Harvest Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy, My Friend ❯ Claire's Plan ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

B4k4 ch4n- I hope you enjoy this as much as the last, and I'm sorry I cant ever seem to answer your questions. Hopefully this chapter clears a little bit of it up ^^;
DoubleKK- Dead on. He's just in denial.^^
Kairi Tsubasa- As you'll be able to see, the truce is treading on thin ice, but don't worry, everything is going according to plan.
Mayouh101- Its been awhile, so I suppose I should bring Cliff back into play pretty soon. Its just so fun to write with Kai. He's just such a goofball xD
BlueCupcakes- Thank you thank you. You're not supposed to spill if you have insider information though :P
Prologue- stupid thing cut your review off, but I know how much you love Kai. I hope you got thank you from people who where dying from withdrawls.
Hajischevalier12- Patience is a virtue ^^. Lets see what Gray does :P
Libra1- This isn't so much of a cliffy, since I don't know how long before the next update. But I hope it is to your liking.
Elaine- Thanks so much. You enthusiasm amuses me xD
Uber Hyper Sugar Fiend- Maybe this portrayal of smexy Gray wont ruin your thoughts on him ;)
Artistic 18- I'm glad you like hearing about Claire's past. It is a little difficult to write, because there is so much I want to include. Kai is fixing to get pwnd…I think ^^;
Harvest Moon Fan- Thank you. Kai is obviously a wanna be pirate, I mean, come on look at him xD
HmGirly12- Glad to hear your still alive and well, be it with a bad internet connection. I hope you're doing well and enjoy this update ^^
I don't own HM or OHSHC.
Gray's POV
I purposely headed to Mary's desk, turning my hat backwards and determined to beat that bandana wearing flirt at his own game. It would be fine, if I could pull it off. I just had to keep a straight face, and not knock Kai out until I waited for a useable queue. And the way he was on a cheesy line roll, it wouldn't take very long. I just needed to grab my opening.
“Seriously, the guy who gets you is one lucky S.O.B.,” Kai said cheekily and Mary rolled her eyes, despite her amused giggle. There it was, the perfect opportunity.
“Mary,” I interrupted my stomach in knots as I contemplated what I was to do. Get close to her, keep a nonchalant face, and act like you got something under your nails or something .Ask her…
“What type of guy do you like?” I cut my eyes at Kai, “Egotistical? What about the cool type? Wild? Or…” I trailed off, Claire's words echoing in my head.
“Run your fingers under her chin, and stop with your thumb right before you get to her lips, make her look at you and lean in really close to her face and say…”
“Would you like to try me?” I murmured my face inches from her own as I gave her the most flirtatious smile I could muster. Complete silence for three seconds before the snort of laughter from the couch came to my ears, but I was waiting for someone else reaction.
The first thing I noticed was that Mary was looking at me with large dreamy eyes, even more magnified by her glasses. Her face turned cherry red and she began stammering like crazy. I felt a jolt of shock that Claire's plan had actually worked.
“G-g-gray I-I've n-n-ever…” she stopped and simply covered her face with her hands.
“Oh Goddess, I can't believe you pulled it off,” I shot a look at the blonde who was doubled over with laughter, her face red from lack of oxygen as she pounded the couch with her fist. “This is going to be one of those things I'm going to die thinking about ,” she gasped out as she finally fell of the couch in her laughing fit, making a loud thud as she landed on her side.
I rolled my eyes at her reaction, and turned to give Kai a victorious smirk, but came face to face with his open mouth; wide eyes and….I don't think he was even breathing.
“Goddess Gray…I think you might have killed him,” Claire's laughter paused for a moment. “Kai has died from utter shock...” she said as she grabbed her stomach, barreling over in laughter again.
“Then the world is less one more annoyance,” I snickered and turned back to Mary, who had yet to recover from my pick up line. “Mary?” I whispered softly, reaching out to shake her shoulder.
“I- I'm okay,” she squealed and peeked up at me before spinning around towards Claire, hiding her face from me. I was about to continue when I heard a thud and felt hands grasp the hem of my t-shirt. I looked down to see Kai, on his knees as he looked up at me with large brown puppy eyes.
“Teach me,” he whispered, and clasped his hands together in a begging gesture. I raised an eyebrow and took a step back. Kai really scared me sometimes…he took things that weren't supposed to be serious…way to seriously in his own goofy way.
