look like my aunt when she was little.” He said with a matter of fact attitude.
“Does that make us family?” I asked. Kyoya went to shake his head but his grandmother interrupted.
“Family is what you make of it, dear. Just like you say those other boys are your new brothers,” I nodded in understanding.
“Do you want to be part of our new family,” I asked Kyoya and he let out a sigh.
“I don't need any brothers,” he muttered and then looked at me before staring at his feet. “I wouldn't mind having a sister though.” I leaped on him in an instant, knocking him to the floor and his glasses askew.
“Yay!” I squealed and stood up and turned to the grandma. “Now I have another brother. And the best part is he's just mine and no one else's” I was giggling.
“I…” Kyoya started and I saw his cheeks burning red. Then a thought occurred to me.
“Why aren't you out in the room for the grownups to see you?” I asked curiously.
“Because I'm not up for adoption,” he stated and turned his head to the side, still watching me.
“Am I up for adoption,” I whispered and looked to the grandmother. She nodded with a sad smile.
“All good little boys and girls are up for adoption,” she said carefully.
I felt the sun kissing my cheeks, coaxing me from my slumber and the memory from when I had met Kyoya for the first time. I shook my head angrily and stretched my arms above my head. It had been the first time that I realized that sometimes you had to be bad…to keep things the way you wanted them.
I got dressed carefully, letting out a few choice curses as I tried to put my overall's on over the brace. I gave up and removed it, placing the brace over the denim. When you were young, the only concept you had was of good and naughty. Naughty children were in trouble, and would never find new mommies and daddies. But who needed mommies and daddies when you had brothers and sisters?
I was sore all over from yesterdays work. My back ached when I stretched again and then I buttoned up my plaid shirt despite the protest from my complaining muscles. It was fun to try to catch my loose overall strap, seeing as how I was doing this weird dance to try to get it to flop over my arm, being to lazy to try to grab it from behind me. Three days in a row I had completed my farming chores all by myself. Cliff and Gray came over each night to make sure I didn't need them to help me with anything, and I had been able to smile and turn them down. Today was the sixth day of spring, and I had turnips to harvest. I had foolishly thought that a certain bubble gum head was to come and help me harvest them yesterday, but she was a no show. It was taking me a long time to do my regular chores, let alone add harvesting to the list. I let out a dejected sigh and figured if Gray and Cliff showed up tonight I'd take them up on their off to help.
I walked outside and squinted at the bright sun light that beat down on my farm, drying up the wetness from yesterday's rain. I carefully made my way to the chicken coop and was half way there when I heard someone calling my name. I turned curiously and felt something hit my abdomen, knocking the wind out of me and causing me to stumble a few steps backwards.
“Claire, I missed you,” the little person whispered and I smiled down at the small girl with raven pigtails.
“Did I go somewhere?” I asked with a laugh, placing my hand on top of her head.
“May, you shouldn't jump like that on people,” I looked up again to see Barley scolding the remorseful girl. I lifted her up higher so she rested on my hip.
“Come on now, Grandpa Barley. She can't help it if she missed me so much,” I said to the old man as he chuckled slightly.
“Still,” he said seriously. “it wouldn't do for her to cause you more injury.” No sooner had the words left his mouth when another small blur rushed passed him, screaming out
“Claire, Claire, Claire,” I let out an oomph as the blur leaped and Stu landed on me, knocking me onto my butt. Ouch that hurt. “Claire, how are you feeling? Elli said I could come help you. Can I ride a cow? Why are you just sitting there? Did you miss me during the winter? I missed you. I really really want to ride a cow, please Claire, please please!” I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment, begging for patience as I was asked a million and two questions.
“Stu, I don't think your grandmother or sister would want you jumping on Claire like that,” Barley said while frowning down at Stu. Stu hugged me tight around the neck and mumbled a sorry.
“Claire is like, my bestest friend, besides May,” He said with a large smile. “Can we play Claire, huh? Huh? Can we? Please?” I looked into his wide puppy dog eyes and shook my head.
