Hellsing Fan Fiction / Gunsmith Cats Fan Fiction ❯ Night Angels: The Millennium War ❯ Pt. 4: Sudden Shower ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Night Angels: The Millennium War, Pt. 4 – “Sudden Shower”
Hellsing/Gunsmith Cats fanfiction
By Elwin Blaine Coldiron

“Hellsing” and characters are created by Kohta Hirano, and is the property of Shounen Gahousha/Dark Horse Comics, Geneon Universal/Wild Geese/Satelight/Madhouse Studios, and Geneon Entertainment and FUNimation Entertainment, a Navarre Company. “Gunsmith Cats” and characters are created by Kenichi Sonoda, and is the property of Kodansha/Dark Horse Comics, Vap/Tokyo Broadcasting, and Sentai Filmworks. I do not own neither series, nor the characters. I just write the fiction.


“Rally, Seras?” Moria asked, walking up to the two women. Both vampires then turned around – only to get a hug from their lover. “Come back safely,” she whispered, a tear in her eye.

A little surprised, Rally and Seras hugged her in return. “Don’t worry, we will,” Rally whispered.

“All we ask is that you don’t fret too much about this,” the Draculina whispered in turn. After being released, Moira nodded with a smile, drying the tear from her eye. All Pip did during this was to shake his head. But Alucard didn’t turn around, keeping quiet as he walked off.


It had been five hours since Alucard, Pip Bernadotte, Irene ‘Rally’ Vincent and Seras Victoria had set-out from England in a private jet to Rio de Janerio, Brazil. The objective… find out any information on the party responsible for the FREAK chip, the renegade Nazi group Millennium. And if possible – stop them before they destroy England!

However, Pip, who was not in his uniform but in a tasteful white suit and burgundy shirt, was beginning to wonder about the No-Life King, who was in his disguise of J.D. Brennan. The vampire seemed to be strangely at ease, in spite of the dangerous nature of their mission, sipping on a choice Bordeaux while the Frenchman’s nose was in the latest issue of ‘The Daily Mirror’, seeing the week’s latest ‘Page 3’ girl. “I don’t understand zese,” he said under his breath, “a vampire… not in a coffin in a private jet… in broad daylight… sipping wine?” Sighing, he added, “I guess zat book had gotten a few things wrong!” But then in an afterthought, he added, “Well… to be fair, at least some things are not wrong, eef Rally and Mignonette are of any indication,” glancing at the back of the plane.

“Don’t seem too surprised, Captain,” Alucard drolled. “I am not ruled by the daylight as the Police Girl… and in a lesser part Rally Vincent, is. The daylight is not my enemy and I am not harmed by it. I just hate it, that’s all.”

“Whatever you say, Alucard,” Pip sighed as he continued to read, “whatever you say.”


Rally briefly woke-up inside the crate she was sleeping in… and was reminded immedietly that she was not the only occupant, if the satchel charges between her legs was of any indication. Before she was sealed-up, she had insisted that the detonators be disconnected and the wires dead-headed, as well as the batteries removed; she had plenty of lectures from ‘Minnie’ May Takigawa, née Hopkins, about the dangers such explosives pose – and remembered them. Satisfied she was safe from accidental detonations, the dusky vampire tried to relax herself to sleep, but not before sensing the distress from the occupant next to her.

Seras hated sleeping in coffins, especially if she did it alone. However, since she had yet to taste warm blood from the opposite sex, it was a necessary inconvenience. She only wished that Rally was in the coffin with her, instead of the machine gun that was in there; Alucard had brought his coffin too, it held her Harkonnen cannon and ammunition. And Rally could sense her master’s moodiness, a sad look on her face. “It won’t be long, Master,” she whispered to herself, not wishing Seras to hear. “We’ll get this done, then we’ll be back in England.” Satisfied, she closed her eyes and drifted back to sleep.


The sun had not set, and yet Moria Hedgley had ascended from the sub-basement level, dressed in her maid uniform. However, no amount of make-up she applied could adequately disguise the bags under her bloodshot eyes, nor the yawning she made as she headed to the kitchen. Once there, she reached inside the refrigerator, producing several cans of energy drink.

“You’re up early, Moria,” Kenneth Hedgley exclaimed, surprised to see his daughter up-and-about as he read The Times at the staff table. “I don’t think your shift starts for another four hours.” All Moria did was glance over at her father, seating herself as well, joining her father. “Couldn’t sleep?” he asked.