“Don't touch me, it weird's me out,” I muttered and scowled down at him disapprovingly.
“I'm not worthy, but I beg of you, teach me your ways,” Kai continued and bowed down on the floor as if I were royalty. You know, I could get used to this…no way, what am I saying? I have a hard enough time not killing Kai when we share a room together, let alone him…hovering about all day because he had nothing else to do.
“You said it yourself, you're not worthy,” a voice piped in as Kai let out a loud `oomph.' I looked at Claire, who had decided Kai would make a nice foot rest when she came to sit on the edge of Mary's desk. “In case neither of you Casanovas noticed, its four, which means Mary is throwing us out before we can see what other shades of red we can make her turn today.”
I looked over at the librarian, and smiled at her, and her face immediately caught fire again as she squeaked out a small barley audible `bye'. I completely ignored the form of Kai begging for me to teach him as I strolled to the door, whistling a happy tune. I walked outside and went to close the door, but something stopped that from happening.
“Nice use of flirting ability Gray. I didn't know you had it in you,” Claire whispered with a large grin on her face as she closed the door behind her. I gave her a satisfied grin and shrugged.
“Me either…I suppose its thanks to you. I owe you one now, you know. Anything you want,” I said and reached a hand up, ruffling her bangs.
“Anything?” she repeated, a mischievous grin coming across her face for a moment. “It was worth it to see Kai's reaction, but I'll keep that in mind…I'll cash it in when I think I can use it,” she said with a wink. Normally I would have mentally berated myself over the offer, but at the moment, I was in such a great mood, I didn't care what possible use Claire could be waiting to use her IOU in.
“Heading home?” I questioned with a small chuckle and she shrugged.
“I need to speak to Ann about the talent competition…” she trailed off and looked distant for a moment. “She claims she wants to compete…she wants to do a dance skit I think. I promised I'd help if I could,” she stated and scratched her head.
“You're good at those sort of things then?” She gave a small smile and nodded.
“I was in the drama club throughout high school….and was in most of my school plays.” She suddenly looked a little embarrassed and snickered as she added “Now whether I was any good or not I'm not sure. But I know a few dances.”
“Well, shall we?” I offered with a jerk of my head towards the direction of the inn.
“I suppose,” she said hesitantly and looked at me examining, as if I was under a microscope. “You know Gray…you're actually quite tolerable when you're in a good mood.” I felt my mouth open slightly as a brushed past her, mocking offense as I passed.
“I'm always tolerable….bad mood or not,” I muttered and heard her walk quickly to catch up with me.
“Hardly…do you think your grandfather is tolerable in a bad mood?”
“hell no,” I muttered darkly.
“Well, that's how everyone in town see's you when you're in a bad mood.” She said matter of fact and skipped ahead of me a little. I rolled my eyes at her child like behavior, but for a moment I found it endearing…wait, what?! I shook my head to rattle the thought out of my brain.
Claire is not endearing…entertaining maybe, but certainly not endearing. But when she turned her head to look back at me over her shoulder, and she smiled at me as she let out a tiny giggle, sprinting up ahead, I had to repeat that thought to myself over again.
“You know…its not the end of the world if you just admit that maybe….just maybe you find her a little bit on the cute side,” Kai's voice came from behind me and I stopped, turning on him in all my pent up rage, eyes narrowing. Kai however, was completely unaffected by my glare, so either we was a clueless idiot, or brave fool. Either scenario had to do with his idiotic tendencies.
“How do you know the world as we know it won't go up in flames if that day ever came,” I asked hotly.
“Well…it's the truth and… crud, look at that…Tim has come out to say hi,” Kai muttered and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Are you jealous of Tim,” I asked and looked ahead to see…Tim leaning down, hands resting on his knees like he was out of breath as he looked up at Claire, a sheepish smile on his face. He must have dashed out of the clinic to catch her. The sight of him …being with her ticked me off.
“No, I just think there are more deserving men in the world for my darling Claire,” Kai said softly, a thoughtful look on his face. HIS darling Claire?
I looked at the two, and in my mind I saw Claire sitting in her house at the table. She wore a light blue bathrobe and was drinking a cup of coffee as she looked at the clock longingly…the vision disgusted me.
