Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Angel's story ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
I own nothing but a lot of knickknack's and stuff. Please review.
Walking along the sides streets of Balor Dr., I saw him and he saw me. I stood still, as my tinted glasses slid down my nose, and I watched as he walked towards me. A girl hung off his shoulders. She looked around eighteen. Of course, he liked them young and stupid. He was the master and them the slave. As he came closer, I pushed my glasses back up to the bridge of my nose. He stopped in front of me. My hand hung over the gun on my hip.
"Hello Angel."
"Hello Bastard. I see you found another bitch to fuck the hell out of."
Chapter two
The lid rose on the coffin and I felt Seres leave my arms and the warmth she had provided. I groggily awoke to the new night. Another night of watching Seres being depressed and taking what our master gave her. I sighed at her defeated person. I knew nothing of what I could do but I knew she would need time. Time to let the death of Pip and all the others run its course.
I ran my fingers through my hair after stretching every muscle I had.
"Police girl."
We both turned towards the voice.
"The new troops should be arriving in four hours. Entertain them well."
"Aye master." She walked out of the room as I stood up from my bed.
"A kind word from you could do wonders for her but I guess that would be out of your knowledge of know how?"
He only looked at me with his eyes narrowed. I looked at him for maybe a minute before shrugging and sitting at the table for my evening meal. "Guess not."
He took the seat across from me and put his boots on the table, crossing each other.
"Do you have to?"
He only grinned at me as I rolled my eyes.
I finished my meal, got up, gathered my clothes, and headed out my door to the shower. After I had finished my shower, I returned to my room to find him in the same spot I left him. No words were exchanged between us, but the expressions and eye contact said it all.
I walked over to him and slapped his feet off the table with a good amount of force. "What do you want?"
His feet fell to the floor. "Let's go for a walk this evening."
I raised an eyebrow at him. "Huh?" What did he have planned? Before I could ask him, he disappeared.
I had finally reached the main floor and saw him waiting by the door. My eyes actually did a double take when I saw him. He wore neither hat nor his tinted glasses nor his usually wear. His hair was slicked back and he wore street clothes. Blue jeans, loose, and a black T-shirt.
I walked up to him and looked him over. "Ok, what did you do with my master?"
I laughed when he gave me a look. Mainly because, I never use master towards him and second because I asked that question. He only laughed at me as we began to walk out the gates of Hellsing.
The journey was a quiet one for about thirty minutes until I finally decided to break the silence. "Why?"
"You know the answer."
He was right, I knew why he brought me back. Back to this new life. He saw something in me that I didn't even see. He saw my strength, my determination.
"You have taken to much and given nothing chica. Time to shine."
We turned onto Balor Dr. when I noticed he had disappeared. Alucard had left me confused until I saw him. The man I dreaded. The man who made me loose my first child.
Walking along the sides streets of Balor Dr., I saw him and he saw me. I stood still, as my tinted glasses slid down my nose, and I watched as he walked towards me. A girl hung off his shoulders. She looked around eighteen. Of course, he liked them young and stupid. He was the master and them the slave. As he came closer, I pushed my glasses back up to the bridge of my nose. He stopped in front of me. My hand hung over the gun on my hip.
"Hello Angel."
"Hello Bastard. I see you found another bitch to fuck the hell out of."
The girl was about to make a remark until he held up his hand, making her stop.
"I see you have her trained already."
"It is good to see you but I see you are holding a bit of anger towards me."
"I wonder why Adam. Maybe, because……..you beat me, raped me, and stabbed me several times in my stomach." Much hatred dripped from those words. "Couldn't be because of that!"
"You brought it on yourself. If you would have done what I told you, it would have never happened."
I noticed the girl had fear in her eyes and was trying to pull away from his grip but he held her tightly. As he spoke I noticed the bruises on the girl and from the way she was walking I suspected something in her foot or leg had already been broken.
I broke out of my trance when I caught his hand. My eyes traveled from his hand to his face. All the anger began to boil to the surface.
"You don't deserve a girl like her. You never deserved a wife like me." His face began to show pain as I squeezed it, little cracks were beginning to sound. "You don't deserve to live!" I hissed at him.
He had let the girl go in surprise and she ran away as fast as she could. I watched as she ran, made sure she wasn't in range of what was about to happen. It was just he and I. He was drug into the alley and slammed against the wall. "This is for everything you have done to me and to everyone else."
He was picked up by his collar and slammed into another wall. "This is for everything you haven taken from me and others."
Times up.
I lowered him to my level and let him look into my eyes as I felt warm liquid splatter onto my shoes and pant legs. I looked down and then back up, meeting his gaze. "Still wetting yourself I see."
I pulled him close and whispered into his ear. "Times up, my love."
He tried to scream but nothing came out as I latched onto his neck, tearing through skin and muscle. I felt his blood rush into my mouth and I felt the bones snap under my bite. When I was done, I threw his corpse to the ground and wiped my mouth on the back of a sleeve then I sat down, pulling my knees up to my chest. There I sat; there I started to cry.