Hellsing Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Beyond Mortal Blood ❯ A Bit of White Sauce (With Dinner, of Course) ( Chapter 9 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hello, hello once again everyone! :D Welcome to another wonderful, super awesome installment of whatever this story is called. <3 I’m sure you know, it’s right above you. In anycase, we’re incredibly pleased with the amount of reviews this time! Wow! Thanks everyone, we both truly appreciate your support and affection.
Both Kay and I have a bit of a note to make–there is an incredibly large mistake within this chapter. And by incredibly large, we mean, “Wow, we really fucked that up.” If you can find it, you earn yourself a cookie. However, to apologise for the mistake, if you find it, we were both incredibly horny and conveniently forgot about certain things.
Anywho, that’s all for right now.
Alas! The restaurant Alucard had spoken of came into view, above hanging a sign that read Rossini's. Ah, so they would be feasting upon italian, it seemed.
Aya rarely went out, unless his fellow workers asked him to eat with them, otherwise he merely got by at home eating whatever he felt like cooking. He stepped inside, glancing around before a waiter bowed to him with a polite smile - a gesture he did not return.
"How many are in your party?" the man asked.
"Four." With a nod, the waiter swept his arm to the side.
"Right this way, sir." Yohji had been about to light up another cigarette, which Omi irritably swatted away.
"Don't smoke in here!" he hissed quietly, voice condescending towards the older assassin. Yohji seemed ready to rebel against such a demand, but he finally complied with reluctance, following after the redhead.
Alucard had followed, keeping his mind off things that involved the redhead that was not even five feet away from him. The waiter led them to a booth, at which point Alucard had adjusted his sunglasses, making sure they were properly positioned to conceal his eyes. He took the seat next to Aya, as he was certain (while it was of no concern of his) that neither of his friends would prefer to sit with him. He figured there was no need to stir up trouble, and simply sat. He wouldn’t be ordering anything, of course, and as he thought this, a part of his mind that rarely stirred mentioned, ‘Unless, of course, Aya is on the menu.’ He was a bit disturbed with this thought, as while he was a sexual creature, he was hardly a sophomoric pervert. Inwardly he brushed it off, the disgust with himself following. All were prone to such actions, so it was not to be taken to heart. At least, he hoped such thoughts would cease, as it would grate on him.
The ruby spheres flickered to Aya, and he almost felt pleased to have the young man next to him. It was an odd thing, but not unnatural, as, after all, it was a crush and to feel such things whilst in the presence of that person... He rested back in his seat, silent. He carefully observed his surroundings, eyes languidly sliding the form of every person that happened to pass. This resturaunt in particular, though it served Italian food was one of Integra’s favorites because it stayed open to ungodly hours. It was not the first time he had been here, but it was not often that he came anyway. He estimated it was the–maybe–third time he had been here in ten years. Integra much preferred to remain at home and dine, but during especially stressful times she had called upon him to escort her to dine out. He noticed the waiter had asked them what they were ordering, but he had already promptly replied with a “Nothing,” making sure to keep his lips appear almost inarticulate.
Omi was perched behind a menu, eyes scanning it as he considered his decision. Fettuccine alfredo, manicotti... Oh, and there was baked ravioli too, and shrimp scampi. There were so many delicious choices! A wistful sigh escaped him as he toiled over it, and for a moment his mind reverted to the childish way to choose. Ine, meene, mine, moe... Yohji waited for the young boy to order, but when he saw that Omi was divided, he shrugged and placed his own order.
"Shrimp scampi and a glass of beer," he announced to the waiter, who nodded and turned to Aya.
"Fried calamari and water," the redhead replied offhandedly, setting down his menu.
"Chicken fettuccine alfredo," Omi finally concluded, "with coke." The waiter scribbled down the order, before bowing.
"Your drinks will be brought momentarily," he commented before walking away. Omi rested his head against the table, yawning widely.
Yohji snickered, "Aw, Omi. We kept you up past your bedtime, didn't we?" he inquired, patting the boy on the head in a condescending fashion.
Omi glared over at him, "Knock it off, Yohji. It's jet lag."
Yohji shrugged, "Someone's in a mood," he muttered, leaning back in his seat. It was several minutes before their drinks were brought out, and Aya began to sip at his slowly. "So, Aya, I hear you like being a man's bitch," the brunette commented casually, taking a swig of his alcohol. Omi clapped a hand over his mouth as Aya visibly choked on his beverage. Daggers in his eyes, the redhead glared at Yohji.
"What?" he grated out, throat aching as his coughing spell ceased.
"Yohji, you're horrible!" Omi scolded.
Alucard chuckled, and added, “Vampire, actually.” His smile grew wide as he teased Aya, and if his eyes were visible there would be good amount of wicked playfulness visible. And the thought of fucking the redhead, though such thoughts he attempted to bat away, came flooding back into his mind. Scenes of them enraptured in passion, the taste of Aya’s life cascading down into him, and a silent shiver was sent up his spine, tingles erupting over his body. He was perhaps a bit hungrier than he thought... though, thinking about it would not make the situation any better. And he supposed that he should not feel so out of control. If needed, he could fuck Aya here and now. In fact, the idea had merit. As such, he focused on an object in the distance, his mind drifting to thoughts of blood, death, and sex.
So, Aya was immortal. This opened quite a large amount of possibilities for the Vampire. It was apparent that the punk could lose as much blood as he wanted and still never die, an idea that certainly appealed to Alucard’s fantasies. Though, there was one deep inside him that desired to drain the redhead completely dry, to absolutely and totally conquer him by sucking his very life from him until he fell limp in the Vampire’s arms. However, similar to that one, laid fantasies of endless, painful abuse, Aya screaming Alucard’s name in protest for him to stop. Blood spilling and ruby puddles gleaming on the floor, below the redhead’s chained body as he was beat again, and again, bruises covering his body. Inwardly, Alucard shuddered once more. Why did he let himself do this? It was nearly obvious to anyone that wasn’t blind that he was quite aroused now, but kept a steady composure, even lighting a smirk upon his lips.
"So we heard," Yohji replied, grinning at Alucard. Indeed, they had heard quite well the redhead's ability to be submissive, and all because Aya had forgotten to take out his earpiece - he'd never let that slip his mind again, or he would at least have sense to turn it off.
"Don't feel bad, Aya," Omi suggested, glancing at Yohji. "He seduced your sister to get that information." Aya rubbed two fingers against his forehead, eyes shut in irritation.
"I'm surrounded by idiots," he growled, eyes slipping open only slightly in the direction of the booth he sat in. Unnervingly, they shifted to Alucard's lap, and he shifted away from the Vampire irritably.
Great. Not only was he surrounded by people he considered morons for the moment, one was a horny bastard to boot. He should have known going out to dinner with them would be a mistake, but his stomach had gotten the better of him, and he was beginning to regret it. And to top it off, the thought of Alucard aroused excited an urge within him, but he forced the thought from his mind. For crying out loud, they were in a restaurant, it would be quite unethical to make any advances on the Vampire that might arouse the man more. He was growing to learn that when Alucard wanted to fuck, the option of no very possibly did not exist. Not to mention, he'd been raped only the day before, he shouldn't be wanting to go at it again (even if it would be willing with Alucard). He considered his thoughts in his semi-coma. He'd gotten to witness sex with Alucard from a third person point of view, standing on the outside and watching. And though he often found the idea of pornography disgusting, something about watching himself with Alucard was very much of a turn on.
No! He would not allow himself to consider such things, and he was greatly relieved when the food arrived. It gave him something else to concentrate on, and for now he could ignore his close proximity to Alucard. Omi immediately dug into his food, dismissing the former conversation as he ate. Yohji, just to piss the redhead off, plucked a piece of calamari from his plate and munched upon it.
"You like fish too much, Aya," he commented, but Omi interrupted him.
"Not all fish. You know Aya hates anchovies. And you're eating shrimp, so hush." The leader of Weiss remained silent as he began to eat, his pace gradually increasing.
He was hungry, no doubt about it. Yohji turned his attention to his plate, only to find one of his dear shrimp missing. He looked to Omi who shrugged helplessly, before glaring over at Aya.
The Vampire kept his composure quite well, he thought, for a man who had a rather irritating hard-on, anyway. Though, he wouldn’t use such words to describe it himself if he were to describe it at all, it was close enough for the situation, in any case. He noted haphazardly that the plates had finally been cleaned, and a few moments, past, and he spent them in silence, mostly ruminating. As the plates were taken away by a waiter, he managed to catch a glance out a window, and the moon was burning brightly as it had before. The rubies flickered to Aya and flit back in the direction of the restroom. Alucard grinned a little wider, and he gripped the redhead roughly by the wrist, pulling him closer than he was previously.
“One moment,” he mentioned to the other men, and guarding his movements carefully, he positioned Aya in front of him and gripped his shoulders tightly, walking him forcefully toward the bathroom.
