Hikaru No Go Fan Fiction ❯ My Memories with You ❯ Hikaru POV ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING!!!
Summary: Hikaru remembers `interesting' encounters with Touya. Touya remembers as well. Will they end up together? Hikaru POV
*blah* , blah = emphasis
I honestly don't know what happened or how it even happened. It just did.
~~~ Flashback ~~~
(Go Salon incident)
“Shindou! How could you possibly miss that?!” a clearly irritated voice yelled. The sound resonated throughout the room.
“Yeah, well the move I made wasn't that bad!!” another voice retorts. The second voice was mine.
With the Go salon completely empty, save for the two of us, our usual bickering seemed louder than usual. The salon was closed for the day but Touya got permission to use it for practice. We met in the afternoon here and played for a few hours before this argument started.
“What do you mean `wasn't that bad'?!! IF you had moved here, you would've made a comeback!” Touya gets up from his seat and gestures at the board vividly.
“Yeah, well if you read *deeper*, than you would've realized that if you attacked me here, that move would've lost its meaning. I would've lost even quicker than I did!” I shout back, jumping up from my chair and pointing to the top right corner.
/Either way I would've lost/ I think sourly.
“Shindou…you're going for your first title, how can you play so carelessly and poorly?!” he practically lectures.
“Gee, you think, Sherlock Holmes?! I know I'm going for my first title, so you can stop repeating it like a *freaking parrot*!!” I snap angrily at him. With the stress getting to me, I was really feeling the pressure.
So I guess I can't blame myself for what I did next; it was on total impulse. I don't even know why I did it, perhaps it was because I was really getting aggravated at his attitude towards me, or maybe it was the fact that there was no one around us.
I pushed him. *Lightly*. But not gently enough that he didn't stumble back. His green eyes widen in shock, but he immediately retaliates. With a growl, he shoves me back, hard, and I fall down on my butt.
“Itai…” I moan as I hit the floor. I'm surprised at his suddenly strength towards me and look up, ready to start going at him.
As I look up, the words die somewhere in my throat.
His eyes were full of…something. But this was not a good something. I feel a shiver run through my body as he suddenly looks me up and down. Like a predator…And then, a slow deliberate smirk appears.
Then it hit me like a brick.
That's what it was.
Slowly, I could feel my face grow warm as he continued to stare me down.
“Anou…Touya…what-” I don't get a chance to finish what I was going to say as he suddenly kisses me. My eyes widen in shock as I feel a pair of warm lips cover my own. His lips were gently massaging against mine and I swore I felt the tip of his tongue gently tracing my lips.
I didn't respond right away though; I had to get over the realization and shock first. About after a second, I was over it and opened to give him entrance. My first kiss was nothing I dreamt it would've been. It wasn't a shy, inexperienced clumsy where-the-hell-are-your-lips-kiss, it was more of a straddle me, pin me down, and play tonsil-hockey kiss. Soon we were practically eating each others face as we almost violently battled for domination
And then he…just pulls back.
I couldn't help but whimper at the sudden loss. He had this really smug look on his face as his eyes locked onto mine. As our eyes locked, I stopped breathing for that moment.
“What… what was that?” I finally got remembered how to talk and got some blood flowing to my brain to make a comprehensible sentence. If possible, he looked even smugger.
“You see Shindou? You're so careless it's easy for anyone to take control of the game,” his voice mocked me. I was seething with anger inside.
But his words held a double meaning, and I wasn't sure which one he meant: the game, or …
I blush as I realize that he was still on top of me. I recover quickly and hastily push him off to get up. Brushing the invisible dust off my pants, I glare at him.
“Well sorry if I wasn't expecting you to practically *rape* me. Don't worry, next time I'll bring pepper spray,” I retort sarcastically, rolling my eyes at him.
“Hikaru, it's not rape if you enjoyed it,” he says in a tone as one would use when explaining something simple to a child.
And before I knew it, his was hand cupping my chin guiding it to his mouth while his other hand was at my waist pulling me closer. I'm ready this time and I resist, trying to push him away but he's stronger than I am. He then somehow maneuvers me so that I'm yet again pinned under him, but on the wall of the salon.
My struggles are futile as he presses his lips against mine trying to invoke a response. Grinding our bodies together, his hands roam my back …and then lower. I can't help but gasp as he gropes my ass not so subtly and he takes advantage of my open mouth.