“I have chores to do. You guys can help me, if you want. Then will see if there is still time,” I said with a grin as I put the two children on the ground. I pulled my watering can out of my rucksack and handed it to May. “You can water the crops, and Stu can help me with the chickens real quick. Is that okay?” I asked the two beaming faces.
“I can do that. I'll do my best to water the crops,” May said shyly as she walked to the pond and scooped some water up to begin.
“I'll be the bestest chicken helper ever Claire. You'll see.” He said as he punched the air with a determined fist. He then looked up at me confused and shyly asked “What am I supposed to do?” I laughed and looked at Barley.
“I'll keep an eye on these two today. I'll have them back by 5, alright?” Barley gave me an appreciative smile and agreed.
“I could use the break. You're so good with them Claire,” he added and gave me an appraising look. “You'll make a good mother one day,” he added and I blushed.
“I don't know about all that now,” I mumbled embarrassedly. I rubbed the back of my neck out of nervous habit and giggled. “I prefer the kids you can send home, anyway.”
“You'll see Claire. You'll make some man very lucky one of these days.” Barley chuckled at my red face and walked towards the end of the farm to head to the hot springs.
“Come on Stu,” I said and looked out to May. “May, don't go near the pond until I come back out. Alright?” She nodded her head and I walked into the chicken coop with Stu. “Okay. Your job is to pick up one egg at a time and gently put it in this box” I slapped the box to make sure he saw it. “Hold the eggs with both hands when you carry them, and don't run. Elli wouldn't want you wearing egg on your shirt.”
I grabbed some feed and placed it in each chicken box. It was taking a long time to feed them, well, a lot longer than usual. I had to stifle a laugh when I watched Stu taking very careful steps in slow motion as he carried an egg to the shipment box. His expression was one of intense concentration and his tongue stuck out slightly at his determination. I finished feeding the chickens, but Stu still had three more eggs to pick up. I glanced out the window to make sure May was alright and picked up two eggs as Stu grabbed another.
“I can do it,” he said as he glared at me.
“I know. But we have to hurry. I still have to feed the cows and sheep, brush the horse, and we need to help May water the crops. I think you might need to help her since the water can is really heavy.” I said knowing that Stu's premature male pride would kick in.
“Okay, I'll go help her right now,” he rushed past the chickens, causing Launch Pad to jump up and cluck in fright. Evil chicken, serves it right. I winced as the coop grew louder with chicken clucks after the door slammed hard behind Stu. I was close behind the little boy, leaving the annoying chickens to peck over their food and devise how to attack the next unsuspecting victim that entered their domain.
I saw May giggling as Stu tried to puff out his chest and carry the full watering can like it weighed nothing. The young children I had known throughout my life had always pulled on my heart strings, playing me like a harp. I had been told it was my motherly instincts.
I stood in the door way of the large room, watching the tiny infants and toddlers sleep peacefully. I had made sure all of them were tucked in and asleep, teddy bears or bottles in hand. I turned to leave and nearly bumped into the chest of Kyoya. I glared up at him in annoyance as I shut the nursery door behind me.
“It's not polite to sneak up on people like that,” I muttered and threw my hair up in a messy bun.
“Why do you spend so much time in the nursery?” he asked after a shrug at my comment. I paused and then looked over at him.
“The young ones have a better chance of getting a new home. I guess I'm just jealous is all,” I shrugged my shoulders.
“Are you wishing you had been adopted when you were still young and cute? Wishing you had been a good little girl?” he was teasing me and I pushed his shoulder playfully.
Not on your life. But I…I guess I just feel like I want them to know that someone cared for them when they were here,” I muttered.
“You're twelve, and already your maternal instincts are kicking in.” he said as he rolled his eyes. I plucked his glasses from his face.
“Hey, Not funny. My grandmother will kill me if I break those again,” he growled and grabbed for them. I hid them behind my back and stuck out my tongue.
“Say the magic word,” I taunted him and he folded his arms angrily. It was extremely hard to get Kyoya to say please, even under the most extreme circumstances.
