Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Enslaved ❯ The Mission ( Chapter 1 )
By Female Heero Yuy
*= Border, Setting, Action
`- Thought
*It was a dark and chilly night, with a full moon shining in the distance, the Hellsing manor visible with its shadows at every corner. On the roof, is a long figure in red, staring into the moon as if mesmerized by its eternal light. All is quite and calm, with the exception of the wind blowing. The figure stands as if ready to leave but doesn't*
Alucard: `It almost as if this isn't real, but it is, i've been a slave to a vampire hunter, all this time and it still seems unreal. Faith has irony I suppose. A vampire, a servant to a vampire hunter.' I guess God makes jokes aswell.
*A figure now approaches from behind, stumbling on the roof, it is Seras.*
Seras: Woah! *Falls on her knees* Phew..That was close. *Notices Alucard* Master, Sir Integral is waiting for you in her office.
Alucard: *Turns to face her* Really police girl, can't you walk on the roof without stumbling on yourself? *Fades into his black void thing.*
Seras: MASTER WAIT! *Looks over the edge, and gets more scared * SOMEONE HELP!!!!GET ME DOWN!
*Integrals Office*
*Alucard appears next to her desk, without his hat and sunglasses*
Alucard: You've been expecting me master?
*Integral is facing the window while in her chair, and of course smoking a small cigar*
Integral: Alucard I have a mission for you. You're to go to a local warehouse to kill the freaks residing there, *passes him a folder* they've apparently been terrorizing civilians and they must be stopped at all costs.
Alucard: *Gazing at the contents of the folder* Is that all?
Integral: No, there is a doctor there, who we've been keeping an eye on for sometime, his name is Doctor Michael D. Yurmura, he's been doing experiments involving the freaks, and testing them on humans, bring him back alive.
Alucard: *Pulls out a photo of a old man, about 60 or so, long grey hair, brushed back in a slick motion, with a pair of glasses, the man is wearing a trench coat with a symbol on the right breast pocket. They symbol is a triangle, with a dagger in the middle. The dagger's blade is pointing down with the hilt up.* Why alive? If he's a menace to society why not kill him and be done with it?
Integral: We wish to find out more about these experiments he's been conducting, not much is known about his experiments, and we wish to evaluate them.
Alucard: So basically you want a mad scientist now, how fitting, you've probably wanted one for year's right?
Integral: Don't toy with me Alucard, just do what you're told.
Alucard: Yes my Master. *Fades into his black void*
*Walter walks in with Integrals tea*
Walter: Here is your 9:00 pm tea, Sir Integral.
Integral: Thank you Walter. *Sips her tea.*
Walter: If I may ask, why aren't you letting Sir Alucard kill that scientist?
Integral: If you must know I didn't tell Alucard the whole story on him.
Walter: *Abit shocked, but stays silent*
Integral: That scientist, he's been doing experiments on vampires' aswell as humans and freaks.
Walter: What kind of experiments?
*At the Warehouse*
*Alucard is outside, looking at the overly large door*
Alucard: What a boring mission, *opens the door and looking around before actually entering*.
*Alucard is walking around, until he comes to another door with the triangle symbol and the dagger on it.*
Alucard: This symbol is starting to annoy me. *Opens the door and pears inside* Nothing.
*As Alucard walks in, he notices that he's in a empty hallway, must to his distress, cause he wants to kill something, he walks down the hallway for sometime failing to notice the camera behind him.*
*In the Camera Room of the Warehouse*
Person1: *male voice* Well well well, what do we have hear? Some sort of a detective perhaps?
Person2: *female voice* Sir should I do a dna scan on him?
Person1: Of course, he might be a possible test subject, and we can't have possible test subjects walking away from us now can we?
Person2: *does some typing on the computer* Accessing dna scanners, access complete. Shall I start the scan now sir, or wait till he's in the next room?
Person1: No do it now, i've been waiting far too long to wait anymore.
Person2: Yes sir, starting dna scan now.
Alucard: Where's a freak when you need one.
*A sound can be heard, and the room goes all green. There are red Lasers moving in a up and down motion.*
Alucard: What is this now?
