Hetalia - Axis Powers Fan Fiction ❯ Love Song ❯ Chapter 2: Hola Amigo ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 2: Hola Amigo Como te llamas?
Once the plane landed Matthew found himself being half-dragged, half-led off of the plane. The Canadian wanted to ask about the other boy on the plane. The one with the violet eyes. However he was not given even the slightest chance and soon enough he forgot about it all together. Matthew followed Alfred and the others as they left the large runway and began to walk over to a small gravel path.
"Now all we have to do is go down this here trail and we're finally done." Alfred chuckled, "Damn, how I long for a nice comfy bed to take a nap on!"
The American then set off with Arthur in tow. The Briton scoffed and corrected in a matter of fact tone.
"That may be true but don't forget to pick up your schedule this time, you twat…"
Yao rolled his eyes and proceeded in following the two (now bickering) blondes. Matthew watched uncertainly and hesitated in going after the others. He felt a hand on his shoulder and he tensed; glancing to the right he saw Francis give him a small, yet reassuring smile.
"Do not be frightened Matthieu," He said, "I know you are new here and it is a bit daunting, oui? But it is not that bad, and if you are worrying about Alfred and Arthur, well don't. They are always that way, so ungentlemanly to be honest. Now come along."
Matthew's cheeks flushed and he turned his head to the side. Even though a small part of him said that he had no real reason to be embarrassed by such a thing he simply couldn't control the reddening of his cheeks and he let out a sigh. The Frenchman grinned and walked on ahead leaving the Canadian to catch up. Matthew snapped back to attention and started to walk down the stony path following the other boys.
During the walk Matthew took the time to get a good look at the island. The air was crisp and clean smelling of the sea, among the green grass there were small clusters of wild flowers. The individual buds reflecting different colors of blue, purple, white, and pink. The Canadian had to admit that the island had a very peaceful atmosphere. The group continued to walk for about twenty minutes or so before they arrived at the entrance of the academy. Matthew's eyes grew to be the size of dinner plates as he took in the sheer size of the academy building. 'Mon Dieu…' He thought to himself staring straight up along the elegant pillars and enormous columns decorating the building. The roar of the crashing waves behind him rang in his ears making him feel even smaller than he already felt. The blonde was brought out of his state of awe when he heard Alfred's amused laugh.
"What?" Matthew asked completely horrified and slightly irritated that the American would start to poke fun at him.
However that wasn't what the other bespectacled boy had in mind, "Nothing, it's just that I had the exact same reaction when I first started here, that's all." He paused before adding, "No need to get testy, come on lets go lots to see and not enough time."
And with that said Alfred took off once again, Matthew readily followed the others this time. The academy had high stone walls each craved intricately and beautifully, surrounded by numerous columns and the front entrance had marble steps leading up to the door. The building itself could stand alone as a work of art. When the group reached the top of the steps the large hand craved door was propped open and they walked right inside. There several men dressed in butler attire greeted them and proceeded to escort the group to the main auditorium.
"New students will report over on the right side of the building along the south wall, returning students on the opposite side along the north wall. Good day young masters." One said pointing out the directions as he spoke. With his job finished the man gave a deep bow and left. Alfred smiled and waved a quick good-bye and told Matthew he would meet up with him later. Matthew nodded and said good-bye to the others a well before making his way over to the tables set up along the southern wall of the room. A woman waved him over to her table and asked for his last name. She was a stern looking creature with thin wire-rimmed glasses, hollow cheeks, and piercing gray eyes. She was a woman who had all the characteristics of an old woman trapped in a youthful body.
"Matthew Williams?" she asked reading off of a paper she pulled out of a file, even her voice sounded sharp and Matthew barely managed to nod a small 'yes'.
The woman said no more and pulled out a few more papers and spoke again, "Very well, your room number is 309 on the third floor. Your luggage will be taken up shortly, and your roommate is Carlos Martinez. He's your senior so it would be best if you can make friends with him and get him to show you around the school. If there are any complaints you'll have to tough it out until the school can come up with another room or find someone who'll take on a roommate. Next."