“Only for two hours, Father,” the maid moaned, taking a healthy pull from the first can. “Was so worried about Rally and Seras, I tossed and turned all morning.” She then blushed as she added, “I… even masturbated for an hour, hoping it would relax me. Didn’t work, but it did take the sting out of the worry.”

For Kenneth’s benefit, he didn’t laugh at his daughter’s candor, although he did match her blush. “Oh well,” he offered, “to each their own. I must admit, though, I’m a little surprised about your honesty about… er… your remedy for your insomnia.”

“Don’t be,” Moria added with a wry smile. “The only damage done is that I now have to owe Rally and Seras for the batteries of the vibrator I used.”

Kenneth decided not to elaborate further about the use of the batteries his daughter mentioned. Instead, he changed the subject by asking, “So, how about I prepare you breakfast?”

“Thank you for the offer, Father, but I believe – for my health – I should take a pass on it,” the maid replied. “I’ve heard plenty of horror stories about your lack of cooking skills from Mum before she died, like how you tried to make her the same… and she spended the night in hospital for food poisoning!”

“Well how was I supposed to know that the tinned hash was off?” countered Kenneth, a bit sheepish.

“Whatever, I’m well capable of preparing my own meals.” Moria then remembered something and added, “After all, when I left Uncle Reggie’s flat to move into my own, he lamented about me condemning him to a life of Heinz Baked Beans and all that. I guess being a bachelor himself…” She then was distracted by what appeared to be a slightly-heated discussion outside – and one of the voices she recognized was that of Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing. “Oh my,” she breathed, “I wonder what has Sir Integra bothered?”

“I’m not certain… but I intend to find out.” Joined by Moria, the two exited the kitchen, where Sir Integra was in a quite energetic discussion with two immaculately-dressed black-clad gentlemen. Beside her, Walter C. Dolnez stood, his face neutral, but his body posture a little tense. “Why… those are the Queen’s representatives!” Kenneth whispered to his daughter.

“Why are they here?” Moria added. “From what I’ve heard, the last time they came to this place was during the Incognito affair, when the Queen informed Sir Integra through them that she was cutting ties to the Hellsing Organization!” Kenneth didn’t answer, but nodded just the same.

“But I must insist that Her Majesty reconsider the offer!” Sir Integra demanded, only to be silenced by a raised had by the taller of the two gentlemen.

“I understand your concerns, Sir Integra, but Her Majesty’s wishes are firm. He will be invited to the meeting to add his input on the Nazi problem,” the representative said. “As soon as you hear from your agents in the field, we will schedule the meeting the following night.”

“Of course,” the Hellsing leader sighed. “Very well, I will fully cooperate with her wishes.” Turning to her butler, she added, “Walter, could you please show these gentlemen out?”

“Of course, Sir Integra.” Walter then walked over to the gentlemen, showing them the way to the door. But after polite words were said in parting, Sir Integra waited until they were out of earshot before growling, “Damn it all! What has gotten into Her Majesty’s mind?”

“Sir Integra, just what is the problem?” Moria asked.

For an instant, Sir Integra gave both father and daughter a weary look, then sighed and said, “Her Majesty has reviewed the files Iscariot gave us regarding Millennium, and from what she saw decided to call a meeting of the Knights of the Round Table, which she will be in attendance as well.”

“The Queen herself calling for a meeting of the Knights?” Kenneth repeated, alarmed. “The situation must be more dire that previously thought!”

“Indeed.” Sir Integra then directly eyed the two and added, “For security purposes, the meeting will be held at Westminster Hall, and I want the both of you to attend as well. Moria,” she regarded the maid seriously, “I want you to use your position as a maid to enable you to get as much information as you can. But don’t ask any questions, I do not want Father Maxwell to suspect.”

“Maxwell!?!” exclaimed Kenneth, again alarmed. “Is… is Iscariot to be a party to this meeting as well?”

“Unfortunately, yes. It seems that, since they provided us with what Millennium is, Her Majesty has invited Father Maxwell to the proceedings, despite my objections.”

Granted, Moria was unsettled upon hearing the leader of the enemy of Hellsing being a party to a meeting of the Round Table… and in the presence of the Queen as well, but nothing prepared her for the sight of her father when she glanced at him. It seemed Kenneth had an expression of barely-controlled rage, as his transformed eyes showed. She also saw his clenched fists, which were trembling. From what she saw, the young maid/werewolf wondered what had inspired such a reaction in someone she loved.

