Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Master's Play ❯ 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A blunt thud awoke the blonde in the darkness of her room. Fast as lightning she grabbed her gun, a 9 millimeter and pointed it straight ahead. Her bright blue eyes darting at the slightest of sounds.
“Alucard!” she called, suspecting he was up to his little tricks again and was trying to scare her.
“Now why do you think it's always me?” his voice came in her head.
“Because it's always you, and I assumed it was you.” she said matter of factly.
“Well my dear you shouldn't assume, because you make an ass out of you and me.” he laughed.
“You're not funny,” she said to crush his amusement, which of course was a vain attempt.
He did not reply and she could no longer feel his presence in her mind. She clicked on the light and looked around. Nothing there, luckily she wasn't trigger happy and hadn't blown her satin curtains to oblivion. She laid back down and clicked off the light and stared at the ceiling. Her eyes met with bright neon letters. I WANT TO TASTE YOU. and a little sloppy heart next to it.
The light back on and his figure emerged from the wall. He turned to face his master and he bowed.
“Yes, your oh so high majesty Sir Integra? “ He said sarcastically.
Her brow creased and a look of irritation on her face she pointed at the ceiling, “Did you write this?!”
He looked up and back at her confused, “I believe it was Walter sir.”
“Why would Walter do this?” she said tilting her head slightly.
“Well if not the room would be dull without the shiny overcoat.” He held back a grin.
“Not the paint, you ignorant dog, THIS!!” she clicked off the light again pointing to the ceiling. Fully aware he could see in the dark.
“Hmmm, I can't say I did sir. Whoever did this has no regard for you being a lesbian.” He said and broke into a wide smile.
“I know this is outrag-- WHAT!? I'm not a lesbian!” she said steaming.
“I know. You're just so damned cute when you're mad.” He smiled and disappeared into the side wall.
“That bastard, ugh!” she fumed and picked up the phone, “Walter, “ she spoke into it, “Please send someone down to scrub off a little message someone left me on my ceiling.”
“A message?...What type of message madam?”
“Please just send someone down here Walter.”
“My apologies miss Integra, Mitzy will be up shortly.” He said and hung up the phone.
Mitzy was a new maid, very voluptuous and very ignorant. Although she was of good help it was like talking to a Barbie doll.
As she paced around the room a soft knock came at her door.
“Miss Integra? Can I come in?” she asked, her voice slightly shy.
“Yes Mitzy.”
She walked in all bouncy her hair in two tight ponytails that suited her bubbly personality and she dropped the bucket at her feet.
“What is it that I'm supposed to be cleaning ma'am?” she said and twirled her hair around her finger.
Again she flicked off the light and showed her. Mitzy giggled like a schoolgirl and blushed slightly.
“Oooh, heehee, ok miss.” She promptly got to it and finished in a few minutes. “It should be gone now miss, ` she said and bowed out of the room.
Integra looked across the room at her alarm clock. It read 8:30, it was still early. She couldn't even take a nap. She went into the bathroom, it's beautiful ornate décor was beautiful. Red and mahogany was the color scheme. Her shower was large and with the ceiling showerhead and marble floors. A vanity took it's place across the room with strong English carving accents on the drawer. A chaise settled on the opposite side, near the door. She slipped out of her shoes and black pants and folded them neatly and placed them on the chaise. She undid her white collared shirt exposing a cream colored bra. At her vanity she pulled her hair up with a clip and took off her glasses and placed them on her clothes.
She adjusted the knobs on the shower and turned it on. She stopped as a cold shiver ran up her spine. She turned around, and tried to reach Alucard telepathically but could not. She shrugged it off and returned to undressing. She slipped out of her shirt and bra and pulled off her panties and got into the shower. The warm water felt so good on her caramel skin and she sighed pleasingly.
The water trickled down her taut nipples and down her flat stomach. Her fingers reached her nipples and she gave them a bit of play, and massaged them. For some reason she was really horny. She slipped her hand in between her thighs and flicked her clit with her thumb, she was growing wetter by the second. Suddenly she felt a hand through her hair. She turned around quickly to see nothing. Then a cool wet feeling traced around her ear. It felt like someone's tongue, and she slapped at her ear as if there was a pesky bug near it.
