Hellsing Fan Fiction / Trinity Blood Fan Fiction ❯ When Doves Cry ❯ Dragula ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Two


Alucard felt his leather prison slowly release, the easing of tension gained from 1000 years of being strapped to the wall was enough to wake him from blood soaked dreams, his awareness was sluggish with lack of nutrients, his nose hyper sensitive to the smell of blood near by. Tainted blood, human, but not from the Hellsing line. Two pulses beat in his ear, one his faithful Draculina, the other unknown to him. The unknown creature was closest, the one removing the bonds, and creature he was. A sharpness to the scent, and the slowed beat of the heart, told Alucard this was no human, but not Nosferatu either.

Whoever it was releasing his bonds was going much too slowly for his taste. The dust of ages filled his veins and he felt his withered muscles like ash in his brittle skin. His mind awake now he felt the prison of his body and fought against the darkness trying to drown him, pulling him back to his coma. A creature of darkness defeated by his own element? Oh Hell no.

The last strap fell, his body slid forward with no support, he fought his weakened body with all he had. He tried to push himself towards the source of human blood he smelled. He succeeded in pushing himself off the wall, but without the strength gained from Hellsing blood he felt himself fall forward, being caught in the stranger's arms he tried to drive his fangs in the arm next to his mouth, despite the odd smell of this one. Instead of succeeding in his attempt to feed he felt his head get pulled back with preternatural strength and a blood pack was shoved next to his mouth.

Having no choice but to suckle the blood from the bag like a babe, he felt his anger rise. This was pathetic and wrong, a human; warm and alive, should be wriggling beneath his fangs. He had no master, no leash, he should be free to drink his fill of this world. At the moment he thought he should have his fill the first blood pouch went empty. The blood was coursing into him, awakening his body cell by cell, he felt frustration. Pure Hellsing blood could awaken him fully with just a few drops, this substandard blood was no where near as powerful. The next blood pouch was shoved under his fangs before he could even think of attacking the stranger still supporting his weight. This man, no matter what he was, would die for this indignity.

The second bag did the trick his strength was coming back to him as he felt his withered muscles fill with power, his heart began to beat once more, and his hair bleed from stark white to pitch black. His eyes glowed red as he forced himself up and out of the creature's hold, heading straight for the man's neck with his fangs. He was going to rip this one apart with his hands and fangs a different kind of satisfaction than he got with his gun.

The man tried to fend him off, but pure rage fueled Alucard, he easily slid through the other man's defenses and sunk his fangs into his neck. It took one mouth full of blood to know this one was not edible, and as he spit out the wrongly flavored blood he felt a hand far stronger than any mortal's close around the back of his neck and pull him bodily off the stranger.

"That was a very bad thing to do." A voice growled at him, a deep voice with an odd accent. Alucard looked up to get the first good look at the stranger, and after all he had seen and done in his bloodied life, he was surprised to find there was still things on this Earth that shocked him. The strangers skin was a grayish-blue and his eyes glowed red, a crown of silver hair was floating above his head like it held a static charge, large black wings spread from his back, a blood red scythe was held within deadly range, and the single most extraordinary thing about this creature was the small fangs glinting dangerously against nearly black lips. Alucard knew this was no Nosferatu, the blood still staining his mouth was bitter and harsh, like drinking vinegar.

It seemed like Alucard had gotten his look at the creature an instant before the strange thing was driven back away from him by a well placed tackle from his Draculina. "What the Hell are you?" She yelled at the man, blocking his path to her master.

Abel had to forcefully regain control of himself before he could answer, the feel of the vampire's fangs in his neck had triggered the instinct to transform into his violent alter-ego, managing to keep himself restrained to just forty percent of his power. "I am a crusnik, a vampire who feeds on the blood of other vampires. If you hadn't attacked me I would still be nothing more than a humble priest on a mission from the Vatican."

A snort from the leather clad Bird of Hermes, "Crusnik? No such creature. If I didn't know those at the Vatican had no sense of humor to speak of I would say this was a joke, but since I know the truth, I do believe you are here to kill me oh Father of Lies."