He had decided this would be the way or no way, as he certainly was hungry and now, quite aroused as well. Alucard made sure to press himself against Aya’s backside, and chuckled as he did it. He pulled open the door and walked the redhead in slowly, shutting it behind them. He looked for a lock, but couldn’t find one, nor anything to bar the door with. He’d just have to hope no one walked in on them. Alucard turned to Aya, grinning, a dark look flashing in his eyes. It was quite obvious what he wanted, a hunger that Aya had seen before swimming the scarlet pools. He stood in between the redhead and the door, as well–there was no escape. Alucard pulled Aya close to him, so they were touching from chest to groin, and closed his eyes as he kissed the young man, one hand pressing against the small of the assassin’s back as the other foraged through red silk, the kiss hard, but not incredibly demanding... incredibly.
When Alucard had pressed himself against Aya's body, the assassin had known exactly what the man wanted. But, to get technical, the moment the Vampire had forced him from his seat he'd had a good idea. The redhead leaned into the kiss, eyes falling shut as his arms slipped around Alucard in a loose embrace. The difference in their heights was just enough that he had to lean up to better kiss Alucard. About their relationship, there was always something rough, but not so much that he loathed it. No, it was more a sweet kind of abuse, but wasn't that an oxymoron?
The assassin certainly wasn't going to complain about Alucard's decision, for he, himself, was in an excited state of desire. And the last time he'd had his blood taken, it was in the form of a needle to be put into the FREAK chip experiment. And if that wasn't bad enough, the upgraded chip had cost Alucard his head, if only for a minute or two. The reminder made his arms tighten slightly around the Vampire as he kissed him deeply, some how hoping to convey his relief through it without seeming conspicuous, and without actually admitting that he'd been worried. It had convinced him again of his lack of control over his own life, and he had loathed the memory. Had it not been the sole reason he had decided to dominate relationships, just to have something he knew he could have authority over? Falling back into submission with Alucard had allowed him to feel helpless when it was crucial that he not...
But could he really say he regretted letting Alucard force him to become submissive?
The Vampire pulled Aya even closer, if it were possible, their groins rubbing against each other as his tongue slid inside the young man’s mouth, nudging, probing, exploring familiar territory. He worked his lips over Aya’s passionately, and his hands had fallen to the bottom of the redhead’s shirt, slowly rolling it up, and he removed his gloves, shoving them in a pocket. The cool touch of his hands pressed against the assassin’s warm skin, fingertips gently grazing the tight stomach, sliding over the rib cage and stroking the sides of smooth porcelain chest. Alucard’s lips fell reluctantly from Aya’s as the shirt was completely removed. Staring at Aya’s body with dark crimson orbs, the Vampire felt his own body gain heat underneath his garments, and within moments, the entire ensemble that had once donned his upper-torso lie on the ground. He took Aya by the wrists and wrapped the young man’s arms around his body as he kissed the alabaster cheek, dragging the gentle caress of his mouth across the cheekbones to the lobe of Aya’s ear. He forced a breath onto the ear and began to suck and nibble at the soft skin, a hand sliding up to gently, lightly brush over the upper cartilage.
And his mouth fell once more, ghosting over the pallid neck until finding a solid spot to suck on, and beginning to. Not biting once, not yet, but merely tenderizing the flesh in an odd way. His hands now supported Aya’s back, pressing him against Alucard’s chest as, beneath his tongue and lips he could feel the pulsing blood of Aya, the sweet crimson nectar begging to please Alucard’s lips and tongue. Without a moment’s hesitation, the Vampire punctured the skin of the redhead’s neck, driving through a blood vessel and a shudder overcame him as he felt the fluid flow into his mouth. God, he loved doing this. Hands down Aya had the most amazing blood he had ever tasted. He couldn’t get enough of it. The Vampire’s eyes closed as he guzzled the sanguine liquid–pleased he could take as much as he wanted.
Again with the ear molestation - had Alucard realized it was something that very easily set the redhead on edge? Aya's hands quested over the Vampire's back, touch gentle as his fingers explored over the flesh they had already memorized in their past encounters. He turned his head slightly, lips pressing against Alucard's ear as his tongue flickered out to trace over the olive skin. Slowly his slender digits found their way to the man's hair, and promptly lost themselves in the ebony tresses. For a moment he remembered when those same hands had been in much longer black locks, belonging to the same man.
Ah, yes, Alucard could feed without needing to allow Aya time to rest, to regain lost blood. Had they known this the first time they'd screwed, it very well might have been even more memorable than it already was. The violet eyes were shut almost peacefully as he body lay pressed against the Vampire's. The wounds afflicting his chest ached and throbbed, but he paid them no mind as he nibbled on Alucard's ear as the Vampire fed from him. For a haphazard moment he considered what surface they would end up on when they progressed to sex - the wall? that could work, but they'd done that before (so what if he liked to try new things), the floor was an option, but people had walked on it and that unnerved him, and then there was the counter in which the sink was built into. Now that he thought of it, that option had quite a bit of promise.
Alucard had known what the redhead was thinking, and while appreciating the touches he had given his own ears, he kept his face pressed into Aya’s neck, sucking down the blood as if he were on the verge of another death. His hands slowly fell from Aya’s back, drifting down the slim waist and crossing to the young man’s thighs. He hoisted him from the ground, pulling him close and with complete mobility and ease carried him to the counter of the sink. It wasn’t that Alucard was a mind reader (though he could be), but he had felt the same thing that Aya had felt–the need to try new things. And, he felt as if they were progressing speedily, and it wasn’t as if they could take their sweet time, either. Alucard didn’t truly want to, though. Blessed memory though it was, he couldn’t possibly fathom the last time he had partaken in sweet, sensual sex instead of the roughness that he so adored. His tongue licked around the wounds, digging in deeply, wriggling as if trying to pull apart the neck.
Alucard pulled back for a moment, and then moved forward abruptly, shoving Aya into the wall, attempting to increase the blood flow. No matter how much he swallowed, it didn’t seem as if it were enough. One hand rubbed at the area about the hem of Aya’s pants, while the other applied feather-light touches to the curve of Aya’s ear, realising it had sparked something within the young man. Alucard wanted him at this moment, more than anything, and wanted Aya to feel the same type of desire for him, deep down. He felt his erection pressing against his pants, aching to escape, but the Vampire couldn’t allow his mind to drift from Aya long enough to undo the button and slide down the zipper–no, that took much too much time. Alucard drove himself deeper
into the pool of lust and desire he had already fallen into with Aya, every drop of blood that slid down his throat adding to the depth.
Aya shuddered as the fingers played along his ear, and razors of pain emanated from his neck as the tongue probed deeper. Well, that was an odd combination to feel, but it wasn't the first time he experienced it, so he wasn't too perplexed over it. With his back pressed against the wall, he allowed his head to as well, embracing the Vampire tightly. His legs were splayed apart, laying to either side of Alucard's form - acting as an invitation for the older man. Fire burned between his legs, pleading for reprieve of his lower garments.
Instead, he drew his hands away from Alucard's back, leaning forward as he reached down to work at the man's pants. No doubt Alucard was suffering as bad as he was, and his sex mate didn't seem to be helping himself to be freed of pants - so Aya would do the honors (if it could be called that). His hands were quick to work, and he'd soon eased the zipper down before allowing himself to lean back against the wall. The maimed alabaster chest heaved up and down quickly, warm breath pouring between his lips, as he glanced to the side. He espied a mirror, and for a moment was enraptured at the sight of Alucard looming over him, mouth pressed to his throat hungrily. Yet, in some sort of way the image looked sensual, and he groaned, his erection aching harder.
That wasn't a good sign. If he continued in this fashion, it would be a cum-right-now experience, and those were never savory - it ended too quickly and surely Alucard would not like it. No, he wanted to feel Alucard within him, hammering into him to bring him to the point he was quickly heading for. With dogged determination, he pried the Vampire away from his neck by his hair, pressing his lips to Alucard's to try to apologize for it. His free hand took care of his pants, and with that task accomplished he pulled away, face hovering close to Alucard's ear.
With emphasis he murmured two words: "Fuck me."
The Vampire felt a rush, a drive to be inside Aya, stronger than it ever had before. With a vicious air he pulled off the remainder of the clothes, and pressed Aya into the wall in a deep kiss, tongue thrashing inside the redhead’s mouth. His hands gripped the body tightly, applying rough pressure. He pulled the assassin close, keeping him locked inside lip embrace, and, without a second thought, pushed his aching cock inside the redhead, and it was clear the immediate pleasure had send his mind reeling. He pulled away, his eyes wide, and his gaze drifted to the mirror, only to cause chills to crawl across his body as he realised the picture his eyes rested on.
With an immediate vigor he began to pump in and out of Aya’s body, his mouth falling back to the wound on the punk’s neck.