Matthew's face paled slightly, he had a roommate? And from what else the woman mentioned about if they didn't get along he would have to wait did not sit very well with the timid Canadian boy. He swallowed the lump in his throat, thanked the woman and began the slow trek to his room. At first the blonde was worried that he would surely get lost in the enormous building but with the abundant amount of staff roaming the halls all he had to do was ask and they pointed the way for him. Along the way Matthew took in the grandeur of the interior of the school and the large paintings which decorated the already lavish looking halls. Many were of students (as to whether they were actually students who once attended the academy he didn't know) either playing an instrument, reciting a bit from a play, or sitting at a desk with a pen in hand deep in contemplation. The floors were marble and the blonde could easily see his reflection within them. For a time he wandered exploring and satisfying his curiosity before heading to the room he was assigned. He walked in and forgot to close the door as his mouth dropped. The room was incredibly large, (large enough to have two queen size beds, two desks, walk in closets, two small dressers, lamp tables by the beds and plenty of walking space) the room even had its own full bathroom complete with shower, toilet, and sink. The beds had silk sheets and Egyptian cotton comforters which were emblazoned with the school's logo.
"Oh, wow…" Matthew whispered to himself as he took a seat on the edge of one of the beds. He looked over to the other side of the room and finally took notice of the luggage placed by the other bed. "Those must belong to Carlos…" he wondered with half interest where the other male was, not that he was exactly eager to meet him.
"Alfred? ¿Qué demonios estás haciendo aqu� ¡Fuera bastardo!" a voice snarled from behind him. Matthew jumped out of his skin as he found himself face-to-chest with a taller darkly tanned male who was obviously pissed. The young Canadian didn't even get the chance to choke out a single syllable as he was picked up by his collar. "Contéstame." Matthew struggled slightly and gasped out,
"P-please, I'm not Alfred… my name's M-Matthew…."
The other male looked at him slightly confused before realizing that the unfortunate Canadian was telling the truth. The older male set him back on his own two feet and replied, "Lo siento amigo. I'm sorry about that... I thought you were someone else… you two look alike…Mi nombre es Carlos, encantado de conocerte Mateo."
Matthew regained his composer (along with his breath) before saying, "I-it's nice to meet you too…" The blonde didn't know a lot of Spanish but he could piece together what the other male was saying. The tanned male was tall, well taller than Matthew with shoulder length dark brown hair (which was in dreadlocks held back in a small ponytail) and had big brown eyes.
"So Mateo…¿De dónde es usted?" Carlos asked walking over and sitting down on his bed. Matthew gave him a small look and muttered an apology that he didn't know what the other male was asking, or saying. Carlos laughed and repeated, this time in English,
"Where you from, is what I'm asking."
"Oh, I'm from Canada, Ontario to be exact…" Matthew replied shyly, shuffling his feet,
"Um, where are you from if you don't mind me asking…"
Carlos gave him a smile and said, "Don't be so shy, I didn't mean to scare you like that earlier and I promise my bark is much worse than my bite. Anyway my home is Cuba, born and raised. "¿Cuál es tu talento? Do you play music, act, write..?"
Matthew admitted that he got into the academy due to his artistic abilities. And the two began to talk for while until a small knock at the door interrupted the two.
"Mister Williams, Señor Martinez I have the last of your luggage, may I please bring them in for you?" Another staff member stood in the doorway awaiting orders. Matthew didn't really feel comfortable about how the students seemed to be treated like royalty. It would take some getting used to. Carlos simply waved the man in and thanked him. Matthew nodded to the man as he left. Before the man departed he turned to the students and said,
"A small reminder that this evening's dinner will be served promptly at six o' clock. Good afternoon young masters." The man bowed and left, his footsteps echoing down the hallway. Matthew looked at his wrist watch and made notice of the current time which was 4:30. He was brought away from his thoughts when he heard the Cuban shuffling through his luggage and the other male pulled out a guitar case and opened it up revealing a black six-string acoustic guitar. The other male took it out and held it carefully plucking a few strings and tuning them. Matthew watched inquisitively until he caught the others brown eyes watching him, Matthew instantly turned away and his cheeks turned a light shade of pink.
