Hellsing Fan Fiction / Trinity Blood Fan Fiction ❯ When Doves Cry ❯ Smoke and Mirrors ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Three

Smoke and Mirrors

Abel did not release his crusnik form until Alucard had left the cell to gather his guns and find whatever object the younger vampire had told him about. He felt shame at his reaction to Alucard's attack. It should never have come down to him transforming, that instinctual response was exactly the kind of thing he had been working so hard to control ever since meeting Caterina. He did not want to be a slave to his own power anymore he owed it to Lilith to gain control of himself. There was far more to Abel Nightroad than the monster lurking in his veins. Even knowing he only transformed because Alucard struck first meant nothing, it was the fact he had no true choice in the matter.

It was with great effort that he pulled himself together enough to go find out where Seras and Alucard had gone to. It would be just his luck that immediately upon leaving the cell the two of them had fled the estate to find Cain. Abel had known of the possibility when he let them go ahead, but was pretty confidant he had caught Alucard in a bit of a bind. He was under no delusions it was his flimsy defense that made the master Nosferatu say he would come to the Vatican, no, there was deeper more compelling reason and Abel was bound and determined to find it.

When Abel finally did locate the two nosferatu, he found them in a large room in the belly of the building, it was a circular chamber with many recessed shelves built into the walls, each deep niche held elegant urns. These fancy containers of ash and bone had lost some of their luster over time, but none of their structural integrity. Even the deeply engraved name plates on the bases could still be read. A master had done the work on this tribute to death of that Abel had no doubt, however, what was confusing him was why Alucard and Seras would be there.

"I see you didn't manage to kill yourself stumbling into one of the many traps laid within the manor and grounds, Priest, maybe the Vatican will still hold some measure of amusement for me." Alucard startled Abel by speaking, the crusnik had not been expecting any acknowledgment at all, let alone such an oddly phrased comment he wasn't sure whether he was being insulted or complemented; given what he knew about Alucard, Abel was suspecting it was more the former rather than the latter.

Abel had no chance to respond to the comment before Alucard turned back to the wall of urns. There were a few he seemed to be focused on and Abel slid forward in an attempt to read the names on the containers. Walter Dolnez was the first name and the second Sir Integra Fairbrook Windgates Hellsing. These two names meant nothing to Abel, except for the Hellsing name, he wondered if these were the humans who chained Alucard.

Knowing he would get nothing from Alucard, Abel decided there was little harm in asking Seras about the names, the worst that could happen was getting no answer. "What is so important about these two people?" He asked the blond vampire.

"Sir Integra was Master to my Master, the last Hellsing heir to call on my Master's power and use him to eliminate other vampires. Walter was a Hellsing operative in his younger days and just might be the only human, Master Alucard, had any respect for that carried no Hellsing blood. Walter's code name among us was Angel of Death." Seras whispered a response to Abel, she had enough time to think and get used to the odd creature dressed in priestly robes. Alucard would never answer, just on principle, but she saw no reason not to. After all Integra and Walter had played a large part in her early life, and her Master's imprisonment.

"Angel of Death?" Another whispered name from pre-Armageddon. Not as common a reference as Bird of Hermes, but still there.

"Walter and Master fought a war together and kept the world safe from a Nazi warmonger before Sir Integra was born. Later after Sir took control of the organization there was an outbreak of FREAK vampires, ones created by humans, that was traced back to the same warmonger. If not for them fighting the human world might well have come to an end long before Armageddon." Seras had been awake to see all the changes the world had undergone. Though staying close to the mansion to faithfully watch over Alucard she still had to venture out for the life sustaining blood. She knew of the Methuselah race that had sprung up, but hadn't concerned herself with it other than disposing of the few that managed to stumble on the ancient Hellsing manor. Abel was the first creature of any sort to deliberately search for the manor in recent memory.

"Are we just going to stand here and gossip about ancient history, or shall we get on the road?" Alucard cut in before any more words could be spoken, it was apparent to Abel that thee two humans were a sore subject for the fearsome creature. Though whether that came out of fear, respect, or anger, he couldn't hazard a guess.

It did not take too much time to make arrangements with Sister Kate for the transport of Alucard's, and Seras' coffins. Abel was surprised to see that the books he had read as a child got the description of the coffin almost exactly right, but the sheer scale of the things was something to be marveled at. It was truly massive in form. Seras just had a simple coffin with no words or embellishment. Both had earth taken from their native soil trapped between the treated wood and soft lining. They were astonishing just from being so incredibly old, Alucard's especially, wooden artifacts would normally be nothing but dust.

Alucard, despite still feeling drained from his long imprisonment, decided to travel with Abel and Seras on the train to the Vatican. It had been too long since he last walked amongst the living. Besides, just because he knew that without a Hellsing's permission he couldn't hunt, the Vatican dog escorting them did not. That little tidbit of withheld information could prove to be marvelously entertaining should the trip become too dull.

During the trip toward the Vatican he found himself in state of bemusement. The world of tomorrow looked remarkably like the world he had lived in as a mortal. A little more sanitary maybe, but as far as the people were concerned they might have well been his old subjects in the time of the No Life King. The odd priest that called himself a crusnik rambled on about some massive war and the subsequent loss of many technologies. Some, such as air ships and satellites, were being studied and slowly put back to use. Alucard tuned out the priest after so long listening to him, the views from the train on the moonlit night were far more interesting.

It took them two nights to reach the Vatican. During that time Abel was driven to near insanity when a bored Alucard decided to amuse himself by terrorizing the other passengers on the train. Abel knew after that circus there was something Alucard hadn't told him. Not a single one of the passengers had been bitten. Abel was certain there was no moral reason why Alucard hadn't fed on their journey. No, he was positive there was something else.

His thoughts on Alucard's strange behavior were interrupted by their arrival in Rome. Abel had only felt this much relief at seeing his home a handful of times prior to this. He had to hold back his giddy delight and escort the two vampires to the Vatican, hopefully avoiding the Pope and Francesco's men. Caterina should have already been informed of their eminent arrival by Sister Kate. Her brothers did not need to know about these new guests until Caterina had a better grip on the situation.

He hadn't even reached the gates of AX headquarters when he knew something was just not right. The usual guards were not at their post, and the courtyard was eerily silent. One last thing hit Abel's senses and without thinking he raced towards the source, the two vampire's following hot on his heals. There was a familiar scent on the air, too familiar, and much too painful to think about.

Abel could smell human blood. Lots of human blood. The one scent overriding the rest was the one to bring Abel's dark side out to play, Caterina's blood.
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