As he fucked, he drew generous amounts of blood from the assassin, sucking down mouthful by mouthful of the delicious fluid. The taste was poignant and sharp, and every time he swallowed, he felt a wave of bliss fall over him. The urgency of the fucking seemed to add onto the sensuality of the entire scene, as the cadence increased with each thrust, the Vampire’s fingernails digging into Aya’s thighs. Alucard let out a gentle grunt, muffled by the neck of the other–the taste of Aya was all too divine, he couldn’t pull away. His tongue plunged again and again into the wounds, and another shudder passed over him, releasing another groan from the dark-haired man.
Aya's eyes turned to the mirror, as a moan erupted from his throat. Yes, he had seen them like this before in his thoughts, though accounting that they were presently doing it, it made the experience all the more passionate in his mind. It had appeared the words he had uttered into the Vampire's ear had done quite a number. There had been no time for preparation, but the redhead did not much bother, for the pain quickly melted away into mind-blowing ecstasy. Nails crawled over Alucard's back, almost as if they were intending to leave marks. Slowly his fingers tips dragged upwards towards the man's neck.
Aya's head fell back as he moaned again, attempting to keep somewhat quiet in respect to those eating in the restaurant just outside the door. The alabaster body shook, quivering with pleasure as he drew in quick breaths, chest pressed against Alucard's. It was odd how turned on the young man was at the moment, but many things played into the reason - fucking on the counter, the mirror that reflected their entwining, the pace and the knowledge that it had been maintained without lubrication, and the alarm that at any time they could be discovered. And Alucard seemed to be taking advantage of his eternal blood supply, but why shouldn't he? Aya had no qualms, for he'd taken quite a liking to the feeling.
Alucard shivered in Aya’s touch on his back, and his hands slid up and down the milky thighs, his mouth never straying from the damaged neck. Alucard realised that Aya’s body was not in its prime, with the savaged chest and the brushed and battered neck that he himself had contributed to. However, he found himself not caring–through these wounds, Aya was still as beautiful as he had always been, still just as delicious. Whatever chemical in his blood that it was made him taste as he did, Alucard was quite fond of it and its addictive qualities. As a Vampire, he wanted to be one of the only ones who would be able to taste this blood and enjoy it–because as far as he was concerned, the punk was indeed his property. Thinking of this, he still felt a dulled rage to destroy the man who had defiled Aya. Who was he, thinking he could have the rights to such a savory creature? These thoughts only caused the Vampire to thrust harder, drive himself deeper into the redhead’s body, pounding into him. Swells of pleasure passed over him again, and again as the rhythm only quickened.
His fingers pressed harder into Aya’s thighs, their bodies now rocking back and forth with almost violent jerks in pulse with the sex. Alucard slid his tongue across Aya’s neck, immediately aching for the taste of the crimson essence once more, but the bloody tongue found its way into Aya’s mouth, kissing the young man with a hot, aching passion. Even in their last encounter Alucard had never wanted the redhead as badly as he did now. It seemed each time had only worsened his desire for the young man, enrapturing him and casting him into a quicksand of lust. Inside the assassin’s body his erection throbbed in pleasure, and a hand loosened its secure grip on Aya’s thigh, gently gliding over the young man’s thigh, locating the young man’s erection. Alucard slid his hand up and down with quick movements, a firm but pleasing grasp applied. He found himself moaning softly, silenced by the kiss.
It was a relief that Alucard had placed his lips over Aya's, for a deep, and possibly loud moan wished to escape him as the Vampire's cock grinded roughly into his body. Aya silently noted that Alucard was fucking him harder and rougher than Schuldig had did in rape, and he was thoroughly enjoying it instead of resisting. His tongue match Alucard's in the passionate lip lock. His body rode on a golden crest, and his member throbbed in Alucard's grip. Chancing a glance towards the mirror, the image of them was the final thing to push him over the edge.
The golden crest crashed downward, dragging him down as his erection gushed forth his passion. Unlike times before where he had wrenched away from Alucard's kiss to let his head fall back in abandon, he kept his face against his partner's, body shuddering and clenching tightly about the Vampire. His hands slipped down the light olive flesh, arms wrapping around Alucard in a tight embrace. Strange how their first encounter had been in a bathroom, and now they fucked in one. He was reminded of how much he had loathed the man that night, but now it wasn't so much, if at all. Violently his shoulders quivered, his chest rising and falling heavily as the last of his orgasm spurted forth. Of the four times Alucard and he had fucked, he put this at the top of the list - for now, anyway.
When Aya had orgasmed, it took the Vampire only a few more seconds to reach his own climax, spilling himself into Aya, his body covered in great tremors as his release was found. He groaned, encompassed by an incredible wall of bliss. Alucard fell forward only a little, his eyes closed. He held onto the young man as well, the kiss ended, his arms now simply taking the redhead close as the pleasure receded. Slowly, he removed himself from Aya’s body, pulling away. Alucard gave Aya a grin, the usual confident one that he had as began to clothe himself once more. He was relieved that his ache had been taken care of, and for once had filled himself at a restaurant.
The past few days had been lovely indeed, he thought. Not only had he fucked Aya a total four times in the past week, and there had been more than generous amounts of scarlet ambrosia for the Vampire to dine on. Add a gorefest to the equation, and one had one of the greatest weeks that Alucard had experienced for quite a long time. He turned and kicked the rest of Aya’s clothes over to the young man as he now was straightening the red, floppy tie. His grin did not fade as he turned to Aya, chuckling. He stood, waiting for the young man to finish dressing.
“You can go out first,” he snickered.
"Hn, how kind," Aya grunted, hand sweeping through his crimson locks, after he pulled on his shirt (and of course, after washing away the blood on his neck).
Booted feat crossed the bathroom, and he casually flipped open the door, walking out calmly. With five fucks under his belt in the last few days, his body had become accustomed, and his stride was not conspicuous in the least. Omi lifted his head from the table as Aya sat down, picking up his water to finish it off. Yohji arched an eyebrow, a wicked grin coming to his lips.
"You seem pleased with yourself," he leered.
Yohji was swiftly backhanded by the youngest assassin of the group, "Yohji, you're such a pervert."
The brunette looked hurt, "But Omi, what about you? Wasn't it you who got yourself laid by the enemy?" Yohji inquired innocently, rubbing the area of his scalp that stung from the hit.
"Don't think Aya and I don't know about your endeavors with Schuldig. You have no room to talk - at least I didn't know Nagi was an enemy at the time."
Yohji sputtered. slamming his beer down on the table.
"Excuse me?" he exclaimed, a bit taken aback by the boy's comment. Aya shrugged, sipping down the final bit of his water.
"Yohji, we are not fools," the redhead answered blandly, brow twitching up. Aside from that, Schuldig had blatantly bragged on Yohji's sexual expertise while he was raping Aya. A yawn stretched Omi's lips, and he rubbed his eyes.
"Can we leave now?" he asked tiredly. "I want to go to Kritiker and go to sleep before we head back to Japan."
Yohji cocked his head to the side, "You could come back with us. Estet's on their way to Japan, you know. And Reiji's gone."
Violet eyes turned down to the table, "Hn," was all he answered with.
But to Omi and Yohji it held Aya's understanding, and reluctance. Now Alucard need only be able to decipher such things - for Aya could have an entire conversation with his comrades using that monosyllabic word.
Taking his seat next to Aya, and his sunglasses donned once more, Alucard patiently listened to the conversation. Taking Aya back to Japan? The first thought that entered his mind was one about the lines of wondering if he could accompany the redhead. The second was one debunking the first and muttering in his mind something involving relief and you’ll finally get your old life back. Though, it wasn’t as if Alucard didn’t enjoy the sex–it was why he had instigated every incident so far. But there was something different within his life as well, not just the sex. Though, the Vampire couldn’t pinpoint it or be bothered to, in the case. Straightening the suit out once more, check paid, Alucard stood.
“I’m guessing we should leave now,” he commented, voice smooth and deep as per usual.
The Vampire turned, not caring if it took a year for the others to follow, and stood outside, admiring the night as he usually did. Alucard was not the sentimental type, though Integra had not forgotten to mention that perhaps it was what he was slowly changing into. This, he did not agree with. Wasn’t every living creature subjected to times in their lives where they had an attachment to a person? He doubted it much that Aya would choose to stay in England and if he did there wouldn’t be much for him. He didn’t even know why his mind insisted on drifting to the subject again and again, for the matter. Alucard frowned a little, noticing the moon was a bit lower in the sky than usual. Perhaps it was getting early in the morning–was dawn truly coming that quickly? He shook his head, tossing about his ebony tresses. He noticed them coming out of the restaurant, and took his spot aside Aya, face unreadable.