"Sorry. Forgive me for staring…" he mumbled.
"Aw, don't worry about it, like I said I don't bite." Carlos replied good-naturedly, the Cuban then placed the guitar back into the case and shut it before asking, "So Matthew have had a chance to go over your schedule and explore the academy?"
Matthew shook his head, "N-no I haven't, and I haven't gone to look at the school much because it's so big… I'm kind of afraid that I'll get lost." The Canadian chuckled nervously. The Cuban stood up and said,
"All right then let's just get changed into our uniforms and I'll take you on a brief tour before dinner."
"Uniforms?" the young blonde asked. Carlos merely pointed to his closet and said that the school provided uniforms that the students had to wear. Matthew went over and opened up his closet and sure enough there were uniforms for him. The uniforms were all black with the schools logo on the right side, with a pin that was worn on the collar which were silver roman numerals. After changing the pair headed out into the enormous academy.
As they walked down the halls Carlos explained that the first floor held primarily the music and theatre rooms, the second floor held the art and computer rooms (the computer rooms where often used by the studying authors and playwrights and the rooms had many shelves and bookcases full of books), and the third and fourth floors were used as the boys' living quarters. A main hallway on the first floor connected the first half of the building to the second half which held the dining hall along with the main library and the other classrooms for the students' regular classes (such as English, mathematics, etc.)
"Why do they have the school set up that way?" Matthew asked as he and Carlos continued to walk around the school. The Cuban shrugged his shoulders and replied,
"Guess it's because we have breakfast, the regular classes, lunch and then the rest of the school day we go to our other classes and then back to our rooms or wherever…"
When Matthew looked at it that way the layout made sense. A bell chimed through the P.A system.
"Well time to go."
"Go? Where?" Matthew mumbled. Carlos pointed at the blonde's watch and Matthew then realized it was six o' clock. Dinner was currently being served or it would be in a few minutes. Matthew nodded and followed the older student to the dining hall.
Cutting through hallways the pair quickly made their way over to the dining hall, the hall itself had two large oak doors which where wide open. The hall way decorated with banners on the wide of the walls in between the windows (black with the schools logo of course) and a grand chandelier hung from the middle of the ceiling and sparkled in the light. Large tables filled the room, and the staff stood along the side of the room with covered silver trays on carts and pitchers filled with tea and water along with many assorted beverages. Other students had already been filing into the room and Carlos picked out a table for the two to sit at. Matthew looked about the room excitedly, the atmosphere of the room finally getting to him. He spotted Alfred and Arthur, though they were kind of hard to miss since they were currently arguing (yet again), Francis was sitting at another table with two other boys, one with white hair and piercing red eyes, the other with lightly tanned skin and brown hair. On the other side of the boy with the white hair sat Ludwig, and the Italian twins, Feliciano and Lovino.
"Hey Carlos, good to see you! Who's your friend?" a voice called making Matthew turn his head around to see a blonde haired brown eyed boy pull up a seat at the table. The boy was followed by a taller blonde with a pair of glasses framing his blue eyes. The taller (and in the Canadian's mind more intimidating) male sat down beside the other.
"Hola Tino, Berwald, this is Matthew. Matthew the short one is Tino, and the tall silent guy next to him is Berwald." The Cuban explained introducing them.