“Give them or I won't tell you where your darling doppelgangers want to meet you. Then you'll be in trouble for not showing up to the `family meeting',” he was smirking in Kyoya fashion as my eyes widened and I begrudgingly returned his glasses.
“You shouldn't get to attached, Clarabelle,” he had said quietly. “None of us like to see you sad when they leave,” he jerked his head towards the nursery.
“Claire! Stu is drowning your cucumbers,” I heard May exclaim horrified
“I am not you tattletale,” Stu shouted back. He stuck his tongue out at her.
“Are too,” she sated as she turned away from him, pouting. I rushed over to them, as fast as a person with a leg brace can waddle, and gently took the can from Stu.
“You're not drowning them, but if you keep that up you will,” I let out a small laugh as I ruffled his messy black hair. “Now,” I looked towards the barn, then back at Stu. May was no problem when it came to the farm animals. After all, she had grown up around them. Stu on the other hand had an unusual desire to ride a cow, and frankly, none of the Rescue Rangers in the barn liked Stu very much. I'm pretty sure the sheep didn't care for him either, being as he had once tried to help shear them by pulling their fleece off with his bare hands, using his `incredible hulk strength.' I looked towards the few dozen turnips and smiled.
“Stu, do you still have your `incredible hulk strength'?” I asked him seriously. He gave an enthusiastic nod and I pointed towards the turnips. “Great. I need you and May to help me pull up all the turnips. Can you do that?” I was answered with a large `manly' yell as Stu stalked towards the innocent turnips and started pulling them up. Turns out this incredible hulk needed to eat more vegetables.
“May,” I said as I stood, and she followed me as I walked towards my basket. I picked it up and turned towards her, and stifled a giggle as she watched Stu try in vain to pull up the turnip he had started with.
“Claire, do you think Stu's alright?” she whispered as she put her finger on her chin thoughtfully.
“I suppose. Little boys…well….May…they're just plain weird,” I said with a smile. She giggled and then saw me holding the basket. “I was thinking we can take some turnips to Saibara, Ellen, and your grandpa.”
“I think they would like that,” she said in agreement. I laughed as Stu fell onto his bottom, finally pulling up his first turnip.
“Well, let's go get some before Stu pulls them all up.” I snickered and handed May the basket.
Sometime later, all the turnips were harvested. Most of them had made it in the shipment bin, while a few made it into the basket. I pulled them out and washed them in the pond carefully as Stu and May played tag. I wasn't sure if Barley liked turnips a whole lot, and Ellen liked cucumbers a lot better. I'd take her some when they got ready to be picked. Saibara loved turnips, so I gave his pile the most. I had two for Ellen, two for Barley, and four for Saibara.
“Come on you two,” I called and they ran up to me. “These are for your grandma,” I said and handed Stu two turnips. I handed May the other two, “and these are for your grandpa. I just need you to hold them until I come out of the blacksmith's.” We walked out of the farm entrance and towards the blacksmiths shop.
“awwww. Claire can't we go in? I want to say hi to Gray,” I narrowed my eyes at Stu.
“You can say hi to Gray later. It's too dangerous for you to come in. You'll run around and end up getting hurt.” I said sternly.
“Please? Gray is ,like, my bestest friend, besides May.” Ouch. I hadn't even gotten to the blacksmiths and I was being replaced.
“I thought I was your bestest friend besides May,” I muttered as I rolled my eyes.
“Well, my bestest girlfriend. Gray is my bestest guy friend.” He said as he looked at the ground.
“The answer is still no. Trouble follows you around in the safest places. No buts!”I hissed as I saw his mouth open in protest and walked up to the shop. I stopped at the door way and glared at Stu. “Stay here, and no horse playing.” I then turned back to the door and shifted the turnips so I could grab the doorknob.