The group walked back the way they came, Yohji and Omi once again falling behind the assassin and Vampire. Aya could easily feel their gazes boring into his back, as if they would eventually be able to see into him to figure out his decision. Honestly, the redhead wasn't sure what his choice would be. To stay in England he could always use the excuse that everything might not be taken care of, but there were so many real reasons why he should be going back to Japan. His sister was back in Tokyo, and so was his job. Estet and Schwarz had returned, and shouldn't he get back to being the leader of Weiss? His mission here was done. He'd come to kill Reiji, and he had succeeded - along with becoming a leading factor in Estet's plan.
So why was he so damn reluctant to go back home? Had he truly let himself fall so far as to care for another? Before his feelings extended as far as Aya-Chan, Omi, Yohji, and himself - but had Alucard somehow worked into that small list? He could not honestly believe that from getting fucked by Alucard four times had actually gotten him to like the man; no, it was something different - though he would miss the sex, that was for sure, he'd strangely miss the man he had shared it with more. He lifted his head from staring at the ground as they neared their destination, and he turned to look at his comrades. Yohji tossed him a lazy grin, while Omi looked a bit concerned.
"We'll call you in the morning," he informed the quiet redhead, who nodded before watching the two head off in the direction of Kritiker. They were giving him time to consider it, which he appreciated, but he already knew what he needed to do.
As the two broke off, Alucard took his pace in the direction of Hellsing. Integra was most definitely asleep by now, and Walter was most likely still cleaning up the awful mess that had been left by the FREAKs. Though, it was mostly dust, the blood that had poured from them before death was awful. Alucard knew that Estet would make another attempt at the FREAK chip. That much was for certain. However, whether they chose to attack Hellsing or not was a mystery, as there was also Aya and his organization that bore a concern for Estet. If they did, he was sure Aya wouldn’t have troubles with the FREAKs, as long as he carried that silver with him he was surely safe from the cheap Vampires created. Alucard would also have no problem, as he had said many times before, he’d destroy them as many times as they desired. The gates of Hellsing swung open for him, and he strolled across the pavement that cut through the clean-cut grass plains that surrounded the mansion. He ascended the step and threw open the door, his hands taking refuge in his pockets. He passed Walter, cleaning as he suspected, and Seras helping along. Alucard, in an odd way, felt himself above such things.
He was the trump card of Hellsing, Walter the assigned butler and Seras a mere servant of Alucard. There was no need for him to clean up the mess that he had created. Or, perhaps, it had nothing to do with feeling like he was “above” it. Perhaps he was simply not a person who cleaned. The Vampire had, of course, been pampered when prince, but it was so long ago, the riches not nearly as refined as today’s were. It was almost enjoyable watching the world flourish as he lived on, and could only wonder what gadgets the next century would bring. Walter met Alucard’s gaze and smirked, and the Vampire returned the gesture. Seras’ gaze drifted from her Master to Aya and she grinned sheepishly, greeting Alucard with a bit of respectful fear in her voice.
“Alucard, I left the rest of your garments in your chambers,” Walter informed him, and Alucard nodded in affirmation, mentioning the part about the medical blood as well. He turned to Aya.
“I hope you have a good rest,” he cackled, the tone obviously teasing the young man for what they had just done moments ago. He turned down the steps and began his descent.
A slender brow flickered at the words, and Aya started off to the room he had been staying in. As he entered, he looked about it, violet eyes cool and considering. Yes, he knew what decision he must make. Japan would greet him on the morrow. He figured it would be best to repack, but something else held greater weight on his list of things to do. A shower. He shut the door to the room, and then crossed into the bathroom connected to it. Quickly he shed his clothes, stepping under the shower head. Relentlessly he wrenched the cold water on, not even bothering for warmth - he didn't want it. He gingerly bathed himself, careful not to aggravate his wounds.
As he completed his shower, he stepped out, repeating the gentle process to dry himself before he dressed in new clothes. Now he went about placing his garments back into his bag, slipping his broken sword in it as well. He tried to make the task as lengthy as possible, for whatever reason he did not know, but it was soon finished. With a short yawn, he dropped himself unceremoniously onto the bed, amethyst pools disappearing as his finger moved to switch his transmitter on.
There was a moment's hesitation before he quietly asked, "Omi?"
He was quickly answered, "Aya? Is everything okay?" the young boy questioned into his ear.
"Everything is fine. Don't bother calling in the morning."
There was silence, "Are you...?"
"I'll be at Kritiker in the morning. Go tell Yohji, and then go to sleep."
Bombay's voice held great relief as he bid Aya a good night, and he was left to his own thoughts. Ah, but not for long, for he was soon asleep, rolling onto his side as he slept, his arms loosely embracing himself as they generally did. It seemed even in slumber he tried to protect himself.
The Vampire took refuge in his room for a moment, if only to grab the garbs that Walter had left for him. He decided that for the remaining hours of the darkness there would be night walking to do, and as such, he affixed his hat atop his crown and found himself striding out the doors of Hellsing once more. His coat flapped behind him in soft folds, the gentle breezes that passed by him throwing loose sable strands in front of his eyes. Alucard’s head remained upturned, toward the sinking moon and twinkling fields of stars, and for once the beauty didn’t cause his veins to ache for blood. No, he had sucked down his fill for tonight, and perhaps for tomorrow as well. After all, he had swallowed quite a bit, and it was quite appetizing at that. And if we went hungry again, he had his medical blood. And he was sure that Aya would... well, if he stayed. The Vampire’s mind turned back to the same thoughts there had been since he left the restaurant, and soon his steps became even more languid than they once were as his thoughts dwelled on that one concept.
If Aya left, what would it truly mean for Alucard? Certainly, it would mean that the wonderful supply of blood would be conspicuously absent, and the sex would be gone as well. But there must have been something else that caused the smallest twinge of anxiety within him. Would it be possible that he’d miss the young man himself? It seemed odd to Alucard. Was it that he admired the determination, the inner-strength and the soft-spot that was held for Aya-Chan, and perhaps even the skill possessed in battle (and sex). And why was he thinking of all this in the first place? Had Integra been right–was he truly becoming sentimental? This thought sent a bit of a scowl across his face, but he shook it away. There was no need to become so worked up such minor occurrences in his life. People come and go and they always had. Aya was simply another one of these people. His wives? They had come and gone. Even a lover or two he’d had in the past had gone. Besides, such things as commitment were not useful to him nor Hellsing. The Vampire enjoyed killing, and death, and blood. Having some little boyfriend on the side would do nothing but cramp his life and put Hellsing in jeopardy.
But perhaps he was becoming too frustrated with himself. He shrugged and noticed the tiniest sliver of sunlight seeping through the horizon. Alucard turned, making his way back to Hellsing. He had found his stance on the subject, finally. He had affection for the young man, but it would be no great loss if he left, if a loss at all. Yes. Making his way inside the mansion as the birds chirped, and down the steps, he found his coffin awaiting him.
Gratefully he got himself ready for slumber (bathing was included in this short ritual) and fell asleep as he had, once, centuries ago–hands folded on his chest, his countenance expressing nothing but content.
Yay, that’s all for now! Did you find the mistake? You guys are pretty sharp. We’re sure you did. Anyway, I really hope you enjoyed it. Now it’s time for REVIEW RESPONSE (I love this part)!!
Kay will be doing two reviews this time, though be assured I share the same sentiments about the love and all.
Kay says!:
Oriya-Chan: I’m so glad that you didn’t have any issues with the Aya/Aya-Chan thing. I was so sure I was going to have someone review that would say something along the lines of “WUTFUX?!” XD! You also have no idea how happy we are to know that we have been promoted to an addiction. It proves further that we have a totally awesome fandom that loves us. Alucard x Aya sexiness is one of the best things in the world, isn’t it? ^_^
Glass Shell: >_> I have read a good deal of fan fictions that have made Aya/Ran a helpless person, and it really pisses me off. I mean, anyone who’s anyone that has seen Weiss Kreuz knows that Aya is completely able to take care of himself. You’d think with the last couple of episodes when Aya went ape-shit on Estet’s people and whatnot. It was quite clear to me then (as if it hadn’t been before xD) that Aya was quite capable of relying on himself and only himself. It’s just the way he is, and it’s a fact of life, just like Aya not blushing is. As for the story you mentioned, I haven’t read it surprisingly. Late on in BMB, there is a good and detailed explanation of why Aya-Chan and Aya are connected (I worked long and hard on it, and even researched as much as I could before science could no longer help). Most everything that I put Aya through is collecting up to a bigger picture. ;3 Aya-Chan being cloned, Aya’s immortality, the upgraded-but-failing FREAK chip. And much more to come in future installments!
And as for the other reviews:
Dragondeb: I’m glad you enjoy it, and be assured, this one will be going ‘till it’s over, darling. Thanks for your review. <3
Mika-sanni: Yay! More new people! Isn’t Aya being dominated AND immortal wonderful? And as for the bondage... tee-hee. You’ll see, most likely. And of course, we’re going to keep updating. For great justice, you see! Thank you for your review!