As his tongue slid against mine, I moan as I finally give in and melt into the kiss. We kiss for the second time, but this time more intimately. We explore each other's mouths slowly, tasting each other completely and then wanting more. I soon feel a familiar stirring in the pit of my stomach and grate my hips with his, making him groan with pleasure. I smirk inside knowing that I was able to please him a bit.
And then, just like the first time, he suddenly stops.
I manage to refrain myself from grabbing him and *make* him continue, so I lean against the wall for support. My legs feel like jell-o, and my heart's pounding so loudly I could've mistaken it for a hammer. I'm dazed, and I unconsciously touch my lips where I could still feel the sensation.
Without a warning, I can feel his breath tingling against my ear and I shiver visibly. I can practically hear the laughter in his words as he murmurs, “You really should learn to read deeper, Hikaru. You never know what your opponent will do next.”
Then he was gone, leaving me standing there hearing those words repeat over and over again in my head. I finally snap out of my reverie and realize that he had left and that I was alone.
/What…in the world was that?!/ My mind and emotions in turmoil, my eyes somehow wander back to our game where it all started. I keep staring at the go board and the stones and then realize that he left without helping me clean up!
“Akira!!!” I growl aloud to no one in particular. /Matte…when did I start calling him Akira?!/
“You really should learn to read deeper, Hikaru. You never know what your opponent will do next.” His last words come back to me.
/And when did he start calling me Hikaru?!/
More than bewildered at how a simple argument did this, I start to clean up. I can't help but keep thinking about the kiss. /How his lips pressed against mine, the taste of him, the feel of his body…Argh! Stop it!!!/ I shake my head and try to disperse the thoughts as I place the final stone in its respective go-ke. I take one last look before closing the light in the salon and locking it, as I've seen Aki - no, Touya do so many times.
~~~end flashback~~~
Sometimes, I *swear* I'm imagining it. But then again, when I see that look he has on his face, I know I'm not. Wishful thinking though.
(Elevator Incident)
It was early in the morning and a few pros were called to the institution for some kind of meeting. I, unfortunately, was one of them. I couldn't for the life of me know what it was for, all I heard was that I had to go there and I blocked the rest out.
I entered the buildings doors and walked to the elevator, pressing the `up' button. I stood there waiting for a few seconds before I heard the front doors open. I turn and see Waya there, practically sleep walking.
“Ohayou,” I greet him as he stands beside me.
“Hng.” He grunts some kind of response. He turns to look at me, and I guess he finally realized who I was, and he practically wakes up.
“Yo Hikaru!” He grins widely. “You got called here too?” he questions.
“Yeah, got the call at like 5 a.m.” I yawn as I finish the sentence and he chuckles quietly.
He's about to say something when we both hear the front doors open again. We turn simultaneously to see who else was called at this godly hour and my eyes widen in surprise as I see Touya. I expect Waya's expression is almost a mirror of mine, except masked with more hate than shock.
Before any of us could talk, the elevator doors opened and we all stepped in. Waya determinedly ignores Touya. The moment Waya stepped in, he turned his head away from where Touya was standing so he couldn't see him. Waya stood in one corner of the elevator while I stood in the middle and Touya…he just stood somewhere. Awkward silence was an understatement.
We rode in silence with the lights flashing as we climbed the floors when I saw something shift on my right side where Touya stood. I discreetly look at him and realize that he was slightly closer. Or maybe it was just me.
Nope, it wasn't me. He just did it again.
We stop at a floor as a man steps in which made Touya move even *closer* to me as he `makes room' for the other man. I move back but he only moves closer, closing the distance between us.
I could feel the hair on my neck raise as he shifts a bit closer to me, almost touching me. Or I really could be imagining it.
/Please let me be imagining it! / I pray silently.
My eyes widen as I feel something brush against my bottom. I manage to hold the gasp that was threatening to sound and I look cautiously around. Waya was still looking in that opposite direction so I doubt he realized what was happening. The other man was probably not even looking in this direction
/But if they looked.../
I turn my head sharply to glare at Touya. He's not even looking at me. My glare falters as I see his look of impassiveness and I almost doubt what happened, until he takes that very moment to turn and smirk at me. I feel my cheeks heating up and turn my head the other way. I try to push down the blush that was slowly revealing itself.
