Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Sacrament ❯ Sacrament ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: None of this is mine. Mangaverse.
Notes: Kelles asked for Anderson x Heinkel. This was surprisingly fun to write; I'm debating making it longer, except that I'm afraid it'd ruin the flow.
Bless me, Father, for I have sinned ...
Hands on her skin. A mouth covers her own, steals her breath, gives it back to her again. It is too much, too quick; she pushes away, reaches for the bottle. She needs this, but there's still uncertainty; she knows it's wrong.
But it makes her feel alive, when all that there has been is death. It makes her feel as though she isn't entirely cold, even when she knows that her heart is still ice.
Bless me, Father ...
The sacrament isn't supposed to be like this. Heresy, she thinks, even as she pulls at his clothes; she says the rosary in her mind as the buttons slip through her fingers, baring skin to her exploration. The blood sings hot in her veins, a thrill so different from battle, and yet the same ...
Bless me ...
He makes quick work of her clothes. Something tears, but it doesn't matter, any more than it does that this is wrong, wrong, wrong, right, and her nails bite into his shoulders as he finds a particularly sensitive spot. He murmurs words against her flesh, and she wonders suddenly if he, too, is saying his prayers.
She doesn't want to think about prayers right now. Dragging his head back up to hers, she lays claim to his words and to his body, but as she rises up over him, the words still echo in her mind.
Bless me, Father, for I have sinned ...
He tastes like absolution.
- finis -