“I suppose she needs a guy like you then?” I asked with a bitter chuckle.
“No, I've been trying to tell you since last year, she needs a guy like you,” Kai said and slapped my shoulder hard.
“Hardly…she can't even stand me,” I muttered, my tone flat. Even if I could find Claire appealing that way, and I'm not saying that I do, because I don't…
“Me thinks the lady has a soft spot for ye,” Kai said in what was either a very good old English accent, or possibly a poor Scottish accent. Claire had a soft spot for me? The thought of the idea made me want to laugh. I watched Claire point to the back of her head as we got closer to the pair.
“Kai,” I muttered as I saw Tim reach up to Claire's head, examining it.
“Yes, Gray,” he answered, his tone full of amusement.
“You're an idiot,” I muttered darkly and Kai simply speed up and walked towards Claire, wrapping his arms around her to Tim's horror and pulling her into one of his engulfing hugs, as his head rested on top of hers.
“Claire, my darling, is your wound hurting you? Here, let daddy kiss it better,” he said with dramatic angst and for a brief moment, I thought I saw hearts fluttering about him in the background. I wanted to spin Claire around in a hug when she took her fist and conked Kai on the head lightly, and I wanted to laugh at him as he clutched his head as if she had severely beaten him.
“You are not my father” she muttered darkly, and looked at Tim apologetically.
“If you have any trouble, come and see me immediately, alright” Tim mumbled with his face red as he glared at Kai through the corner of his eyes. He stepped forward as if to hug Claire, and I took the opportunity to intervene. I reached one of my hands up and placed it on Claire's head, forcing her head to face me, thus successfully detouring the `Tim hugs Claire' moment.
“Let's get going….Ann is waiting,” I said softly and tried to give the best no arguments look I could muster. Claire looked at me dumbfounded and I guided her away from Tim and in front of me, letting my hand trail from her head and to the small of her back where I gave her a light push forward so she walked a few steps in front of me.
“See you around Tim,” Kai laughed as he sprinted up to catch up with me. “Nice,” he offered me and I shrugged like it was nothing, despite the smirk on my face. I was developing quite a way with the ladies, if I do say so myself.
Claire's POV.
This seemed oddly familiar…everything from the look to the way that he had made sure I was in front of him when he'd gotten me out of Tim's reach. I just couldn't quite figure out why…
“ and I'm going to write to you all the time, and I'll come back and visit, and I'm going to sing that song for you from the fairy movie, I promise Belle. I'm going to become the best brother ever, some one you can be proud to say that I'm your big brother. And I'm going to be your favorite one…even better than Jack and the twins I heard the whispered words in my ear and smiled sadly, clinging to the blonde boy.
We both knew that when he left…that we would never see each other again. It had been the same when everyone left…they had written to us a few times, and then the letters would stop. They had a new family now, and didn't need us anymore.
“I'm never going to forget you Tamaki…” I whispered in his ear and felt his grip on me tighten.
“I'm not a liar Belle…I'm going to come back, and I'm going to make sure you go to that school to become a real lady…and all the other things I promised you.”
“Son, its time to go home,” a man's voice said from the side, and I tried my best not to cry.
“Yes, papa…” he looked at the identical boys behind me, narrowing his eyes as he let out a final demand. “Take care of her.”
“No worries, we will,” the two voice replied in perfect unison. Something that could always be depended on.
“Kyouya…make sure they don't turn her against me while I'm gone,” he jokingly asked Kyouya, but I could tell he was serious. He had always been worried the twins would convince me not to like him. Kyouya replied with a nod.
“Mori…Hunni…make sure that they all stay out of trouble,” The stoic boy gave a nod, while the smaller blond lunged at Tamaki, hugging him tightly without saying a word.
Bye Belle" he ruffled my hair and turned to leave, but I grabbed his hand, linking pinkies together.
“You promise, right?” I whispered tearfully. Tamaki gave me a wide smile, his deep blue eyes squinting as he tightened the grip of his finger.
“Promise. Cross my heart and hope to die.” I didn't say anything, I just kissed his cheek softly as I held his finger in mine, clinging to that promise.
Those were the last words he said before he got into the car, leaving us to go to his new home. I stood there for awhile, looking at the ground as tears ran down my cheeks until I could finally cry no more.