"Father of Lies am I? This from the very creature whose name was so badly cursed nothing was left but an old riddle. You have slept as ashes and dust for an age and a half. The world you knew is dead, you are an antique, nothing but an old curiosity. Ask your childe here, she knows the truth of my words. You know absolutely nothing of this time, and thus nothing of me or my kind." Abel spat out. Alucard's blood, as little as there was of it, was old and powerful it made the hunger in Abel claw at his mind and heart, it shortened his temper, and stirred his animalistic side.

"You released me. Why? There are many vermin who call themselves Nosferatu, go eat one of them, or fifty." Alucard was feeling drained and weak, but not so weak he couldn't take on this blue skinned wannabe.

"I was not here to dine, only talk, it was you who attacked me." Abel pointed out, still not dropping his crusnik form. He knew better than to think Alucard couldn't hurt him even in the state he was in, ages of experience had to count for something.

"Talk? What do monsters like us have to talk about?" Alucard leaned back and crossed his arms, speaking mockingly, trying to goad the stranger into making a deadly mistake.

"The destruction of the world." Abel wasn't sure where the calmness he needed came from, but he was glad for it. "Contra Mundi, worlds enemy, has expressed interest in finding the Bird of Hermes. That is you is it not? He wishes to use you as a tool to destroy the world, and everything on it."

A slow grin spread across the master vampire's face, unnaturally wide, nothing should be able to grin that widely or show quite so many sharpened teeth. "Destruction, mayhem, and death? What more could I possibly ask for in this world. This Contra Mundi is of no consequence to me, but such an offering cannot be discarded. That would be rude of me wouldn't it?" The tone of Alucard's voice sent shivers down Abel's spine. No this was not a vampire to tangle with, but he had known that coming into this mess.

"You will not be falling into his hands. The Vatican sent me to ensure your cooperation with us rather than Contra Mundi." Abel hadn't even finished speaking before Alucard broke out in dark laughter.

"Me? Become a Vatican dog? I think not. Death and destruction sounds much better. Now I have business to attend to, you should say goodbye now." Alucard went to remove a pair of white gloves from his hands, they were in near pristine condition despite the time since their creation, the black lines on the back flared crimson and they refused to come off his hands. "Damn, it seems there is one Hellsing left alive at least."

Abel heard Alucard's statement and thought he might know a way to get Alucard to at least avoid Cain. "If there is one of your Hellsings left, they will most likely be in Albion, allies to the Vatican and I am a personal friend to their queen. I can help you find the missing heir."

"Why would I want to find the person who holds my leash?" Alucard demanded, his voice nothing but a growl.

Abel would have to gamble here. "Because you don't know how to function without a leash. Or a contract. Or orders. You want a purpose? Come with me." He was drawing on every fragment of information he had been able to gather and hoped it still applied.

Alucard could feel the blood already diminishing in his body, the hunger was growing in him, he needed to hunt and feed. Only a Hellsing could authorize killing or attacking a human. If he wanted to eat, he would need a Hellsing to order it. "Would there be war on the Vatican's part?" He growled, camouflaging the true problem.

"If Contra Mundi gets his way, there will be war everywhere." Abel replied, glad he was at least considering taking the bait.

"Draculina," Alucard addressed Seras for the first time. "Where are my guns?"

"They are safe, I was able to keep them out of other hands, you even have some bullets left." Seras answered quickly, as if used to following orders immediately and without question.

Alucard seemed to hesitate, an odd look for the vampire, before asking, "And where are they?" Somehow Abel knew they were no longer talking about guns.

Seras seemed to understand the odd question. "They are next to the men we lost when the Valentine brothers attacked. It was what they wanted."

"Alright Priest, I will follow you to your Vatican master." Alucard agreed grudgingly, at least if he did find a Hellsing still alive, he could kidnap them and get away from the church before too much time had passed. Plus it had been a very long time indeed since he was able to annoy the Vatican, he was due up for a visit.
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