Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Masquerade ❯ MIdnight Masquerade ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

By Truly Scrumptious and Harleenq

This story was co-written by the two authors as a writing exercise. We used the Nine Inch Nails song Closer as the starting point. Hellsing is of course owned by Kohta Hirano and Dark Horse. Closer is owned by Trent Reznor. We just enjoyed playing with them for a short time.

You let me violate you, you let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you, you let me complicate you
Help me I broke apart my insides, help me I've got no soul to sell
Help me the only thing that works for me, help me get away from myself
I want to fuck you like an animal
I want to feel you from the inside
I want to fuck you like an animal
y whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to god
You can have my isolation, you can have the hate that it brings
You can have my absence of faith, you can have my everything
Help me tear down my reason, help me its' your sex I can smell
Help me you make me perfect, help me become somebody else
I want to fuck you like an animal
I want to feel you from the inside
I want to fuck you like an animal
y whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to god

Alucard phased out of the wall and stared down at Integra's sleeping form. Her platinum hair lay spread on the pillow, framing her face like the halo of an angel. The only angel I will see. He stood in Integra's bedroom clad in his customary red overcoat and black suit and boots. Alucard leaned in and brushed a pale golden tendril from Integra's forehead. His long white fingers made her fair skin almost tan by comparison. As he touched her, Integra moaned quietly in her sleep.

My master. What do you dream? Do you dream of your dog, your pet? What shall we dream of tonight? Alucard carefully slipped into Integra's mind to play.

Alucard stepped into the charred ruins of a forest bathed in the fiery glow of twilight. Interesting, he thought with a wry smile, that Integra would dream of death. Of course, she had witnessed so much of it in her young life that she wouldn't be able to escape it in her REM fantasies either.

She stood statue-like in a clearing, wearing not her usual business suit but a long, flowing sheath. Her blonde hair fell in stark contrast to the ebony fabric caressing her slender frame. Her soft side? he mused, finding this little foray into her psyche more enlightening with each passing moment.

As Alucard walked toward the still form in the clearing, his usual red overcoat and black suit dissolved into the black frock coat and white collar of a priest. He quietly slipped behind Integra and whispered intimately into her ear, "What are you doing out here on the field, my child? You should be where it is safe."

Integra shivered involuntarily at the contact and turned to face Alucard. For a moment, a look of suspicious recognition slid over her face. Alucard pressed a bit and Integra's expression became one of relief upon seeing the priest behind her. "Oh, father. You startled me. Yes, I should be within but something about the battlefield draws me." She turned back again to the scene of devastation before her.

Alucard wrapped his arm around Integra's strong shoulders, grazing her breast with his fingertips. He could always smell her rich blood but standing this close to her was intoxicating. "Come, my child. Let me take you." He guided her back down the path to the lonely house on the edge of the clearing. Perhaps Anderson has the right idea after all. Even the most wary trust a man of the cloth. I wonder how many penguins the git has gotten. He allowed his fingers to again brush against the curve of Integra's breast. He was gratified to feel another shiver run through her.

Opening the door to the empty house, Alucard stepped back and motioned for Integra to enter before following her in. Oh, fire. Won't get anywhere in a cold subconscious. A fire sprang up in the hearth on the opposite wall but Integra seemed not to notice. The foyer they stood in looked remarkably like the sub-basement hall outside Alucard's cell seven years ago, save for the fireplace he had just added.

"Tell me why we're here." Alucard urged softly, his smooth voice urging her to confess and find redemption.

"Him." She pointed at the door that had materialized in front of them. A door that Alucard was far too familiar with. "Don't you hear him? Can't you feel him?"

"What is he saying? What does he make you feel?"

"He calls me to him, always taunting me." Agitated, Integra paced the chamber. "And he makes me feel…"

"Like an animal?" He suggested coolly when no reply was forthcoming. "Trapped?"

The scene shifted again and this time they were inside of the cell, Integra now bound to the wall in the same shackles that had confined him. Alucard slowly approached her, watching her strain against the bindings. He knew only too well there was no escape from them. "Do you hunger to taste him?" His tongue trailed slowly down her neck, sampling her sweet flesh. "Or is it, perhaps, that you hunger for him to taste you?"

Seeing Integra held by the same restraints that bound him for twenty years generated a strong mix of emotions Alucard was surprised he still possessed. During his imprisonment, Alucard had existed in a half-conscious state, dreaming of how he would exact revenge upon his incompetent master. His vengeance had yet to be completed and that old anger now welled up within him as he was reminded of his captivity. If only that weak-willed old man were here to watch what I'll do to his daughter. Surely he realized that she is mine as much as I am hers.

The sight of this Integra, her psyche so open and vulnerable while her flesh was bound in the modified strait jacket, also intensified the What? Dare I say lust?! feelings that Alucard had felt since he first lapped her blood from the rough stones of the dungeon floor. He grinned madly, his wide smile showing sharp canines. And now here she was, in this dream at least, helpless to stop him from playing out the scenes that pass for a vampire's dreams.

