Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Life in the Gloom ❯ No Longer a Child ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
“No Longer a Child”
“I'm impressed. Dead center. When did you learn to shoot?”
Integra Hellsing was drawn back into the present by a silky, unfamiliar voice. She looked toward the direction of the inquiry. The gun was in her lap, long since cooled, though she didn't know how long she'd been down in the basement.
Her ragged memories caught up with her when she found herself staring at the vampire, the one who had claimed to be called Alucard. He was grinning maniacally as he stood over the fallen body of her Uncle Richard.
“Huh?” Integra intoned blankly.
Alucard turned his attention to her, still wearing a mad grin. His eyes glittered under the sickly yellow glow of the overhead lights. “It was a very good shot,” he reiterated as he tapped at the center of his forehead. “You got him dead center.”
Her eyes were drawn to Richard's corpse and the blood coagulating under the base of his skull. The gun on her lap clattered loudly onto the cement floor as she stumbled forward and began to retch violently. The contents of her stomach spilled ugly and putrid out of her mouth. Her hair hung and tangled in front of her eyes.
Above her she heard a soft, masculine sigh. The soft creak of leather heralded Alucard's close proximity to her. Much to her surprise, he pulled the hair away from her face and held it gently while she threw up.
“That was the first time you killed, wasn't it?” The vampire asked quietly once she was only dry heaving.
“Yes,” Integra replied hoarsely.
“Sorry,” Alucard murmured, “It'll get easier.”
Anger and despair flared violently as she pushed him away, “I don't want it to get easier!”
She looked up into Alucard's face and was startled to see a bit of sympathy in his eyes. He sighed softly, “But it will. It always does.”
Integra frowned, “What's going to happen to me? Am I going to go to lock-up?”
Alucard snorted, “Of course not.” He held a hand out to her and she stared at it blankly. There was no blood on his hands; the gloves that he wore were pure white. “Someone will take care of it. Can you stand?”
It struck her as a strange question. Why wouldn't she be able to? As if in reminder, her upper arm throbbed where the bullet had grazed her flesh. “Ow,” she murmured as she brought her hand up to cradle her injury.
Though she was quite sure that it wasn't the wisest thing on earth to trust in this creature's sympathy, Integra accepted his hand. In one startlingly smooth motion, he pulled her to her feet.
“Is there anyone else here?” Alucard asked.
Integra felt her lips twist bitterly, “No. This was Uncle Richard's perfect opportunity. Walter is away on some kind of business.”
“Well, that makes things difficult, doesn't it?” Alucard murmured.
Integra didn't really care. She was suddenly feeling completely drained; she was also beginning to realize that she'd lost quite a bit of blood. With a low moan, she sagged against him, unconcerned about her previous fears. Regardless of who or what he was, he had saved her life. “Thank you,” she whispered.
“Hm? For what?” He sounded genuinely perplexed.
Integra glanced up at his face, “Well…You saved me, didn't you?”
Alucard chuckled, “You speak as if I had a choice.”
She didn't really understand what he meant, but was too tired to ask questions. This was all complete madness, anyway. Never mind the fact that she'd taken a human life, what in blazes was she going to do with a pet vampire? Integra just wanted to go to bed and pretend that none of this had ever happened.
“Let's get you out of here.”
Integra blinked, “What?” She nearly shrieked when Alucard swept her up into his arms. “What are you doing?”
The vampire merely grinned at her, showing his long, sharp fangs. Strangely, they didn't distract from the fact that he was rather good-looking. What a stupid bloody thing to think about, she thought vaguely.
As they ascended the stairs, Integra laid her head on his shoulder. She felt so heavy and older than her years. Integra closed her eyes and wondered what her family would want with a vampire servant.