When I opened the door the smell of smoke and melted steel immediately filled my nostrils, giving me a sense of nostalgia from high school. I had loved shop class. I got the same filling when I went to Gotz's and smelled the wood. I had worked with wood the most, and had started working with metal. I suppose that's why I liked to hang out here so much when I had the time. Of course Saibara wasn't bad company either. Speaking of the elder man, there he sat behind his counter, looking very bored. Behind him Gray had tossed his jacket to the side and was pounding on some hot metal, shaping it into something I couldn't see. When Saibara saw me standing there he smiled at me, then seemed to realize that Gray and I were in the same room and cast a worried glance at the clock. Like maybe Gray had decided to stay longer than he was required, but alas the old man's face fell into a disappointed expression. That is of course until he saw what I held in my arms, at which point he smiled so widely his eyes squinted shut.
“Well isn't this a pleasant surprise. I love surprises,” he chuckled as he stood. The older man walked to me and took the offering of turnips out of my arms. Gray evidently was unaware of my presence as he grunted
“What are you talking about, Gramps. First of all, there isn't a surprise. Second of all, you hate surprises.”
Saibara looked annoyed as he growled “I love surprised when they consist of one of my favorite things and are accompanied by beautiful women.” I rolled my eyes at his compliment and stifled a laugh as Gray froze before glancing over his shoulder and looked at me. “Sit down Claire. Tell this old man how you've been. I suppose feeling much better since you've made your way here to visit me.”
“I'm doing a lot better. I can't stay though. Stu and May are outside waiting for me. I wouldn't let them come in. I figured Stu would hurt himself somehow.” Saibara nodded in agreement and I looked at Gray. “I also came to ask Gray if he and Cliff had still planned on coming over to help me this evening. I didn't get to take care of my sheep and cows because I'm watching Stu. I'm afraid he'll get hurt, and I can't leave him alone for the amount of time it's been taking me to feed and milk the cows. The sheep need to be sheared too” I put my hand under my chin thoughtfully as at this point I was mumbling to myself.
Gray's P.O.V.
“No problem,” I grunted as I dipped the sickle shaped metal into the water, watching the steam rise up and listening to the water hiss as the hot object entered it. I turned around to see her standing there in deep thought, talking mostly to herself than to either of us. I watched as my grandfather looked at me, then to Claire, and then back to me in amazement and I mentally laughed at him.
I can control myself if I put my mind to it. No nit picking, no arguing. Just Claire and I getting along, for Mary. Take that, you old geezer. Let's hear you say that no woman would ever want a stubborn mule for a husband again. But for some reason Gramps got this goofy grin on his face that made me uncomfortable and unable to enjoy his confusion.
Suddenly there was a loud shriek and the door burst open, little May running in screaming as mischievous Stu ran in behind her laughing. Claire fell down as Stu knocked into her legs, and she let out a grunt as she landed flat on her back. I was pretty sure the wind had been knocked out of her and had to stifle the urge to laugh.
But I suddenly realized that the evil little munchkins were heading my way, May running with her eyes closed straight towards a very hot forge a little ways to the left of me. I dove down to stop her from running and saw that my grandfather had grabbed Stu by his shirt and was dangling him of the ground as he scowled. I landed ungracefully on my side as May ran into my chest.
I felt a hot searing pain on the back of my shoulder and let out a hiss and perhaps a swear, just about the same time that May let out a painful cry of her own. I had brushed up against the forge with my shoulder, and May must have touched it too. I looked at her to see her clutching her hand as tears began to form. Better her hand than her face, though.
I sat up and held her against me as she began to cry, and I felt that helpless feeling come over me. I just wasn't good at these…emotional things. I'm so glad that Ann wasn't a girly girl, though if I ever told her that she would probably try to pummel me.
“Oh my Goddess, May. Are you alright,” I looked up to see Claire on her knees, kneeling next to me and the crying girl.
“My hand,” May whimpered and Claire immediately took the weeping girl into her arms, stroking her back gently in soothing circles.
“There, there,” she murmured. “Everything is going to be alright.” She looked over May's head and at me. “Do you have a first aid kit?” she whispered.
“Yeah, in Gramps' room,” I muttered as I sat up fully. As soon as I sat up I winced at the pain that magnified on the back of my shoulder.