Come on Clarabelle. Grandma is waiting for us to get back.” It was a single voice, but it came from the pair that seemed to always be together. I felt hands on either shoulder and nodded sadly. I looked at one boy; the one on my left that I knew had spoken.
“Hikaru…” he shook his head and looked at me seriously.
“No arguments” he pushed me forward gently, an identical hand following his movement from my arms to my back, and a light shove accompanying his as well.
I looked back at Gray, wondering why in the world was he the one who triggered that flashback.
Summer 3rd, Claire's POV:
I was late to the library, but apparently I was saved from the wrath of an angry librarian, seeing as she had certain klutzy tan bandana wearing man to take her frustration out on.
“Sorry I'm late, Mary…uh…why is Kai here again?”
“Kai,” Mary spat out, “REFUSES to leave the library, despite my protest and his obvious not helping in the slightest way. He has disorganized the books to be put on the shelf again…I swear Claire, I'm going to bloody strangle him…I just…I've had it with him, I swear.” She was trying to take deep calming breaths. As if on queue I heard a loud crash and swiftly deflected a book that flew from the second floor down towards Mary and I.
“Goddess, Kai! What the hell are you doing, trying to kill us?” I said loudly, my hand stinging from knocking the book from its intended trajectory.
“Language, Claire,” Mary chided and picked up the fallen book, babying it softly, a look of pity on her face.
I raised an eyebrow at her incredulously. Kai just tried to assault us by turning…Pride and Prejudice… into a flying projectile, and I was being reprimanded for bad language? Unbelievable. Just…wow…now that hurts my feelings a little. I thought Mary and I were closer than that. I cracked my knuckles as I eyed the stairs angrily, silently stalking up them, my vision searching for one person, or even a pile of books that resembled said person.
Upon seeing a familiar annoying purple bandana emerging dizzily from a pile of books, I grabbed his large tan earlobe and began to drag him down stairs. Unfortunately for said person, I didn't give him the opportunity to stand, so he was forced to crawl rather quickly behind me down the flight of stairs despite verbal protest and teary eyes.
“Now you sit here,” I muttered darkly and pointed to a chair sitting in a lonesome corner,“ and don move until someone tells you to,” I growled out and turned to walk away. I paused momentarily, thinking maybe that had been too much. I had almost changed my mind when I saw him reaching to a close by shelf, and turned swiftly.
“What?” he asked innocently and I crossed my arms over my chest.
“Don't touch anything…as a matter of fact, sit on your hands,” I muttered and Kai gave me a `you can't be serious' look. “Now!” I bellowed and he immediately placed his hands under his legs, glaring at me like a scolded child.
“Claire…don't you think that you're being rather harsh?” Mary's tiny voice called and I felt her hand on my shoulder.
“Harsh…do you want him to destroy the library?” I asked angrily. “Have you seen what he's done up there?” I pointed up the stairs exasperatedly.
“Kai is only trying to help,” Mary whispered and gave the traveler a pity glance.
“Yes, I'm just helping,” Kai chimed in and Mary sent him a silent `you're not helping the situation' glare.
“Fine…whatever,” I sighed, defeated. “In a half hour Kai can try to” I used air quotes “ `help' , again. Right now he is officially in a time out.” I stated and Mary gave me a smile and an approving nod. Kai opened his mouth to protest his punishment, but Mary quickly added.
“Those in time out can not speak.” This could work…if he was going to act like a child, then he could be treated as such.
13 minutes later
I placed the last several of my current stack of books in their place, blowing my bangs out of my face and freezing as I heard it again…
This was beginning to become annoying…too much so I think. I'd been hearing it ever 45 seconds. For the last 13 minutes…that's...roughly 17 times already. And if it continued through the duration of his punishment that would mean that I had heard the exaggerated sigh 40 times in thirty minutes, more that one a minute, obviously. I lifted my hair and let some air hit my sweaty neck, and once again, an over exaggerated
I turned my head, my hair falling back into place as my eyes bored into to Kai's form. He was sitting sideways in the chair, legs crossed against one arm while his back rested against the other. He had his head resting on the wall, an expression of extreme boredom on his face. I clinched my fist as his shoulders raised slightly and the sound came again.
I glanced to the upstairs…Mary wouldn't know…there wouldn't be any witnesses if I just knocked him out with an encyclopedia or something. No one would know, and I wouldn't have to listen to that anymore. I grinned at the thought, my hands rubbing together evilly.