“I understand what you are feeling, but unfortunately my hands are tied in the matter,” Sir Integra continued. “Now if you will all excuse, I have to make the arrangements for the meeting.”

Kenneth paused for a few seconds. “Of course,” he finally said. “After all, we all are in the service of Her Majesty.”

It was after Sir Integra departed, however, that Moria said, “Father… now please don’t be too upset, but I noticed upon the mention of Father Maxwell being present at the Round Table meeting, you had this look of blackest rage on your face. I’m certain that Sir Integra also noticed but said nothing. I was wondering… how could the mention of Iscariot’s leader produce such a reaction?”

It took a few seconds, but Kenneth gave his daughter a sidelong glance. “I figured you’d notice, Moria dear,” he said wearily. “Very well, let’s return to the kitchen and I’ll explain.”

Once again, the two werewolves retired to the kitchen. However, when Kenneth settled down at the staff table, he seemed to be centering himself, possibly to prevent a show of anger. “I’m sorry you had to see that side of myself, Moria, but upon hearing that Iscariot was to be present as well, I could not help but to feel angry about the whole thing!”

Moria nodded understandably. “You do not like Iscariot, I take it?” she offered.

Kenneth eyed his daughter steely. “Do not like is an understatement, Moria dear… I utterly despise Iscariot! All they had ever done for the over four-hundred years of my life is to undermine the free will and free expression of everyone they met!” He turned in his chair to better look at Moria and added, “You’ve read about how the Inquisition five hundred years past mercilessly sought-out those they deemed as ‘heretics’. Well, Iscariot could’ve showed them a few lessons in brutality! Anyone that showed anything they construed as ‘heresy’ were either tortured, humiliated or murdered, be it scholars, scientists, explorers… or other Catholics, priests and theologians who dared to question the Vatican’s dogma!”

The elder werewolf could see the horror in Moria’s eyes. “I do not tell you this to frighten you, Moria. When England had struck-out from the Catholic fold, Iscariot did everything in their power to drag it back… which included the Gunpowder Plot of 1605! Several of the conspirators, including Guy Fawkes, were trained in Rome by Iscariot priests, the sole purpose being to kill James I and much of Parliament and installing a Catholic king in his place. Luckily, the plot was uncovered before any harm was caused, but many innocent Catholics suffered because of what Iscariot had attempted!”

To say the least, Moria looked horrified. “And you think they might attempt something at the Round Table meeting?” she gasped.

“Not likely,” Kenneth answered, shaking his head. “Father Maxwell is not so stupid as to try something as grandiose as a mass assassination.” His gaze returned to his daughter and added, “However, they may use whatever they glean from what Alucard and the others find to formulate some sort of despicable act!” Then unexpectedly, he leaned over and hugged Moria. “Moria dear, please do me a favor and try not to reveal your werewolf nature to any of them! If you do, I fear that you’ll become as legitimate a target as Rally and Seras are to them!”

“Don’t worry, Father,” Moria said, patting Kenneth’s shoulder as she returned the hug. “If I can manage it, those Iscariot monsters will never know that I’m a werewolf!”

“Just so long as you make the effort, that’s good enough for me,” Kenneth answered, parting. “Now, how about I prepare that breakfast for you?”

“I told you, Father,” Moria gently admonished, “I can prepare my own breakfast! I have no wish to be laid-up, especially at a time like this!”, escorting her father out of the kitchen.

“But Moria…” Kenneth sputtered, only to get the door closed in front of his face. Sighing, he slunk back to his bungalow, muttering, “I knew I should’ve made that hash from scratch.”


The flight from London was rather uneventful, and after a quick check at Galeão International Airport, it was only a quick drive to the Hotel Rio, which was not far from Copacabana Beach. It didn’t take long before Pip had got porters to wheel-in the covered coffins into the hotel; the crate that held Rally still on the flatbed truck in front.

Briefly, some of the more seedier natives around the truck though of stealing the truck and its cargo for their own use. However, once someone thought of overcoming the driver for such a purpose, that person was struck with a powerful sense of dread, as if to do so would only lead to their deaths. They soon gave the truck a good deal of space, with those who had to be forced to watch the box possibly complaining in Portuguese about watching ‘an evil box’.