Alucard reached out and ran his thumb along Integra's jaw, then gripped her chin between his fingers. The beginnings of fear gleamed in her eyes. He stepped in closer and pressed his length against her restrained body. "Confess, my daughter. Do you have sinful thoughts about your monster?"

Integra, ever proud, stood silently before him refusing to answer. Slowly he traced a line down over her breast, flicking teasingly at the taut nipple straining for his attention. "Do you want him to touch you like this, Integra?" Alucard slid his fingers lower still, grazing over the silky material at the apex of her thighs. "Do you long to feel him there, moving inside of you?"

Her breath caught in her throat and she gnawed at her lower lip, still giving no quarter. "I wonder if he will be a delicate lover and slowly awaken your senses…" Alucard tugged hard at the silk in his hand and ripped the dress from her body, leaving her naked to his ministrations. "Or will he be cruel and violent and take you forcefully without regard to your feelings?"

An orchestra suddenly came to life behind them and they were now gliding across the ballroom floor. "You waltz exceptionally well, Father." Sadly Integra was dressed again, this time the picture of Victorian propriety right down to the white gloves concealing her forearms. "Although it's not a subject I would have thought that they taught in seminary school."

Talk about dancing around a subject, Alucard thought in amusement. "I am skilled in many areas, my child." He held her tight in his embrace and spun her expertly across the floor.

"I'll keep this dance up all night, if that's what it takes, Miss Hellsing," Alucard purred in Integra's ear as he pressed her to him, grinding his hips into hers in a very un-Victorian manner. His clothing had again changed, this time to a black suit and redlined opera cape of the same period. He laughed at the irony of wearing these clothes while holding this woman in his arms. Abraham, can you see this? Do you see how I possess your grandchild? Your hard work so long ago will be for nothing.

Alucard's powerful gaze locked Integra's eyes to his as they danced. "Has any man held you this closely, Miss Hellsing? The men you've met in your very short time on this earth, have any of them even looked at you the way your monster does?" A flash of desire lit Integra's eyes before she locked it away.

She broke eye contact and looked away, gritting her teeth. "My monster, sir, is my servant. And nothing more." With that statement, the music ended and Integra walked to the refreshment table. Alucard followed. He took a cup and began to fill it from the crystal punch bowl. "Allow me, my lady." He handed Integra the cup and smiled wickedly as she took a sip.

Integra immediately grimaced and spit the contents of her mouth back into a napkin. "How dare you, sir! Do you try to defile me?!" Alucard saw her reach for the gun that normally hung from her shoulder harness. The gun was of course not there and Integra stood frozen with impotent rage.

Alucard laughed at Integra's expression of anger and confusion. "Miss Integra, I do apologize. Apparently, the sweet enjoyment of this dance is turning bitter? Perhaps another diversion would be more to your taste."

He bowed low before Integra as the scene again changed, this time to the rumble seat of an old ford. Alucard's hair was now slicked back, his tall, thin form clad in a tight black t-shirt and jeans. Integra looked down to find herself wearing a form-hugging twin set and skirt. Alucard moved in close to Integra on the seat and began to slide his hand up her silky slender thigh.

"Perhaps I can interest you in going for a little ride instead." Alucard pushed past the weak resistance of her clenched thighs and stroked the panties concealing her sex. "You may deny your desires with words but your body betrays you."

He slid past the lace trim and smeared his thumb over her telltale moisture, slowly circling her hardened nub. One long index finger curled up into her and worked her g-spot with unerring accuracy. "Beneath your protestations Miss Integra, you are just like any other animal that wants to be fucked."

Integra shook her head in denial, but arched up to meet his marauding hand at the same time. Without slowing the fingers working diligently between her thighs, he pressed against her body, his free hand forcing her head to the side and revealing an expanse of creamy white neck. Almost too easy.

Alucard lapped at her neck, inhaling her scent. His canines grazed the milky skin, tempting him with the memory of that sweet, metallic taste coursing through the veins so near the surface. "If your monster wanted to, dear child, he could take advantage of you just this easily." His hand stilled and she moaned her dissatisfaction. "Because it's what you want as well. You want him to violate you. You want him to possess you entirely."

As soon as Alucard said those words, he realized he'd miscalculated. He'd gone too far too fast. Integra's face hardened as her body tensed up. Suddenly, Alucard found himself in Integra's office. She sat behind her desk, bent over papers, either unaware of his presence or ignoring him.

Alucard smiled to himself. Yes, this would be where you feel most comfortable, most in control. But also the most isolated. An Ice Queen on her lonely throne. He quietly walked around the desk until he stood directly behind Integra. Once again, he chose the robes of a priest, hoping that this guise would be less threatening for the moment. "My child, you work too long into the night. Your bed is lonely," he murmured in Integra's ear.

Integra sighed. "Yes, Father, but I must get these reports finished. Our funding depends on it. Now, please. I'm very busy. Please leave." She did not make eye contact with Alucard but instead resumed her study of the papers on her desk.

Alucard placed his strong hands on Integra's shoulders and began to work out the knots in her muscles. At first, she resisted but within moments she was leaning back in the chair, eyes closed. As Alucard began to massage the muscles in her neck, Integra gave a quiet moan. Alucard could feel the desire coming off her in waves.