“You're hurt too,” Claire muttered as she handed a slightly calmer but still teary eyed May back to me. “Stewart,” she growled out as she turned towards Grandpa and Stu. “You are to plant your bottom on that chair and not move for anything, for any reason, until I say different.” She looked at Grandpa and raised an eyebrow. “What exactly did he have?” she asked.
“It appears he found a garden snake outside,” he grumbled as he dangled the small green wiggling snake. He then walked towards the door and released the snake back into the outdoors. I noticed that Claire had turned her attention back towards May and I. She stood up carefully and then held her arms out for May.
“I'll carry her,” I grunted as I stood, trying to ignore that throbbing on my back. “You shouldn't carry her with your leg,” I added. She didn't object but followed me into Grandpa's room. I pointed to the kit and sat on the edge of bed, placing May on my knee. I watched Claire as she opened the kit up and began looking for burn ointment, disinfectant, and bandages.
“Is this going to hurt?” I looked down at May and felt a smile tugging at the corner of my lips.
“It might sting a little. But after Claire wraps it up everything will be okay.” I couldn't help my chuckle as the little girl held my much large hand tightly with her uninjured tiny one.
“You'll hold my hand right Gray?” she whispered as she looked up at me with large doe eyes. How can you say no to that face? You can't, that is all there is to it.
“Of course.” I was interrupted as Claire kneeled in front of us, using my unoccupied leg as a table as she placed her ointment, gauzes and tape on me.
“Alright, May. You're going to go first.” She said as she began to carefully clean May's hand. I felt May give my hand a squeeze as she winced when Claire applied the disinfectant. Claire lifted May's hand up and carefully blew on it. “I know it stings, but I'm almost done,” she said with a small smile as she applied some ointment to the burn and then began to wrap it with the gauze.
Claire stood up when she was finished and I felt her lean over me. I stiffened when her fingers grazed my shirt collar and lifted it away from my neck. “Lean forward so I can see.” I complied by putting May on the ground and felt the cool air on my own burn as Claire pulled the shirt more to get a better look. She stepped back and looked at me worriedly. “Take it off,” she said as she bit her lip. Excuse me? I narrowed my eyes and she took a deep breath. “It looks bad, and I need to get a good look at it.” I rolled my eyes, tossing my hat down onto the bed and slowly removed my shirt, wincing as I felt the burn being rubbed by the material.
“Ouch,” I muttered and leaned forward, resting my elbow on my knees as Claire steeped closer to me. I felt her fingers tenderly glide around the inflicted area, causing goose bumps to rise on my skin. She was really close to me, way too much in my personal space for my comfort.
“Gray…this doesn't look very good,” she whispered as she stepped back. She looked down at me in deep thought “I think you should go to the doctor. But I can try to clean it if you won't go. I'm going to need a wash cloth…you have pieces of your shirt sticking to it.” She crossed her arms and looked down at May. “May, please go and wait outside with Saibara.” The little girl didn't say a word as she left the room.
“There is a wash cloth in the bathroom,” I grumbled and sighed as she went to get it. No way in hell was I going to the Clinic for anything short of dying. Not after Tim's comments the other day. I was so lost in thought I didn't realize she was back until I let out a hiss from the coolness touching the burn. “Damn it woman! That hurts.” I felt the mattress under me shift as she crawled behind me.
“Sorry,” she whispered. She tenderly rubbed the burn and I sat in complete silence, trying to ignore her proximity as she washed it clean.
I was trying to NOT notice that I could feel her breathing on my skin as she leaned in to inspect her work. She leaned really close to me and I thought my eyes would bug out of my head as her hand came from under my good shoulder and tried to grab the ointment from my opposite leg. It was almost like she was hugging me from behind. I actually had to fight the urge to grab her hand and hold her there. Maybe she was right and I was hug deprived child. Yeah, and now in my twenties I had the oddest desire to hug people in times of…er…inflicted pain? I quickly thrust it into her hand and slumped my shoulders in relief as she applied the ointment.
