Horror Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ S.T.T.B ❯ A day in the life of a survivor ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
S.T.T.B(shoot them in the brains)

She opened her eyes to see the desert around her; glowing in the suns light.
The blood was rushing through her head faster than it had anytime before, causing her temples to throb and hurt. She stretched and yawned. She breathed in the cool air. She checked her watch. 9:30 "Shit!" She sat up and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. "I’m missing Naruto"

The street was full of those things, just looking for food. The buildings had been ransacked, and everyone inside had been killed. The stench of blood and death filled the town.
But if she was going to have food and water for the week, this was the place to find some.
She pulled out her binoculars and looked for the nearest store that wasn’t packed with zomboids.
Bingo! K-mart. And she'd be able to pick up the new Paramore CD. She put her binoculars up and checked her ammo. She took in a deep breath then closed her eyes. "Party time!"

She ran and jumped off the building landing on top of a parked car. A small group of zombies looked over at her and walked in her direction, but were shot down.
She jumped off the car and ran toward the door. The automatic doors opened slowly, sparking all the way. She jumped inside before the zombies followed and grabbed a cart.
Pushing the cart at top speed like she was in the fuckin’ Daytona 500 she threw food and supplies into the cart. A zombie staggered towards her in the produce isle and she smirked.
She turned the cart in its direction and stopped. She waited until he was almost directly in front of the cart, then; she took off like a bat outta hell ramming the zomboid freak with the cart taking it on the ride of its life...or afterlife.

She ran through the baby food isle and then the canned food isle. Halfway to the cleaning supplies isle she spotted a rack of mops tipped over on their sides as if they were just begging her to chuck this bloody creep onto them. And she did stopping the cart making him shoot across the store and flying onto the wooden spikes, which were blunt by the way.

"All right, playtimes over" She said panting and wiping her forehead. She hadn’t noticed it before but the zombies had begun to pour into the k-mart and were coming in her direction. There were far too many of them for her to fight so she just took the cart out the back door and into the alley. Normally this would be a horribly bad idea considering alleys are usually one way in, and one way out, but there was a truck blocking the way into the alley which would provide safety from the zombies on the other side, and a way to the roof to avoid the zombies coming through the store.

She pulled her groceries out of the cart and climbed up the trucks ladder. She had more stuff than she had planned to get so she took a couple of trips up and down until she had them all at the top and onto the nearest roof. This is where she would sleep, it would be to dangerous
to try and carry all the bags and shoot zombies at the same time, not to mention she'd get tired after a minute running with them, and the crackling noise would give her away. Yeah like i said too dangerous!

She opened her carrier bag and pulled out a sheet. She checked her watch and set it to 7:00.
If there was any time to move along it would be 7 since this was usually the time she went to school. Waking up whenever she wanted would be far too dangerous, but waking up early would be even more fatal. So she concluded 7 would be the best time for her to get going.
She wasn’t very hungry so she just laid down and covered herself. Hopefully the zombies wouldn’t learn how to climb ladders overnight, or she'd be fucked!
Slowly she drifted to sleep, trying not to think of those freaks. She didn’t want nightmares.


Morning already? She turned over and switched her watch off. Yawning she grabbed the nearest monster and popped it open. The warm liquid instantly brought her to full attention.
She picked up a few bags and started to the ladder. Then she looked down. "Holy shit"

Somehow overnight the zombies had managed to recruit about a million more and surround the building completely. She stared in amazement and terror. She didn’t even know there were this many people in the town, let alone, Zombies!
She looked around and decided the rooftops were the only way out of her current situation, but that would also mean she would have to leave her food behind. Small sacrifice.
She grabbed a couple of monsters and granola bars, anything that could fit into her bag, and started across the truck, not even thinking of looking down.

Once on the other roof she walked to the edge and peered over. Damn, this roof was too far from the one across it. Or was it? She smiled and took another swig of her monster before tossing the empty can aside. She stretched her legs and stepped all the way back to the opposite edge. Then she took off. Not like a regular person took off, I mean like a bat outta hell.
And let’s no even talk about the jump! This girl was insane. She jumped at least 12 feet across onto the next building, but oh no, she kept going and she jumped the next three roofs with ease.

As she was running toward the fourth roof she noticed a small group of zombies on the roof.
She dug in her bag and pulled out a grenade and pulled the pin.
She tossed the grenade at the freaks and flipped into the air.
The roof exploded and collapsed underneath them, making an opening for her.
she jumped through the newly renovated roof and rolled to decrease the pressure.
She stood and dusted herself off. Only to be greeted by cold steel guns pointed at her.

"Just who the hell are you?" a man said holding a rifle to her face. "I’m nobody, at least nobody special" She said putting her hands up. "That seemed pretty special to me!" a girl called out holding a knife duct taped to a broom. "What’s your name?" A woman said holding a shotgun to her face. She smiled and held up her index finger. "Excuse me for a moment"
She flipped backwards revealing a zombie that was behind her. It stopped and slid in half.
She stood behind it holding a bloody pair of knives.
She stood and pushed her hair behind her ears. "Justine’s the name." She put the knives into her holsters and stepped towards the group who were standing with their mouths agape.
"Killing zombies is my game"