Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Bless the Cross ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

It was quiet. Not a pleasant, peaceful silence, but that of something eerie, sinister, death. The night itself seemed to have frozen in time. There were no winds to ruffle leaves or lighting of random houses to indicate any life.

There was a rustle and soft footsteps were heard in the shadows. More joined in. Occasionally a radio full of static would switch on and off. A far off voice shouted and suddenly a large group of men dressed in S.W.A.T attire burst out from behind bushes and trees.

Guns raised and loaded, they charged up to a deserted, worn down two-story apartment. Radios flickered on and off more often, men muttering questions or answers to the person on their talkies as they paused in front of the building.

A tall figure walked calmly through the night and up to them. He was dressed in century-old attire. Red and black were the main colors. He paused in front of the entrance of the apartment building and tilted his head back to look up. He wore rounded, orange tinted sunglasses over red-wine eyes.

A crash sounded from inside and he pulled out a black revolver. Something hit the floor again and a man screamed in horror. He was about to stalk into the building when he heard heavy footsteps coming down then a loud thud, as if someone had fallen.

A skinny, middle-aged man burst from the entrance and collided with the Alucard. Of course, he didn't budge, but the other man fell back hard. He looked up in fear then at the gun.

"After I finish off this man, ye will be next," a voice sounded from inside the apartment. The man on the ground struggled to his feet and ran around Alucard, trying to escape.

Three knives erupted from the dark void of the entrance; two impaling themselves deep into the man's back and another slicing right through his neck. He was dead before he hit the ground. Some startled men from the group backed away in fright and eyed the apartment warily, as if thinking they would be next.

"Hello, priest," Alucard greeted with an eerie grin. A tall man stepped out and into view. He had rich, unkempt blonde hair; deep green eyes piercing Alucard's through his rounded glasses, and a slightly rugged chin.

He wore a gray priest robe, a ridiculously large cross, gray slacks, white gloves, and brown boots. In each hand he held long deadly machetes poised from action.

"I take it you destroyed the FREAKS meant for me, no?" Alucard asked irritably, rubbing his chin. Alexander Anderson snorted and slid into a fighting stance.

"There weren't any. Only that fool of a man. It was a blasted false alarm. Oh well, at least I have another opportunity at destroying ye."

"As much fun as that really sounds, I can't. Orders from my master."

"Oh?" Anderson grunted, arching a golden eyebrow.

"Yes. She pacifically told me not to provoke you. So, if you attack me, it will all be on your shoulders. After all, I do have witnesses," he said, grinning.

He turned his back and started toward the group of soldiers. Alexander didn't take this too kindly. He gritted his teeth and glared evilly after the retreating vampire.

"Ye think to avoid me because your "master" order ye to? Well, God had plans for me when I was brought into this world and it includes destroying all ye damned demons!" He charged at Alucard, his knives in a position for a devastating downward stroke.

Alucard whirled around, the black and silver revolvers raised high. They pressed against the priest's chest and both went off at the same time, the force shoving Alexander back and forcing him to the ground.

Alucard, knowing the man had regeneration skills, walked over to him and kicked him hard in the head, rendering him unconscious. The vampire crouched down and watched as the twin bullet wounds shrunk in size then disappeared.

"Master isn't going to be pleased," he grumbled. One of the soldiers walked boldly up to him and handed him a phone. He took it and dialed a number. It rang a few times before a feminine voice answered.

"Ah, hello Master!" Alucard greeted a little too enthusiastically. A sigh was heard on the other end.

"What did you do, Alucard?" she asked angrily. He cringed slightly, hoping he wouldn't get into too much trouble.

"Ah, well for one, there weren't any FREAKS, just a burglar."

"Damn, this is the third time this week. Where are they? They didn't just get up and disappear! Blast it all!"

"Yes, well, as much as I like your fiery bouts-" he started.

"Shut up, Alucard-"

"-there's another problem."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Father Anderson made it here before me and killed the man then attempted to do the same to me," he replied.

"Damn it, Alucard! I told you not to fool around with that man!" the woman yelled.

"He started it," he muttered childishly then smirked, looking over at the still form of the priest.

"Where is he now?"

"Behind me, motionless."

"You killed him?"

"Not even a nearly invincible vampire can get his most desirable wishes granted," he drawled.

"Well then, what happened?"

"He's unconscious."

"Good then, bring him back here. I'm tired of this. He interferes with my work one too many times and is a threat to Hellsing. See you here."

"Goodbye." After hearing the click on the other end he closed the cell phone and handed it back to the young man.

He walked over to Alexander and nudged him with his foot, making sure to see he wasn't faking it. With a sigh he picked him up and tossed him over his shoulder.

"One of you carry his weapons," he ordered and started walking away. Needless to say, Alucard was going to be really bored for the rest of the night.

If his master punished him for something he didn't start, then he was going to make her pay for it. Not through violence, but he'll probably kick his teasing up a notch or two.


There! @@ Done with the first chpt. It sucks, I know. I couldn't choose between whether Anderson should speak regular english or put his "accent" to the test. I keep reading about this and stuff so I give up. If you KNOW he doesn't talk like that, please tell me. #.# Until then, laterz!