"Hello, it's nice to meet you." Matthew said smiling a little at the two. Tino said a small greeting in reply while Berwald merely nodded. As the dining hall continued to be flooded by students more sat down at the table and began to introduce themselves. A boy from Denmark, Damian who was just a few inches shorter than Berwald had waltzed up to the table saying that it was his 'duty' to go around to all the new students and let them know that he 'Ran this motherfucker and to not get any 'ideas'.' Whatever the heck that meant. And although Matthew thought he was just seeing things he couldn't help but think that Berwald seemed a little ticked off that the Danish boy had come over to the table. After Damian came along Atli, a small Norwegian boy, and Hallbjorn, who came from Iceland, the two of them didn't say anything to Matthew and just took a seat next to Damian. Once the two had settled a soft clinking sound filled the room making all the students look to the front of the dining hall. The headmaster stood at the front of the room and cleared his throat before addressing the students. He spoke of how he was glad that he had seen many old, familiar faces and overjoyed that he saw some new faces as well. That he hoped this upcoming year at Hetalia Academy would be one to remember. And with his final words spoken he announced that the feast be served.
The staff moved quickly setting down the large trays which held roasted turkey, pork, rotisserie chicken, and all sorts of vegetables and sides (and some trays held international and foreign foods that Matthew didn't recognize but they looked delicious), hot buttery dinner rolls and took the students drink orders. Matthew's mouth watered at the sight of all that food and couldn't wait to dig in; he served himself some chicken with green beans and mashed potatoes with a glass of sweet ice-tea. While he ate he managed to strike up a conversation with Tino unaware of the odd look he was given by Berwald. However Carlos did and said humorously,
"Hey Berwald, ease up on the stare Matthew won't try nothing with your boyfriend."
Tino blushed and stuttered that he and Berwald weren't together, and Berwald snorted and his left eye twitched a tiny bit. Matthew's face went red too and he looked away. Damian overheard and laughed, proceeding to tease the taller blonde.
During dinner Matthew asked Carlos about the other students, like who they were and such. Carlos took a drink from his glass before looking at the tables as if deciding where to start. Once he picked out a table he tapped Matthew on the shoulder and whispered while pointing out who was who.
"Okay over there at that table is what we have dubbed the 'Bad Touch Trio'. Which is made up of Antonio, the brunette, he comes from Spain and he does dance as well as study as a vocal musician. Gilbert Beilschmidt, he is the one with the red eyes and the white hair. He basically comes from Germany; though don't say that to him, as he claims to be of Prussian decent." Matthew took a good look at the two and made a quick mental note.
"And finally, there is 'Triple Threat/Triple X' Francis, a threat because he sings, acts, and dances, and the 'X' part because of the fact that I'm not entirely sure that there's someone he hasn't made a pass at, and because of an incident that happened between him and Arthur last year… I'm not going to go into it any further because you are eating, but I think his French roots are showing." Carlos finished. Matthew's face turned red but he continued to listen as the other explained the other students.
Alfred is an American who got in for his electric guitar playing (and Carlos made it quite obvious that he disliked the boy, Matthew didn't ask why but made good notice of it), Arthur was a future novelist, and because of his accent it wasn't hard to guess where he came from. Yao was Chinese and participated in art, the German Ludwig got in due his short stories, the Italians Feliciano and Lovino were a duo. Kiku came from Japan and wrote poetry and another male on the side next to him who had blue eyes behind thin glasses and brown hair came from Austria, his name was Roderich and he was a very talented pianist. On the table next to that one on the far left sat a very hyper boy, his name was Im Yong-Soo he was a dancer who had grown to be quite popular in his home country of Korea, Maddox a stern looking young man was a writer plan and simple, as he wrote poetry, short stories, plays, etc. he lived in Hong-Kong. Another brunette sat beside him with a lighthearted smile and wore a pair of glasses, that young man's name was Jao, a dancer who was picked out of a group of talented dancers from Thailand. At the end of that table was a green eyed blonde who looked to be perpetually stressed was a Swiss teenager Vash Zwingli, he played the cello, a sleepy looking teen sat beside him with brown hair, Heracles Karpusi, and he was Greek and played the flute. Although he looked tired and about to keel over he was still conscious enough to glare daggers at the male next to him a Turkish young man, Sadiq Adnan who played the saxophone. Gupta Muhammad Hassan tried to keep the peace, he was an Egyptian male and was a playwright, and at the far end of that table was a male from Holland, Stefan who wrote horror novels. The next table over sat four boys (however if it weren't for the fact that this was an all boys academy) there were two who looked a bit like girls. One was a blonde polish boy who was in fashion design and the theatre, that young man Feliks Åukasiewicz was chatting away with the Lithuanian poet Toris Lorinaitis, and beside him sat a young man who didn't seem at all interested in eating and was fiddling with his PDA, he was Eduard von Brock an Estonian violinist, who was also incredibly skilled when it came to technology. Eduard was also nodding and managing to carry on a conversation with the tiny Latvian, Raivis Galante who was a painter. Carlos was practically out of breath by the time he finished introducing everyone in the room.