Alucard only had to chuckle to himself, amused as he sensed how Rally was able to defend herself from any potential thieves as he stood before the main desk, checking-in to the luxury penthouse that he and Seras would stay in during the mission. In truth, the No-Life King secretly wished that they would’ve opened the crate – and faced whatever horrors an enraged Rally would’ve presented to her assailants.

“Yes, Mr. Brennan,” the young desk clerk said, looking over the reservations on his monitor, “we have your reservation ready.”

Alucard nodded, saying, “Why thank you, young man. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll have my bags brought-up to my room.”

Just then, Pip began escorting the two covered coffins towards the elevator. “Alright, let’s get a move on! C’mon, we can’t wait all day!” Slowly, the crews wheeled the two boxes past the registration desk – and causing the clerk a lot of concern!

“Sir… e-excuse me!” the rather flustered clerk sputtered, “Those pieces of luggage… you can’t bring those up to your room!”

“Oh?” Alucard implored, turning to him. “And why not?”

Concerned, the desk clerk started in his most diplomatic tone of voice. “Well… they’re certainly too large. The hotel… cannot possibly be held liable if anything were to happen to them.”

“Oh it’s perfectly alright,” Alucard answered with a smile.

“But Mr. Brennan,” the clerk added desperately, “the hotel has secure holdings downstairs for your belongings. I’m certain that…”

“Young man… it will be alright,” Alucard interrupted – with his eyes glowing from behind his dark glasses.

Hoping to press his point, the clerk tried to speak further… but for some reason, his mind became clouded as he stared into Alucard’s eyes. It seemed that whatever he wanted to say, a new idea was forming inside his head. “Uh… yes,” he said slowly, a ridiculous smile starting to creep onto his features, “I… it’ll be… alright if you…”

“That’s right,” Alucard answered, walking away from the desk. “Now if you’ll excuse me, myself and my baggage will going to our room.” The clerk didn’t say anything, instead still smiling his stupid smile.

Throughout this, Pip watched what had happened, fascinated – and a little unnerved at the ease Alucard handled the situation. He was beginning to wonder if the No-Life King had used either dark magic… or some sort of mystic evil sex beam on the clerk. All he could see is the clerk still smiling as the doors closed.

However, when they arrived at the penthouse, the merc felt absolutely outraged at the accommodations Alucard and Seras were going to be using. “I… I CANNOT BELEVE ZEZE!!” he bellowed, eyeing the luxurious surroundings, “YOU AND MINGIONETE ARE GOING TO BE STAYING HERE… WHILE ME AND RALLY ARE GOING TO BE SHARING SOME SHITBOX TRASH HEAP ON THE EDGE OF TOWN!?!? ZE INEQUITY OF EET ALL!!! ZESE IS ALL SOME ARROGANT BOUGOUSISE OUTRAGE!!! DAMN YOU ALL!!!”

“Try not to think too much about it, mercenary,” was all Alucard said, with a smile. “From what I have heard, cheap hotels can be very charming.”

“Oh sure!” Pip added sarcastically. Finally giving in to the situation, the one-eyed mercenary replied as he walked towards the door, “Look, me and Rally have to get to our space. I’ll see you tommorrow evening.”

However, in the corridor outside the penthouse, a lone individual was hiding behind a column in the opulently-decorated path. “White Sock,” he said over a concealed microphone, “this is Red Glove. Yes, they’ve just checked-in. Very good, all is proceeding to plan. Will contact you later.”

The mysterious man walked away just as Pip had left the penthouse. “As soon as we’re rested-up, we’ll check on that pill factory ze boss told us about.” He then walked away, just as Alucard held the door. “After all, you vampires prefer to work and night.” And adding under his breath, “According to the movies, that is.”

“Yes, I can hardly wait,” Alucard replied enigmatically, causing Pip to turn around and eye him. Deciding it was not some sort of challenge, the mercenary just shrugged his shoulders and walked away.

“Yes, I can hardly wait until tommorrow,” Alucard said, closing the door. “Good evening.”


Despite having eaten a full breakfast, it was not enough to keep Moria away. Almost an hour before the beginning of her shift, and she had already drifted off at the staff table. Much of the staff just ignored her, chalking it up to nervousness as they let her sleep.

Quite suddenly, though, she bolted away, having suddenly dreaming of armed police advancing towards her. ‘What… what was that all about?’ she thought to herself. Trembling, but not knowing why, she stretched herself to get ready for the evening.