I was almost so absorbed in my fantasy of knocking out Kai that I barley heard the door bell chime to signal the arrival of the only other regular library patron. I didn't acknowledge the sound, or what it signified, nor the presence of the blacksmith apprentice next to me. Not until he leaned down into my personal space, his deep voice echoing in my head. And unfortunately for me, the results weren't the best.
“GAH!!!” I screamed and jumped up, my head making a sickening sound as it hit Gray's forehead. “ Owowowow,” I muttered over and over again as my hands immediately came up to hold my own forehead.
“DAMN IT woman, what the hell is your problem?” He screamed as he rubbed his forehead tenderly.
“Me?! Who the hell sneaks up on someone like that?” I screamed back, glaring at him pointedly.
“I didn't sneak up on you, brat, I was trying to get your attention,” he growled out loudly one hand turning into a fist as he shook it at me.
“Well you sure as hell got it now, didn't you?”
“Gray, Claire,” came Mary's pleading voice.
“What is wrong with you, you ditzy blond?! Who the hell just spaces out like that?”
“I wasn't spacing out! I was…”
“STOP IT,” bellowed a voice that I don't think I've ever heard speak that loudly.
I let out a pained grunt as a small hand grabbed my cheek and pulled me to look at Mary, and I heard Gray make a similar sound as she pulled his cheek the same way. We were face to face as Mary breathed heavily, trying to calm herself. I imagine my faced looked just as funny to Gray as his did to me, all stretched out so it looked like he was giving a crooked grin, had it not been for his eyes being narrowed with annoyance.
“Maawee, ou cun wet gro,” I tried to explain and she shook her head in disagreement.
“If you two are going to act like children, you will be treated as such. Honestly, only the two of you could turn something as simple as a head bump into a full fledged argument…” She began to walk, dragging us behind her.
Gray was stooped over far more than me, and I imagine that the position wasn't doing his posture any favors. I was craning my neck as I stumbled behind Mary's swift gait. I exchanged `what's her problem' glances with Gray a few times before she deposited Gray into a corner, and then drug me to the opposite one a few feet away.
“Mary, what is the…” Gray began but was interrupted by the librarian.
“No talking. Get back in the corner, Gray. You are all officially in time out. And all of you can come out of your corners in 10 minutes.”
“I had to sit for thirty minutes Mary! That's totally unfair,” Kai whined from his corner.
“Five more minutes if you talk while you're in time out,” she muttered as she pushed her glasses up her nose. “No one ever claimed life was fair, Kai,” she added as an afterthought.
“But,” Kai protested and Mary simply looked at the clock.
“Five more minutes Kai.” He went to open his mouth to protest but she crossed her arms, and glared at him disapprovingly. “You want to make it ten?”
Kai huffed and crossed his arms, giving out an over exaggerated aggravated sigh. It was followed immediately by a loud and annoyed
Not to be one left out, I crossed my arms and glared at the corner, taking a deep breath and blowing my bangs out of my face with a
“You three can do that all you like, you still have to stay in time out,” Mary said in a singsong voice as she wordlessly went back to returning misplaced books to their proper places. Goddess, who knew Mary could be so…merciless?
We were distracted by our harmonious sounds of mutual annoyance when the library door opened and the two local children walked in, stopping abruptly when they saw the three twenty- some odd years adults in corners of the library. They exchanged `what in the world' expressions and then looked at one of us at a time, then back at each other, then to Mary.
“Miss Mary,” May began, shifting her body so she danced back and forth on her feet as she stood still. “Why are they all in corners?”
“Well,” Mary began, looking at May and Stu mischievously. “They're in time out. Kai” she pointed in his direction while he gave her a glare and slumped down further in his chair. “made a mess upstairs. The other two were fighting.” She stated as if that was the most obvious reason in the world.
“But Claire and Gray have been getting along,” Stu said with a confused face. “ I haven't heard any yelling at my house, so I know they haven't been fighting very much.”
I just wanted to hug Stu. I mean…here was the town trouble maker defending us from Mary's wrath.
“As a matter of fact,” Stu said with a wide grin. “I think they like each other,” he made a kissing sound and I scoffed at him, while Gray let out an audible growl.