"And you've already met Tino, Berwald, Damian, Hallbjorn, and Atli." Cuba made a small sweeping motion with his arm as a way of pointing to them. "Tino is in art, as is Berwald, though he mostly does sculptures, Atli I believe is working on a small series of fables and what did he call them… ah fairy tales, like children's books. Hallbjorn plays the trumpet, and Damian oddly enough sings…"
"Damn right I sing my voice is so awesome it needs to be shared with the world!" Damian added shoving a forkful of food in his mouth. Carlos rolled his eyes and went back to his food as did Matthew. The Canadian was about to take a bite when movement caught his eye, he turned and noticed the same boy from before on the plane. Now the blonde saw the other student, he was incredibly tall, seeming to have a few inches or so, on even Berwald. Matthew knew it was the same male because of the eyes, those bright violet eyes. The teen walked over to one of the staff and began to talk with him during that time Matthew nudged Carlos and asked,
"Hey, who's that?"
"Hmm?" Carlos mumbled spoon in mouth. Matthew glanced over in the direction of the violet eyed boy and the Cuban swallowed his food before saying "That's Ivan Braginski, Russian… I'll tell you a bit more later, but right now all I can say is keep your distance."
Matthew was slightly confused, he looked at Ivan who had finished speaking to the staff member and left.
After dinner the students were dismissed to their dorms for the night as dinner had ended at 8:30. The Canadian once he and his roommate had returned to their rooms he showed and changed Carlos sat on one of the chairs in the room while Matthew sat down on his bed.
"Okay, now about what happened at dinner, look I don't know a lot of details but still stay away from him. Things happen whenever he's around and… just, Mateo, don't do anything dumb… por favor." Carlos said. His lighthearted tone had changed and he was deathly serious. Matthew simply nodded and Carlos let out a relieved sigh.
"Okay, well I'm going to bed," Matthew said pulling back the covers on his bed and the Cuban nodded mumbling something about he would probably be heading off to bed in a few minutes as well. Matthew turned over in his bed and closed his eyes thinking. What have I gotten myself into?
It was the middle of the night and Matthew found himself wide awake, he stirred in his bed and laid awake for awhile listening to the air conditioning and the quiet snores coming from the bed next to him. The blonde turned over in his bed and tried to fall back asleep. Just as his eyelids grew heavy he heard the sounds of footsteps in the hallway. The blonde rose up in his bed and went over to the door, pressing his ear against the wooden door and listened as they walked past. Matthew pulled the door open and peeked outside into the hallway. Matthew's blue eyes widened slightly as he recognized the tall male walking down the hall. The Russian continued to walk down the hall and turned at the very end. Where is he going? Matthew wondered and wanted to go and follow the other but Carlos' warning rang in his ears. Keep your distance from him, it's risky to get too close.
And so, Matthew closed the door and crawled back into bed, wondering just what secrets this school and it's students held within it glorious walls.
Cuba-Carlos Martinez
Denmark- Damian (which ironically means 'To Tame' I thought it was funny)
Iceland- Hallbjorn (meaning 'Rock bear' I'm not kidding…its true…)
Norway- Atli (meaning 'King of the Huns' I like it.)
Hong-Kong- Maddox (another fiction used this as is name, and I really like it)
Thailand- Jao (Yes this is actually a popular boy name in Thailand)
Holland-Stefan (it means crown, and I personally like the way it sounds)