Here Is Greenwood Fan Fiction ❯ Why Shinobu Doesn't Drink ❯ Vacation's end ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Note: This is the first time I have written fan-fiction in about five years. Please be gentle. Also, I have seen the OVA of this series and have read about three volumes of the manga. For the record, I do not know whether Shinobu even could have this problem, but due to his Japanese heritage, it is very unlikely.

This fic takes place during the first episode of the OVA or the first Story (part C) in the manga. The lines are actual dialogue from the manga as they are translated at

Also, I am not referring to Sake in this story. Sake is rice wine. This story assumes that the characters are drinking beer similar to that found here in America.

I don't own Koko wa Greenwood. I am not making any money by writing this fic.

Why Shinobu Doesn't Drink
Part 1: Vacation's End

Kazuya Hasukawa, recently renamed Suka ("little nothing") took another gulp of beer. It was the last day of summer vacation, and Mitsuru had somehow managed to smuggle some alcohol. Which was why his roommate, Shun Kisaragi, had dragged him over to room 211.

Technically, this party was to "finish summer homework," but luckily he had completed all of his assignments. And with no thanks to Mitsuru. The older boy could no longer say that he deserved part of Suka's lunch for tutoring him.

But somehow, Suka doubted that Mitsuru felt obligated to have a good excuse.

Then there was Tezuka Shinobu, Mitsuru's roommate. Now there was an odd guy. Shinobu rarely spoke, but when he did it was either something important or scathing. He was the only person that Suka had never seen perturbed, and was also the only one that could annoy Mitsuru successfully. During the summer, the lilac haired teen had not seemed uncomfortable on even the warmest of days, and his stony gray eyes hid his emotions entirely.

Today, he was wearing his normal choice of casual clothes. A short sleeved white shirt with a collar and black chinos. His manner of dress had to be related to his upbringing. Suka had heard that Shinobu was from a very rich family, one Japan's most powerful industrial clans.

But then Suka noticed something strange. Namely, Shinobu wasn't drinking.

That was really odd. Shinobu was known for any number of things. He had three girlfriends (none of which Suka had actually met, but that was the rumor) and he smoked. Profusely. Suka suspected that he even smoked out the window of the dorm occasionally, since he had overheard Mitsuru yelling at him from the hallway once or twice this summer. Why then would he not drink beer?

Suddenly, Shinobu's gray eyes, which had been following the conversation, settled on himself. Suka looked away, but it was too late. He had been caught staring.

"Wow, Hasukawa's sister," said Shun. "I wanted to meet her too!"

Suka turned red, completely forgetting about Shinobu for the moment. He thought about his sister in law's visit, wishing that it had never happened.

Sumire. How he loved her. And she didn't have a clue! He could never tell her, and it was all because of that bastard....

"She's such a beauty too," said Mitsuru, cutting Hasukawa's thoughts short. "It pisses me off how such a beauty's the wife of the guy over there at the health room."

Suka spit out the beer in shock. How did Mitsuru know? How could he know that he and that bastard Kazuhiro were brothers!? And, more importantly, why had he just effectively told the whole dorm about them?

"H-h-h-h-h-how did you-"

"You're Hasukawa Kazuya and he's Hasukawa Kazuhiro. It's stranger if you two are strangers."

And Hasukawa forgot all about Shinobu's strange avoidance of beer. Until several days later...

To Be Continued...

Next time: Suka asks Mitsuru about Shinobu's many habits and makes an interesting discovery...