Hikaru No Go Fan Fiction ❯ One more time ❯ Disclaimer ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: -
I own nothing of the Hikaru no go character of what so ever. They all belong to Hotta Yumi, Obata Takeshi, Shueisha and Studio Pierrot. All rights reserved. But the story IS MINE. And as usual my grammars suck because English was not my favorite subject. So urm, there you have been warned!! I wrote this story because I love Sai so much!!! And I kinda upset his leaving Hikaru. So I wanna try to wrote it Sai life after leaving Hikaru. Be warn that this story may not be like you want it to be. Diclaminer is applied to ALL my HnG chapter/Story.
Important!!!: -
And also I don't know much about Go because my country did not have Go club what so ever. Not that I know and aware off. They even did not have it in my school. I learn about the Go existence because I read Hikaru no go story so I don't know much but I did learn and will continue to learn at Igo English server that I stumble upon, so correct me if I'm wrong in anything you see in terms, games, Go pro title that I misprint or wrote please tell me ok? Onegaiishimass!!! ^_^