Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Mea Culpa ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Mea Culpa"

All was quiet in the Hellsing Manor as Kristina Evermont lay sleeping on the sofa in the library. Several thick books on vampires lay open on the floor and coffee table, another lay open on her lap. She was still dressed in her street clothes, which consisted of a short black t-shirt dress, knee high boots, and a black leather lab coat. As Kristina slept, a tall figure clad in a red trench coat entered the room…


Arucard noiselessly walked across the stone floor of the library towards the sleeping vampire hunter. He knelt down beside her and gently pried the book from her fingers and laid it on the table behind him. A grin played across his lips as he studied Kristina's sleeping form; a combination of soft curves and hard muscle. Kristina was quite a stunning beauty for a vampire hunter with dark brown black hair, warm amber eyes, and flawless mocha colored skin. Arucard deftly traced the shape of her full lips with his thumb as she continued to sleep, unaware of his presence. A naughty thought entered the vampire's mind, at which he then slid one arm under her knees and the other around her waist and lifted her up. Then vampire then carried the vampire hunter down to the basement of the manor to his lair.


Kristina yawned, blinking her eyes open as she stretched. She sat up, thinking that she was still in the library but soon realized that she was in the basement. After taking in her surroundings, she screamed, "ARUCARD!" Soon the vampire appeared wearing his usual sly grin, his trademark red hat hiding his garnet colored eyes.

"You called, my dear Kristina," he asked innocently, his hands planted nonchalantly into the pockets of his trench coat.

"Why did you bring down here?" she asked furiously, her amber eyes blazing with anger.

"Well since you have been working so hard, I figured I would bring you down here to relax, deary. You've been working far too hard and not getting enough rest."

"I will do as I please and rest when I will." She then got up and headed for the door, but the vampire blocked her path. "Get out of the way, Arucard, I don't have time for one of your games." Again, Kristina tried to move around him but Arucard steadfastly held his ground.

"You're not going anyway, my dear."

"Why you…" She reached into her coat for her gun but found it missing.

"Looking for this?" Arucard held up her modified Glock, twirling it on his index finger. "I always wondered why you carried this cumbersome thing, love."

"GIVE THAT BACK!" Kristina hissed and reached out to swipe it from his grasp. However, the vampire proved to be too quick and held it out of her reach. She kicked him in the shin then jumped up to grab the Glock, again, Arucard proved to be too fast for her.

"Feisty aren't you?" he mocked. "I know you have more fire in you than what you giving now." Kristina tucked a stray lock of her hair behind her ear and lunged at Arucard again, this time knocking him to the floor then slapping him across the face.

"That's just for taking my gun." She was about to punch him again when Arucard flipped her over and straddled her hips.

"Tsk, tsk Kristina love, you should know better than to fight a vampire. Let's see what else you have hidden beneath your armor."

"You wouldn't dare," she hissed, raising her hand to slap him but he caught it just in time and pinned her wrist to the floor. She raised her other hand to strike but he proved quick again and pinned her wrist on top of the other with one hand.

"You're going to make it more difficult than it needs to be," Arucard gently scolded and in one quick motion ripped away her dress revealing a sexy red lace bra and panties set. "Very nice. I see that I'm not the only one with the penchant for red."

"Get OFF ME!" she screamed as she tried to throw Arucard off her body. He then stood up, pulled her to her feet, and backed her against the wall. Kristina struggled against him but it was futile. "What the bloody hell do you want with me?"

"I want you, Kristina," Arucard whispered heavily as he rubbed her sides with his long fingers. "I know you want me as well."

"You are so wrong you freak!"

"Am I?" Before she could respond, he had smothered her mouth in a deep kiss. Kristina pounded his shoulders with her fists; eventually she gave up and surrendered to his desire. She tossed his hat across the room, releasing a river of long black hair that fell to his waist. A moan escaped his throat when she slid her hands to the waist of his pants and pulled his shirttails out then slipped her hands under the shirt and rubbed his bare sides. "You're enjoying this, I see," he whispered, kissing the base of her throat.

"Arucard, do me a favor and shut up," she replied hoarsely as he massaged her soft, firm mounds.

"With pleasure, my lady."

Kristina then wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body into his as she kissed his cool lips again with a deeper passion. Arucard slid off his red trench then whipped off his shirt in a quick sweep. Her fingers trailed softly across the muscles of his back. Squeezing her round bottom, she leapt up into his arms and he carried her over to his coffin. After removing, what was left of his clothing, Arucard pulled off her boots and cast them aside, then pressed her back into the soft padding off the coffin and climbed in on top of her. "Don't worry, I won't close the lid." He brushed her cheek with the tips of his fingers sending chills down her spine. He lowered his head and recaptured her lips for yet another kiss.

She responded by wrapping her long legs around his waist and pulled him even closer to her. Arucard slipped his hands behind Kristina's back, unhooked her bra, and tossed onto the floor with the rest of their clothing. In return, she rubbed her crotch against his as he rubbed her nipples until they were drawn into tight peaks. "Kristina," he groaned, his desire throbbing for a release. He gripped the hem of her panties, pulled them down her legs, and tossed them aside. Lowering his head to her breast, he slowly sucked on it until he heard her grasping with pleasure.

Arucard slid a finger inside of her womanhood and rubbed her clit, driving her to the breaking point. Kristina's wetness flowed freely and he slipped another finger inside of her. "Damn you, Arucard," she breathed heavily. "Why…must…you tease me…so?"

He grinned devilishly and continued rubbing her sensitive spot. She writhed beneath him until she reached her climax and cried out. After withdrawing his fingers, he lay upon her, pressing his hard muscled body against her soft curves. For a moment, the vampire hunter realized just how small she was against the vampire. He was so heavy upon her and yet his weight felt heavenly.
Parting the lips of her womanhood, Arucard slowly pushed himself inside of his lover. Kristina shivered and sighed from the sensation of pleasure and pain. He trembled in ecstasy as she tighten around him and soon he began to thrust deeply into her.

Kristina arched her back and screamed his name as she reached her peak for the second time. Arucard cried out her name as his hot essence spilled into her. She licked his lips and massaged his muscular hips as they basked in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Pulling a blanket up over them, Arucard wrapped his arms securely around Kristina as she drifted off to sleep with her head resting upon his chest. "Mea Culpa," she whispered softly.

"What does that mean?" he asked.

She yawned then replied, "I'm guilty."

"What are you guilty of?"

"I am guilty of falling in love with my prey."

A grin appeared upon Arucard's face. Indeed, the hunter and hunted were bound together in the eyes of love.