“Gray…you're going to have to keep this clean. If it gets infected…its going to be bad. I would recommend sleeping without a shirt, on your stomach, to let the air hit it.” I grunted in reply. I was afraid my voice would come out squeaky if I tried to respond another way. Why did I only end up sounding like Mickey Mouse around her? “You need to apply the ointment every morning. Promise me that you'll do that.” I grunted again as she began to put the bandages on. “I'm serious. Promise,” she demanded with a slight stamp of her foot as she stood on the ground. Gosh she can be a stubborn brat.
“Fine,” I muttered and she stopped suddenly, putting her hands under my chin and pulling my face up roughly to look at her, squeezing my cheeks. I'm pretty sure I appeared to have fish lips. She was glaring at me menacingly, but I recognized the look on her face. It was the same look my mother had when she found me that day I hid and got left in the mountains, a mixture between sincere concern, fear, and anger.
“I mean it. I take promises very seriously. You have to keep this clean or you're going to be in a lot more pain than you are now.” I narrowed my eyes at the tightness of her grip and she loosened it up as she averted her eyes from mine for a moment. “I don't like to be lied to, and I can't stand it when people make me promises lightly.” She tilted her head to the side causing a curtain of hair to fall over her face, covering one eye from my view. The other one stared at me expectantly and I raised one of my eyebrows at her.
“I don't make promises that I don't intend to keep,” I stated as I crossed my arms angrily. I was a man of my word. Claire didn't give me a reply, but leaned back over me to finish the bandage. When she was done I reached for my shirt and sighed at the large burn mark marring the back of it. Darn it…this was my favorite shirt. It was all broken in and everything, just the right amount of wear and tear for my comfort. I tried to put it on but the motion of my arm lifting caused me to cringe.
“Here,” she said with a small smile and took the shirt from me. I looked at her blankly as she pushed the shirt over my head and she gave a small smirk. She poked my chest lightly and said “Look, I'll help you put this shirt on, but your other arm is perfectly fine. You could at least lift it for me.” I could feel my ears turning red as I lifted my right arm carefully so not to stretch my skin and felt her guide my half lifted arm threw the sleeve. Then she leaned in and slowly lifted my left one. “Let me know if it hurts at all,” she whispered as she got a look of intense concentration on her face.
Her eye brows furrowed together as she tried to stretch the shirt, making my need for movement minimal. I felt a light flush across my face as the thought `she looks really cute' crossed my mind. But really, how many grown women stick their tongue out slightly when they're trying to concentrate?
“Gray, I'm going to do this the quickest and easiest way I know how,” she finally stated as she slipped her hand through the sleeve of my shirt and I felt her hand cup mine and she clutched my hand tightly. “On three,” she said and she closed her eyes. “One, two,” she opened them suddenly, “three.” She pulled my hand with hers, through the shirt sleeve and I heard a curse escape my lips as another searing pain caused my vision to go white for a brief moment.
“Goddess, that stings,” I muttered as I took a few deep breaths. I heard Claire let out a small whimper and looked at her oddly.
“You're hurting me,” she muttered and I looked down to see our hands still together, my much large one cutting the circulation of from hers. I opened my palm, her small hand lying in mine and rested my thumb on top of it. I could make out a finger tip sized bruise already forming and felt a small tinge of guilt rise in my gut.
“Sorry, did I...you think I broke anything?” I asked as I gently moved her hand, bending her fingers and slightly applying pressure with my thumb as I moved it across her hand, watching her face for any sign of discomfort. First her leg and then her hand…Manna would be telling the whole village I was trying to slowly and painfully murder Claire.
“No…its fine,” she said as she removed her hand from mine quickly. She turned from me and began to walk toward the shop. She paused as her hand hovered over the bedroom doorknob and turned her head back to me. “Remember…you promised me you'd take care of yourself. Don't forget,” she whispered.
“I won't,” I replied immediately. She gave a relieved grin and opened the door. But her expression when she had turned around had me standing there, frozen in thought. Where had I seen that look before? That emotion? Gosh, I could already tell this was going to be one of those things that bugged me until I figured t out.