Thanks to everyone who’s been reading, and for reviewing, but remember, we can never get enough feedback, good or bad!
Both Kay and I have a bit of a note to make–there is an incredibly large mistake within this chapter. And by incredibly large, we mean, “Wow, we really fucked that up.” If you can find it, you earn yourself a cookie. However, to apologise for the mistake, if you find it, we were both incredibly horny and conveniently forgot about certain things.
Anywho, that’s all for right now.
Alas! The restaurant Alucard had spoken of came into view, above hanging a sign that read Rossini's. Ah, so they would be feasting upon italian, it seemed.
Aya rarely went out, unless his fellow workers asked him to eat with them, otherwise he merely got by at home eating whatever he felt like cooking. He stepped inside, glancing around before a waiter bowed to him with a polite smile - a gesture he did not return.
"How many are in your party?" the man asked.
"Four." With a nod, the waiter swept his arm to the side.
"Right this way, sir." Yohji had been about to light up another cigarette, which Omi irritably swatted away.
"Don't smoke in here!" he hissed quietly, voice condescending towards the older assassin. Yohji seemed ready to rebel against such a demand, but he finally complied with reluctance, following after the redhead.
Alucard had followed, keeping his mind off things that involved the redhead that was not even five feet away from him. The waiter led them to a booth, at which point Alucard had adjusted his sunglasses, making sure they were properly positioned to conceal his eyes. He took the seat next to Aya, as he was certain (while it was of no concern of his) that neither of his friends would prefer to sit with him. He figured there was no need to stir up trouble, and simply sat. He wouldn’t be ordering anything, of course, and as he thought this, a part of his mind that rarely stirred mentioned, ‘Unless, of course, Aya is on the menu.’ He was a bit disturbed with this thought, as while he was a sexual creature, he was hardly a sophomoric pervert. Inwardly he brushed it off, the disgust with himself following. All were prone to such actions, so it was not to be taken to heart. At least, he hoped such thoughts would cease, as it would grate on him.
The ruby spheres flickered to Aya, and he almost felt pleased to have the young man next to him. It was an odd thing, but not unnatural, as, after all, it was a crush and to feel such things whilst in the presence of that person... He rested back in his seat, silent. He carefully observed his surroundings, eyes languidly sliding the form of every person that happened to pass. This resturaunt in particular, though it served Italian food was one of Integra’s favorites because it stayed open to ungodly hours. It was not the first time he had been here, but it was not often that he came anyway. He estimated it was the–maybe–third time he had been here in ten years. Integra much preferred to remain at home and dine, but during especially stressful times she had called upon him to escort her to dine out. He noticed the waiter had asked them what they were ordering, but he had already promptly replied with a “Nothing,” making sure to keep his lips appear almost inarticulate.
Omi was perched behind a menu, eyes scanning it as he considered his decision. Fettuccine alfredo, manicotti... Oh, and there was baked ravioli too, and shrimp scampi. There were so many delicious choices! A wistful sigh escaped him as he toiled over it, and for a moment his mind reverted to the childish way to choose. Ine, meene, mine, moe... Yohji waited for the young boy to order, but when he saw that Omi was divided, he shrugged and placed his own order.
"Shrimp scampi and a glass of beer," he announced to the waiter, who nodded and turned to Aya.
"Fried calamari and water," the redhead replied offhandedly, setting down his menu.
"Chicken fettuccine alfredo," Omi finally concluded, "with coke." The waiter scribbled down the order, before bowing.
"Your drinks will be brought momentarily," he commented before walking away. Omi rested his head against the table, yawning widely.
Yohji snickered, "Aw, Omi. We kept you up past your bedtime, didn't we?" he inquired, patting the boy on the head in a condescending fashion.
Omi glared over at him, "Knock it off, Yohji. It's jet lag."
Yohji shrugged, "Someone's in a mood," he muttered, leaning back in his seat. It was several minutes before their drinks were brought out, and Aya began to sip at his slowly. "So, Aya, I hear you like being a man's bitch," the brunette commented casually, taking a swig of his alcohol. Omi clapped a hand over his mouth as Aya visibly choked on his beverage. Daggers in his eyes, the redhead glared at Yohji.
"What?" he grated out, throat aching as his coughing spell ceased.
"Yohji, you're horrible!" Omi scolded.
Alucard chuckled, and added, “Vampire, actually.” His smile grew wide as he teased Aya, and if his eyes were visible there would be good amount of wicked playfulness visible. And the thought of fucking the redhead, though such thoughts he attempted to bat away, came flooding back into his mind. Scenes of them enraptured in passion, the taste of Aya’s life cascading down into him, and a silent shiver was sent up his spine, tingles erupting over his body. He was perhaps a bit hungrier than he thought... though, thinking about it would not make the situation any better. And he supposed that he should not feel so out of control. If needed, he could fuck Aya here and now. In fact, the idea had merit. As such, he focused on an object in the distance, his mind drifting to thoughts of blood, death, and sex.
So, Aya was immortal. This opened quite a large amount of possibilities for the Vampire. It was apparent that the punk could lose as much blood as he wanted and still never die, an idea that certainly appealed to Alucard’s fantasies. Though, there was one deep inside him that desired to drain the redhead completely dry, to absolutely and totally conquer him by sucking his very life from him until he fell limp in the Vampire’s arms. However, similar to that one, laid fantasies of endless, painful abuse, Aya screaming Alucard’s name in protest for him to stop. Blood spilling and ruby puddles gleaming on the floor, below the redhead’s chained body as he was beat again, and again, bruises covering his body. Inwardly, Alucard shuddered once more. Why did he let himself do this? It was nearly obvious to anyone that wasn’t blind that he was quite aroused now, but kept a steady composure, even lighting a smirk upon his lips.
"So we heard," Yohji replied, grinning at Alucard. Indeed, they had heard quite well the redhead's ability to be submissive, and all because Aya had forgotten to take out his earpiece - he'd never let that slip his mind again, or he would at least have sense to turn it off.
"Don't feel bad, Aya," Omi suggested, glancing at Yohji. "He seduced your sister to get that information." Aya rubbed two fingers against his forehead, eyes shut in irritation.
"I'm surrounded by idiots," he growled, eyes slipping open only slightly in the direction of the booth he sat in. Unnervingly, they shifted to Alucard's lap, and he shifted away from the Vampire irritably.
Great. Not only was he surrounded by people he considered morons for the moment, one was a horny bastard to boot. He should have known going out to dinner with them would be a mistake, but his stomach had gotten the better of him, and he was beginning to regret it. And to top it off, the thought of Alucard aroused excited an urge within him, but he forced the thought from his mind. For crying out loud, they were in a restaurant, it would be quite unethical to make any advances on the Vampire that might arouse the man more. He was growing to learn that when Alucard wanted to fuck, the option of no very possibly did not exist. Not to mention, he'd been raped only the day before, he shouldn't be wanting to go at it again (even if it would be willing with Alucard). He considered his thoughts in his semi-coma. He'd gotten to witness sex with Alucard from a third person point of view, standing on the outside and watching. And though he often found the idea of pornography disgusting, something about watching himself with Alucard was very much of a turn on.
No! He would not allow himself to consider such things, and he was greatly relieved when the food arrived. It gave him something else to concentrate on, and for now he could ignore his close proximity to Alucard. Omi immediately dug into his food, dismissing the former conversation as he ate. Yohji, just to piss the redhead off, plucked a piece of calamari from his plate and munched upon it.
"You like fish too much, Aya," he commented, but Omi interrupted him.
"Not all fish. You know Aya hates anchovies. And you're eating shrimp, so hush." The leader of Weiss remained silent as he began to eat, his pace gradually increasing.
He was hungry, no doubt about it. Yohji turned his attention to his plate, only to find one of his dear shrimp missing. He looked to Omi who shrugged helplessly, before glaring over at Aya.
The Vampire kept his composure quite well, he thought, for a man who had a rather irritating hard-on, anyway. Though, he wouldn’t use such words to describe it himself if he were to describe it at all, it was close enough for the situation, in any case. He noted haphazardly that the plates had finally been cleaned, and a few moments, past, and he spent them in silence, mostly ruminating. As the plates were taken away by a waiter, he managed to catch a glance out a window, and the moon was burning brightly as it had before. The rubies flickered to Aya and flit back in the direction of the restroom. Alucard grinned a little wider, and he gripped the redhead roughly by the wrist, pulling him closer than he was previously.
“One moment,” he mentioned to the other men, and guarding his movements carefully, he positioned Aya in front of him and gripped his shoulders tightly, walking him forcefully toward the bathroom.
