Horror Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ A Shadowlander's Dream: Book 1 - A Tale of Shadows ❯ Part 10 Chapter 41 ( Chapter 41 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Shadowlander's Dream - Book One: A Tale of Shadows
By Kathryn K Williams
Part Ten: Struggles Twofold
Chapter Forty-one - Uncontrolled Affection
Alyson stormed into the house and straight into her room where she slammed the door hard and turned up her little stereo so the sound of Tori Amos would drown out the sounds of her own sobs as she leapt onto the bed and cried into her pillow.
"That bitch!!!" Alyson cried, "How could I ever love you?" She screamed curling up into a ball clenching the pillow tightly in her arms, "I hate her! I hate her!" She mumbled into the corner of the pillow, and then suddenly sat up and walked across the room. Upon her dresser she found a small-framed photo of Natalie. She picked up the photo and stared at it for a moment before dropping the photo, frame and all, into a near by waste paper basket.
"Is everything alright?" A voice asked from behind the girl.
Alyson spun around to find her bother standing in her bedroom doorway, "B...brother!?!" She stammered, frantically wiping away her tears.
"I could not help to hear your music and figured that you must be stressed about something." Drake said as he entered the room and sat upon the girl's bed.
"I'm fine." Alyson said, trying to put up a strong front.
"Would this have anything to do with that friend of yours?" He asked with a sign of concern in his voice.
Alyson nodded, "That slut was just using me till she found her friend." She growled angrily, "I caught her with that redhead at the dorms."
"Redhead?" Drake stood to his feet, "You found her then?" He asked with more interest then before.
Alyson looked at her brother curiously, "Natalie found her a couple of days ago. She is now staying with her at the Academy."
"I see..." Drake began to think deeply, "This does make things intriguing." He muttered.
"Who is she?" Alyson asked curiously, "At first I didn't think she was anything special and then..." She remembered the heat she felt from the girl's wounds, "She is not normal."
"That she is not." Drake started out of the room, "I have some research to do. I hope things turn out well with you and that friend of yours."
"Brother? Haven't you been listening?" Alyson asked desperately.
"I'll talk to you later." Drake was already lost in his own thoughts as he left the room.
Alyson blinked several time at her bedroom door. She could never really figure her brother out. He seemed so distant at times, always in search of something. She flopped onto her bed and stared at the ceiling. She felt more alone at that moment than she had ever felt before. Rolling on her side she looked down at the waste paper basket and the corner of the frame that stuck out of the scrap papers. She sat up and gazed into the basket. Carefully she pulled out the picture frame, a small crack had formed on the corner of the glass however the photo itself was all right. Alyson had a strange felling come over her as she stared at the photo. She glanced at the bed where the two of them had slept so many times and remembered how they used to curl up together. So innocently and yet she wanted more, just didn't know how to voice what was inside her mind for fear the girl would laugh at her. She felt so foolish, she was the one who pushed Natalie away when she should have been keeping the girl close to her side.
Then fear crept into her heart as the memory of her brother's threats that very morning entered her mind and the way he squeezed her arm so violently, along with his sudden, and new, interest in Nat and Kim. The idea of losing Natalie for real entered her mind. What would her brother do if he found Natalie? Would he hurt her, or worse, kill her? Alyson's heart began to pick up pace as worries raced throughout her mind. She needed to do something. Losing Natalie to another girl was one thing; however losing her entirely was something she could not bear with.
Attentively she peered out into the hall, from her room she could see her brother pulling on his cloak and head out the door. Double-quick Alyson ran back into her room, and flung open the closet, grabbed a duffle bag and tossed the photo into one of the side pockets, and then proceeded to grab whatever clothes she felt would be needed and pitched them into the bag as well. Pausing only for a moment when she noticed that the drawers Natalie used were bare. She didn't recall the girl returning for her things, yet pushed that to the back of her mind as she pulled out more of her own things and stuffed them haphazardly into the bag and zipped it shut.
Afraid her brother might be still nearby, she dropped the bag next to the patio door, behind the sofa, before returning to the front door to obtain her leather jacket and her swords, a pair of Katanas that her brother gave her for her birthday years ago. She was in the midst of grabbing her winter jacket when the door opened and her brother entered. He stared down at the girl as she stumbled backwards, falling over the umbrella stand with swords, umbrellas and coat tumbling to the ground.
