Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Month ❯ Flying Lessons ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Ok everyone I am SO happy you review I feel special hehe. Anyway Kill Bill are you there? Well Chapter ten is for you hehe Oh and so it chapter Eleven when it is finished hehe
Alucard stood from the bed he had been leaning back on. He floated through the ceiling with a small smile on his face as he appeared behind the still waiting Seras, his shadow casting over her as he now stood at the top of the stair case. Seras turned a smile on her face as well as she quickly climbed the stairs, her excitement giving her a boost in energy. She followed Alucard's dark form through the front door and outside the small shack.
The night air was cold and the mountains were covered in a thick fog.
Alucard gave a small frown at the weather, thinking that it wasn't a very good night for flying. But he had told Seras that he would teach her, and since he had other plans for them later that night he thought he might as well try. He gave a smile as he thought about how he would finally be able to let himself lose control by the end of the night.
Seras followed behind Alucard, feeling almost giddy at the idea that she might be able to fly by sun rise. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't see her Master stop. She walked right into his back, making her loose her balance and roughly fall on the over grown grass.
Alucard stopped suddenly, but was pushed forward as Seras ran into his still turned back. He gave a sigh of annoyance, turning around and looking at her now sprawled on the ground giggling nervously. He gave a sigh as he reached out, grabbing her hand and pulling her still giggling body back into a standing position. He gave her an annoyed look, cutting off her giggling immediately.
Seras gladly took the hand Alucard offered but she was so nervous that she couldn't stop herself from giggling, making it sound as if she where a school girl on her first date. Her eyes widened as Alucard threw an unhappy look her way and she quickly stopped giggling, lowering her head in shame of how clumsy she must have looked.
Alucard took a quick glance around, reassuring himself that they were alone. He cleared his throat, a smile appearing on his face as he said
"Ok Police Girl. Now, flying is a really simple concept. The hard part of learning it is actually doing it."
Seras' face was covered in confusion only to be rewarded by another of Alucard's annoyed faces. But he quickly replaced it with a smile as he explained
"To fly you have to think of air as more like water, do you understand Police Girl?"
Seras didn't really understand, but she didn't want to annoy her Master any more than she already had so she replied
"Yes Master."

Alucard raised an eyebrow, knowing that she didn't understand but deciding that if she wanted to act like she did it was fine with him. His smile grew larger as he started to float a few inches from the ground saying
"Now in water you float, am I right?" He went on when Seras gave him a nod
"So just think of the air as having more resistance to it. Swim or let yourself float off of the ground. Go ahead and try it."
Seras was seriously confused by that point but she tried anyway, earning a laugh from her Master as she flapped her arms and held her breath. She stopped after a while, a small frown on her face at how her Master found it to be so amusing.
Alucard couldn't believe how funny Seras looked as she tried to "swim" up into the air. But he was getting irritated; he wanted for her to hurry up and learn so he could get away from her and her scent. He gave her another smile as he thought Even if Police Girl isn't a full-fledged vampire, yet she still has the reflexes. So if I were to drop her from a high enough place, her instincts would override her senses making her at least drop slower.
Seras looked up as her Master took a step toward her. She didn't like his smile or how his fangs had come out. She took a cautious step back seeing that her Master was reaching for her. She gave a squeal of surprise when he encircled his arms around her, lifting her and him off of the ground and rising quickly through the air.
Alucard's control was getting weak and he knew that he wouldn't be able to resist Seras' scent for much longer. He quickly grabbed her around the waist and started to fly as fast as he could, till he thought they were high enough that Seras' instincts would kick in mainly out of fear. He started laughing as he gave her a flash of his teeth, quickly letting go and allowing her to drop. He flew quickly to the ground, flashing his toothy smile at her as he passed her, laughing at how ridiculous she looked.
Seras felt her heart stop as her Master released her from the safety of his arms. She screamed and screamed, her eyes shut tight and when she had no air left to scream, tears started to float from her eyes. She didn't know what she had done to make her Master so mad that he would try and kill her for it. Seras knew she was getting close to the ground and was on the verge of passing out when all of a sudden the air flying past her face stopped. She quickly opened her eyes, the tears now running down her cheeks. She couldn't believe it, had time stopped or had she? She didn't know and with her bottom lip caught in her teeth she took a deep breath and looked down.
Seras gasped when she saw herself seven or so feet from the ground. She didn't know what to do. Was she actually flying? And if she was how did she do it? She closed her eyes willing herself down to the ground again. She nearly fainted when she felt her foot touch down on the ground again. Her knees gave out on her, again making her fall on her bottom in the grass. She was stunned. She had learned how to fly and she didn't even know how she had done it, but for some reason all she had to do was will herself where she wanted to go and next thing she knew she was there.

Alucard stood on the ground watching as Seras fell from the sky. His face became serious as he noticed that it would be a close call and when she did stop it was nearly feet from the ground. He hadn't known that she would cut it that close, but he gave her a smile as if to say good job. But she didn't seem to notice as she sat on the ground now openly crying.
Seras couldn't believe her Master had done that to her, she thought that he would protect her not try to kill her. She covered her face with her hands sobbing at how cruel he could be. She only snapped out of it when she heard him say
"Are you done, Police Girl?"
Seras dropped her hands from her face, her anger taking over as she spit out
"How could you Master?"
Alucard laughed as he replied
"You wanted to learn how to fly, so I taught you."
Seras stood from her spot on the ground shaking in anger as she said
"You did but you didn't have to be so mean about it! You could have at least told me what you were going to do instead of scaring me like that."
Alucard rolled his eyes, laughing again as he said
"So you would rather I sat here and watched you wave your arms around like a fool?"
Seras gave a hurt expression, lowering her head in embarrassment. But her anger was still strong, so she turned and quickly headed back to the house before she said or did something to really make her Master mad at her.
Alucard's face became serious as he saw Seras turn and head back to the house. How ungrateful of her to act that way to him. He smiled as he thought if she wants to be mad at me I will give her something to be mad about. I have tried to hold myself back this whole time, her scent always there, and how does she thank me? She gets mad and throws a tantrum.