He had decided this would be the way or no way, as he certainly was hungry and now, quite aroused as well. Alucard made sure to press himself against Aya’s backside, and chuckled as he did it. He pulled open the door and walked the redhead in slowly, shutting it behind them. He looked for a lock, but couldn’t find one, nor anything to bar the door with. He’d just have to hope no one walked in on them. Alucard turned to Aya, grinning, a dark look flashing in his eyes. It was quite obvious what he wanted, a hunger that Aya had seen before swimming the scarlet pools. He stood in between the redhead and the door, as well–there was no escape. Alucard pulled Aya close to him, so they were touching from chest to groin, and closed his eyes as he kissed the young man, one hand pressing against the small of the assassin’s back as the other foraged through red silk, the kiss hard, but not incredibly demanding... incredibly.
When Alucard had pressed himself against Aya's body, the assassin had known exactly what the man wanted. But, to get technical, the moment the Vampire had forced him from his seat he'd had a good idea. The redhead leaned into the kiss, eyes falling shut as his arms slipped around Alucard in a loose embrace. The difference in their heights was just enough that he had to lean up to better kiss Alucard. About their relationship, there was always something rough, but not so much that he loathed it. No, it was more a sweet kind of abuse, but wasn't that an oxymoron?
The assassin certainly wasn't going to complain about Alucard's decision, for he, himself, was in an excited state of desire. And the last time he'd had his blood taken, it was in the form of a needle to be put into the FREAK chip experiment. And if that wasn't bad enough, the upgraded chip had cost Alucard his head, if only for a minute or two. The reminder made his arms tighten slightly around the Vampire as he kissed him deeply, some how hoping to convey his relief through it without seeming conspicuous, and without actually admitting that he'd been worried. It had convinced him again of his lack of control over his own life, and he had loathed the memory. Had it not been the sole reason he had decided to dominate relationships, just to have something he knew he could have authority over? Falling back into submission with Alucard had allowed him to feel helpless when it was crucial that he not...
But could he really say he regretted letting Alucard force him to become submissive?
The Vampire pulled Aya even closer, if it were possible, their groins rubbing against each other as his tongue slid inside the young man’s mouth, nudging, probing, exploring familiar territory. He worked his lips over Aya’s passionately, and his hands had fallen to the bottom of the redhead’s shirt, slowly rolling it up, and he removed his gloves, shoving them in a pocket. The cool touch of his hands pressed against the assassin’s warm skin, fingertips gently grazing the tight stomach, sliding over the rib cage and stroking the sides of smooth porcelain chest. Alucard’s lips fell reluctantly from Aya’s as the shirt was completely removed. Staring at Aya’s body with dark crimson orbs, the Vampire felt his own body gain heat underneath his garments, and within moments, the entire ensemble that had once donned his upper-torso lie on the ground. He took Aya by the wrists and wrapped the young man’s arms around his body as he kissed the alabaster cheek, dragging the gentle caress of his mouth across the cheekbones to the lobe of Aya’s ear. He forced a breath onto the ear and began to suck and nibble at the soft skin, a hand sliding up to gently, lightly brush over the upper cartilage.
And his mouth fell once more, ghosting over the pallid neck until finding a solid spot to suck on, and beginning to. Not biting once, not yet, but merely tenderizing the flesh in an odd way. His hands now supported Aya’s back, pressing him against Alucard’s chest as, beneath his tongue and lips he could feel the pulsing blood of Aya, the sweet crimson nectar begging to please Alucard’s lips and tongue. Without a moment’s hesitation, the Vampire punctured the skin of the redhead’s neck, driving through a blood vessel and a shudder overcame him as he felt the fluid flow into his mouth. God, he loved doing this. Hands down Aya had the most amazing blood he had ever tasted. He couldn’t get enough of it. The Vampire’s eyes closed as he guzzled the sanguine liquid–pleased he could take as much as he wanted.
Again with the ear molestation - had Alucard realized it was something that very easily set the redhead on edge? Aya's hands quested over the Vampire's back, touch gentle as his fingers explored over the flesh they had already memorized in their past encounters. He turned his head slightly, lips pressing against Alucard's ear as his tongue flickered out to trace over the olive skin. Slowly his slender digits found their way to the man's hair, and promptly lost themselves in the ebony tresses. For a moment he remembered when those same hands had been in much longer black locks, belonging to the same man.
Ah, yes, Alucard could feed without needing to allow Aya time to rest, to regain lost blood. Had they known this the first time they'd screwed, it very well might have been even more memorable than it already was. The violet eyes were shut almost peacefully as he body lay pressed against the Vampire's. The wounds afflicting his chest ached and throbbed, but he paid them no mind as he nibbled on Alucard's ear as the Vampire fed from him. For a haphazard moment he considered what surface they would end up on when they progressed to sex - the wall? that could work, but they'd done that before (so what if he liked to try new things), the floor was an option, but people had walked on it and that unnerved him, and then there was the counter in which the sink was built into. Now that he thought of it, that option had quite a bit of promise.
Alucard had known what the redhead was thinking, and while appreciating the touches he had given his own ears, he kept his face pressed into Aya’s neck, sucking down the blood as if he were on the verge of another death. His hands slowly fell from Aya’s back, drifting down the slim waist and crossing to the young man’s thighs. He hoisted him from the ground, pulling him close and with complete mobility and ease carried him to the counter of the sink. It wasn’t that Alucard was a mind reader (though he could be), but he had felt the same thing that Aya had felt–the need to try new things. And, he felt as if they were progressing speedily, and it wasn’t as if they could take their sweet time, either. Alucard didn’t truly want to, though. Blessed memory though it was, he couldn’t possibly fathom the last time he had partaken in sweet, sensual sex instead of the roughness that he so adored. His tongue licked around the wounds, digging in deeply, wriggling as if trying to pull apart the neck.
Alucard pulled back for a moment, and then moved forward abruptly, shoving Aya into the wall, attempting to increase the blood flow. No matter how much he swallowed, it didn’t seem as if it were enough. One hand rubbed at the area about the hem of Aya’s pants, while the other applied feather-light touches to the curve of Aya’s ear, realising it had sparked something within the young man. Alucard wanted him at this moment, more than anything, and wanted Aya to feel the same type of desire for him, deep down. He felt his erection pressing against his pants, aching to escape, but the Vampire couldn’t allow his mind to drift from Aya long enough to undo the button and slide down the zipper–no, that took much too much time. Alucard drove himself deeper
into the pool of lust and desire he had already fallen into with Aya, every drop of blood that slid down his throat adding to the depth.
Aya shuddered as the fingers played along his ear, and razors of pain emanated from his neck as the tongue probed deeper. Well, that was an odd combination to feel, but it wasn't the first time he experienced it, so he wasn't too perplexed over it. With his back pressed against the wall, he allowed his head to as well, embracing the Vampire tightly. His legs were splayed apart, laying to either side of Alucard's form - acting as an invitation for the older man. Fire burned between his legs, pleading for reprieve of his lower garments.
Instead, he drew his hands away from Alucard's back, leaning forward as he reached down to work at the man's pants. No doubt Alucard was suffering as bad as he was, and his sex mate didn't seem to be helping himself to be freed of pants - so Aya would do the honors (if it could be called that). His hands were quick to work, and he'd soon eased the zipper down before allowing himself to lean back against the wall. The maimed alabaster chest heaved up and down quickly, warm breath pouring between his lips, as he glanced to the side. He espied a mirror, and for a moment was enraptured at the sight of Alucard looming over him, mouth pressed to his throat hungrily. Yet, in some sort of way the image looked sensual, and he groaned, his erection aching harder.
That wasn't a good sign. If he continued in this fashion, it would be a cum-right-now experience, and those were never savory - it ended too quickly and surely Alucard would not like it. No, he wanted to feel Alucard within him, hammering into him to bring him to the point he was quickly heading for. With dogged determination, he pried the Vampire away from his neck by his hair, pressing his lips to Alucard's to try to apologize for it. His free hand took care of his pants, and with that task accomplished he pulled away, face hovering close to Alucard's ear.
With emphasis he murmured two words: "Fuck me."
The Vampire felt a rush, a drive to be inside Aya, stronger than it ever had before. With a vicious air he pulled off the remainder of the clothes, and pressed Aya into the wall in a deep kiss, tongue thrashing inside the redhead’s mouth. His hands gripped the body tightly, applying rough pressure. He pulled the assassin close, keeping him locked inside lip embrace, and, without a second thought, pushed his aching cock inside the redhead, and it was clear the immediate pleasure had send his mind reeling. He pulled away, his eyes wide, and his gaze drifted to the mirror, only to cause chills to crawl across his body as he realised the picture his eyes rested on.
With an immediate vigor he began to pump in and out of Aya’s body, his mouth falling back to the wound on the punk’s neck.
