Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodventure ❯ Hell Hath No Fury Like Thanksgiving Dinner Scourned ( Chapter 1 )
By Shade
It was just evening when sat straight in his coffin. It had been a long night before, a murdering cult of vampires set out to make sure Alucard got no sleep by sheer numbers. In the end it had been simple to dispose of them. Whatever the case might have been Alucard moved a hand, a bit sleepily, to the small table beside him. Feeling nothing he reached, as though he couldn't see without them, upon the cushioned lining for his yellow tinted glasses. Resting the cool metal upon the bridge of his nose, Alucard studied the fine oaken table. As he had thought, no blood. The type A blood that usually rested upon the glossy surface was empty now and this did not bode well. Lying back into his coffin, Alucard phased through the bedding.
Only moments later he phased into Intergal's office. Standing behind her large desk chair he opened his mouth to speak "Master," he spoke almost mockingly giving Intergal a ritualistic start.
The white-haired woman stood and faced her "servant". "Yes Alucard?" Her words were almost harsh and angered in tone and this only annoyed our vampire friend all the more.
His usual cool and calm attitude slipping, Alucard looked at her almost petulantly "We're out of food." He had been out for several days and while vampires didn't need to drink all the time this was getting ridiculous! He was DAMN hungry!
Intergal rested pearly-white canines upon her lower lip. She was afraid that would be his issue at the moment "The Red Cross is in disarray. There was a virus infecting most of the last shipment of blood…in other words…fresh blood won't be supplied to us for a week at least."
Alucard frowned deeply now and folded his arms over his chest. "So hospital patients will die?"
"Yes, I suppose so," Intergal said, a bit surprised that he was concerned.
"May I eat them before they expire?"
Intergal pointed a finger to the door "Out! I'm sorry there's no blood but I'm busy at the moment! Go see if Walter can assist you."
With a slight grumble Alucard phased through another wall this time appearing just at the base of the staircase. "Walter."
The dark-haired butler looked over his shoulder and nodded in respective greeting.
"Walter, where can I get blood?"
Walter obviously knew what he was speaking of. "I have thought the matter over and have only come to the conclusion that animal's blood must do."
Alucard narrowed his eyes, thinking this over "There is a farm down the road a bit."
Alucard stood in the large field, eyeing the old-farm suspiciously. Cows littered the grass, grazing and cautiously, not wanting to exert himself any more than necessary, Alucard stepped forward and crossed before one such animal. But…the creature glanced up at him with liquid brown eyes…"Aww." Alucard paused a moment thinking, "I am fucking loosing it." He said to himself. "Since when do I coo?" He looked back at the cow once more, ready to strike…no good…"You're cute!" yep…he was loosing it…In disgust Alucard when looking for an uglier animal.
It was in this way that Alucard made his way to the Turkey coop. From their reaction to his presence they were not cute and as mean as hell. "All right." Alucard's tongue darted from between his lips in bloody fantasy. Reaching forward he unlatched the coop door…and…was flooded by turkeys. The evil, little creatures ran beneath his legs, tripping the weakened Alucard then trampling him.
"Ow!" Alucard cursed to the pecking beak of one of the evil birds. He threw several punches, scattering a few feathers before he got to his knees. He needed help here…"Cows!"…yes, he was reaching for any help he could get.
A/n: Will the cows rescue Alucard? If so will he ever get a good meal? And what of our other players? Where are they? These questions and many others will be answered in the next installment of BLOODVENTURE!…A longer installment…