"Alyshione?" He stared down at the girl as he entered the house.
Alyson back-pedalled, grabbing one of her swords, "B... brother..." She stammered nervously.
"Are you alright?" Drake asked, glancing at the coat and swords, "What were you doing in the closet?"
"I..." Alyson tried to think quickly. Her eyes darted over to where her bag was hidden, to make sure that it was not visible, "I... I was looking for Natalie's jacket." She blurted out, "I'm tossing out all of her things. You... just surprised me."
"I see..." Her brother studied her curiously, "I'm sorry. I forgot something in my office." He walked past the girl to his room. Alyson let out a deep sigh as she stood the umbrella stand back up and began to carefully replace the swords and umbrellas one at a time. Her brother came back into the room, "I'll be back late so don't worry about dinner." He stated opening the door, then stopping for a moment and looked down at his sister, "And don't let that girl worry you. She will not harm you any longer." He said with a look in his eyes that made Alyson shiver, and then he proceeded to exit the house, closing the door behind himself.
Alyson flopped to the ground as she tried to control the shiver that overwhelmed her entire body. Something about the way he looked at her made her fear for her friend even more. She didn't know what he was implying, but she somehow knew it was not good. She quickly got to her feet, threw on her jacket and grabbed the swords, then ran to the sofa to retrieve the duffle bag, which she threw over her shoulder.
Cautiously she pulled the curtains of the patio open enough for her to peer outside. She could see her brother walking along the opposite side of the street until he disappeared around a corner in the opposite direction of the academy. Alyson let herself breath a little easier when she saw this, At least she knew that she would not run into her brother on the way to the school. For the most part Drake stayed far away from the school, always claiming that something about the school gave him an unsettling feeling. Alyson hoped that this would mean that her friends were safe from her monstrous brother's intents.
She waited a few moments to make sure that her brother had no intent on another surprise return, and then she slipped out of the house, across the backyard and out into the back alleys.
To be Continued...
Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.
This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts page at: <a href="http://shinigami-shimai.deviantart.com/ " target="_blank">http://shinigami-shimai.deviantart.com/ </a>
For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts page at: http://www.devianthearts.com/viewuser.php?uid=159
Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @ rogers.com
By Kathryn K Williams
Part Ten: Struggles Twofold
Chapter Forty-one - Uncontrolled Affection
Alyson stormed into the house and straight into her room where she slammed the door hard and turned up her little stereo so the sound of Tori Amos would drown out the sounds of her own sobs as she leapt onto the bed and cried into her pillow.
"That bitch!!!" Alyson cried, "How could I ever love you?" She screamed curling up into a ball clenching the pillow tightly in her arms, "I hate her! I hate her!" She mumbled into the corner of the pillow, and then suddenly sat up and walked across the room. Upon her dresser she found a small-framed photo of Natalie. She picked up the photo and stared at it for a moment before dropping the photo, frame and all, into a near by waste paper basket.
"Is everything alright?" A voice asked from behind the girl.
Alyson spun around to find her bother standing in her bedroom doorway, "B...brother!?!" She stammered, frantically wiping away her tears.
"I could not help to hear your music and figured that you must be stressed about something." Drake said as he entered the room and sat upon the girl's bed.
"I'm fine." Alyson said, trying to put up a strong front.
"Would this have anything to do with that friend of yours?" He asked with a sign of concern in his voice.
Alyson nodded, "That slut was just using me till she found her friend." She growled angrily, "I caught her with that redhead at the dorms."
"Redhead?" Drake stood to his feet, "You found her then?" He asked with more interest then before.
Alyson looked at her brother curiously, "Natalie found her a couple of days ago. She is now staying with her at the Academy."
"I see..." Drake began to think deeply, "This does make things intriguing." He muttered.
"Who is she?" Alyson asked curiously, "At first I didn't think she was anything special and then..." She remembered the heat she felt from the girl's wounds, "She is not normal."
"That she is not." Drake started out of the room, "I have some research to do. I hope things turn out well with you and that friend of yours."
"Brother? Haven't you been listening?" Alyson asked desperately.
"I'll talk to you later." Drake was already lost in his own thoughts as he left the room.