As he fucked, he drew generous amounts of blood from the assassin, sucking down mouthful by mouthful of the delicious fluid. The taste was poignant and sharp, and every time he swallowed, he felt a wave of bliss fall over him. The urgency of the fucking seemed to add onto the sensuality of the entire scene, as the cadence increased with each thrust, the Vampire’s fingernails digging into Aya’s thighs. Alucard let out a gentle grunt, muffled by the neck of the other–the taste of Aya was all too divine, he couldn’t pull away. His tongue plunged again and again into the wounds, and another shudder passed over him, releasing another groan from the dark-haired man.
Aya's eyes turned to the mirror, as a moan erupted from his throat. Yes, he had seen them like this before in his thoughts, though accounting that they were presently doing it, it made the experience all the more passionate in his mind. It had appeared the words he had uttered into the Vampire's ear had done quite a number. There had been no time for preparation, but the redhead did not much bother, for the pain quickly melted away into mind-blowing ecstasy. Nails crawled over Alucard's back, almost as if they were intending to leave marks. Slowly his fingers tips dragged upwards towards the man's neck.
Aya's head fell back as he moaned again, attempting to keep somewhat quiet in respect to those eating in the restaurant just outside the door. The alabaster body shook, quivering with pleasure as he drew in quick breaths, chest pressed against Alucard's. It was odd how turned on the young man was at the moment, but many things played into the reason - fucking on the counter, the mirror that reflected their entwining, the pace and the knowledge that it had been maintained without lubrication, and the alarm that at any time they could be discovered. And Alucard seemed to be taking advantage of his eternal blood supply, but why shouldn't he? Aya had no qualms, for he'd taken quite a liking to the feeling.
Alucard shivered in Aya’s touch on his back, and his hands slid up and down the milky thighs, his mouth never straying from the damaged neck. Alucard realised that Aya’s body was not in its prime, with the savaged chest and the brushed and battered neck that he himself had contributed to. However, he found himself not caring–through these wounds, Aya was still as beautiful as he had always been, still just as delicious. Whatever chemical in his blood that it was made him taste as he did, Alucard was quite fond of it and its addictive qualities. As a Vampire, he wanted to be one of the only ones who would be able to taste this blood and enjoy it–because as far as he was concerned, the punk was indeed his property. Thinking of this, he still felt a dulled rage to destroy the man who had defiled Aya. Who was he, thinking he could have the rights to such a savory creature? These thoughts only caused the Vampire to thrust harder, drive himself deeper into the redhead’s body, pounding into him. Swells of pleasure passed over him again, and again as the rhythm only quickened.
His fingers pressed harder into Aya’s thighs, their bodies now rocking back and forth with almost violent jerks in pulse with the sex. Alucard slid his tongue across Aya’s neck, immediately aching for the taste of the crimson essence once more, but the bloody tongue found its way into Aya’s mouth, kissing the young man with a hot, aching passion. Even in their last encounter Alucard had never wanted the redhead as badly as he did now. It seemed each time had only worsened his desire for the young man, enrapturing him and casting him into a quicksand of lust. Inside the assassin’s body his erection throbbed in pleasure, and a hand loosened its secure grip on Aya’s thigh, gently gliding over the young man’s thigh, locating the young man’s erection. Alucard slid his hand up and down with quick movements, a firm but pleasing grasp applied. He found himself moaning softly, silenced by the kiss.
It was a relief that Alucard had placed his lips over Aya's, for a deep, and possibly loud moan wished to escape him as the Vampire's cock grinded roughly into his body. Aya silently noted that Alucard was fucking him harder and rougher than Schuldig had did in rape, and he was thoroughly enjoying it instead of resisting. His tongue match Alucard's in the passionate lip lock. His body rode on a golden crest, and his member throbbed in Alucard's grip. Chancing a glance towards the mirror, the image of them was the final thing to push him over the edge.
The golden crest crashed downward, dragging him down as his erection gushed forth his passion. Unlike times before where he had wrenched away from Alucard's kiss to let his head fall back in abandon, he kept his face against his partner's, body shuddering and clenching tightly about the Vampire. His hands slipped down the light olive flesh, arms wrapping around Alucard in a tight embrace. Strange how their first encounter had been in a bathroom, and now they fucked in one. He was reminded of how much he had loathed the man that night, but now it wasn't so much, if at all. Violently his shoulders quivered, his chest rising and falling heavily as the last of his orgasm spurted forth. Of the four times Alucard and he had fucked, he put this at the top of the list - for now, anyway.
When Aya had orgasmed, it took the Vampire only a few more seconds to reach his own climax, spilling himself into Aya, his body covered in great tremors as his release was found. He groaned, encompassed by an incredible wall of bliss. Alucard fell forward only a little, his eyes closed. He held onto the young man as well, the kiss ended, his arms now simply taking the redhead close as the pleasure receded. Slowly, he removed himself from Aya’s body, pulling away. Alucard gave Aya a grin, the usual confident one that he had as began to clothe himself once more. He was relieved that his ache had been taken care of, and for once had filled himself at a restaurant.
The past few days had been lovely indeed, he thought. Not only had he fucked Aya a total four times in the past week, and there had been more than generous amounts of scarlet ambrosia for the Vampire to dine on. Add a gorefest to the equation, and one had one of the greatest weeks that Alucard had experienced for quite a long time. He turned and kicked the rest of Aya’s clothes over to the young man as he now was straightening the red, floppy tie. His grin did not fade as he turned to Aya, chuckling. He stood, waiting for the young man to finish dressing.
“You can go out first,” he snickered.
"Hn, how kind," Aya grunted, hand sweeping through his crimson locks, after he pulled on his shirt (and of course, after washing away the blood on his neck).
Booted feat crossed the bathroom, and he casually flipped open the door, walking out calmly. With five fucks under his belt in the last few days, his body had become accustomed, and his stride was not conspicuous in the least. Omi lifted his head from the table as Aya sat down, picking up his water to finish it off. Yohji arched an eyebrow, a wicked grin coming to his lips.
"You seem pleased with yourself," he leered.
Yohji was swiftly backhanded by the youngest assassin of the group, "Yohji, you're such a pervert."
The brunette looked hurt, "But Omi, what about you? Wasn't it you who got yourself laid by the enemy?" Yohji inquired innocently, rubbing the area of his scalp that stung from the hit.
"Don't think Aya and I don't know about your endeavors with Schuldig. You have no room to talk - at least I didn't know Nagi was an enemy at the time."
Yohji sputtered. slamming his beer down on the table.
"Excuse me?" he exclaimed, a bit taken aback by the boy's comment. Aya shrugged, sipping down the final bit of his water.
"Yohji, we are not fools," the redhead answered blandly, brow twitching up. Aside from that, Schuldig had blatantly bragged on Yohji's sexual expertise while he was raping Aya. A yawn stretched Omi's lips, and he rubbed his eyes.
"Can we leave now?" he asked tiredly. "I want to go to Kritiker and go to sleep before we head back to Japan."
Yohji cocked his head to the side, "You could come back with us. Estet's on their way to Japan, you know. And Reiji's gone."
Violet eyes turned down to the table, "Hn," was all he answered with.
But to Omi and Yohji it held Aya's understanding, and reluctance. Now Alucard need only be able to decipher such things - for Aya could have an entire conversation with his comrades using that monosyllabic word.
Taking his seat next to Aya, and his sunglasses donned once more, Alucard patiently listened to the conversation. Taking Aya back to Japan? The first thought that entered his mind was one about the lines of wondering if he could accompany the redhead. The second was one debunking the first and muttering in his mind something involving relief and you’ll finally get your old life back. Though, it wasn’t as if Alucard didn’t enjoy the sex–it was why he had instigated every incident so far. But there was something different within his life as well, not just the sex. Though, the Vampire couldn’t pinpoint it or be bothered to, in the case. Straightening the suit out once more, check paid, Alucard stood.
“I’m guessing we should leave now,” he commented, voice smooth and deep as per usual.
The Vampire turned, not caring if it took a year for the others to follow, and stood outside, admiring the night as he usually did. Alucard was not the sentimental type, though Integra had not forgotten to mention that perhaps it was what he was slowly changing into. This, he did not agree with. Wasn’t every living creature subjected to times in their lives where they had an attachment to a person? He doubted it much that Aya would choose to stay in England and if he did there wouldn’t be much for him. He didn’t even know why his mind insisted on drifting to the subject again and again, for the matter. Alucard frowned a little, noticing the moon was a bit lower in the sky than usual. Perhaps it was getting early in the morning–was dawn truly coming that quickly? He shook his head, tossing about his ebony tresses. He noticed them coming out of the restaurant, and took his spot aside Aya, face unreadable.
The group walked back the way they came, Yohji and Omi once again falling behind the assassin and Vampire. Aya could easily feel their gazes boring into his back, as if they would eventually be able to see into him to figure out his decision. Honestly, the redhead wasn't sure what his choice would be. To stay in England he could always use the excuse that everything might not be taken care of, but there were so many real reasons why he should be going back to Japan. His sister was back in Tokyo, and so was his job. Estet and Schwarz had returned, and shouldn't he get back to being the leader of Weiss? His mission here was done. He'd come to kill Reiji, and he had succeeded - along with becoming a leading factor in Estet's plan.
