Hetalia - Axis Powers Fan Fiction ❯ What is This, Aru? ❯ What is This, Aru? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

What is This, Aru?

Summary: Russia x China


"Is the tea no good, aru?" Ivan blinked before smiling at the immortal in front of him. "I can make another batch if I need to, aru." To this, Russia shook his head with a small chuckle.

"It is good, da. I was just thinking." China nodded, closing his eyes and sipping his tea contentedly.
My emotions are no good, da. I cannot control them. He looked longingly at the dark-haired man across from him and sighed. Niet, he would never love me. Ivan shook his head and snapped his eyes open at the gentle touch to his hand.

"Is something wrong, aru?" Russia blinked then shook his head with a forlorn sigh. "Are you unwell, aru?" He put is hand to the blond's forehead and furrowed his eyebrows. Russia put his tea down and as Yao was removing his hand, he grabbed the wrist and yanked the immortal down. "What are you doing, aru?" With a yelp, the Asian fell face to face with Ivan. He blushed lightly and moved to pull away before a pair of lips smothered his. He widened his eyes and pressed his hands against the pale man's chest, finding himself crushed to it as a tongue ran slowly across his lips. He blushed and tried to pull away again, being held steadfast against the blond. When Russia's mouth left his, he blinked wordlessly.

"You want this, da?" Yao shook his head, a small mewl of discomfort coming from his lips when he was pulled into the heavily clothed lap. "Does my comrade truly protest. Because I want you and da, I think you want me too." China shook his head again.

"I... why, aru? Why not someone else, aru?" Russia smiled and pulled the immortal's lips to his again, earning a sigh of frustration as China pulled away. "Answer me, aru."

"Because we're alike, you and I, da, we are quite similar." China bit his lip before Russia leaned up and captured the lip in between his teeth, nibbling and sucking. China moaned parting his lips and thus allowing Russia's tongue into his mouth. He whimpered slightly and allowed it, making his tongue dance around the blond's carefully. His moans started out low before growing louder by the second as his hips rocked to meet Russia's and his tongue dueled with his comrade's. Too soon they broke apart and China pouted.

"Why did you stop, aru?" Russia chuckled and calmly fell onto his back on the lounge, bringing Yao with.