Did I say hug him, I meant kick him. I wanted to kick Stu. I glared at him while Mary helped him and May find a book to have Carter read to them. When they left Mary looked at the clock and smiled.
“Gray and Claire can come out of their corners now,” she said brightly and I let out a relieved sigh, silently stomping up the stairs to grab one of the remaining piles of books and bringing it back down. Gray was at the bottom of the stairs and took the stack from me.
“Thanks,” I muttered quietly as I peered at Kai. “We have to get as much done as we can before he gets up and screws it all up,” I whispered and Gray nodded in agreement.
I got three more stacks of books down before Mary said it was time for Kai to come out of his corner. I sighed in disappointment. There goes the silence, and all the hard work. And their goes Kai, straight over to Gray, and sticking to him like white on rice.
“Gray, tell me where you learned that cool line?”
“For the fifty thousandth time, no,” Gray growled and shook a book threateningly at Kai.
“Come on,” Kai groaned out, falling to his knees. “Don't make me beg.”
“You've been begging since last night,” Gray muttered with a dark scowl. Oh crap. Please don't break Gray. Please remain the foolish stubborn jerk you've proven yourself to be time and time again.
Kai latched onto Gray's leg, kicking the floor in a child like manner. “COOOMMMMMEEEEE OOOOOONNNN!!!! “ he wailed and I saw the look on Gray's face…the `I've had it look.'
“Claire told me, alright. Now get off me you freaking pirate!” He bellowed and I smacked me head. Wonderful…just wonderful.
“Claire?” he whispered and looked at me, and immediately I felt my personal space invaded by Kai and rolled my eyes.
“How do”
“Come on””
“No, and another word and I'll kill you,” I muttered darkly. Kai was unaffected by what he thought was an empty threat. After a brief moment of silence he stood in front of me, as if he had just hand an epiphany.
“Claire…” Kai began, rubbing the back of his head in a nervous gesture. “Are you…one of those girls who likes other girls?” Mary dropped her books while Gray dropped his jaw.
I blinked once. Twice. Three times. Was he serious?
“Why, you got a problem with that,” I muttered darkly, my mind reeling at the possible ways I could punish this idiot. Kai's picture had officially replaced Grays for the example of idiot in `Claire's Dictionary'.
“Well...no I just…” the idiot began to stammer as I huffed past him, eyes set on Mary as I winked at her in a `play along' manner.
“Kai has discovered our secret, dear,” I said softly to Mary in a `woe is us' voice. I turned as I got behind her, my arms wrapping snuggly around her waist as I nuzzled her neck with my chin, smiling lovingly at her.
“Well then, that's fine, darling. I was growing tired of pretending anyway,” she replied softly, her cheeks flushing as she rested her hands on mine. It took everything in my power to not laugh at the two idiots who stood together, both with gaping mouths and Gray…oh Goddess was his nose bleeding? What a pervert.
So that's the sound that an idiot makes when he passes out. Mary covered her mouth as she gasped and I narrowed my eyes as I checked over Kai's form, leaning a leg out and nudging him with my foot.
“Kai…hello? Earth to pirate boy, please come in,” I kept nudging him with my foot and rolled my eyes as he remained unconscious. I looked towards Gray and rolled my eyes. “Pervert…”
“You…you …you two are really together?” Gray muttered out, pointing at us with his mouth still hanging open and his nose still bleeding. Goddess he was thick.
“Yes Gray,” I said, mustering up the most apologetic look I could, and looked at Mary lovingly. “I'm afraid I've stolen Mary from you, you reckless brute. You should have tried harder,” I leaned into Mary, a breath away from her face and heard the red-faced blacksmith mutter
“Damn drama club, right Claire?” He sounded desperate for me to confirm that. I paused as my smile turned into a smirk and I turned my head to him.
“Fooled you two, didn't I?” I chuckled and released Mary. “Of course what leading lady doesn't need…another leading lady?” I pulled a flower out of my rucksack and handed to her. “You're performance was aw inspiring.”
“I'll say, I think Kai died from shock again,” Gray muttered and walked past him, and crossed his arms.
“That wasn't funny you two,” he began and I rolled my eyes.
“Back off bloody nose. You're probably kinky like that anyway,” I muttered teasingly and saw him turn a deeper shade of red than I ever thought possible.