*Alucard steps through the lasers expecting to get attacked, but nothing happens, or so he thinks*
*Camera Room*
Person2: Scan complete. Data analyzing.
Person1: Work faster damnit, I don't have all day to wait. My experiments must be completed and completed soon!
Person2: Data analization complete…….Sir I think you should take alook at this.
*Person1 walks to where person2 is, and pears over at the computer reading Alucard's stats.*
Person1: Perfect. Initiate capturing sequence now.
Person2: Initiating capturing sequence now.
*Alucard is still walking down the very long hallway that doesn't seem to end, when he finally comes across a door*
Alucard: About damn time.
*Alucard opens the door and steps into the room, a fowl stench is in the air, it is the freaks on the other side of the room, who have failed to notice him. Alucard, is pulling out his guns*
Alucard: It's about time I found you bastards.
*Alucard starts shooting at the freaks, and finally the freaks are starting to attack him, of course, he's winning*
*Camera room*
Person1: Magnificent he's even more perfect than I thought.
Person2: Capturing sequence almost ready.
*Screen next to person2 is showing Alucards little battle with the freaks, there are only about 10 more freaks left, and Alucard looks amused*
Person1: when it's ready, turn it on.
Person2: Yes sir.
*Room with freaks*
Alucard: You are all pathetic excuses for vampires! Hope you all enjoy hell!
*There is a red light flashing on Alucard's back, but he doesn't notice it on the count that there are still 6 freaks left*
*Camera room*
Person2: Capturing sequence ready in 1 minute.
Person1: Excellent.
Person2: Sir the capturing sequence won't work unless he stands still for atleast 5 seconds. Should we communicate.
Person1: Yes that is fine. Give me the Microphone, I shall talk to him. You just be ready to fire when he stops moving.
Person2: Sir.
*Room with freaks*
*Alucard is on the last 2 freaks, trying to blast them into dust, but they are fast.*
Alucard: Hold still so I can send you to hell!
*Kills 1 by shooting it in the head, the other is trying to do a right side attack, when Alucard turns just in time to shoot it, in the heart*
Alucard: Well that was fun. *Puts his gun away* Now where's that doctor?
Person1 on loud speaker: Welcome to my humble abode.
Alucard: Who are you?
Person1: I am Doctor Michael D. Yurmura, pleased to meet you.
Alucard: You call talking on a loud speaker a meeting? Then you must be more stupid than I thought.
Dr. Yurmura: I have been watching you. And I must say I'm please with the results.
Alucard: Results?
*In the Camera room*
Dr. Yurmura: Yes, I think you're perfect for my little plans.
Alucard on speaker: And what might those be?
Person2: *Is sitting waiting for the right moment to hit the button, she's almost about to push it*
Dr. Yurmura: You'll see soon enough, my little friend.
*Person2 pushes the button*
*In the room where Alucard is*
*Alucard hears a sound from behind himself, he turns to see what it is when, 3 rings attach themselves to his body, one is across the shoulders and upper arms, the second is around his waist and keeping his hands at his sides, and the final one is around his knees, above them. He falls to the ground on his back.*
Dr.Yurmura on the speaker: I hope you'll enjoy your stay.
Alucard: Do you really think these will hold me? *Smirks*
Dr. Yurmura: Actually you'll be surprised, I developed those rings to hold, someone just like you.
*Alucard tries to break the rings, but to no avail they won't.*
Dr. Yurmura: I've made those with some very special metals, you can't escape from me, now you belong to me, BWWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Well that's all for now, I hope you guys enjoy my story, i'm also hoping to get some reviews for it, so please review it. I'll start on another chapter as soon as I get about 5 reviews. Take care, and thank you for reading.
Disclaimer: I don't own Hellsing or its Characters. I do own this stories plot, Dr. Michael D. Yurmura, Person2, the Warehouse, the capturing sequence and those nice rings holding Alucard. So if you want to try to sue me, give up. I have a disclaimer saying to don't own Hellsing.
Incase of Flamers: I do own all 13 episodes of Hellsing, so you can't use this as an excuse for a flame. I've also read some of the manga and trust me Alucard acts way different in it.