As for Seras, she was asleep as well, although her surroundings were quite different than Moria’s. Even though denied the company of her childe, the Draculina was able to manufacture an ideal dream world which she could sleep until the sun set. Oddly, the scene was that of a sun-lit meadow, with cute birds, butterflies and all sorts of wild creatures wandering about. And right in the middle of this, Seras was on her back blissfully ignorant of her surroundings as she allowed herself to be taken to sleep… until she was needed, that is.


Seras mumbled, slightly annoyed at the deep, male voice that had intruded upon her nap. Thinking nothing of it, she drifted back to sleep.

“Seras, wake-up! Seras, please wake-up now!”

Now even more annoyed, Seras finally decided to give in to the demands of… whoever or whatever had disturbed her… and in doing so was blown away! Floating… mind you…floating in front (with the hands to his sides flapping) of her was a rather rotund man wearing a long coat and a gray hairdoo reminiscent of that of a sumo wrestler! Panting and moaning, this strange figure was possibly the most strange being Seras has yet to face. “Who… who in the world are you?” she finally ventured, dreading the answer.

“Seras, I am the spirit of your gun,” the fan man answered, still panting, “the great Harkonnen!!”

That was when Seras lost it! Panicking, she fled as fast as she could away from the strange man – which was very slow, being this was her dreamscape.

“No, Seras… please don’t go!” the spirit pleaded. “I beg of you, do go! At least don’t go in THAT direction!!!” Deciding to take a different tack, the spirit offered, “You and your childe have been working so hard, I decided to help you!”

Seras stopped, deciding to listen. “So please, ask anything you desire,” the spirit continued, “and I will answer it for you!”

Taking a chance, the Draculina put-on her most adorable ‘damsel-in-distress’ face and asked, “Oh Spirit, there is something I have to ask. It seems that myself and Rally have recently seen a whole lot of reverses in fortune happen to us, with the both of getting into the worst of situations. Oh how long do we have to suffer all this trouble?”

The spirit just picked his nose with his little finger and answered nonchalantly, ‘Oh… a little while longer.”

Again Seras panicked, again making her frantic course away from the spirit, while the latter pleaded with her to stop. Finally, the spirit’s voice darkened as he said, “Seras, there is something you desperately need to know!” Alarmed, Seras paused.

“All of this is not happening by accident,” the spirit said gravely. “You and your childe are soon going to be in danger!”

“Danger?” Seras echoed.

“Terrible danger!”

“Terrible danger?” Seras didn’t like to know when.

Unfortunately, the spirit answered her unspoken question. “And it is happening right now!” All of a sudden, the dreamscape broke apart, with Seras screaming while being pulled into the vortex.


“Wake-up, Police Girl,” Alucard gently said, the lid of Seras’ coffin open.

Disoriented, Seras just looked up. “Oh… good morning, Master,” she said.

“Don’t you mean ‘good evening’?” the No-Life King corrected. “Anyway, I believe you better take a look outside.”

“Master, what are you talking about?” Seras asked, only to hear the sound of helicopters outside. Curious, she ran over to the penthouse’s window to see what was going on. Then the glare of an arc-light mounded on a helicopter briefly blinded her. When her eyesight cleared, she was alarmed to see the hotel surrounded by police in riot and S.W.A.T. gear, as well as television and radio vehicles on the ground.

And in this chaos, a meeting was taking place in the command tent that was hastily set-up. Several of the police and army gathered inside then cast their attention to a figure seated at their table. “Alright,” the police chief said, “we have done as you said – we’ve surrounded the hotel and released to the media that terrorists were responsible. Anything else?” he added uneasily.

The individual he was talking to – Tubalcain Alhambra – just smile as he fumbled with a playing card. “You have performed excellently, chief. As long as we all perform our parts to the letter, then you’ll be handsomely rewarded.”

“Then that means…?” the chief implored.

“Then the Major will have you all made into vampires,” Alhambra added with a fanged smile, “as your reward to the Millennium Order!”


AUTHOR’S NOTES – All of you might be wondering about the ‘Heinz Baked Beans’ reference earlier. In the U.S., the H.J. Heinz company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is mainly into producing pickles and condiments, with other foodstuffs manufactured under different brand names. However, long ago they DID pack foods like baked beans and such, and in the 1920’s opened a plant in England that still packs it, along with other canned foods. If you’re curious about it, the Vermont Country Store ships a lot of Heinz U.K. food to U.S. addresses. You might want to check it out, if you’re curious.

Until the next part – LATER