"Your bed is not the only thing that's lonely, daughter. You lock yourself in this ivory tower, away from the strong, healthy men who serve under you, who would do anything for you. Away from your most loyal servant, who would do anything for you." As he spoke, Alucard allowed himself the luxury of leaning in and deeply inhaling Integra's scent. Integra shivered a bit at the feel of his cheek on her throat.

With no resistance to his continued attentions, Alucard began to work his hands forward as he massaged her cramped and tense muscles. As he slid his fingers along her ribcage to end cupping her breasts, Integra let out a small sound of protest. This was silenced quickly as he began to slowly circle her nipples. Once again, she began to quietly moan and arch to meet Alucard's hands.

While he stroked her breasts, feeling her desire mount, Alucard quietly spoke. "Your monster could end the isolation you feel. You are two of a kind, both willing to do anything to get what you want. Both without peer." With one hand, he continued his attentions to Integra's breast. His other hand he slid down, placing feathery caresses here and there, until it rested in her lap.

At that, Integra shook her head. "No, I mustn't," she protested weakly. "I am the leader of Hellsing. It is my duty to..."

"It is your right," Alucard interrupted, "to feel what every woman feels." He deftly unbuttoned and unzipped Integra's trousers and slipped his hand inside. He could feel the dampness, proof of her arousal. Once again, Alucard began to offer lazy, delicious circles of worship to her now highly sensitized clit.

Integra's moans began to climb, as her hips rose up to meet his hand. Alucard could feel himself begin to harden, as well. "Your monster, your master, will ensure you get what's coming to you," he growled into her ear.

"W-w-what is that?" She asked, barely aware of anything more than the building tension deep in her core.

Alucard spun her chair around so that he was positioned between her legs, her slacks and panties `conveniently' fading away into the mist. He licked his lips in anticipation. "This." His head lowered to her lap and his tongue eagerly reached out for a taste of her honey.

The scene dissolved again and this time Alucard now found himself on the other side of a metal screen in a small, closet-like room. He hissed in frustration at being denied his bounty, his teeth flashing dangerously in the low light.

Integra from the other side said in soft penitence, "Forgive me Father for I have sinned."

Alucard grew weary of her childish games. After all, she was a Protestant, for pity's sake! "Tell me, my child, and be cleansed."

She hesitated and he could see her hands worrying over a wooden rosary. "I am weak, Father…weak to desires of the flesh."

He leaned closer to the screen. An admission of sorts. Perhaps all was not lost after all. "Tell me, my child, is it your servant that makes you burn?" All he could hear was a muffled whimper and the rattling of her rosary beads. "Why is it, then, that you save yourself? Why do you cling so tightly to your virginity knowing that it is the one thing he would covet most?"

Alucard waited patiently for Integra to answer. He could hear her take a deep breath, attempting to regain some control over her emotions. After a moment, she spoke. "I am the master. He will not be my master. I cannot allow him to control me." The customary steel edge was back in her voice but it was dull and Alucard could hear, almost feel her resolve weaken even as she spoke.

Oh, Miss Hellsing. You betray yourself even now. This is going to be fun. Alucard slipped a dark tendril through the screen and tentatively caressed Integra's cheek. When she did not pull back, another snaked through to wrap around her waist. Integra started and attempted to pull away but he held her fast.

"My child," he whispered, "you cannot escape the inevitable." Alucard slid another dark tendril and directed it slowly between her legs. He pushed only a little and the trousers Integra wore offered no resistance to its penetration.

The tendril began to flick lightly against her nub as Alucard continued to speak softly, his eyes locked on Integra as she stared at him with a mixture of fear and passion. <flick> "Despite your mission," <flick> "despite your training," <flick> "despite your honor and pride," <flick> "despite your feelings for Queen, Country, and God," <flick> "despite your belief that all vampires are demons bound for Hell," <flick> "despite all these things," <flick> "you are hopelessly and eternally bound to your monster. <flick> Now yield," he demanded.

With each light touch of the tendril, Alucard had felt Integra's excitement mount. Now, at the end, her hands were grasping the chair on which she sat while she moaned and threw her head back. At his final command, the confessional dissolved. Alucard found himself in a shadowy room lit by a few candles in the corners, the curtains of an open window blowing in a night breeze. For a moment, Alucard scanned the room, looking for Integra.

Then the haze of the dream faded, returning them to her chambers now bathed in the first rays of morning light. Alucard realized with some surprise that Integra was awake and looking him straight in the eye. There was no flush of satisfaction on her face, no hint of arousal beneath her nightdress. In fact, there was no more emotional reaction than if Walter had just delivered tea and scones.

"Well, that was a delightful little game. I hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I did," she said coolly, easily swinging her legs over the side of the bed and moving to sit at her dressing table. "But I do have an early meeting this morning, so if you would be so kind as to return to the dungeon where you belong…"

No. It wasn't possible that she had been aware and had merely toyed with him…or was it? "Oh My Dear Master…we really are two of a kind, aren't we?" Alucard laughed maniacally. "But which of us is the bigger fool?" With a mocking salute he turned and phased back through the same wall to the familiar isolation that awaited him below.

`Until next time…'