I inch away from him just a bit and I look up pleadingly at the elevator lights. /Three more floors! Yes!/ I cheer happily inside.
And then … we stopped. Yes, we just stopped. I also stupidly somehow lost my balance at the sudden halt and Touya somehow ended up catching me before I fell. /Crap/
Then the lights went out and we plunged into darkness. /Shit/
That's when it started. /OhMyGod/
I could hear Waya cursing at our bad luck and crying for help with the other man joining him. It was impossible for Touya or me to make any noise as he took this opportunity to start ravishing me while I could only do my best not to make any sounds. A few seconds later the lights flickered on and off and then stayed on. The elevator then continued to move upwards again.
Luckily, no one noticed what happened because Touya wrenched himself away from him standing where he was before. I just barely managed to stand properly without looking like I was just making out two seconds ago.
“Uh…Hikaru? Are you ok? You look…rather distraught,” Waya said carefully as he looked at me. I could only imagine why he said that. My face was probably rather flushed while my hair was in a mess which resulted from Touya running his hands through it as he kissed me and my clothes were probably a bit crooked as Touya tried to take them off.
My face only got redder as I carefully replied with a straight face. “Yeah I'm fine. I just got a little…freaked out when it happened. I'm kind of claustrophobic as well as afraid of the dark and when they both got put together…ehe...yeah,” I lied. I then try to tame my hair and straighten my clothes. I steal a glance at Touya…and he looks perfectly normal! Not even a strand of hair was out of place!
And he's not even smirking at me or anything! I really think I'm going insane. Maybe that was all just some sick fantasy in my head.
Then again, my shirt doesn't unbutton itself.
“Aw man that sucks,” Waya gives me a look of sympathy.
“Yeah I know…it really does,” I reply.
The bell dings and we all leave the elevator.
~~~end flashback~~~
Every time he somehow manages to catch me off guard. He just comes and goes as he pleases. He's like a freaking Houdini. Honestly.
(Onsen incident)
“AHHHHHHHhhhhh!!” I exclaim loudly as I sink into the hot steamy water. I close my eyes gratefully and just let the tension melt off my body. This week was extremely busy, not to mention stressful. With two title matches and four tutoring matches, and that one interview with Go reporters, it was just a bit *more* busier that my usual schedule.
I was thankful when Akira told me to go try the new onsen house near the go institution. He told me that he went once after a really intense battle and it felt like heaven. I just had to go try it out! Now sitting here, with my mind idling, I can't disagree with him. But I do wonder *why* Akira suddenly mention this to me suddenly. Mention would be putting it lightly. He practically begged me to.
We were playing our usual match of go, and he somehow manages to get us started on this topic. It seemed as if he was practically begging to get me to go, like a salesman. I finally gave in just so we could finish our game. I really hope it wasn't satisfaction that showed on his face afterward.
I sigh again loudly and splash some of the water onto my face. I lean against the stone wall when I heard something. I take a glance to see if anyone was there, but all I could see was the steam and smoke in the room. Silence settles down and I shrug off that uneasy feeling. I close my eyes and attempt to relax and I swear I hear it again.
My eyes snap open and I leave my spot in the water, grab my towel, and get up to look around.
/What the heck? Is someone there or not??...mou, it's not like I mind…why bother being so sneaky about it???/
I take one final look and I sigh in defeat, heading back to the water. I enter the water and sit down…on someone. On a male someone. Very male. My whole body freezes. And then…
“EIYAHHHH!!!!” I shriek and jump off. I nearly drown in the water as I lose my footing and fall, still screaming. A hand pulls me up before I lose all consciousness. Gasping for breath, I manage a thank you.
Sputtering, I finally get a good look at the person. My eyes feel like they're about to fall right out of their sockets. /AKIRA?!/
“What…what…WHAT?!” I stutter. /Oh my god…/
My face pales as I see who it was, then goes red once I realize what I did. He just smirks at me and tilts his head in a questioning manner as if he didn't even notice.
/Very cute. No—I mean …uh not cute! Damn him!/
I pull my arm away from his hand as if I had been burnt. “Uh…erm….anou…” I gibber. It was like my brain went on vacation and sent me a card.
