Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Life in the Gloom ❯ Good Behaviour ( Chapter 4 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
“Good Behaviour”
Integra was bored. She stood with a flute of champagne in the midst of an elaborate party, wondering just why the hell she was here. The bodice of her dress was too tight and exposed skin was pimpling with gooseflesh.
Integra wanted a cigar but Walter had insisted she refrain from such a thing while at the party. He'd said it wasn't ladylike and she didn't like the more acceptable social vice of cigarette smoking. Her blue eyes scanned the crowd. All the members of the round were in attendance along with their various family members. All the young sons bothered Integra; it made her wonder if this was a celebration of her knighthood or coming of age. If one more young man attempted to engage her idle flirtation she felt as though she would scream. She had little interest in courtship. Such petty pursuits paled in the face of her sacred duty.
Integra felt a hand touch the small of her back. She whipped around, nearly losing her composure in the face of such boldness. Her anger dissipated when she came face to face with her servant. Alucard was dressed impeccably and appeared quite handsome. His hair was slicked back and his customarily pallid complexion seemed to have a bit more colour than usual. Only his eyes betrayed his identity, but it was clear he was putting up the effort to look presentable tonight.
“I'm surprised that Walter didn't put a wreath of garlic and blessed crucifix on the basement chamber door in order to keep you away from this ball,” Integra raised an eyebrow at him.
“Even if he had, there is little that would keep me from you side, Master,” Alucard murmured intimately.
Integra chuckled, “No need to flatter me. I'm well aware such things are ineffective against you.”
“I only speak the truth. Now tell me why you are not enjoying your own party,” Alucard's lips curled into a small smile. He was careful not to grin and show his fangs.
Integra snorted, “My party? How absurd. Penwood planned this travesty and it seems like he invited every eligible young man within a twenty mile radius.”
“Oh?” He moved closer to her. “Shall I protect you from their prying eyes, Sir Integra? Tear out their offending tongues and snap off questing fingers?” Alucard teased her softly but Integra knew he wasn't entirely joking.
“Don't be silly,” Integra chided him, “I can handle a few hormonal teenagers on my own.”
Alucard chuckled quietly next to her ear. “You seem tense. Come out to the garden with me. I have a surprise for you.”
Integra sighed softly. People were beginning to stare and the knights that had noticed Alucard's presence appeared a bit ashen. Perhaps it would be best to talk to her vampire in private.
“Oh alright,” Integra rolled her eyes, “but it had better be worth it.”
Alucard took her hand and lead her away from the ballroom. Integra would never admit to it, but she was relieved. Her skin crawled from the furtive gazes of onlookers.
Once they were alone in a small garden, Alucard seemed to relax and his fluid form changed somewhat. His hair reverted to its customary wildness and his visage appeared more vampiric rather than that of a handsome albeit pale man. She liked him better this way.
“Well,” Integra demanded irritably, “What was it that you wanted to show me?”
“Only this,” Alucard smirked as he pulled a silver case out of the inner pocket of his jacket.
Integra gasped and barely contained her excitement as she took it from him. She opened the case with near-reverence and removed a cigar as she looked at Alucard with infinite gratitude.
Her expression quickly turned into a scowl. She didn't have matches or a lighter on her. Maybe she could find someone with a light back at the party….
As though he'd read her mind (Integra inwardly rolled her eyes, Well it wouldn't be the first bloody time), Alucard offered her the flame from a silver zippo. Integra smiled as the tip of the cigar kissed the fire. She sucked it to life, happily inhaling and exhaling her first taste of nicotine-laden smoke in quite a few hours.
“You are a good servant, Alucard,” Integra sighed contently.
Alucard bowed his head humbly, but his lowered gaze could not hide his pleasure. Integra had learned long ago that her servant positively glowed under praise.
Like a well-behaved hound, Integra mused idly.
Alucard grinned rakishly, “Does this good servant deserve a reward?”
“Perhaps,” Integra replied, “I suppose it all depends on your conduct for the rest of the evening.”
“Then I will be a perfect gentleman for you, Master.”
“The mad count of Walachia, a gentleman? I'll believe it when I see it!” Integra scoffed.
“You wound me,” Alucard laughed with surprising good nature, “How do you think I got to Miss Lucy all those years ago?”
“By sneaking into her bedroom,” Integra deadpanned as she put out her cigar.
“Touché,” Alucard grinned toothily as he offered his arm, “You know my history well.”
Integra rested a hand on his arm comfortably and they began to slowly make their way back to the ballroom. “I should hope so. I can't remember how many times my father insisted I study Stoker's book and various historical texts regarding a certain Romanian count.”
Alucard chuckled ruefully, “Ah, it's funny how things work out, wouldn't you say?”
Integra gazed up at his handsome profile. She'd always wondered why her father had been so insistent that she know everything possible about the legendary vampire king. It was indeed bizarre to think that as she'd paged through Bram Stoker's novel, its namesake had been slumbering in a basement chamber.
She murmured in agreement as they re-entered the vaulting ballroom. People still stared, but Integra was past caring. Alucard was right where he belonged.