So why was he so damn reluctant to go back home? Had he truly let himself fall so far as to care for another? Before his feelings extended as far as Aya-Chan, Omi, Yohji, and himself - but had Alucard somehow worked into that small list? He could not honestly believe that from getting fucked by Alucard four times had actually gotten him to like the man; no, it was something different - though he would miss the sex, that was for sure, he'd strangely miss the man he had shared it with more. He lifted his head from staring at the ground as they neared their destination, and he turned to look at his comrades. Yohji tossed him a lazy grin, while Omi looked a bit concerned.
"We'll call you in the morning," he informed the quiet redhead, who nodded before watching the two head off in the direction of Kritiker. They were giving him time to consider it, which he appreciated, but he already knew what he needed to do.
As the two broke off, Alucard took his pace in the direction of Hellsing. Integra was most definitely asleep by now, and Walter was most likely still cleaning up the awful mess that had been left by the FREAKs. Though, it was mostly dust, the blood that had poured from them before death was awful. Alucard knew that Estet would make another attempt at the FREAK chip. That much was for certain. However, whether they chose to attack Hellsing or not was a mystery, as there was also Aya and his organization that bore a concern for Estet. If they did, he was sure Aya wouldn’t have troubles with the FREAKs, as long as he carried that silver with him he was surely safe from the cheap Vampires created. Alucard would also have no problem, as he had said many times before, he’d destroy them as many times as they desired. The gates of Hellsing swung open for him, and he strolled across the pavement that cut through the clean-cut grass plains that surrounded the mansion. He ascended the step and threw open the door, his hands taking refuge in his pockets. He passed Walter, cleaning as he suspected, and Seras helping along. Alucard, in an odd way, felt himself above such things.
He was the trump card of Hellsing, Walter the assigned butler and Seras a mere servant of Alucard. There was no need for him to clean up the mess that he had created. Or, perhaps, it had nothing to do with feeling like he was “above” it. Perhaps he was simply not a person who cleaned. The Vampire had, of course, been pampered when prince, but it was so long ago, the riches not nearly as refined as today’s were. It was almost enjoyable watching the world flourish as he lived on, and could only wonder what gadgets the next century would bring. Walter met Alucard’s gaze and smirked, and the Vampire returned the gesture. Seras’ gaze drifted from her Master to Aya and she grinned sheepishly, greeting Alucard with a bit of respectful fear in her voice.
“Alucard, I left the rest of your garments in your chambers,” Walter informed him, and Alucard nodded in affirmation, mentioning the part about the medical blood as well. He turned to Aya.
“I hope you have a good rest,” he cackled, the tone obviously teasing the young man for what they had just done moments ago. He turned down the steps and began his descent.
A slender brow flickered at the words, and Aya started off to the room he had been staying in. As he entered, he looked about it, violet eyes cool and considering. Yes, he knew what decision he must make. Japan would greet him on the morrow. He figured it would be best to repack, but something else held greater weight on his list of things to do. A shower. He shut the door to the room, and then crossed into the bathroom connected to it. Quickly he shed his clothes, stepping under the shower head. Relentlessly he wrenched the cold water on, not even bothering for warmth - he didn't want it. He gingerly bathed himself, careful not to aggravate his wounds.
As he completed his shower, he stepped out, repeating the gentle process to dry himself before he dressed in new clothes. Now he went about placing his garments back into his bag, slipping his broken sword in it as well. He tried to make the task as lengthy as possible, for whatever reason he did not know, but it was soon finished. With a short yawn, he dropped himself unceremoniously onto the bed, amethyst pools disappearing as his finger moved to switch his transmitter on.
There was a moment's hesitation before he quietly asked, "Omi?"
He was quickly answered, "Aya? Is everything okay?" the young boy questioned into his ear.
"Everything is fine. Don't bother calling in the morning."
There was silence, "Are you...?"
"I'll be at Kritiker in the morning. Go tell Yohji, and then go to sleep."
Bombay's voice held great relief as he bid Aya a good night, and he was left to his own thoughts. Ah, but not for long, for he was soon asleep, rolling onto his side as he slept, his arms loosely embracing himself as they generally did. It seemed even in slumber he tried to protect himself.
The Vampire took refuge in his room for a moment, if only to grab the garbs that Walter had left for him. He decided that for the remaining hours of the darkness there would be night walking to do, and as such, he affixed his hat atop his crown and found himself striding out the doors of Hellsing once more. His coat flapped behind him in soft folds, the gentle breezes that passed by him throwing loose sable strands in front of his eyes. Alucard’s head remained upturned, toward the sinking moon and twinkling fields of stars, and for once the beauty didn’t cause his veins to ache for blood. No, he had sucked down his fill for tonight, and perhaps for tomorrow as well. After all, he had swallowed quite a bit, and it was quite appetizing at that. And if we went hungry again, he had his medical blood. And he was sure that Aya would... well, if he stayed. The Vampire’s mind turned back to the same thoughts there had been since he left the restaurant, and soon his steps became even more languid than they once were as his thoughts dwelled on that one concept.
If Aya left, what would it truly mean for Alucard? Certainly, it would mean that the wonderful supply of blood would be conspicuously absent, and the sex would be gone as well. But there must have been something else that caused the smallest twinge of anxiety within him. Would it be possible that he’d miss the young man himself? It seemed odd to Alucard. Was it that he admired the determination, the inner-strength and the soft-spot that was held for Aya-Chan, and perhaps even the skill possessed in battle (and sex). And why was he thinking of all this in the first place? Had Integra been right–was he truly becoming sentimental? This thought sent a bit of a scowl across his face, but he shook it away. There was no need to become so worked up such minor occurrences in his life. People come and go and they always had. Aya was simply another one of these people. His wives? They had come and gone. Even a lover or two he’d had in the past had gone. Besides, such things as commitment were not useful to him nor Hellsing. The Vampire enjoyed killing, and death, and blood. Having some little boyfriend on the side would do nothing but cramp his life and put Hellsing in jeopardy.
But perhaps he was becoming too frustrated with himself. He shrugged and noticed the tiniest sliver of sunlight seeping through the horizon. Alucard turned, making his way back to Hellsing. He had found his stance on the subject, finally. He had affection for the young man, but it would be no great loss if he left, if a loss at all. Yes. Making his way inside the mansion as the birds chirped, and down the steps, he found his coffin awaiting him.
Gratefully he got himself ready for slumber (bathing was included in this short ritual) and fell asleep as he had, once, centuries ago–hands folded on his chest, his countenance expressing nothing but content.
Yay, that’s all for now! Did you find the mistake? You guys are pretty sharp. We’re sure you did. Anyway, I really hope you enjoyed it. Now it’s time for REVIEW RESPONSE (I love this part)!!
Kay will be doing two reviews this time, though be assured I share the same sentiments about the love and all.
Kay says!:
Oriya-Chan: I’m so glad that you didn’t have any issues with the Aya/Aya-Chan thing. I was so sure I was going to have someone review that would say something along the lines of “WUTFUX?!” XD! You also have no idea how happy we are to know that we have been promoted to an addiction. It proves further that we have a totally awesome fandom that loves us. Alucard x Aya sexiness is one of the best things in the world, isn’t it? ^_^
Glass Shell: >_> I have read a good deal of fan fictions that have made Aya/Ran a helpless person, and it really pisses me off. I mean, anyone who’s anyone that has seen Weiss Kreuz knows that Aya is completely able to take care of himself. You’d think with the last couple of episodes when Aya went ape-shit on Estet’s people and whatnot. It was quite clear to me then (as if it hadn’t been before xD) that Aya was quite capable of relying on himself and only himself. It’s just the way he is, and it’s a fact of life, just like Aya not blushing is. As for the story you mentioned, I haven’t read it surprisingly. Late on in BMB, there is a good and detailed explanation of why Aya-Chan and Aya are connected (I worked long and hard on it, and even researched as much as I could before science could no longer help). Most everything that I put Aya through is collecting up to a bigger picture. ;3 Aya-Chan being cloned, Aya’s immortality, the upgraded-but-failing FREAK chip. And much more to come in future installments!
And as for the other reviews:
Dragondeb: I’m glad you enjoy it, and be assured, this one will be going ‘till it’s over, darling. Thanks for your review. <3
Mika-sanni: Yay! More new people! Isn’t Aya being dominated AND immortal wonderful? And as for the bondage... tee-hee. You’ll see, most likely. And of course, we’re going to keep updating. For great justice, you see! Thank you for your review!
Thanks to everyone who’s been reading, and for reviewing, but remember, we can never get enough feedback, good or bad!