“What?” He says in a *very* innocent manner. And then raises one of those fine eyebrows.
I check the sender address from the card and drag my brain's sorry ass back into my head. “What the hell are YOU doing here?!” I finally manage.
“Well why can't I be here? After all, it is a public bath,” he says looking slightly annoyed. I growl at his tone. /Well I guess it's a good thing he's ignoring what happened…/
“Fine. Whatever…just…don't try anything…” I narrow my eyes at him suspiciously.
“Me?” he says a bit conceitedly and scoffs. “As I recall, *I'm* not the one who practically gave me a lap dance.” He leers at me.
I turned red. “What?! A a-a-What?!?! I did *not* give you a LAPDANCE! I just accidentally ended up sitting… on…” I trail off as he looks at me with a raised brow and I don't finish my sentence. What I was about to say didn't seem like it was going to help.
/Damn him!!!/
“Just…just stay away…” I say hesitantly and go sit somewhere far from him.
I tried to relax but it seems every muscle in my body was tense. I felt like the string on a bow stretched too far for its own good. Its funny how I managed to unwind in 10 minutes, but after 5 seconds I got all wound up again. I was on the edge, worried if anything else will happen and I'm *this* close from being pushed off. Considering all the incidents that happened between us and the fact that we're now in an *onsen* house…I fear the results.
/Just…relax…nothing will happen…yes…nothing will…/
And just like Murphy's Law, it happened. I thought I would've detected it, or at least even noticed something before he slammed me against the wall, but… he got me once again.
“Akira! Dammit, didn't I just say--” he smothered the rest of my words as he forcibly kissed me. Unlike all the other times, this one was amorous, full of lust and want. He demanded --- no needed a response from me and he wanted it NOW. And like every other time, I caved in to his needs.
I practically purred as his hands roamed freely over my almost naked body, pinching and teasing. I arched to his touches and moan loudly, wanting more. His hands trace my whole body, as if he was memorizing all of my curves and contour. His fingers lightly pinched my already sensitive nipples causing a sudden gasp from me.
Throughout the empty onsen, the only sounds that could be heard were our heavy breathing and moans from probably me. I can feel our cocks rubbing together and feel pleasure shoot straight up my spine. I was barely aware of what he was doing now; everything seemed to only heighten my pleasure. So of course I wasn't aware that his hands were now…exploring lower regions.
I suddenly feel his hand trail along my inner thigh before reaching its destination. I gasp audibly as he cups my balls. He waited for my permission. That was an unexplored territory that we never crossed before.
“Akira…” I say slowly, unsure.
“I can give you more,” he whispers in my ear. “I want to give you more…” he murmurs and I shiver at his words. I close my eyes and subtly nod my head, giving him a `yes' sign.
He slowly pumps me and my mouth opens as I take a ragged breath. My hands hold on so tightly to his arms that I'm sure I'll leave nail marks there. I can feel his harsh breathing against me and he tilts my head up and steals a kiss. I'm pretty sure my lips are swollen-like.
He speeds up and I can barely hang on. I can feel his eyes as he watches my face as I tilt my head back and gasp for air. I feel his mouth at my neck, attacking the exposed skin with kisses and sucking. Soon I can feel myself reaching completion and I barely hold back my scream as I come. Stars seem to explode and I can only see white.
I sag against him, my breathing quick and shallow, not believing what just happened. I'm barely conscious still reeling in the aftermath. I wrap my arms around his neck loosely and almost hug him, when I feel his whole body go rigid. I look up at him questioning, wondering why. I almost stop breathing when I see his expression: it was almost of indifference.
I almost cry when I saw that look.
/So…did that mean nothing to him? /
I guess he must've realized what I was thinking because he's kissing me again. I let him in easily, but I don't respond. He stops shortly after and flashes me an attempt of a smile. I lean against the stone wall numb, as he soon gets out and leaves. I close my eyes and feel liked dying. I feel so used, did he even care? Was it for fun?
/What the FUCK was that?!/
~~~end flashback~~~
I close my eyes as that last memory resurfaces and shudder internally. I…I don't know how to deal with this anymore. Does he want me…or not? A silent tear streaks down my cheek. I wipe it away immediately hating what he's doing to me. And to think, I have a convention to attend…and he'll be there with me.
Itai - ouch
Onsen - a place where people go for hot springs.