Alyson blinked several time at her bedroom door. She could never really figure her brother out. He seemed so distant at times, always in search of something. She flopped onto her bed and stared at the ceiling. She felt more alone at that moment than she had ever felt before. Rolling on her side she looked down at the waste paper basket and the corner of the frame that stuck out of the scrap papers. She sat up and gazed into the basket. Carefully she pulled out the picture frame, a small crack had formed on the corner of the glass however the photo itself was all right. Alyson had a strange felling come over her as she stared at the photo. She glanced at the bed where the two of them had slept so many times and remembered how they used to curl up together. So innocently and yet she wanted more, just didn't know how to voice what was inside her mind for fear the girl would laugh at her. She felt so foolish, she was the one who pushed Natalie away when she should have been keeping the girl close to her side.
Then fear crept into her heart as the memory of her brother's threats that very morning entered her mind and the way he squeezed her arm so violently, along with his sudden, and new, interest in Nat and Kim. The idea of losing Natalie for real entered her mind. What would her brother do if he found Natalie? Would he hurt her, or worse, kill her? Alyson's heart began to pick up pace as worries raced throughout her mind. She needed to do something. Losing Natalie to another girl was one thing; however losing her entirely was something she could not bear with.
Attentively she peered out into the hall, from her room she could see her brother pulling on his cloak and head out the door. Double-quick Alyson ran back into her room, and flung open the closet, grabbed a duffle bag and tossed the photo into one of the side pockets, and then proceeded to grab whatever clothes she felt would be needed and pitched them into the bag as well. Pausing only for a moment when she noticed that the drawers Natalie used were bare. She didn't recall the girl returning for her things, yet pushed that to the back of her mind as she pulled out more of her own things and stuffed them haphazardly into the bag and zipped it shut.
Afraid her brother might be still nearby, she dropped the bag next to the patio door, behind the sofa, before returning to the front door to obtain her leather jacket and her swords, a pair of Katanas that her brother gave her for her birthday years ago. She was in the midst of grabbing her winter jacket when the door opened and her brother entered. He stared down at the girl as she stumbled backwards, falling over the umbrella stand with swords, umbrellas and coat tumbling to the ground.
"Alyshione?" He stared down at the girl as he entered the house.
Alyson back-pedalled, grabbing one of her swords, "B... brother..." She stammered nervously.
"Are you alright?" Drake asked, glancing at the coat and swords, "What were you doing in the closet?"
"I..." Alyson tried to think quickly. Her eyes darted over to where her bag was hidden, to make sure that it was not visible, "I... I was looking for Natalie's jacket." She blurted out, "I'm tossing out all of her things. You... just surprised me."
"I see..." Her brother studied her curiously, "I'm sorry. I forgot something in my office." He walked past the girl to his room. Alyson let out a deep sigh as she stood the umbrella stand back up and began to carefully replace the swords and umbrellas one at a time. Her brother came back into the room, "I'll be back late so don't worry about dinner." He stated opening the door, then stopping for a moment and looked down at his sister, "And don't let that girl worry you. She will not harm you any longer." He said with a look in his eyes that made Alyson shiver, and then he proceeded to exit the house, closing the door behind himself.
Alyson flopped to the ground as she tried to control the shiver that overwhelmed her entire body. Something about the way he looked at her made her fear for her friend even more. She didn't know what he was implying, but she somehow knew it was not good. She quickly got to her feet, threw on her jacket and grabbed the swords, then ran to the sofa to retrieve the duffle bag, which she threw over her shoulder.
Cautiously she pulled the curtains of the patio open enough for her to peer outside. She could see her brother walking along the opposite side of the street until he disappeared around a corner in the opposite direction of the academy. Alyson let herself breath a little easier when she saw this, At least she knew that she would not run into her brother on the way to the school. For the most part Drake stayed far away from the school, always claiming that something about the school gave him an unsettling feeling. Alyson hoped that this would mean that her friends were safe from her monstrous brother's intents.
She waited a few moments to make sure that her brother had no intent on another surprise return, and then she slipped out of the house, across the backyard and out into the back alleys.
To be Continued...
Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.
This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts page at: <a href="http://shinigami-shimai.deviantart.com/ " target="_blank">http://shinigami-shimai.deviantart.com/ </a>
For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts page at: http://www.devianthearts.com/viewuser.php?uid=159
Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @ rogers.com