Claire's POV
What part of stay outside and no horse playing was unclear to Stu, I didn't know. I glared angrily down at the little boy who was putting on his best `I'm completely innocent look.' He wasn't my child, nor was he in my punishment jurisdiction…but for Elli he was.
“Stu, let's go. I'm taking you home right now,” I muttered as I picked up May and tossed her on top of my shoulders. He looked at me heartbroken and I rolled my eyes. “Don't give me that look. I invented that look and it won't work on me.” I felt May being taken off my shoulders and looked behind me to see Gray…glaring…at me. What the heck did I do?
“You shouldn't be doing that. You're going to cause your leg more problems.” He muttered and sat May down. “I don't mind helping you out right now, but if you screw your leg up more, I'm not wasting the summer coming to help you.” I was about to reply when Saibara interrupted.
“How is your shoulder?” the older man asked.
“Fine,” Gray mumbled and I felt my mouth drop open. Fine? FINE?!
“It most certainly is not fine. You need a few days off at least. You're not going to be able to do anything constructive without being able to lift that arm.” I hissed angrily, resisting the urge to remove Gray's hat and start smacking him with it. Maybe his common sense had seeped into the hat fabric and that would knock it back into him.
“It's my business,” he said through gritted teeth, as he shoved his hands into his pockets, probably resisting the urge to shake me to shut me up.
“But…you just said you'd take care of yourself,” I whispered as I balled my hand into a fist. I looked at the ground for a few moments. I really wasn't talking to him, but to myself.
“I said I would keep it clean, and I will,” he stated quietly as he put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see him staring at me, a hint of concern on his face and I let out a tired sigh. Deep breaths Claire, that's how we stay calm. So what if the idiot wanted to work and split the burn scab open and be in all that pain…and chance getting it infected with dirt and sweat…I felt myself cringe at the thought of an infected burn and I glared at Gray's right shoulder, refusing to meet his eyes.
“Look…I don't think you're going to want to work tomorrow when you wake up. The burn is really nasty. I'm not your mom and I can't force you not to come. But I really think that if you'd like to avoid going to the clinic, you should at the very least…give your shoulder a rest tomorrow.” I closed my eyes warily. Now that wasn't so hard was it? I really just wanted to wash my mouth out at having to be so nice to an idiot who didn't care about his own health. Gray didn't reply but I heard Saibara's hoarse voice growl out
“Boy, if you show up here tomorrow, I'll burn the other shoulder for you.” Wow. Talk about back up. Who would want to argue with that old man? Alright! Score for team Claibara! Or would it be team Saire? Anyways- who cares? Go home and rest you big idiot!
“Yes sir,” Gray mumbled and I saw him grab his jacket. He turned to look at me and then looked down at May. “You want me to hold you since Claire can't?” May nodded and hesitantly stepped forward and Gray lifted her easily, the only sign he was injured was a small cringe that caused his eyes to squint for a brief moment. I'd give him this, the idiot was a tough idiot.
“Claire,” May asked shyly as she buried her face in Gray's shoulder. “Can we stop by and see Mary?” I shrugged my shoulders.
“I guess, but then Stu is going home.” I watched with a small grin as May gave a wide smile and snuggled closer to Gray. “Looks like someone has an admirer,” I snickered and Gray looked over at me like I just said it was raining moon pies. I pointed at May and his eyes opened wide.
“Whatever,” he muttered and walked ahead of me. I looked down at a…fuming Stu? Oh boy, was pay back fun.
“Stu, Gray is going to steal May away and they're going to get married and live happily ever after,” I said loudly and bit back a giggle as Stu crossed his arms in a Gray like manner. Gray himself let out an annoyed growl for a warning.
“No she won't. I'm May's bestest friend.”
“Nuh-uh. I like Gray the best now. He didn't cause me to get hurt,” May called back as her head popped up from over Gray's good shoulder. She stuck her tongue out at Stu and I saw him look at her horrified. “Besides, Gray held my hand when Claire fixed me,” she added and I wanted to kiss the little girl as I saw the look on Stu's face. Absolutely priceless, like Christmas was cancelled.