Hands grabbed her wrists and held them behind her as a voice whispered in her ear, “Please don't fight it.”
For some strange reason, she decided not to and stopped struggling. An outline of a body, tall and lean, appeared before her. It was wispy and black. She again felt the cool tongue on her ear and welcomed it with a slight moan of pleasure. Then soft lips touched hers in a innocent kiss. It was like your first kiss, you have like a fluttery feeling in you stomach. Then a tongue entered her mouth and massaged hers. It's hands cupped her back and pressed her body into it's. He appeared in full color before her eyes.
“Alucard….” Rang in her head, she felt disgusted and appalled, but his touch was so tender and so inviting, she wanted more.
His mouth went down her neck, tongue too. He reached her breasts and traced his tongue around her nipple and slowly took it into his mouth sucking hard. She gasped at the feeling that was shooting up and down her spine. He went to the other and did the same treatment. He lightly touched his nose to her skin as he went down her stomach. He felt a slight shiver as he breathed into her platinum blonde curls. He parted her long sexy legs and slid his finger along her wet clit. He then pushed her body up against the nearest wall of the shower and raised one of her legs over his shoulder.
Her clit glistened with her juices and he eyed it hungrily. ”I want to taste you master.”
“It was you. You are a liar.”
“No, I didn't lie. Because you asked did I write it, and I painted it.” He snickered.
“You- You- ahhhh.” As his tongue went up and down her clit.
His tongue so cool and long, made her body shiver as it caressed her tender crevice.(ooh a difficult small word HUZZAH!!!! Ok you can get back to the story now.) Alucard kept a steady strong pace and made sure he got every bit of her. He then sucked on her clit very gently, causing Integra to arch into his mouth. A nip caused her to cry out, but was subdued when Alucard engulfed her clit, drawing a very small amount of blood.
Her scent was so intoxicating and so alluring, he was going crazy. Then he slid his tongue to her opening and teased it. He sucked on it hard, pushing his tongue deep into her. She moaned loudly and pushed his head in deeper, gripping at his black silky tresses.
“More…..” she let out and he pushed it in deeper.
She was slowly reaching her climax and began to grind into his face and he just pushed in deeper.
Her body began to shake as she released into his mouth.
He looked up at her and licked his lips, exposing his fangs in a slight grin. He made his way back up and took her lips into another exhilarating kiss.
“Master Integra, before I give this to you, this amazing, back breaking, and oh so wonderful body of mine, to you……You must ask for it.”
“You are so damn conceited, but,” she whispered sexily into his ear, “Give it to me….all of it.”
He smiled and hoisted her up to his waist, straddling her legs around his lean ,muscular back. He pushed in hard causing her to arch. He pumped in ever so slow and slammed into her with each motion.
He made it into a circular motion, grinding into her and pressing her ass into him. Her back against the wall to have support. He gained speed, slamming harder into her and yet more moans escaping her full lips.
They switched position on the shower floor, her riding him. She went back and forth in a circular motion as he cupped and kneaded her breasts. His dick was hard like stone and she was gettin' into him. His eyes slowly rolled back into his head as she grinded harder on him. She then began to hop up and down, coming down hard causing him to moan loudly. Again they switched positions and she bent over, her arms resting on the floor for support. He pushed down into her as far as he could go. Integra cried out with pleasure and growled, which excited Alucard, causing him to pound into her harder. He pulled out and teased her clit, rubbing his shaft against her.
Then he slammed back into her again. He pulled out once more circling her opening with the head. Slamming into her again, catching speed and causing Integra's toes to curl. Her orgasm rose tightly like the wire in a pinball machine. He was very aware of this and slowed the pace, making sure she felt every bit of it. He was beginning to feel it to and slammed harder and harder into her. Making her breasts slam against her chest.
“Uh-ooooh, aaaAAAH!” she let out as she climaxed and Alucard pulled out before he cummed. He lay atop of her, breathing into her ear. He lightly traced his tongue against her ear and she shuddered and moaned.
“Heh, master like's to play does she?” he asked with a hint of humor in his voice.
“Yuuuuh-ooooh-YES.” She replied exhausted.