"You will see."
What do you mean, aru?” Ivan chuckled deeply before pulling China into a sweet kiss. Cold hands slid up Yao's arm and unbuttoned the green jacket quickly before spreading across the clothed chest, cold seeping through thick fabric. China shivered, knowing that skin to skin contact would likely make him shiver. He shivered again when the same hand slid under his shirt, moving up his torso to his chest and tweaking a nipple. Yao moaned, closing his eyes at the feeling of arousal coursing through him. He subconsciously pressed his hips to Ivan's, loving the moan that tore itself from the man's throat. He did it again, purring when Ivan moaned again and rocked his hips up. Russia pulled the articles of clothing off of the Asian man and moved to his pants. Yao grinned and slid away, earning a small groan of loss from the pale man. With quick hands, Russia's clothing flew off the man and onto the floor, leaving him bare of everything and moaning when slim hands caressed him gently.
Yao...” Russia whispered quietly to him, trying not to startle the Asian out of his lust. When he locked gazes with the dark haired man, he saw something he was not expecting: clear eyes, brimming with a loving emotion for the man beneath him and slightly touched with lust. He leaned down and pressed his lips gently against Ivan's, loving the cold that touched him. His tongue slid against the pale a frigid lips gently before becoming more insistent. Ivan's lips parted, a blush settling across his face as the slick muscle pressed against the roof of his mouth and moved around the cold and moist cavern. Yao's tongue worked his into a steady tandem. The two men moaned softly when Ivan began to respond. His arms wrapped around the Asian's waist and pulled him down before his frozen hands slid into China's pants. Yao smirked into the kiss as the hands quickly divested him of his pants as much as they could. They removed his boxers as well, both objects slid to his knees and then he pulled away. “Yao... what are you doing?”
You will see, aru.” Yao got to his knees before getting off the lounge completely and allowing the garments around his knees to fall to the floor. Russia sat up, watching the man before him carefully. China pulled out his hair tie quickly, allowing his hair to fall around his shoulders. Ivan flushed at how heavenly he looked as the man pulled him up. He swallowed, hoping what Yao was about to do was not violent before finding himself on Yao's lap on the lounge. Yao grinned and pressed closer, brushing their erect members together. Ivan moaned and almost whimpered. His whimper arrived when Yao stroked him slowly. “So noisy, dear Ivan, aru.” Ivan glared which caused the Asian to chuckle. “That is no way to speak to your dominant, aru.” Ivan blushed and then was laid down on the lounge. His lips descended on quivering and pale flesh, licking at the jaw ever so gently. Ivan moaned, trying not to squirm when the Asian pressed his hips to the blond's. When he felt the body heat pull away he whined before lips were on his stomach, licking and nipping as he made his way down to the base of his cock. Ivan shifted and then Yao licked the tip of his shaft which caused him to gasp lightly.
Y-Yao... what are you doing?” The Asian licked again and chuckled.
Ivan, oh Ivan, I'm going to make you scream just for me, my dearest Ivan, aru.” Ivan blushed deeply before moaning as his whole member was engulfed by a hot mouth. Hair brushed his hips as the head moved up and down over his throbbing shaft. The moist tongue ran tantalizingly slowly over the throbbing member and his teeth just barely brushed across the tender flesh. He pulled away from it, earning a whimper in reply. “Does Ivan enjoy my mouth on him, aru?”
Yao...” Yao grinned at the cold man smugly and earned a growl. “Yaoi, hurry up or I swear I'll pound into you so hard your tailbone will break.” Yaoi raised an eyebrow then chuckled, pressing his tongue to the erect organ again. He playfully trailed butterfly kisses along the thick shaft before darting his tongue out. He pulled away again, licking his lips and pulling Ivan's legs up, hoisting them over his shoulders. His hands cupped pale ass cheeks and a moan quivered its way out of Ivan. Yao continued, his fingers kneading pale flesh and dipping into the cleft to touch the tight entrance. “Yaaaoooo....” Yao pushed a finger inside before pulling it out. Ivan squeezed his eyes shut as Yaoi inserted his finger again and pushed it knuckle-deep. His finger bent, sending a wave of pleasure through the Russian's body.
Do you like that, aru?” Ivan moaned again as Yaoi pressed on the cold man's prostate. “I bet you taste delectable, aru.” Ivan's face flushed a little more and he was about to reply when he pressed his face into the cushions to silence a small cry. His seed seemed to explode from his cock and coated his chest messily. It dripped onto the lounge, dirtying the furniture slightly. He panted lightly, eyes closed and face pressed into the cushioning. The Asian bent down, lapping up the milky substance slowly, his tongue barely met the skin, making shivers move through Ivan's body. When he had pulled away, Yao licked his lips and smirked at the Russian. With a crook of his fingers, he made the colder man gasp in pleasure and begin to writhe anew. His member hardened, standing erect once more at the feeling. “Tell me what you want, aru.”
Yaaooo...” Ivan turned his head and hoped Yao would understand his wish. Yao grinned maliciously and twisted his fingers, striking the Russian's sweet spot twice, once with his fingertips and once with his knuckles. “Fuuuuuuuck meeeeeeeeeee.” Yao chuckled and pulled his thin fingers out, positioning himself at the tight entrance. Ivan whimpered as just the head of Yao's cock entered him. Then he let out a cry of pain when the Asian entered him fully. He gasped and tears began to fall, the feeling of being split in two arriving quickly. “M..move.”
Are you sure, aru?” Ivan's smile and nod showed his want for Yao to. With a sigh, Yao pulled out then thrust back inside. Ivan gasped and pushed back. Yao blinked in confusion before a wicked grin crossed his face and he angled to hit that one spot again. The reaction that time was a large gasp, a moan and an arched back. He began slowly working his hips to meet that spot continuously, sweat starting to come off of him as he hammered into the pale body beneath him. Shivers of pleasure wracked both bodies as they continued. The rapid thrusting was bringing both men closer to their ends. “Yao... come for me, Yao, aru.” A hand reached between their bodies and began to stroke the erect member there. Yao whined and whimpered beore finally he gasped loudly.
Yaaaoooooo... I-I'm coming...!” His heart beat quickly, his eyes closed before he spasmed violently. For the second time, his release coated his stomach though this time it also covered Yao's chest. Yao came just as violently, a moan low in his throat as his semen filled the tight passage before he finally collapsed. His slender body rested on Ivan's, wrapping his arms around the Russian and closing his eyes. “Yao, Yao,” Yao opened one eye lazily as he looked at his partner. “I love you Yao. Da, I love you very much.” Yao smiled and kissed Ivan's neck gently.
As I love you, aru, more than anything I have in my long and lonely four thousand years. Now sleep. We can talk later.” Ivan smiled and held the Chinese man closer as he closed his eyes to sleep.