“See, I told you,” I whispered as I patted Stu's shoulder, giving him the most sympathetic look I could muster.
“Will you quit teasing the boy before he tries to bite me or something,” Gray finally said as he turned on me with a scowl. I stopped walking and folded my arms across my chest, mimicking Stu.
“Meanie. Just because Stu found out doesn't mean you got to be mean to me,” I gave him a raspberry and he rolled his eyes.
“Fine,” Stu finally screamed and I looked down at him surprised. “If you're going to marry Gray, then I'm going to marry Claire,” I dropped my mouth open as he jumped up and Stu's chubby hand grabbed mine and he in turn gave May and Gray a raspberry as well.
“Fine,” May muttered as she put her head back out of sight. “Gray is more handsome than you anyway,” she said loudly. I couldn't help the snicker that escaped my lips and bent over as I tried to contain myself from laughing. But just as I was able to stop and stand up straight Stu replied to May
“Well, Claire is prettier than you. And I'll marry Karen to so I'll have two pretty girls,” I bit my lip hard to try to keep from giggling but then of course Stu had to say “Wait…I'll marry Popuri and Karen, because they're beautiful, and Claire can be the mommy,” I immediately stopped my giggling, but a deep chuckle could be heard coming from ahead of me. I narrowed my eyes at Gray as he bent forwards a little and continued laughing. I glared down at Stu, a little hurt and then huffed past Gray and May, leaving a confused Stu behind.
“I think Claire deserves to be more than the mommy. Besides, she doesn't look like a mommy. She's prettier than Popuri, don't you think so Gray?” I heard May say and turned my head back to smile at her as we reached the library.
“Yeah, def…” Gray stopped and then shook his head violently as he realized what he had started to say. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped…Gray…thought I was pretty?
“Well….what I mean is,” Gray said loudly as he pulled his hat down over his eyes. “I don't find her pretty,…Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I would never think….not that she isn't pretty, and I'm not saying I think that she is, because I don't…but I would say more than Popuri, Not that I look at her that way, but uh, I don't know, I guess Claire could be” the more words that came out of his stupid mouth the more I just wanted to strangle him. I narrowed my eyes and angrily opened the door to the library.
Mary's P.O.V.
The door swung open with such force that for a moment I thought it would come off from its hinges. To my surprise Claire entered the building, a very Gray-like scowl covering her face.
“Claire,” I said surprised as I stood at my desk. She looked at me and I pushed my glasses higher up my nose. “What is wrong with you?” I narrowed my eyes as she shook her head. Then of course Gray came in carrying May, and Stu trotted in after them.
“Hi, Mary,” Gray said with a large smile.
“Good afternoon Gray. Hello May…oh my goodness, what happened to your hand?” I asked her upon seeing her hand covered in a bandage.
“Stu tried to chase me with a snake and Gray and I got hurt,” she said as she crossed her arms, giving the boy an angry glare. I looked up at Gray who was looking slightly embarrassed and annoyed.
“Are you alright?” I asked him with a worried frown. Once again May spoke up.
“We're fine. Claire fixed us up and put our Band-Aids on.” She stated with a large smile. I returned it and looked over at Claire, who was glaring at a shelf of books.
“What's wrong with Claire?” I asked May with a large smile, figuring she's have the answer.
“Gray said she was ugly,” Stu interjected as he shook his head disapprovingly, glaring up at Gray.
“They both said she was ugly,” May whispered to me, and I glared at Stu, then at Gray.
“They did, did they?” I muttered and then turned my glance back to Claire, who had pulled a book down and was in the back of the room, apparently reading.
“That's not what I said at all,” Gray mumbled and dropped his head dejectedly. I looked at him and tried not to grin as May reached out and grabbed my hand.
“First he said she was prettier than Popuri, and then he took it back,” she whispered to me. I felt my mouth make an o shape and then shook my head.
“That's worse than just not saying anything,” I said to Gray sternly and walked over to Claire, all the while trying not to burst into laughter. This was one of the most interesting…disagreements between the two I had ever seen.